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December 04, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-04

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Time Table (Revised) May 19, 194. EV ERIBE DA
EA~fg. WEHST..
Mail and Eli.3 50 Mail -------8 43 Mr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook House with a Choice
N. V. Special _-_ 500 N. Y. Secal. 7 30
Eastern Ex-10012 N R Limited..-.. 9 25
. A. 'M. Pacific Ex~-- 1 57 Line of woolens from
Atlantic Ex_-7 47 P.M.
D. N. Express-- 5 45 Western Ex.--2 00 3fI
G. R. Express ___11 55 Chii. Nt. Ex.35__1 28N
G.WR. cx --e--eR --. 5 52 THE 6OLDEN EAGLE Cu1, DETRO IT,
e. I}.:& T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Anin Arbor: Fine Dressers it will pay you to see the line and compare
-r LEOp 0 prices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles. Lo w-
.; est prices.
<Communication. intercollegiate.
RALA.(Centinued from First Page.) The Choeral Uniess of (lie. University
NORT' SUTH appreciation of such a rare coinbina- of Wiscosin will present "Eliijali'
*i2:25 p. in." 11:30 a. lessio of ability, ieyaity son chanracter, seen.
4';15p. m. 9:00 p. m.
All trains daiiy except Sunday Mr. McCauley has beess mentioned HIarvardl ias jest arrangedO fer dual
*Traiiha run becoween Anh Arbor and Toledo
only. R:.GREWODAgn first because of the courtesy dlue one track and. fildi games witht the Usni-
a. s.eREEwoonAgen
W. H. BENNETT et. P. A. Toledo 0. who has, in :s sense, been our guest. versity of Peunsylvania, presumnedly
ANN. ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST~ RY. But it is safe to say that no muan has to take the place ef the eol Harvard-
'worked as hard or acconmplislid as Yale dual coitests. 'fle gamses wvill
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. multch for Michigan: athletics as ins be hoeldl next May iniPhla~delpioia.
Leave Ypsilanti from CongresO., 7:10.80:9a "Charlie" Baird. His devotion to thoc A stuolents' empoymsenst associaotion
an 10:00.: .a. m.; 12:4,2 15,5:00, 6:45, lol5ansd
10:45 pm cause thas heenin otense, isis energy has been focused sit toe University of
pLeave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and
11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:15, 9:45 an 11:15 tireless, Iis smasnagemnt judicious Wisconsin, thsree isesmsters of (lie facil-
P.DA m.M and successful. lHe has bees the right ty beig (lie incorporatoors. fThe ob-
Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgrmnnat.,1:30,3:30, mass in (lie right place, sot.tile right ject; of thes' associaston is to give hlc
:00, 0:30 and 9:00 p.m.
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2;00, 4:00,5:30, tinme, and we owe it to ilesan(d to 1o stuodents without iseaons: so tloss
7:00 and 9:30 p. m.
Cars ruonan city time Fare: single trip 15 ourselves to isake souse acceptable they usay he able o carry oss thetr
cents:, round trip tickets 25 centi.
WM. F. PARKER, Supt. recognitiou of this, studies at (lie us::tversily. Tfle saseo
Chicasgo ssalunixwill toe glsid.to sitd. cistlis stalishiedi aismlotymsent
SILK' FL.AGS - b tut it seeiss to us that it will give biureaus for students, aint also: solicit:
For the Minnesota Came at Detroit. these,-usen greater pleasure if the tin- gifts anod bequoests for (lie aid ofwor-
Leave orders with.. dergraduates take the initiative in (lhe ity youssg sosi'st and women in the pur-
V JOILLY &- COWS. inoverneett. suit of highoer education..
25S. State St., Sager Biocik. We thserefore scud (Isis mserely as a 16,000 MILES.
Host and Cold tLs,,h-s at All Hours.
suggesion. Sincerely your, Alwvays a leader, the Ohio Central
THE KIKDERG&BDEN BILLIARD BALL HAOOtY \. BATES, '90, Lines msileage ticket, with latest addi-
JOHN A. JAMIESON, '91, tions is the best. Covering. the' Big
W HOLESALE CIGARS LINCO)LN MACMILLAN, t10. Four, B. & 0., C., H.& D., Ohio Con-
tral and innuomerable othser systems, it
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. No adtieu has sos yet been. takei s ~1 iso favorite Travelers' Compauion.
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. to the above. but it coinicides, wills Have you se tn ewio :ostvle-Cfoling


M T. O. &Q.By. K._&X. Ry.
Soid trogh troins between Toledo, Ohio,
sod Ciis~lesin.si . . via tilumbus, the
short sod oante direct rote.4.
Toledo, 0.
Findlay,, 0.
Kenton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
Athens, 0.
Middleport, 0.
Pomery, .
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Richmond. Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamsburg, Va.
Newport News, Va.
Norfork, Va.
And aol sotheasern Poins. Elegant
drawing room sirs on l throgh trams.
For further information csal on your local
Ticket Agent or wrie.
MOULTON HiOUK, Geni Pos. Ag.,
Toedo .
W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Agent,
Detroit. Mich.
The modern stand-
U1 ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
wcommon every-day
ills of humanity.
Lowney's Chocolates
Hot Lunches.
TUTRLES. 48 C. State St.
We Do't Guarantee
to give you an1 art spplement
with thle U. of M. Daily every
dasy in the week, and we do not
offer any forty-eight page edi-
tions at our present rateof $2.len
year. We aim to give a tor-
onghly representative, up-to-
date University newspaper, cov-
ering all deprments of .he
University and all the student
We Dto Guaranee
regular delivery of the Daily at
your door until the end of the.
college year, furnishing you
prompt, accurate and complete
reports of University events
faculty and class notices, a bul-
letin of the dates of ath~letic.
games, entertaliments, etc-the
news of yourowns and the other
departments in such a manner
as to enable you to keep posted:
regarding everything happening
or pertaining to the Unisversity
There's. na Conradicon
to the fact that the U. oflM.:
Daily is the only paper which
can make you this offer. It has
no Competitor. If you feel any
interest In the University you
wA)IIreave more than 'your,
moneysworth frons yoursb-
scription before the end of the

Money to loan on personal property.
Suiting tos order 011.30 up: Overcoats to
order $1a.o up: Trouserings to order $3.75a
Cieaning. Dyeing, Pressing sod Repairing
a specialty
Merchant Tsilor, 15 S.State st.. Ann Arbor
15 Washington Block.
& CO 26 S. STATE
i O & C .STREET. ++
,K ~Call aonthem for,
Fine Lunches,
Fine. Chocolates,
aisd isked Goods.
Try Our Lunches...
We nina have a fine line
,Pewelry ftore.
UF1I1E~U~h I- 1O. 3
Hnt. Lunches,,.,
Chocolates and:
Home-made %andies5
Subscribe for the Daily, L

suggestioshoearod on all sides. Thte
isittew will be discusseol at thse iseet-
lug of thse athletic board. tonight.'
Meanwxhile suggestions frens othoers'
wiii be welcomied.
We have secured thio agency for-
"Tile toyal" IMackintoshi Coats. Of
you need a mnackintosh ask us 00 show
you our stock, they are splendid coats
and will not cost you anythisig to see
thens, Wahrs University Bookstore,'
20 S. State st., Ansn Arbor Micho.
Covers more mileage than any ticket
in the market. The only book good
on entire, B. & 0. system West of
Pittsburgh. It also includes the Big
4 system. Get it and have an ever
ready ticket over all important lines
Price $20.00; good one year. Apply
to Ohio Central Agents, or address
Moulton. Honk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0.I
Agents of Ohio Central Lines are
selling. HunteiVs Tickets to all poisits
in the hunting territory, t hunters'
rates. See Ohio Central Agents. 102
MusicaL.-F+. Steinbaur, Xi Psi Phil,
'95 D, teacher of Hanjeau, Mandolin,
and Guitar, Ann Arbor, Organ Co.
Res. 7 'Holand st~ 40-minute lessees
50 cts.,,(ItI-snnute lessons 755 eta.
One suite and one single room, 'fur
nishoed, light andl bath; $2 asnot $1.23'
per, veekt-20 S;.Isogalls st. 58,
Subscribe foerthle Dakily..

camsp stosolxvith back:, susitabhle to ro-e
at concerts sisd Centertainmicnts? As
comfortaoble as anoy ordtisnory chatir or
bench asid ecanibe douse up Ii avery
smatll space. For sale tt IALLE+ R'S
FUON fURE S TOIOE, 52 5. Main st.
rehepohone 145. 52
Guitar for Sale.-A (GraniolConcert
Wsasshurns (uittil'for stile cheaip. For
further pairticularims aplply sit.e he oib,
3 and 5 E. Washsingons st.
1,000 Quarts of Michigals's choicesi)
fruits canhnedolahst ssutier for boarod-
ers at thie "Hygienlic," 11 Masynard st.
Private dinliog roosis for club. At.
tractive. Quitsk service. Bolardl Q2.50.
Course Oh tin Latin writing) will he
given Tuesday and Thursday at 1
o'clock instead of at 11.
Wonted-Anotlser stewvard. Apply
to Ms1 1. C. Eamses, 7 N. State st.
These competing for (lie $25 cash
prize offered by the Csstaian for a
short story of the nature of Yale
yar-ns or Princeton stories must have
their productions in by January 15.
The maximum nunmber of words, is
2,100. For further isformnation ad-
The last session foe adjustment of
advanced credit in German wvill be,
held in Room B, Saturday, Dec. 7,
from.11 to 12 a. in. All students who
wish; to obtoin, such credit and have
not..yet applied should present them-
selves at this time.
MBbsrlbe folr tihe Daily.

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