THE U. OF M. DAILY. 11 MJGHTGAN GLN~T L Time Table (Revised) May 19, 194. Maland Ex_- 350 Mail -S________8 l N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 70 Easter E..10 11 N. S. Lmied....90225 A. M. Pacific Es.. 11. A57 Atlantic Ea ...7 47 P. . D. N.Expess....- 5 40 Western Es.___2 00 G. R. Express ___11 01 Ci. Nt. Es.----10 20 G. R.Ex .1----57 . W. RGoGLE, . W.IATES, G. P. & T. At., Chicago. Act, Ass Arbor S ) NORTH MICHIGAN r RAILWAY. "' NORTH. SOUT. 7:7 a. m. 7:0 a. m. -12:25 p. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:15 P. :0 P. All trains daily except Sday -Trains rn between AnbArbor ad Toledo oly. R. . GREENWOOD, Aget W. Hi. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congres t., 7:10, 8:45 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, :45, :15 ad 10:45 p. m. Leave Ass Arbor Jcto, 7:40,9:5 and 11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:5, :45 ad 11:15 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypslati from Congress st.. 1:30,3:30, :00,0:130 ad :00 p. m. Leave Ass Arbor Juncto, 2:00,4:4,5:30, 7:00 and 9:0 p. m. Cars rn on cly time Fare: single trip 15 cets; rond trip tictsa25 ets. W. F. PAnKE, Supt. SILK FLAGSAm... . onete Minnesota ame at Detroit. Leave orders with. JOLLY c&tCO' S. 298S. Sate S., Sager Blo. Hot nod Cols .sssl8sat All MHours. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Moey to loss on personal property. FALL GREETING. Slas" to order 1 50 up, Overcats to order ยง150p. Toserns tso orde$.57 Clesnig.Dyeng, Prelssic'sad iepirng aspeciy FORDHAX & GLEN, -Seie:bot Tailor, 20 S. State s.. Ass Arbor RANDALL Photographer 16 Washington Block. flflD3 S2 . TATE TOOP CO1 STEET.+ 4 Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, f and Baked Goods. 1 Try Our Lunches. "FLAG PIE AS USUAL. We also have a fine line - CO f imported e "STBI NS", WM. ARNOL'S Jewelrry Store. JENINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST. Hot Lunches, Chocolate s and hlome-made Cadies. Subscribe for te Daly. EVERY TUESDAY ,8f0 BXTnAL LIID: Mr. A. E. Rose will lie Rt the CookpIleouse with a Choice T. 0. & C' By. K. & M' By.- SeolioenbrO Iht.::l:'. et coos: Teo(o, 0us., Line of, Woolens from asol 00::Is.::I",W.V a., via bolt oboo, tLi soict.etod oly dietote., line Dresses's it will pity you to see the hune adsodmpallre hprices strictly first class work. Up-to-date st) les. Low-" eot prices. The Umpre Talks. At tho Grand Opera House. T[le following is fromiithe' Lafayette' A munsicaol event of oore lii tha roll' Daoly Couirier: 111:1y'Imo:rtanle, Is-ill I:'be he reoo'iiloi "Tue 111011 who refereed tSilo',Bile of artln oif liillif of Killaloey"blg ie football between Puorduie loll:1AnnloAr. ope:rao Liso' . Asthe 11111111'implie's, boo' is satol10haov'eiiomaod llt Oaii'dis- theo'p0)1:11:1 11i1iIrislioneia' d givesi5b' s10o11 lft('f ihe gamei('whlic'h, if t11,010. 0vivoid ortraya'ol of Itie Celtiic' esos- shows 110: 2Purdueso'raly115. 1 :thoe:lser ill tsvaos 1 p00ilols. 'floe o'oioi. goode. 1Litters boor boeni receoiveo'ony505wlli ho is eoadedl logtho' :'iiow,1o- e01 bar'itone,'NV. '1. ('olto'i'liis 0usually5 here fr'om oAnlsArlbori11 wichiiit isp tol' n 5Md po oeo h stateod thaoltiheofficial 50ga 1' eilllowo':lbost artistsls 011110'ope:0raticstage 1o- lliolig ano e'S otolho~lowbecoause Iio, 100y. 1iitirely now w s'on'y a:011:1os- soos afloaid ofbeiiog llmobbed'Olby the . 10tomes 10011' been'opepa'::re'd for' the: frenozied crowod of slllden's0thaiiot l100l1'io i:tes100'lo'.oles illdeotaoill ti.11a0'1:1 olooys colco'ooioi- Oiroiigo'dtiho'siode lino's. 1F:erbe'rt,10made(' (ooled0''0 'rlolo' producl:t ion: 11il ibe floe t~Iouhownl ofter' 'apta00i1:ltort- I lantlaill'ol iii tho'forlb:':ooing.oneoo. 0010 hoodc'alledl for 1time0'and while lbt___e_ Pulordeiion w'ero' off' guaord.Hadothan10.' T1e:'faoso"Paitr oif Kiods"compaony bsol ileeilieollo'd baot no,:1110 Iil'm- wll fgive0010'el01rfool'1l,:o of01theo Sloe erowdw ould)110, like oalmnosot01015'Iroondol 11101 i ooos:' in't ",(o' iiio'sly (Trow osf entusiaists, ihoveo'ill> (S it evenig. The o' mpan~2Iy 00111m01':I : 10 '0'C(100100'to1; 11s>i0> 1 :olltl a very utncomofoortaleo'fort'hoeodic'iool gr 1010111n' ef (oll' ((1(0110 i : ' 00011e001' wodoaoroodtoo do altitlllg thaot se'emoo'edlo'oe'ar 01d011ab outte' "l1onoo'Kills.''ihe 500 tunfairi'to thelo.'' 1ocasi01 onuil 110'1110'lau;tilig 'bill of Ave o'uoolol adoiso' the' 'Corierl1'to:ilth eo llb'50'00l00001eor tlwat'cr10'0'rs:1's'lo like 1'1l1ll:.,tl 1 islsio',siloging 00a10 sestigoate01 loupatecran idt heo 'oi'l00011101 lo'Oio-g, slioldI 1:1ot is. (lois oplpoor- OXOOI'Snimbiioof officia~ls0111' 'fr'o'nzied'ollolilly. '1'1i)s Ioo'e111.1:Aa oo'lsoolfor crowd1's'10av01'"iobbd e poooi'0101 rt . oldle11s Ilittoonllindthe'kidon0 the' The Hobard Guild. 'road1 anod Ih1e1 ar0e'fooooi'i' 001101 7o11l)0'l' _________ 110000 1001. Theo'first lobaoort 0111111d're'eptibhonowill ho' given at Halorris Hall'1Thursday 0'1'0lili, l1'ro'loor at 017:1(0. All w'lho ioioend joiingRtle (1u1l101tlis Y'eatr will plealse' hand::thirr 1111010 (0 Ti::'1Purdue10.tool ll is lllhlly 1101 hiesost 1001111 ill the o' slld sloil '.. 1 1'''o'o188 ipolldlol. 000 lm'e','(7 ofthe ili'oo mllils 100110' 111a00 ihe' U-ni- vers'ily' of Michitgano::'am olaost y0.01, woli lo 11011 110011 hoe 10001000sf 0team Toledo, 0. Findlay,,:O. Kenton, . Columbus, 0. Athens, . Middleport, . Pomery, . Pt. Pleasant, W. V. Richmond. V. Petersburg, V.. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, V. Newport News, Va. Norfork, V. Aed all southeasotesnPoinsl. lgat draw'ingeroomars on all throoghotaCis. F'ore furtierlonforma~tol rll oo your local. Ticbet Aent or owrie MOULTON IOtO, Ce'l r'asa. At., Toledo Co" W. A. PETERS, Sllirigo s's Ageot Instruction in German- COURSES. . O'r Beisness-Privoateo '1orlsoos. 2. Adsatnced-SAlller r oe'llos dramati- sr pose works. 3. Poems 0111 proe selctions will be dis- ueodin11Gereman. A goo knowledge of Germoari is pe-ul'ie501d TERMS. Instructiono'Olasse-21 eooso2 houso'sper week), &0.. Private lessons in Elementaryerma 5., cents. Prveis''essos 11nadvancedlorkee, iluelding crretionss ofessays, 0. H. A. LIIEBIG, A. B. Uivisersityoof Mihigoan;0RoyalGooym- naosim atlHaovere, Germany. 271". UivesriyAe., A Abors's. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST, CORNER Of WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - ROOKS! New and SecondHand. Note hioo 11saoe'Studoots' 01ppli's. Pon snt'ai' ens ie Stat0iooooy Soring Goods, ret.,,ebch Ohey oler ltvle loeost Call and see us before Purchasing. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, Wlhave anllt nselstckbf bautiful5 ohloyslttie01 f'.11s now 001fullbuo. Al Greenhlouses Nis. Uiversiy aver NEW MIACHINE SHOP ANDREW HUNTER, fs E. i1:eey t Bicycles Re'pairedh or Rented. Dental Inlsrumlets JRepaoird Lowney's Chocoates.. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOORA.S&PHER. r ANN ARBOR. MOOH. STUDENTS ? If ye',wast good reliahle lie isue, se cal us 1Ped T McOmber, nofie No. 1, S. Foseth ave. Saturday's Football: Games. 1(,000 -TIL.1. Thei: followving is thoo resoilt' ol'Sat- AIw%-ays 00 leaido'r, tihe Ohio Centrali sirooig's footblllgiLe:Iines nileage ticetwith lat~est 11adi Virginioa, 2; Bea'ordstownu, 0. bonsis thoc best. C'overingSloe Itig Deloosw', 1.l; listlier. o. Foour, 12. & 0., C., 11. & D., Ohilo Cen- l'linoois,:0;Northowstern, 4. troll 001101innumera0''obleot01101'syste'ms, it Lfafoyo'tto', 20; Lehlighl, 4. is thorfatvorite :Trotvelers' Comnolion. Pstlsyisllniol, 17;IHalrvardl, 14. 'Tf) DANCE 7WELL. Yale', 20); lrincetono, 10. Noowo is thoo'timool 0 join thoclea~sses in I haove 00 spieonliol line of Plor datoninig ott Cralsgs'"s Ac'ade'my. Office, Flurinituore, howinIpried, me'dlim oand of residensce 111101ae~odemy 61IMaynairdl 91. thfilt110r gradbes, wicih I offor It Stingle rootosanio boalrd So be hoadlat secial low'figure's, 105 I woisol1makoole No. 17 'S. State st. Only three sdoors roono for 11'yhlroge stack of ('lristmaoos fromlocamipuls. 1101eaiandl ighot fur (Gloods. If5you ine'ed 1 lire Sofa,. nishied, Rfockes', Ariin chaoir', C'ouchl, tFancy)5 ('1a11, 01' a compltoete sute: do sost 11iniss tobert G. Inoiersoll's leture's oosl lhiSsoortunhity. IRespto.'fully, wooks 1100y'be 11011 at 14 .Malynard sO., MAR'TIN IAI.I7R. .1. A. Riosenl, agent for C. P. Faorrell. Fine10'l1110'of Lthelllr 0'ornilure at NOTTIIN7 LIKE t') TII 01110 Iler's Fu'rnlitre Store. CENTRIAL SII0RAGI E-TICKET. Cos'ers mlore mhlileage Sholallay ticket Studoenot miembelors of tlle'Political in thleimarkoet. Thoe only hook: goood SecieeAssoc'iationo0a1n1get i10:' lub- en optre12. c& 0. systemliwest of lieatioos asthey comel:'out5by callinog Pittsburghs. 1t also inludlloes She Rigaifr100111 i, Tappanol Hloll, at51210. Ini. 2 sysemi. Cet it and:1haove an everIln anly day except Saootnrdays. Iivs' ready sthcetSover salimoportant lioes numlibers lre 1nowV 0sft010d1 00sixth:, de- Price $20.00; gaolone11 year. Apply voted to city' governmen{t, (isrint~oing. So Ohio Central Agents, or addres Membnershoip, whoic h cuehso'thoe pub- Mloulton Honk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0.1lcafions, is opent to all studentsat $1 a year. StMr. fal's seetionis inll Soshenaico CHARLES II. (OfitEY, finish tir advancec work ill 1Tioiooni- Tfreasurer. etry Slits week sndt wil11begin thssoort; in AlIgebra oii Mondasy, Dec. 2. Subscribe for toe.aihv.