THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHIGAN CE_[_L Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. M. AM Mailland Ex..- 35 Maili.... .843 N. Y. Special.... 5 t0 N. Y. Specal 7 3 Eastern E..-.1511 N. S. LImited._. 5 25 AM, Pacific Ex-11 57 Atlantic Ex......7 47 P. M. 0. NEaprens.... 5 40 Western Es-..2 00 G. R.Express _.11 05 Chi. Nt. Es-10 28 GREx._ 5 5 O. W. RUOGOLES, H. W. HAVES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor? NORTH MICHIGAN RAILWAY. NORTH. sOUTH. 7:37 a. m. *7:10a. m. 1:5P, m. I 11:30a. m. W ;I 41P.m. 9:00P. M. All trains daly except Sunday sTrains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo denly. R.S.GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave YpsilLnt from Congresst., 7:10.8:45 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and 0045 p. m._ Lve AnIA Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and 1:0 a. m.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressat.,1:.;3:30, :0q0:30 ad 9:00y.m Leave Ann Aror Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30, 7a0and 9:30 p. m Ca run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 11 cents. Wa. F. PAKE, Spt. SILK FLAGS m- For the Minnesota oame at Detroit. Lease orders with -. JOLLY & CO'S. 20S.StateSt.,SagerBlock. Hot and Cold Luch.s at All Hours. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on personal property. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. 26OO &CO 3. STATE S 9 T P STREET. + + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. "FLAG PINV" AS USUAL. We also have a fne line of Imported "STEBINS" WMt ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store. HANGSTERFER, .Ws~g ton 51. NEW XACHINE SHOP ANDREW HUNER, 9 E. Liberty st. Bicycles Repaired or Rented. Dental Instruments Repaired. Request Readers of the Daily will con- fer a favor on the Editors by men- tioning this paper whon dealing with advertisers. EVERY TUESDAY Mr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook House with a Choice Line of Woolens from THE GOLDEN EAGLE COI. DETROIT, Fine Dressers it will pay you to see the line and compare prices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles. Low- est prices. T. O. & C. Ry. K. & M. Ry. Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio, and Charleston, W. Va., via Columbus, the short and only direct route do Toledo,0. Findlay,-O. Kenton, 0. Columbus, O. Athens, O. Middleport O Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, VA; Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southeastern points. Elegant drawing room cars on all through trains. For further information call on your local Ticket Agent or write, MOULTON HOUK, Gen'] Pass. Agt., Toledo, 0, W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Agentoi ,ih Detroit,.Mlch. THE INLAND LEAGUE. Complete List of Attractions in the Course. The Inland League has now com- pleted its series for the present season. The Daily published a partlial list of the attractions a few days ago. The following -s the series as finally as- ranged: Dec. 12.-Concert under the direction of Prof. Francis D. York, of Detroit, assisted by Miss Jessie Corlette, so- prano; Mr. Herman Breuckner, vio- linisit, and MMr. Alfred Hoffman, cell- ist. The above are some of Detroit's finest and best known musicans, aind a fine concert is assured. Jan. 11.-Ladies' Evening under the direction of Prof. Frederick H. Pease, of Ypsilanti, assisted by Misses Louise George, Rena Buell, Bernice Knapp, Ada Benedict, Miss Marie Dickinson, pianist; Miss Abbie Owen, violinist; tiss Marie (areisen, soprano. 1Jan. 31.-'Music in Public Srlhool Work. In charge of Miss Lucy K. (ole, director of music Ann Arbor public schools, assisted by Mrs. Einl- is E. T'Thomas, of the Detroit Con- servatory, and director of music De- 1roil public schools. Feb. I--Lecture. Mr. S. 1'. Orth. Mr. Orth was botanist for the Cook' Expedition to Greenland in 18-4, and his lecture illustrated by stereopticon views will be a description of that expedition and what it accomplished. March 1.-Tlhe Heberlein Concert Co. Herman Heberlein, 'cellist; hiss Anna Gillies, soprano; Miss Ruth Hey- man, pianist. It is no exaggeration to stafte that there was never a concert given in Ann Arbor which pleased the audience more than that given il "he Inland League course by this toin- pany last year. Herr Heberlein is known as one of the finest, if not the finest, 'cellists west of New York city. This concert is alone worth more than the price of the entire season ticket. March 25.-Lecture. Rev. H. L. Wiiliett, subject, The New Conin- ents." It is with pleasure we are en- able to announce a lecture by him, which announcement alone is sufficient to fill the Church of Christ on the above date. Single admission tickets to the Heb- erlein Concert Co., 35 cents. To all all others 25 cents. Season tickets admitting to the entire course have been placed at 50 cents, one-half of the price of previous years. No one can afford to miss buying a season ticket to this excellent course when the price has been placed at such a low suni. Tickets for sale at Wahr's Bookstores, Palmer's drug store, and the Ann Arbor Organ Co. What Oberlin Says, The Oberlin Review for December, says that there is no doubt in tht. middle west, except perhaps in Cleve- land, that the footbal cllampionship belongs to Michigan. Purdue is given second place and Minnsloeta third. Oberlin ciaims the championship of Ohio. Portal C ement, a.Monograph by C. D. Jameson, C. E., Mem. Am. C. E., formerly professor of Civil Ingineor. ing in the State University of Iowa. Treats of different tests of cements, a reliable authority for all civil en- gineers, 162 pages, paper bound, 72 illustrations. Price $1 pw paid. For sale only by the Republican Printinog Co., Iowa City, Iowa. TICKETS TO CHORAL UNION. Hereafter in the Choral Union con- certs people will be obliged to show their tickets at the bottom of the hall stairs before they assend, but tickets will not be taken untii the doors are reached that admit to the hall. J. G. WINE. Guitar for Sale.--A Grand Concert Washburn Guitar for sale cheap. For further particulars apply at the Hub, 3 and 5 E. Washington st. Musical.--P. 'teinbaur, Xi Psi Phi, '9S D, teacher of Banjeau, Mandolin and Guitar. Ann Arbor Organ Co. Res. 7 Volland st. 40-minute lessons 50 ets., 6O-minute lessons 75 ets. One suite and one single room, fur- nished, light and bath; $2 and $1.25 per week-20 S. Ingalls st. 58 Course I(in Latin writing) will be given Tuesday and Thursday at 1 o'clock instead of at 11. Wanted--Another steward. Apply to Mrs. H. C. Eames, 7 N. State st. Wanted-Somueone to play for danc- ing a half hour a day in exchange for use of piano. 45 Washtenaw ave. MACKINTOSHES. We have secured the agency for "The Royal" Mackintosh Coats. If you need a mackintosh ask us to show you our stock, they are splendid coats and will not cost you anything to see them. Wahr's University Bookstore, 20 S. State st:, Ann Arbor Mich. NOTHING LIKE IT! THE OHIO CENTRAL MILEAGE TICKET. Covers more mileage than any ticket in the market. The only book good on entire B. & O. system west of Pittsburgh. It also includes the Big 4 system. Get It and have an ever ready ticket over all important lines. Price $20.00; good one year. Apply to Ohio Central Agents, or address Moulton Houk, G. P. A., Toledo, O. LL. W LU 0 R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Curesthe common every-day ills of humanity. wA Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. We Don't Guarantee to give you an art supplement with the U. of M. Daily every day in the week, and we do not offer any forty-eight pa ge edi- tions at our present rate of $2.50 a year. We aim to give a thor- oughly representative, up-to- date University newspaper, cov- ering all departments of the University and all the student organizations. We Do Guarantee regular delivery of the Daily at your door until the end of the collego year, furnishing you prompt, accurate and complete reports of University events faculty and class notices, a bul- letin of the dates of athletic games, entertainments, etc.-the news of your own and the other departments in such a manner as to enable you to keep posted regarding everything happening or pertaining to the University There's -no Contradiction to the fact that the U. of M. Daily is tho only paper which can make you this offer. It has no competitor. If you feel any interest in the University you will receive more than youif money's worth from your sub- scription before the end of the football season.