THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHGAN GiENTR Time Table (Rev1sed1 May 19184 Malland Ex--- 355 Mail ------ 8 43 N. Y. Special---. 5 t0 N. Y. Special.... 7 3( EasteEx--- E -10 12 N. S. Limited...- 51 A. M. Pacific Es.----11 57 Atlantic Es..- 7 47 P. M. D.N. Express.... 5 40 Western Es--2 N0 G. R. Express -..1i1 05 Chi. Nt. Es-i-1 28 G. R.Es----- 5 5 0. W. RUGG0LES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., ASS Arbor I.'-U NORTH MICHIGAN NORTH. souTH. 7:37 a. m. :10 a. m. 1225 p.m. 11:30 a. m. 4:1 pm. 9:00 p. W. All trains daily escept Sunday 'Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo nl. R. $. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10.8:45 and 11:00 a. i.: 12:45, 2:15,5:00, :4, 9:15 and 10:45 p. M Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, :15 and 11:39 a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:15. 9:45 and 11:15 P. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congrsst., 1:30,3:30, :00,05:30 and 9:00 Ip. Leave Ann Arbor Junctlon, 2:0,4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. F. PARKER, Supt. SILK FLAGS.,-.- For th~e Mlisnesota ame at Derot. Loer orders with . - JOLLY & CO'S. . 204. State St. Sager Block. Ho.t and Co.ld .u.rb nuat All losurs. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS { TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Mosey to loss on personal property. FALL GREETING. Suiting to order 419.50 up, Overcoa ts to order9130sup; Ts::sersegs to order $175 Cleansisg tDyeing, Presssg assd Repaisg a opecialty FORDHAY & GLEN, b Merchant Tailor, 20 S. Mate St., Ann Arbor RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & c0,,,>Ft SATE1 Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. ',FLAG PINS" AS USUAL. We also lhave a fine line of Imported " STEINS", WM. ARNOLD'S Jewrery Store. JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST. Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Home-made Candies. Subscribe for the Daily., EVERY TESA Mr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook 1100se0 WitlI a Choice Line of Woolens from Fine Dressers it will pny youl to see the line and compare prices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styleIs. Low- est prices. T.O.&C.RY. K.&M.RY. Solid th~rough: tra:in-s ltwcen Toedo, Ohio, o:::l (luolesi.n, W.Vas., via Columbus, the shoert oand only direct iooie., Toledo, 0. Findlay, 1O. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pt. lenant W.Va.Pomeryr, 0. MADAME DE VERE SAPIO, 1 She Will Appear in the SecondI Choral Union Concert Tonight. The second concert in the Clhorail Union series will he gven tonight.0)9 Mtadamne Clemientin~e de' Vere-Sapino iii a song recitali. Maidame de eWere Sap-~ io is lknosvn 00(lhe nissicllwsorldias il i 'xejltiountlly gifted sop~ranlo, who has miade a sticcess upon::it(le con~cert stage. tile was9 born iu Patris anide complileted Profits of Yle-Princeton Come. liec muisical edulcaion:1iniFlorence. Hecr debu~t owas wade at tlie eairly ag:, of sfixeen to, Florenice ini "The logos. nots." Sinc~e 011e1 she has ssoi: the aip- prova1 of mullsical critics iii the lceading cities of Eulrop~e and Australiai as well is ito this country. Fsollowviig are' two iress coliineils: He:r voice, a1 high sopiranio, is very powerfuli andI of grealt compa::ss; licu e~xeiioni wvell snigh: astounlding.In l tlie mlost raidiitempilo she g(:csIthroughi two:)octaves -1o his' lighe~st regions, :lssvys swith: pearl-limlc lealnlilne99. ilihe rrr:oadvantages' appearcd, cs- froiii"Dino rah,"schich shic gave :as ans enicore, after ha:viing wii tltsewinie aibility oxecutithle classic figuionu of bO :ariat fromi Handel(l. The:'said~ pieces wsere followsesd by fuiriotislap- id-se and recalls.-Berlini Deutsch~er Re(ichs-.Anzeiger. The nesw sepraiio addcs to personal chrinithe lirtistic quralitie thit hive made(1 her fam~ous. (iftfesI with a voice oIf rice ipower :and1 imarvelouis ccmpasl~s, she addIs tilt qualify of ciulture ini a segrse01that swell nighl otiches iperfecc- tion, and for (lie fuill emptloymen~it of thes aelvauttiges, Ma:dainie Sapio has iuiinieSe dramal~tic force' atnd ds:-Iin:- Cory spirit-Sydnecy Atustraliao Star. SIACKINTOSHES,1. We have :seeired the agenlcy for "Thte(loyal' Malckintloshl Coats. If you need a iiackinosh .sk us 1o showv you1 our stock, they arec splendid coaits aind wtill notI cost you lilytiig to see them. Watir's Lniv esity Bookstore, 20 S. State st., Anna Arhor Mici. NOTHING LIKE IT! THE 01110 CENTRAL MILLEAGE TICKET. Covers more mileage (lian any ticket in (lie market. The oinly book good on entire B. & 0. systemo west of Pittsburghl. It also includes the Big 4 system. Get it and have an ever ready ticket over all impiortant lines: Price $20.00; good one year. Apply to Ohio-Central Agents, or address Moulton Hotuk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0. Musical. --h. Steinbaiii, Xi Psi Plai. 'hIS D, teacher of aljeati, Mandolin and Guitar. Ainm Arbor Organ Co. Rtes. 7 Toluand st. 40-minute lessons, 10 ets., (1-minute lessons 75 ct. I Yale-Prillceton footbali galut: Richmond. Va. ItIEt'hElI I I'S. Petersburg, Va. Fielsi Boxe's....$.. 4,32<.((() Old Point Comfort, Va. Coach Positions.... 1,131.00 Williamnburg, Va. Staiudt . . . . . ,249.00 Newport News, Va. t(aind Stanid ..... ...9772.00, Norfork, Va. Stiill A . . . ...... 2,430.00 And all south~eastern p:oints. Elegant Stand. lB ............. 2,5 12.51) drawing room car-s 0o1oil through trains. For Ifurth:er isformation: call co: por local Staint C............ 4,20t9.0(( Ticket, Agent or nwrite, ClubHoue Aduisio~a... 226()0 MOULTON hOUR , GCmi Pasn. Agt., (iti Ilsus' A:::issi:::.. .- 2(1.0 Toledo, 0. (Generail Adinissi::us ....5,528.00 W. A. PETERS, Michigan Poss. Agen~t, Detro:it, Nick. 1rogra-ills. . . .1,600).00 SInstruction in German. EXPIN\DIiT I l+)SCOURSES. Itieit of Il1:llt-tar.liel it. -$ x,1)1(11. PFor Begines-Prevatc elinclasses. T'riultig Tickets. . 208.72 2. Advsanced-S,,h111er or Catlecs dramatic 'ticket -Sllers. U'Silers, etc.. . . 52:1.001 or prose workss. As.N4ser isinig. . . . 5(1.00 3. loems an:d prose selection~s will be dis- (hirs. . . . 2.5 cossed in Germa::. A coed kn~owlego: 13.5 of Cerman is pre-supplied. Carpenter. . . . 2,1101.10 Badges. . . . 47.00(1TERMS. Booktkeep:ing, oilier expenses. . 175.01) Instructiomn 1n classes-21 lessons (2 Ilours per w____ ecek), EM. Total Exp)eases . 8,467.47 i'rivate lessons is Elrwentary ermoan 10 'Total Recreits. . .8,00t5.50 Private lessons in advanced sori:, iecluding (.01 corections of c-says, . T I7:lllixll ' ...m... 12) sfs.O3 . LI A T I 'S T1' wsillbedved t' t15ilcel1:1)1 baii' gid A. It. Li nlerslty of M(:iciga; Royal Cym- nasium at Hianoeer, Germany. Priliceton, ea:l:11 orect receivillg, 27 F. LUivrrriy Ave., Ann, Arbor. tht'refore, $511 Smoske talhks ire bPseonlil I(quttill! MORE & WETMOREi thiig :a1 Irsarl. 6 S.UMIN T ADSTATEST 'tihere are tiso liiiirllhcollegejpub- T ND S. lichions ill the' 1111:11 Strs. CORNER OF WILLIAM, Thei'. d-ivessrsity O(I 'slnlsyhvaliial sell- ODAVE A COMPrEE ST OCK on ios av aopedth , .11 .o~1i aeUNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! The' fresii:::ii (rels i t 1IL:rsIdI :11- 11(1) llla~cilg 151 l cthe hrles river. New and Second-Hand. Ilrv:Irlt5 iaencclucbtiwillI gise a, Note bo~oks and othcer Stodents' Supphies. p~lay thiis 9year entitled "Ile M\i:idc PFountainl Pes, ilne Stationery, Sporting Iliiagiiris.' Goo:ds, etc., wh~ich th~ey offer at th:e lowest ____________________ prices. (25ihr for Saile.-A. Gr::uh(l lucrt Walshlburn l (u11:r for sate clieap. For Call and see us before Purchasing. 31n lli I . Wllstiigtoli t. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, Rtobert C. logersoll's lectures aiid svorks n:ay be hadl at 14 Alaiynard st., We havlee animmrensc stock of hr lothfsI .1. A. Iosen, agent for C. P.itarrel. tCtapnathernnoms sow in full bloom. All; arceinvited to call asd see (loin lu inlceof Jeathier Furilture at 00ouSxNS & IHLL, hailr's ur~ltl~r Stoe.Greenhouses 26 S. University sve. Wanted-Another stewvatd. Apply to :Sirs. 11. C. ETalile', 7 N. Slate st. NEW MTACHINE SHOP P'risate Iiing roosi for club. At- tractive. Quick service. Bloard (2.50. ANDREW HUNTER, 5 E. Libertp st. _________________ Bicycles Repaired or .Rented. R "I*PA"NS Dental Instrtments Replaired. L4 Lowney's Chocolates. aThe modern stand- Hot Lunches. w2 ard Family Medi- Ix cine : Cures the T.UT TLE'S, 48 S. State St.. £2 commo evr-a onevr-dyRENTSCHLER, -ills of humanity. PHO 3TOCP. &PHE R (,U tnbE ~A1NIARBOR. MIC-H. o 0STUID EDITS T ____ If you want gsod reliable life insurance call on Fred T McOmnber, office No. 1, S. Fourthl ave. r