2 THE U. OF Al. DAILY Published Daily (Suday excepted) dring the Coleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. [lenten Times building N. Main st., opposite post ofice. EDITORS. J. A. Lecttis, '1, Managing Editor. G. tR. Sis, '5, Assistant. C. D. CAP, G. L, Assistant. J. F. Tosss, "7, Assistant. S. E. EsAnin, 'li, Athletic Edior. L. C. WAicin, '6. tusiess Alanager. i. C. PAIJLDS, '9A, Assistan. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, 'P. A. i. Petrie, '. C. A. Itoaghtos,'00 1. G. Al.. eat, '01 P. Katherine laed,'7. H. B. Gammon,8 M. B. B. Metheasy, '. R. i. Reilly, 's tR. C. Back, '05 M. Susana tieisdso,'98 F. A. Milner, '00 II. E. L Gesmer, '98. W. W. Hugbs, 'N. The price o the Daiy will remaa as hee- tofore, $2.0 a yar, ivariably in advance, notsithstanding the fact that pulication wilibe cntinuedunatil Cmmcsemsen. ThlipDaily will not be isedcltils week oiler tomosruiw, till accoint sf thie Talnlksgiving vcaieonl. The feeliiig thai a Alicigan 1tea1 is inviincible before ibt ieigai cruwl is givein addsed coirmination by 01r. dayssioy, which so thorougly re- tries-eu lii'twosforiie defeats Aici- gan11 has sustasiedatithile anis of Minnesotl. Andlit i was as vietry too contest, isnit'that aid 11o1101 toiboii Alinsoita ainsi licigi.. Anilext, ('isisago. lliesota beat Chlicasgo to bei'stre, bit M iiicigan lhsntiiyet anilmustlins o it next Ihurs- day. The plalyrs will pt ii good liordwirk l in rpalraionl forschi a viciory anti they sill ieed ative 0su11 port 1111d ienuragement. Telve inundred Peiiiiylvaiia stuens lie. Coipiediiltheiir eleven to toslbii oe the gamse wih Harvad Satrday.! tiriely wsocanliisend twondssureitto (Chicago for te ThankgivingtDay gaugie. Thiei list still needs naiie. Liet1its seit itfilletd Sillaisdimoe o by toiiorrow. Michigan Men at Chicago. There iss:tobe givili toaylt (P o'clock an elegant dinner at SKinsey's ik itie city of Chicago lit all tileAlic- igani iieii who resie tbere. Te jpur. psoof he meietinig is inoimake r- rangemens for atteninlg tei'0gam111'be- tweeinbMicilganiad Cicago at 11 o'clock Tanksgtving iiorninig. -Mie- iganli iiii will get togethier ii secions of lhe gaiid staiii thai have been i- nero-eu for thieii. '[1119will also re- hearse the footiall sngs that have lieeii writen by sudents here so Slit) thcy will bie able 1o join in tie musical lortionl of the Tanksgiving diy gmse. Several hundred 9Micigan i im have already sent their acceptances and a jolly evening is promisled. HUtNTERiS' RATES. Agents of Ohio Central Lines are selling Htunters' Tickets to all poits in the hunting territory '.tt'lhunters' rates. See Ohio Central Agets. 12 MICHI[GAN TILE VICTOR. (otinued from First Page.) kynsosas fot-ed o phunt. Sntr a~l Bloomiiligston carricdi le bll to the tyard line, where te ball went in .innaiesota on dloivil. l-'nl~ssorclte twety-ive yars S lroSth 0gu1ard anti, [sckle adsnit itt ffls' lilo .7v'tiliii nesot tellyars waIl'e. 91 i'iitiotti fsailedi o galn and1 Parkyns wis foreil in pu~nt.:P[lie iball aigainno'ii is'lin- nesotla.011 ottsits' anitPsrkyn piunted tothelii 29.ysrd line. '[lebal iiisss givel to Mlilgall in the center of the fieli sill accounlt of the Illelanre star' of iAlllieo'ota's endts ill the istunt. Siller ga.inletd instaftera fiusible iBloominllg- stoii piltetd. Minsota wsisagil forceestolpuilt Htistiser, ierbsrt, Falriinm andS ente1r ginedsilaild Blooiisiilgsttils ptoutedi is ilminscsst's 3t0-yariSline. tarkyn ImtiitsandlsiSel- tcm' andli tariihamiiesicliweit arosnd thleir ownI endis for 11 fesv ysrs. Sell- tsr aisdtFairnhasimicrriedth ie bal to the 15-yard line 11111 tarhiamllcarest the balsover tIellsnhe for totu o wn'llo~i ill nineteen lliilttea. tloomisigsoii kicked asiffticultgoal 11nd(1the score was 1-. Ss'iter ecarriedt his'ball forsvsrtff- teen ysartds fromi the net kick nit antS this ball went to Minelsotal on at fulli wa1 siesred aiS tackledt 5s hoewas-i callesd fort(lieinst of thi' half. P'srkyn tookltha il froisitieiet kick soff, buit Nsss soi cisiltlesIto punt1. Bloominiigstoii pun~tet. [ar yi att'mptedsstto kick hbnt ,vas blockdsanls the ball went to Miciganiioii tss'to- yardtlhue.Fertier oent oer te lins' for a1 tuhdo wnil in seilv0((11inui~ts aid he settle was 140. Btloomimngston punlitdtl01, bils te ball welltIpast H-eniiner iand tbesames itiis'ts's 1ba11lli teci'llsr o1 thes fies-It.Pairkvi's kick oftowet into touchtibctk a1111 ichtk-iiigskitkidfrtss lse'i 2-yrsl iiiie. After slight gais. Mimnesota pssuntedi to Mbichigan's 7-asr linis' andiiFarnhamiii, Flirtiansi 'ills carriedi the bal forwasrid a few ysrds. Blilinlg.stoli attmptied to kick btn sastblscked. iliss gaiedi six yaidss 011 a fike kick suit Farnham, Bloon- , igstssiand tioliies madl~e ginis. Fr- beirt got in a tell yardssrun.iandt Bloomi- tweuy-fie yardtss o itrelesf's iitr- ferenmee oithm a fsir catch, ut wvas 10011 comipelled to 1p11111. erbsrt landt Greenleaf milade small giss andt tiioommiigston 05wa0sompellet to punt1. The ball wstsumlbed1and(1bicaei Michigan's on her oponents 2-yrd hune. Blooinugstonm agini tuntedi 1111 Gtilberi triest to gain, tiut fumbshlel ani Hlolmes fell onl the ball on the a-yard hiue. Ferbeit wen11tlihrosugh for te fourthitouchdiown iniifteen minutes. (oa. Score 20-0. Oin the iex kick off terbert carriesd 1110 ball to the 2-yard liue. Holimes, Greenleaf and Villa gained and Booii- ingsoon kicked to Parkyn, osho sig- nraled a fair cath. Paikyis kisked to Mieligaims 15-ysrsl ie a11(1 Ileoilg- ston returned- it. Mbichigani got th' ball ssdn san d worked i forwasrdt thirty ylards 0whe'i tlooiiingstoi t.hi- ed. Tile bll washlfumbstledhan 00was in Mbichigan's lpossessioni on ibineso- ta's 4-ardtline whenmi'm lsewas tallest. The Women's Lague. 'T'ie'W'omhan's Lauehie leltani open mieethig in 'fappsaiiiHall oil Saturday lft'rnoohtohiebiar liii'rt'toot of sis Soule, this'leagtit'delt'tgate to tie fet- eration of cubs recehtly heist in Grndt Rapids, and to se ithelnhs for the iiesv woman1's buimldiing. itis '[laylor, tile retiriniglprsieit of le League, coidticed the meeting lt thei'eqes it of ;hiss Stickilsy, thit' ews'pi'isisli.l 'hut'ar-hsits'u-i ositthe )gymnashium wan0011 e-xpetctedS withilthlas, hbt 111his abseunce _-is. Angell desscited the ntews-rooiis to te ocupittd b-is league in (le imuch longed for gynillu- stih. i-Miss Soule gas- i'n ittrsting accounht tof her work on beh'ialf of the t9'111115l111 at he fesmirtion. Miss Trueb'tloods, ctirmianliliof liie'cnvasiss- lhlg commnitte fo college wovomei. se- ciudsihisuriltiohs flomllthost' ris- tilt to lteamhon~t of $2. Eery 05omanl~ in this' S iiversiy is to hi'asik- cit to i ol oihit'hilhlg. (11e 1uns1. lists, evte' snilal, being considerwed s1ansllex iressioii of intrest iii til ue i. LAWS AND ItRE ti'S. 'Te sorkin iiGermian, priae andt im tlasses, offercd by Mbr. Liebig as hldo-rtsed 11 n iih' butl'inlboard s t o give opportniy to all those stdenthis in1 the lawv and mletdicalh iearmieis, woho imay nt have hiadu a goot cors of GSermanin 11their- peu'iatory soon. or wod noitsb111 tidtime to dotheir work in the classes of he literary d- parmtlent. 'The valne of Gernman ill boih proes- ions foe actieadl('and11(1lierarhitrt- iosi' is too owell knlown~ to ned further explanlation. NOTICE. Those compheihng for the $23 cash prime oferdt by the Csaiail for a short story of the naure of Yale yarnis or i rIltetouh stories nuthae their produtctions in tby January- 1. The miaxiimin iunber of wordls is 2500. For further ilfoimlfaiohoad- drs, THE CASTALIAN. TICKSJITS TO CHORAL UNON. Hteriafter iim the ChoralSUniot ol- tents people soill be obligedS t shonsv their tickets atSthe botoii of the hali stall-stefoie they assend, ut tickets wil 1101 hetaken unitil tietdoors tre reached that tadimit to (le hasll. J. G. WtNE. Gumitr foe Sale.-A GrandS Coileel Wasshibiurn Guiitr for stle heuihs Foe futher PsrtielanO apliy at tie 1u11) 3 n 11 . Washingtoni st. Diuteaicl. -h'. Stsiusor, Xi t ish. '9S D, teacher of Basjeat, Mandsoi ansd Guitarh. Amm.m-ArborIOrgnhi to. Res, 7 I'oland st. 4--miute lssn 510 ets., 00t-umisue lessomns 73 do.. Wanted-Soameone 1tolplay the piano for dancing half an hour a ia9- in ex- chaige for use of pano. 4 Waslie- nose ave. d49 THE CHICAGO GsAME--$5.00. For this evemt the Ann Am br Ral- road will runba siecial train through to Chicago via Mlilan (his being the route decided upon by the ex- ecutive board of the Ahleic Association), providing 200 tik- ets are sold. $ pays for [le.ex- pense of a round trip. Secure your coupons now at the depot, at Cook house, Wahro State St. store, or of i. Saint, of the Athletic board. Guarantee inust .be made i-Monday, Nov. 25. . S. GREENWOOD, Agent. 'T'he Hytienic, 1t baynaenilsO, Choicest of meats, best of frnuissmec- j illy iprepoaredh grains .sithi creashh. milk in abutndahne, sloitarini hleoth foodis, scientific cookhng. $2.0 ter oeek. TO RENT. A fromt suite, newly furished, across froim campus, inexpensive, No. 158 . University tve. 45 Private diinmmg rooim foe ctub. At- hiractive. Quik serv ie.tBoasrdl42. Closing Out We have left a fair sock of all sots of -- WRITING TABLETS which can he closed out as follows. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5G GOOD RULED TABLES,'100 ~P 3 FOR 1D9 GOOD WRITING TABLET, 8 C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - '15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 39C WRITING PAPER BY THE -QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not e replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. Grand Opera House. CLNOAY EVENING, NOV 25TH. t®4 THE + . CARLEON' --IN THME LILY OF KILLARNEY PRICES, 35C, 50C, 75C AND $0. STrU DENTS. Taeycur Iodik Sok tor BE~HYMAN, IHE P10fRAPH[BP Satisfactios gnaranteed. 6 . Huron 9tk GREAT CUT IN CHICAGO PAPERS Call anud get prices. P. 0. MEYER. University News Sand. 4$ E. William t. CTRR S E ER 20EvAdvertise Your W ants in The Daily.