THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestiotably the finest ball on the market today. It's ight ness and durability make it a favorite with all players. Price Complete with inflator,' $5.*00. Victor Foot-Ball Guide, containing lie new rles, and chapters on the game by Leland and others, 25 cents. Also a conplete line of finest foot alt clothing. UVERMAN WHEEL CO, maers orlViturlBicyles. Beasten. New York. Detroit. Denver Sas Fra'scis:'. Lac Agle. lPortad For Sale by 1M. Stasler. 11 W. Washington St. A. . SPALDING & BROS Football Supplies a Specialty. F ery reqtsite cr the ame. acket, Pants, Jer- r - y, Sweaters, Shoes, Cap, }tteLts, Stockig, Mrrtt' NoeSteask, tubber Soth- mest be uset in all Match Gae;Pie 500. N Spal di n g'sOffiiaiFoottball f y~k} Gud-e Raes -Pictures of e all the Leading Pleysr, a Price, 10 ole. iHandomely 'ilustrated Football Catalogue sent Free. FIRST NATIONAL BAN. OF ANN ARBOR. Organied 1803. Capital, $100,000. Srptus and rofits, $14,0 Transcts a general banking business. Freig. exhages bought ad sld. Furnish letters of credit P. BACH Prs. S. W. CLARKSON Cashie THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Slck, $50,0.Serpis, $1000 Reore,$1,100,. Organzerdndrthe Gera1 anhing Lawn of this State. Receives deposits, by and sels ecchasgo on the principal cities of the United States. Drots cashed upon proper Identificaion. Sfety depoit baes to ret. Orescenvs: Crilian Sak Pres.t W D. Hfarriman, Vice-Fes. Chas H. ine, Casher;5. .. Frito Assistant Casher. 'We are up stair, ad w are up In alt the New and Stadrd Dances. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE ST. PLACE TO BUY YOUR KOAL -is AT- Office 11 W. Washington St. 'Phone No. 8. Noble's Star Clothing House, F. an A Touchdown Is what we made cwhen we bought our $15.0O Suits and Overcoats. No better value evor offered than llioy are. Coninco yourself. Be warm acid happy at a small cost. Tdry Our"lRed Star" Oil. No smoke. No oftensive odor. Will not char the wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has ne equtaliti this market. Delivered promptly to any part of lte city in otir cans. Price 10c per gallon. NEEDLE ef DEBAN & COMPANY. 'EAUS Main st. 44 South Xain Street. M UNIVERSITY NOTES. I SPECIAL 1 DITION TOMrORIIOW. The snow is being cleared The Daily Will Ito Out Early lBut from the football field today. Larger Than Ever Before. Thie' ttiiiiciosiilubbis laving 0111 i1tic Dtiiy williappeatrlsomiiewhait tepuliican studenteiii rtheiir littis iarlitr4110111 sual tomiiorrow01111 will in its rog icier. tee 0)1 hand to boatrdthte train for De- Thcreswill bt o iivespr aervir'e5 nex Tcietio. fccywil berescocl I trit when the cross 0. goes at 10 and iay atrer Tloilk.ivicg. ill 02 o'clock. It will lbi the argeto A tbiccle has b en lonaiil'i to t. edition of the Daoily every issued, 111(1 gyitilolsiltli fior liihecsc ofthliiiliclcc, lihei' inoiticwill, it posisible, be miale icy Broswn, the drtutgict. to oeiual the (luaolity. Prof. Fitzgerallld c recrectcisthtiotall Pc su c locolo eev stacenis who wih to tike physicil 1 eisewl oss ftev txaminallti~loil 111thegyliiatcicltire- pbles of tile usua asie su il con1- itr a toncc('. tloi ltioieictsteof tile1Mieliiga:.o Ili addlress ibefore tie Eligiciccilgag nd lMinnesotas elevetn. It wiii or society toniglit oni"Dredging tBelow coutrse(bte csentially a5 "footooli iiciii tile Soo"ccilhe gien cby AV. 11. Itip-ll "Afl 1.4oyo h w em pey, l97 C. PE., whoca at Otwo year1s e. Afll itr ftlttoIai experienice (IIot ldredging tboait iiSaelt weill tbe pubished,(l, Ileribiitt whcat Ste. Maria. each haon ie tlids year and in thoc t'IANI~OeiNGVAITIO. att. I here will also be full descrilt. IFor the' above recess thie Anill Arbor liolis of the indlividaloploayers, a ecoii- Rtailrotid wili sell tickets to studaents lolisoit, mili for mccan, of the tceo aillI teachlers p~reseninig propelr certili- teams as .they~ will linletip agolilsit cates, at one anidcite-third fare far the eachlloilier, aecoetlo(f previoeus Mich- routrip~ Ob, good goicng Nov. 27 anal 28 igaii--icieaoota contlests, (Ic. All in withlim until DltIec. 2. Ticktes will' be sold 10 all points ie 'Miciigati andtilicviili(ctvrtiflsover to till points oii the lines atfesir Toiedo (If tiecOCain. connections, wrihintheiicCentral Traffic rue edition wilt be solad here, Oil tile Associationi. traills a11d1 hi Detroit at. ive cunts a It. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent. copy. tIOME-SFEE'ES EXCURSIONS TI-ERCHIICAGO GAM\E--$::.00. To Virgitnia aiic the Soethl, Nov. 19, For this evetthOe AiiieAtrbarrttil-. Dec. 3 sund.17, 1005. roadtviiwillS 051100s01ciatrain through On tiie above dates agen~ts of the to Chicatgo cvht Milan (tis tbeing the Ohio Central Linues ciii sell Excutrslioote decided ucpoin by the es- ticeata at one fare for the rousnd trip; ecuetive boardl of tile Athletic limit for retufrn :0 days. Association), proviig 200 tick. Conult0.C. getsci are sold. $5 pays for tileex- Loot--A pail of spectacies flThursday' ttcice of a rosiiid triip. Sectsre youir forenoon oii State est., betweenca terr cocipons nocv at the depot, at Cooak son and the higbh School. Pinor icouse, Walir',s Stale at. store, or of please return to Ada Safford, 371/., S r. Saint, of the Athletic board. Division ast. tiluaiintee must be made Atonday, Nov. 25. Wamted--A wcell accredited young RP. S. GREENWOODc Agent. mno to teach coniversationial Germn ' onie-half.hotir a dLay for his room HeUNTERS' RATES. renct. Het and light fuircished, 4.5 Agents of Ohio Cemotral Licnes are Waolitenocv avi. saching Bunters' Tickets to all polints Wallted-A yoting mhan to plity tue in tueebhunting territory at hiunters' piano for dancing half ow Ihor a rates. See Ohio Central Agents. 162 clay in exchange for use of tue pioi. Lot-A Paul Ea. Wirt fosutain pon. 45 Washtenacv ave. 4t6 Please retirn to 28 L S. Fdfth ave. Robert G. Ingersoli's lectures and Ceurse II (in Latin writing) wcill be works mcay be hsad at 14 Maynard st., given Tuesday and Thursday at 1 .. A. Rosen, agent for C. P. F+arrell. o'clock inutead of at 11. FRATERNITY BADGES. [SSARGIST W IH , Q P FRATERNITY JEWELRY, O~ASRMENT WRG T KAY 0, FRATERNITY STATIONERY AT Detroit, MVich. GENXTLEMENliT You have beecn weariag plais and sombre colors for aloe host few years. This loll we have a comcptetoeolisnge. Sole will pefer the plain, while thie more esthusiastic dresa- era will adolpt the sew colors. The goods ahown are grey and trolls tweeds with ac dash of bretaht caolerisntplids accolstripes. You wit in aice Obieautiful display of these fai c le asoa ocStile of Overcoattna.-s in iterarys, Mltoccs, Caster. Fur and icatect Beavers, Ebkinios, Shetlands, Astrakhions and Chin- ehililae at S. Wtt. BURCHFIBLD'S. Mlerchiast Taitoring Store, No. 6 E. Hturos St Gentlemen ewishoing to be informeoren tce proper anccdoorrect thing iudecs are invited to calloasd see me. I matoe a specialty of tDress Garmecits and Street Costanoes for Ladies. DO YOU DANCE? She. and SMrs. Pace Groscger invite those ecnsidering the cabjec t o daccncing to call at ilihe Academy, 06 Maynard at., apposite Schooi of Mhusce building. Na staires to mouni; Office and D cucing roomo on groucod floor. U. of M. PIN S. 0 HAIR BRUSHES S If pan want a real ntill one you needn't look any farther. Better take alookat'our tilitay Brshesa \ve cicIsell yosr caste and your pocketbook. 0 PsAaitusR' S PHARMACY. 46 S. State at. 0 We tlepionce orders iHolmes'Livecy car hacks and baggage. lbs only three crated rig in town, and the horses are all high steppers.9 SPECIAL. Sb. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth etallic Caskoets and Commlon Colins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 102PE. Washcingtaoo at. UJ OF WS. StHAVING PAROLOR aud itath- * roos. All tppoinl~mensirstcclass. Imparted and domesic cigars. Ladiesaratic- tiebhairdressisg and baithcing parlors. J. Pa. Trejanowaki, 30 S. Stale at. WHTLEN YOU WcANT your clothes cleaned, iTpessed, relised or rebound go to Msa Fiugerhe, over Sheehanus book stare. Lab- oratory aprons made to ardor. LTRADE -MARK 0