THE U. OF M. DAILY. LMGHIGAN GENLa AL Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Mail and Ex -- 3 0 Mila_______- 8 4 N. Y. Special.-. 5 00 N. Y. Secial 7 0 Eastern Es.---1 12 N. S. Limited....9 52. A. S. Pacific Es----i1157 Atlantic Es...7 47 aP. M. . N. Epres---- 5 4 Western En.__.2 10 G. R. Express __11 051 Chi. Nt. Ex.- 15 28 G. R.Ex.----5 5 . W. RGGLES, H. W. BAYES, G. P. & T. At., Chicag. At., Ann Arbor NORTH MICHIGAN 7:7 am. - 7:l a . '1:25 p.m. 11:2 a. m. 4:15 P.m.n,9:00p. m. All trains daily except Sunday Trains rn beteen Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR &r YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Conress st., 7:19.8:4 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:452:15,5:00, 6:4, 9:1 and 10:45 p.i. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and 1:0 a. i. 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, 7:1, 9:41 and 11:19 p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:1S. 3:0, :0,6:19 and 9:0. m Leave Ann Aror Jncton, :00, 4:005:, 7:00 and 9:0 p. mn. Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 19 cents; round trip tckes 2 cents. W. . PAanR, Spt. SILK FLAGS && - For teSMinesota Game at Desroi. Leave orders with... JOLLY f&t.CO'S. 20.Sate St., Sager Block. lt nd Cold 1lesiant Al Hours. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on personal property. FALL GREETING. S uRIliac to order $1350 up, Overcoats to order $13.50 up; Trosesegs to ordes 1375 Cleaing, Dying, Pessing and teparing a specialty FORDHAM & GLEN, Alerts iast Tailor, 20 S. State S., Ann Arbor RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & 0CO4S;RTATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Good. Try Our Lunches. "FLAG PINS" AS USUAL. We also hae a fine line of imported -" STEINS" WMt ARNOLD'S P Jr'lry Ste. JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST. hlot Lunches, Chocoatts and homemade Candies. Subscribe for tae Daly. EVERY 'TUESDAY O11 O :NTBAL LII:S Mr. A. E. Rose will lie at the Cook House w-ith a Choice T. O. &C.BRy. K. &M.EBy. Line of Woolens fronm Fine Dressers it will paiy you to see the line and compare prices strictly first class workc. Up-to-date stoles. Low- est prices. ECHOES FROM THE GAME St.ray Noten From Saturday's Con- tent at Detroit. The Detroit Jourinal of laot, evrning coaittoins a. half colsiin interesting football notes conicering the big Muichigasi-iniiesota. gasnit'Satuirdoy. -ollowviing iar(e itfewtof theis: The AMinnesotai center wooweti to the skiii at t(liensi o590tiletist hialf anditllooked ike1acan1:11thiat 11a1beeni iresc'cd from the rusiiis of a gairtsage iwili. Itfsii, the loon with the fiery rest scalpslocks-, 1k(ep tis'e Michigan lines wairiiiby12singinighits 1(ead1 sack and: foithin i froint of ttie ceniter' 1115 quaxlster-bacik. 'Pus' so-esds, lpretty- anilnumerouis'i05. staili1edtilieir'feest inithe rattling isld everywhseeis evidence aisd the coos-l ltinesreseimbledl a.l knottedi rosie.of etit- baige iis'ads. Theiisictn111 51- ve'rt'sdltile tplayers ints) movinig llma05ss of slush ansi trials' 'Tle faiculty commllittee oii atlicts, at lie T'. of P. has dlecisdesdthiat here- aifts'r' ollathletic or-i'glllctioainsimst otstiiiaits pesrissionl to playi2on other thanthosiie grouniics. THlE CHICAGO GA'IE--$.00. For tis 'event tile ADG Asrsor ttall- roasigwill ruiix a speciali train through to C'icalgo viax 221111tihis beinlg tile rosite dcrtsesd u11111 by the ex- ersutive bosardl of the Athletic Associaition), 9rsovising 200 tick- eOs irse'sold. $5 pays for the ex- 1(1190 of a roiiid tris. Secsire yosir couplonls now at the cdeisot, ait C'ook houise, 'saiir's Staite st. sto:re, or of M~r. Sitit, of the Atisistic iboard. Gua~raintsee isst ise smadel Monday. Soct1d lrosoli irratns trtvwerrsTotssdo, Ohio, ansd tilscrcsrsWVYa., vla Ccolumbus, the csort asnd ossty direct rcale.; Toledo, 0. Findlay, 1O. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleanant, W. Vs. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Vs. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport Newn, Va. Norfork, Vs. And all sonutheastrn pointis. Elegant drawisng room sarasin all ttsrougts traiss. For ccurcther insformiation call ass your local Ticket Agenst or wsrite,. MOULTON 110CR, GCnilPase. Agt.. ToledoO. WV. A. PETERS, Mlicihigan P'ass. Agent, Derosit, Michs. Instruction in German. COURSES. 1. Far Beginners-Preivate or is elasscs. 2.Ade' sced-S9.'titler ar Gss'ts's dramatic or prose sworks. 3. Poemnds prose selectiosns wilt be sdis- cusses ini Germass. A goodt ksowledge o1 Germass is lire-supplied. granllsictasnd notstoiimuh ii50 applaudiiNov. 25. Inistruction ini classes-2I lesssons (2 hours per lihi play-ers as to bcci thseir t'ietli 2t. S. GREtENWOO5D, Agceit. seek), 52. Private lessons ini Elementary German 55 froiiicha~its'ring. NO'TIIINO EI 1T!T HE'1151OHtlO eents. Vsillai steamed':iand issnskrsli ke a CEINTRAAI II iAGE' TICKTl'. Priva:te lessos sissadvanedlwostk, including ks'ttlce of cookutisggrs's'is, isst hs' ke't:C,'siverisisre ileagse 111a11any ~ticket corrections of essays, 01. right a;(, its busnes,;, icvertlis'lecsi. in the inorket. The Silly book goosd j A .. L...E BJG(3 liisir' Alsvardt g11v5' perfect :i .- 5on1enitre 12. & 0. sy-stemin A ss-e't ofo llihnrn; oylGyn tittsbrgti. It also inludeistethe Big A s1 ivesatyHoverb,isGermoaty. - f4to.Is ~:Oshn osesc u system. Gest it inst hiave an ever 7 sssr ti~sivsti-~iY sdecisde'oilf-sidlea11190a111(1 ltilOulii reaiey ticket ov-er sitlilimportant linesca nvest v., AnAbr Slichiigsisgsst tis' svsrst of hissls'cis- tPris'e $ 20.00;t goossione year. Apply12- OORE & 'W ETMoR E iotis, his s'videttpusrposs' totie iln- to (9111 Cenitrail Ageuats, or addsress,- tsiouli ~1 eis't'I lton tloiik, (. '. A., Tolesdo, 0. atilwsrepcd. 3 , 6 5. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, t'sikyii, Mtinnsosta's full tiack, is a. I hise a sslenidi liiis'of Parlor CORNER OF WILLIAM, { 'iicligsslawsyer, sshssrs'c'ive's :ssO fosr Furiniitiure, loss' iriedu, miumslilaansiof nAVE ACOMrPLETE nTOCK Or' thie'fiss-c gra:is, which I offer sit pstayiniglie' seasosn. Ile ssas noinaiiil-- sipecial lossfigure's, ais I wish tss make UNIVERIY- -BO S ly engasgeds to delis-ic lec'tursa110tle rooii for ioy large stock of Chiristiias TX university, hot his les'tsu'rsessonist of Goods. If yssu neesd a.1n1ce Sofa, New and Second-Hand. punits, aiid goail-kics. htos'c', Arii chair, C'ssuc'h, Fancy ante tssos at d otheS5tuuetcns' Supiets. Ini theficot half off (lie local m chair.,ssr a coesscte sites do not 1110isscods, etc., wici:h thssy oiler it else loweat thisoppilortunhity-. Respesctfuilly, pac:es. tlssoissr t st a suleustisltessrfs'rs'ui-eIAtt'P IN 1I5X1I,121 fssr Sets'esr, svhis broke thirosigli thes'Colt and see us before Purchasing. tinnesota right and(1 1ad52a11 opesn ieldsTthis lygisit, 1 1synardSh t. ('hioice'st of nos':ts, besitsif fruits, stic-nuua Th i.ui to he oal f'rkyn tadea siriedaly tpre'pars'dhgrWTsI to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ris ti'551 t:i15-issd' etitctwith ceais. ICfHTSA N iLiUII. distoiuto tinterceput hiihi i ad forsi mislk(stsin su n-', saiitarisstnheaslth 'sIiasntosw.iscsiPbatln unelatiiiinl0erssoni,21o15r pe- fos, scciistili' coothiug. $2.Sss ter c issysa5smunis sow isn fuliltbtioom. All msitt~ii'iti to 19tackland11(1doswneis eut'r.week. aseinritlea to cail arid see thism. Htad t Htohser broske aw