, e . of VOL VI. No. 52. U'NI\ ERiS TV OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. a MADAME E {E-SAPI() ONE GUITAR 4 CHARMED THREE THOUSAND Oil PEOPLE LAST NIGHT. Q Is enough for one person to 11 til ployono at one time. One Successes Also Scored by Our 0#1 gtuitar i3 not 0enough, 1ow- tl Own Artists, Herman Zeitz, Vio- fli ever, to supply 3,000 stu- tit linist, and Miss Jaffe, Pianist- At denfts. Thlatos why we have 11 Program Well Varied, loS constanltly ill stocksera l lot ti o TiosotsveoI 1 hie 's(0111d('011011 Sit(huChorl # akSt 0 dolzenso giasofvros. It} nke ndprcs. I" 'im. eseie' broughlt the nenol ('rowd-i Oi TTERLGK AT OUR fill i oViiv('rlty Loll lost 110(111, callinig 1~ BETTE1 for ilmoit. liii (nhirte coting celtpl'.-ly 11U. OF M. GUITAR. 0i l ii il. I O 1 011rcllb 111 It's good as its 11ame3. "f3lhtn. chlleintioeieie-Sapio, the THE ANN AIROR ORGAN CO., (11 eI kow-n coptrano, assoieA by 311c 11 S. MAIN Sr. ('orltteJ.ffe d Il-.r. ttni eit , C53 -MfNthi' school of Music fatlily. ALUMNUS No. 2. Graduates' Journal for November Is Just Out. The -Nlirhicon Alunimus for Novemi- tier, is just 111oilt 1'in lt ldrlt lee fornm. There i5 a 1holf-lone of t I 'rilcoF'sroli-c Briocl, the filois ioo t'lIi-eilili, a liiei U- ter o31' the Chrisof 't>1..111(1 there i~s (10111 1 ha.fulionroptiy ii.- liiii1'Iti' editor iof the Alunusn, A. A. Po'esciii. WillianiF. hlriokey, . D ., '51), cn- t ribultle s a.an atle-iIon111the _Otedir-ti AlumniitAssccition his lddr(,c lirfore 'IW. If'Ierver, '1.3(11111'6151,, hocs111 this nniitiir theseonditaricrle'of "'fbi Il!tercity Dilrilig-XW i'f'ime," inl- fiindmthei'doigs oftheii' lnid of re' U117 . orinewiii aout'.espctillyirooc exeei'l'it write lilt of lihe food)ho11 --mic, of'115 . ttook'iorec01at'lln ((u's110acolty. DEBATERS CHOSEN. Messrs. Albright and Vert Will Rep- resent Webster Society. 'l'The 3Webster 'to ie m nor'itanlion lcs- iaini'tl its pist.l ciltito ilIc tideh'ti- itn' cociety in its piu-uliioin'lryecoic-I; IIOMIEOP. TRO&UBLE AGAIN. OLD QUESTION OP REMOVING THE DEPARTMENT. Dr. Stirling. of Detroit, Is After a Mandamus Compelling the Re- gents to Establish the Depart- mont in Detroit. I11,1-lc's 1-'. Stirlinig vs. thie'rigilils of tilt Uniersity. 1Dr. Stirlinlgic a lho- (11111 li ock i iia(livi'g;lit iloit ai'gi'nhe iisluiceorfnode i' whytinluau- 1)1'. Si irlogshowcaiuisIe shiltatl'aciii lotus hou-itcldciinotI'iiii i'se t cmpill h~i iei too lii' teiai',ofiuillco sthlo-i,- loigi'inlitch ms-idefih;taetl11or-l oftheillii, eirrtyliii' eliciciltitoc Def I~r lt'. lIit' illaesiiiat alyctat, ccsit'e hastibent11'hii'oi i ii' etrt''hitch11will AT n Sheehan's You Cll fld~i the Ingrest; atitl mo(st comlelte stock (If SWEAI[R)" AND ill thit city. We 1111k 111e11 tn 01r101, in lily colotr, design o' style diilet. A0,ints fotr t110 celebrated GED. S. PARKEt FOUNTAIN PEN. E4,ngrllsel visiting carnIs SIC sl1v- ply ill lien days. SHEEHAN & 00., 310 S. STATE STREET. WJ WIL, - 'THE LEADIN6 TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and mlost Fashioniable For'eign Falbrics for Men's Wear. The L-trgoost Stosk 11n tile City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. WILD. AT YWAH~wR'S Special sale this 'week, Illustr'ated GIT BOKS Standard and Miscellanenus Books, Calenders and Diatios f or 1806. Jutvenilei anti Toy Books, Teachor's Bibles. Largest stock in the city, 1,000 popul- lar books at 25 cents each. WAH R'S. tUp Tows. Dews TGows. Uilerslty Bookstore. Opposite CourtlHouse 20S. State St. 4 N. Mais St. . lit, liO, %}11"., iO fit, ilt. , (l tilIt ll- it., Dtticto) AMie.ideA-cre-Sito.i 2. itligs, to)''1)111,3Op.T8, eIf' I". Oul- or. Viac31(1 3'ticiJa'ff(ian Irig ioll. 3.acoi , ii) Slootine , Brl"io, I(bi' E. Rieder, (a) Mondnacbt, scliumalia,' held last ni:llt, and the two (whaier The court AN-ill probably graait an 0r- (b) 5talidchen (Tielv), Wolff, (( ) Glock- chosen to rcprcSoi-,;t. the Society are der to(TO3 - directing the re , ents to loin iin Thale, von Weber, _lllne. de ".ilre to play a part., in the conllil~- inf('r- ; ll()W cause AvIl - the nlaiidaill us ;hoiild Vvre-'Sapio. "o( lety (lobate. 1:v el} coTitcS1,111t not issue, 11'ad the catie will. be argued ;. (a) 6+I}riIT'g, Sapio, (b) Ave -Maria (51)(l (' Avith a ;'ood linfden!fi nd.Ing, Of ()n 9.t. Tn(' it4 oii the 1'et111'11 (l.