12 THE U. OF M. DAILY. 12 THE U. OF M. DAiLY. Tlie Very LatestiNobde' s str Clothing HouseS. Main. Novelty in Goods. SUITS MADE TO YOUR ORDER IN THE FINIE SUFTS.---' CITY OF ANN ARBOR, For one week we will give you the choice of any $18 00 or $20.00 For the next 2 weeks for suit at $19.00 AND $23.00. - - $1600 - - Jos 1INEqual t ; o tailor-made suits in every respect. SEE OUR NORTH The Practical Tailor, 10 E. Washington St., Up Stair. Try Our "Red Star" Oil.* 9 401 we iNo smoke. No offensive odor. Will not char the wick. Emp .y Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has nie equal in this =nmarket. Delivered promptly to any pait of the city in - ~ Young onr cans. Price 10c per gallon. MenDEAN & StCOMPANY. """ .....u uIour adderiie 4SouthXiuinStreet. masin part paymet nfora high grade Acet. bi reie. which wesend thmiionapproals. No work done unithie bil e aive i UprEovTYNOTS.CALENDAR. stsatr.UIESTNOE.Young Ladi es eimpisyedsnbeToes., Nov. 20,Sp6 u. o s8al If boe oriii saplytheymst be werei. hn'wll renovepeosrmc-, 0-Rev. J. MI. Barkley on. "One Year in m~ended. ritefor partilars. j h ee ry" .M .A ore ACME CYCLE COrIPANY, dAyovthenttisonlfAotmy," Y.rM. C. A.s. course. ELKHART, IND. .. nvnei so oltooguc'Te. e.3 p. in., Unitarian "- ^+"*- -1ia freshman glee and banjo club. chur~cli-Mlrs. iMary T. Wordoworth, of Q t , Q} ' rof. K~nowloia was iiot aisle to ql', izostont,cii "Thiackeray," Uiiity club A ( !Je PADIG W ROScourse. A.~~~~~~ 6tSADN RS he sections in ('ontraces yestenday. Fri., Dec. 6.-Sophoniore hop. Football Supplies a lBars anTd hound runs an(1 posh ball Fri., Dec. 6, Grangers Academy - Specialty, will lsarfialbT supplant fcc o >ll after '96 social. Every requisite for the Thakugiin ini the Rooat.'Moni., Dec. 9), S p. iii., Unitarian gaims. Jacket, Pants. Jer- slelts, Seteris,Soi ~The MchganSlolustr' Cu irch-Eev. John Snlyder, of St. CaspSetes Sos, eMchgnaeooias.s'Cu Nose Siask, Stabber Meuth- wiltlisoltd its annual. meeting:' ilthis oio TeEouino mn Niece, Shin Guards, 'Head canot humor," Unity club course. Harness. Spaidiags Offiia' city Friday antI Satlurd ay of this 'flmrs., Dec. 12, 7:30) p. m., Htarris intercollegiate Footbal moot be coed Is aii Match week. Btall-First Hobart (Guild reception. Games. Price, $5 00. - Spaidlag's Oteai~eethsail Yale lpios just refuse~d acialletige Mon., Dec. 10, S p. mi., Unitarian of all the Leading Players. from time chaiopion football teamt of churchl-Prof. J. W. tLangley, of Cleve- Price, 10 ots, iiandsomeiy ln,"sEetiiyi t nac? iiiustrated Football Catalogrue seat Free. Canas'a to play Thainksgivintg.dt 'fo-lad"SEecritintsIfcy Ne York, Chieago, Ph.iadelphsia. roult } ityCu ore So nvanyc of the tenity Slub ticket! One-fourth the niumiber of otudeuts FIRST NATIoNAL1 BANK.hldr wr pevnedf an oin;at te University of lBerlin are Amier- OF ANN ARBOR. liliereian students. (Consider ing that this Organized 2863 ~ nteeig yteha ete university is, said to be Ite largest in Capitai, $i00,000. Surpluu and Prefits, 110,000j that the* lecture of Hte. Allen was post. Site world.,Itaving 8.)0(9 sludents, this Transacts a general banking business. pned. As thisisoefthfnsta-rpeetton is creiabe Foreign uehanges Sought andnsold. Furnish90tofStliesadreeenait-scrdtb. NEEDLE BEAUS9 in t GBN TLE=MIN T You have been wearing plain and sombre colors for the lat few year. Thin ftli we itave a complete ehange. Sone wilt prefer the pain, w:hle the mre enthuniatic dress- ers will adopt the new coors. Tie goods sitown are gey and brown tweeslwith a dash of SrighS color is plaids aid tripe. You witl fiid a beautiful display of these fabis also a fSue line of 0 vercoatlit n is ereyn, Meltons, Cstr. For and Pattent Beaver, Eskimos, Shetlands, Astrakkttnn and Chin- chian at S. W. BUIRCHEJELD'S. Mierchant Tailoring Store, No. 6cE. Huron St Gentemen Icbitg to be informed n the proper and correct thing in dress are invited to call and see me. S make a specialty of tDress Garments and Street Costumes for Ladies. DO YOU DANCE? Mr. and Ids. Ross Granger invite ths considering the subject of danig to call at the Academy, S Maynard s., opposite School of Music building. No stols to mount; Office and IJ scing room on grocndflor. 0. Ht. KEYES, OPEPRA 1HOUSE JEWELER. U. of M. PINS. IPlow's Chocolate3 $ Beter take a bs of them home with you Tankgving. You cant fSudanything ticer.ftb cents a pound i pound and half peaud boes. PALMER'S PHARMACY. d6 S. Sate t. Lrave your orders here for hlack and Baggae. We 'phone to tisles' Livery.. You ca depend on them. SPECIAL. 0 M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth an d itetallic Gaskets and Common Soins. Emalming a -Specialty. No. 11 E. Washingtons. U. OF M. SHIAVINGO PARLOR and Iltht- rooms. All sppontments rt cltss. Sm ported and domestic ~elto. Ladiestartis- tic hair dressing and bthing parlors. J. R, Trojanownk, 716S. State st. WHSIEN YOU WAN'r your clothe ceend, Y Y pressed, reusned or rebound go to Srs. Finger e, over Seeanusostk store. L oratory aprons made to order NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS. Especilly striking in theircisonvetion-- slty are the new hg-bad olars, which ass now all the rage. The "Keleta" for that is the same of the fasionable high-and collar. is frau Earl & Wilson. The cue to correspond with te "Kelet,' s called the "Chtnaago." and as also an Earl & Wlso style. The harmoy with the highs-and ef- fect is in the loug, deep, graceful Op, with its lasting edge. The hig-bad cllar is not yet worn wit convenional evening dress. Foe that pros thinsri. makes a clused-rant collar about two incies high, known an the "Swatara. For evening wear the proper cuff in the Earl & Wilson, pateted euft "Odena.' A P. BACHPrets. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS DANK Capital Stock, SOi.sOS(. Surpls, $15,000. Rtesources, $1,100,000. Organized underte Oeneral Basking Laws of thin State. Receives deposita, huys and sells exchange as the principal cities of the United States. Dreafts cashed upon proper Ientificatiou. Stafety deposit baums to rent. Orenonnot: Christiant Stack Pres.; W. D. Harrimain, Vies-Pros.- Chas E. Hissock, Cauhier; Id. J. Frito Assistant Cauhier. UP! We are as stairs, and we see up in all the Nlew and Sandard Dancs. UNIVERSITY S0C1001 OF DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STLATE ST. Impartial TESTS itave demonstrated that Yictor sporting, .and atitieoods are sopsrtorstoall othes, See the; YICTOR Foot Balls, Poot Hal Potts. etc. Hetter iquality gorems mousy than any other. -SOLD AT- M. STA[RERS ~Clde[mporlim 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. that anothenrtsil0ruiily will lbe niv'en ths many ffienils of Mn. Alien Sc hear him speak. THIANKSGIV'ING DtAY A'r GEAN- (ills'S8. Isr. and Inrs. Ross (itosmgen iiivite tlt puipils, forner pupiils anSi frienids to attenadlie matinsee idtacing party Thnursday afternoon, 3 So Ii o'clock. Cards of ,admission. for genteleien, 5t cenos. LADIES' MACKINTOSHIES. Ladies' louig Mtilitany Capse .Mackin- tosh, in bluis-block only. $2.65. Luh(iess Double Texture Mackintoshi's, worth $6, at $4.50. LtAes' All Wool Mtack- intoshes at ,$3. tig Bargaius in ladies' and Cents Silk.:Umbthrelas. MHAtK & COI0AN\Y. TO RENT. A front suilte, itewly furnishied, across fronm campus, inexpensive, NO. 18 S. University ave. 48 Lout--A pair of spectacles Thursdlay forenoon on State gst., betwceet,.t'ff(cr- son anudShe Higit School. Finder please return to Als Safford, 37 /25. Division st. Waned-Somueone to plttyte pialms for dancing half ain hiour a dlay in ex- change for use of pianio. 45 Waslite- naw ave. 491 tdt)OME-SEEKERS EXCU1RSIONS _To Virginia and te Southt, Nov. 19, Dec. 3 anti 17, 1895. On the above dates agents of te Ohmic Central Lines wviii sell Excursion tickets at one fare for this round trip; limit for return 30 days. Consult 0. C. Agents. TIS171ANKSGSYSNG VACATION For thie above recesa the Ann Arbor Rhailroad will sell tickets to stmudensts nl teachers preseatimig proper cert ifm- rates, at one and one-third fare for the roumid trip, good goiug Nov. 27 and 28 with limtit until Dec. 2. Tickets wviii Sbe sold to all points in Mhichigan amid to all points on the lines of omur Toledi 'connections, woitinte Ceutral Traffic Associationa. St. S. GIENWOOD, Agent. The University School of Dancing =will give a dancing pamrty to its, pumpils and friends on Thtanksgiving eveniing from S to 11 o'clock. Rtepairing and upholstering done at. lox- prices and by experienced work- umen at Hailer's Furniture Store. For R~enS-Front suite, heat anad bath. Board if desired. 37 Forest. Cabinet cud upholstery work doise to order at Hlaller's Furniture Store, Lost-A Pamul P. Wirt fontain pel.. Please return to 28 /25. Fifth ave. 1 i I J I I J 1 i I 7 t . 7 c i c c i i t c 1 a The only direct Importers of WOfT KAY CO Dimnsaa te rcos WR!VH!stones in the state are Detroit, Mich. .I