THE U. OF MN. DAILY THlE ANNUAL TIlRADE. + of4 1+ (I+tu+(aspar W~hitney Falls Agalnst Us- Ills Mistakes.1 Published DIaily (unay excepted) during____ lhe College yeas, attoleltisuoflasr eay THE UgIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. caspac WVIitlnhy as nia~tis il innal tFicEl: Times ibuilding 7N. Maln at., opposite tiraile against Velersi athietics. At- past office. -ierii iiiiiiiilg S E' lecli athileties land T HESTORE. SEVEN DAYS OPEING SALE r Mags<,ig-,eiilgift lfrnm ours(isoalDepartment. IDimnes Set lseilandt- Best Decor- zsteslUiist.aielemill be ivenaayo purcasers i ourelak Dspamatfur 7 ,Nov 6to23 EDITORS. lhetir i-s tiel is le (ors wilil GREAT CUT IN CHICAGO PAPERSLowney's Chocolates. J. A. llOs, 9, DIMoa tosgEitis, G. it. aits, 9.r, As itati. loflitSislnilisii, lie uyls: Call anti get piles. Hot Lunches. C. C. (ty Gie, ti. oAsetaii. Turn tIsthei-MeliianioeaLni. which P. . Y . .F otA JA -attP . . EsAsses-96.9Jli i n, ~Alletie lte. ui e lel1i 1 s n is . riosisty Nes Said. UTT A~t1E '' 8 ~. State ft. L. . Wsoiii i:. iisiaos aiiigs. year. 'fhey hiive layedl hill.Ilit ll 46 E. R ,' ilisin St. Associate Editors. Princetoniiiilliiyei.salhogh lie.w is dils- -'°°= RBENTSCHLER, L. A. Pst, 'l. A. I. elti-i',8" iiiiliieil froni emnglsliiiW-,ersill ST UDEBNTS r Ita~tq ~~t +a.t+~: . A. 1loughlttcs, '931I. G.C. li.tmitS,1'N tecellegialle Ahileill il g Ihit I ou305 5 rtihl iife iiiiii(-ecall t . Kathinie Sees'S.. l. < aismas,'l9SM. - one ii Sl ficee No. . ANN +IARBOR. MICH. I. IB. A0ollesiy, '5. 1t. It. ileilly. '9. sil;east beinig a lrofil si osi 1,(1iFurh I e R. C. IBuck, 199 51. Ssanahi Ilicdsos,(eft, li ir endic ii slil lsitiya, was F. A. Miser, i11I. K. Ctciocs, '8 L.- W. WV.Iluglihes 1cffii ciihllf a (o ii uifferent iiliiie- M m' Tue psi-ec the Iailywiilrsuss-ia ashiee- niu'sSciisto icor. IL oil' , fonierh- Sfoo, $. si yis, iversislty ini sdvsnce, lthe i guilr, 55 iS is ne0,0. c siarthrU H N asow.h ilols l hiflii tS 7that pali aliioU B E L isll eastsll 1 ii i siiiElatecst oIij Nola, lhs bienuBluiehti:111l Positively Lim~ited 'to® Decem°9ber 24th! Of coilrlt i-s-rsoes iti...,down...oii rought.ra badltois-hiiiNhhial, andil s hli- Neeragais wll theebe anioihi peial Ol'ersmad o iIs reutStn1n51ir i 0 1iaair and Encsycoelsiidiao fthe Wrli's 1+noiedg-i-le. We0follye !ts o avacet0 10 o 1OtI r IDil1:i-i uliii - 1S. f ioiisetoo ia11117-slndyin, thl-' lo-. 75111 sb-ll - li, bstithsainds of people I. It il Iitis ilfli-ias oqseessieIa o ftm ni h!tn -Aftescarelonsoidcieaiion e hail'decdehd t tises 155eeciel Oilb ustiliiiaioveasohe. This ei-t-eysssu' isRsxioslllyiiit0-i- li)li. le al 8155 50511, fili fouli r; :t. a 1117--S l ileie elisly iiiioly s asmels of adeeselattisodrfl si sei'csiie il iliiieile ~i. Ia utexectietosimakestoiei-yitis ofe,isise verysowierice i e-sirsemyierl er5silttslsn- ! wei i0 S1CIgllV (0 atP it ili it :11.I h .A en,\"sole1 i 1pys os lepi-sues usdeb idisg: 5u1 ie tremsndossleouofalk ocreaed sill lybo ss sll ,Is islllisl-t-- "lil I . . al.51- iliil.l0minitimodeiiaii s-loEfate lioie teferee lirry. Niadvetiisemei0515a1 io t iokiush--Iils iowds miieost eiitocte, eentslys-dopedyieuebhois o t.t Les, le., al moly ohe itises w5ill liioti be 5s05,blonii (i.Nr 5 10E'Ca lli C l--in 1 1eli-t he , iby 110;"7'-ri pefeeceeoll otheeOictois ad esyeo@dls Iiseqa toie a ciillege Wuiosl. anseueem1ia 051i--ii. hsli-o iaia--.s~y i FOR A CHRISTMAS IFT NOTHING COULD BE BETTER.i Your I iuii, sp aso, tehe, frend, prents, se yueechldreeswillpreceiae ts get wis ey sod 5prs55-ite oeo actsn~sa:t ln twllsaiehendawy iestsato.N uies rpoisorla~erhrsu flll,11t11 ti(.11:11 il' il. 11( Iii-ig~ll i osn, iseli oluseweran y othile p eso iwho wisistoel-p arto f thii e limlie, wois it - lelll. Tis \-a 1v~il. ,tete'i 07. \'it caefueinvlaestigstio, Udesisd,thigealw-rkembsodiesl the fetures of asoamplee Oliomery d a therough Ensoylspmdis. Teeesand etirely up-io-thtims ixnlly ihlti-tieriiitirsiS iliiihe allhli-i-s i sf )IlCR . - ill il i a~lli' 11h11 ii' udto I sslslsCornell lil a iy ito llpus'Inh i Selisl i rlgi. wasthes.uppiiui'i hll 1 b utsiy liitoI dusnoth(s's-leavsii'tIslooksu s~s uu cy ic i ti n r lici~iIs nwfeed all readies of this ppeathe erae of ye. per dy, Is mnihly paymesisof1$.00 se, Iil'iilld ' uii'' u-'lii lte l I t li'iusi-uushii'rf: is l; It-ly- .11' l ie C natal -th''' s umi11 o f R f. is sai. ThiSs i a l l mi oesal ii o i r theirii i price tha\ilins's-ul1175lisa her thes'r ls'i l'isrinsello tI'll 1'uirsriilsof, if Sli-i- s. e 'tlHunser, ARM., F..., Prefs. HxleyMorris, Herrtge, Etscls, Williams, et., lh~si asisd by soresiof oher spcialitsin aros brahelf knowlee.u of'u sitss-henit s-silaso itle histoiry of g In )luly sasuu ii f titslue iol fsi- _\\ Don't forget thii fiuetbull 1.1 llsiof tliii'oIssisil -hk idis t lull uris1li, B851uviof C.- this special ofc ve'i'5c(S. T'is-it-u' l-u scs'mlclitlid l A. . wo5 ~uld )tlo:2o n lauliid. Ii -- = ~ai"fer holds good solsainiiifotbll,in 103ad19,trdBi ~u12 liii esty s: 1. on yunt l ctime Mih ( iiu, 515 115hed. AP]', n, ii-r hul l fiult1ss-n',Christmas Ee, .\i-lisu 55i11lil.lilrz "-- at whih time 'Op, .A lli'- ncilli15ii) ''ei'i I-ailtisihmCssn-s till lst 5l~-the price will 1111i155', C hlis'e-fou-i' s 11ils11 1no ILf71111 'S eusissi oice il ut01 'u-siOi'sllisihe 1 I i555i( I, 515 cs I tek I be advanced to t otliut u rs 1111 slhtoi5 do siso d. Clnl- 1111(1hoen u lulls'bys hum lsl is o t°ly'roa iruesi 5$42 t 7 e Ilsiilii uof lre'osi5m1a1y libe i l ii'IrIsis'' ism it SIS-Liguiitolci-ii 5set, and abso- fIvor, biuull. 11111,oullslis susi going lilli'hshs ouc'i 111'Co0i:01fst i vSst! :' - ltely todevia 1515 any linniuii- io thatss -oicilerliol but ilhatlhiss brotlhr. 1'usrods IHolhle, s~ OUM Y - r,-" se z ?ICI, ,ion from these i-Cns-he5111-i' s oniithe iselld. uils saccel'lt thesslio tulitssli isf p '/ ' pies will be Asub*.to oii-too imla1515'noultb u it isf off(uredmulsio)1 lu -i te i~- ls.' II I - I-g"5 made. It is not plicet hosmghiperhaslit is huliees- lise', i shoiulh'ussulmr1e~to issui' B--co ae nbo s:1'y', Ltiisthaist W il lbl' riiiu lar uslohllds uuluhih irsiueu'. C lu ;o stores, and can I'Sill _1i151'i5iiliiiS ~ nliI 1(hsshuonly be obtain- oropnnsi.tloow' ots (shly Khissblt-Iil s-srsii 1151 l'er1114sed from us or ore i0111 niestho IWshiiiiees ill5'lonla7i. i s3'1r l('(olsidliring thus fac lthat- our authorized of co'iillr''siili usnid esteemii i sisie. Sgis thit dirtobr off sllilticsetheie,' TheFoaaboem s sib a omnes ,rodtonsoasof 57SF FS'fi'idECCLOP high ihN bot4tsICDTOAY reprosnaie Th ley hiave' iaseieiiil7s0 iiles ts miii ills,,is, thisac t ho lstsil !;r~isig Over $70,000 Required to Produce This Magnificent Self-Educator. 11; almoat 1i5 sr IS i (our 1155111 5lu in:0 A'.li, 5'tlii o uf 11ills illmu s-lu '-un.ItsI is a Cmpilee Dietionary of lbselEngishlsngage Fvey sword is exhastvely teaed as t Isoiin; dllrdeeopimnt, etymloy,irnuniationeandvariosimeaninhgs. Inle siil Ua l~ul~h i 111 asIt is aThrsg h nylsl'dia oatmy, boanylchemitry, szoology geology, art, mimie, t~icsisl isl'is'hl'gsuu ~ hul ncris-os- asriusiee pysbls, phlosphy mshaild, hisryimyhlogiy, iluilslainolede, e CollrCttsS ' lidos 8ci10 u rii'111)1 ' li''i' isllss il Ir lasia Suprb0Libii a sy(to, sbstantiaily bond, prited from 505 pates, islsge cetype, 11 giill~i~lll itiori, adlli (el o SI iclibe ppeLidsil lsrteid iihhiosas; ofe iii seso mbsssde espeilly fr olutoak 1151 ofilisi' ffsi-i (sil' isl'S tu- ~ s~ii esueied Iris-ibetter tieanallire diliaaries, beaius'ithelatesiinssof Worossteeesssisiss hst 11,000 lin fteeefrs b urAM rnn osimlsmforl aalsary.,h]sing c eadwrsonsod 2,126pgses' le iseseontausinsabu110lase osiliani2,11piges; the Sandad contians bsu litte ers0U00so'sosooiids adl:38ipges, andsevea'de Centuiryontalisbut5,000 5.SOs idsefe ~illfor versit5',The]is' lnonis. 'hs's'ii siill (tiueoiul ni iirsl lpag.) Q0to100.llisi l-.sopi s of sassass Ikis sli fse 5su to $550. This geoiENCCLOPEDIC DII- liTo~ 115 ION ltY, ess 0~ ,-7 rgsoe,000 ilbuso, oiiesl otau hadsome voumes, has sver 010 toply -o Sraugs' gronids andsi____250,000________________ orsda50000 eylopeis suesadis siIthuacooeped athriy ofthe Englhlagage. before a hiotile croiwdltomourow l~ ine Opinions-Thousands More Equally Good. 1 o sin g ®r uir Thu Icyo yeas leDicieioaieiseed fruse is ft is the getest tm-see amog all my books aftmrnoso, anolte it lued e of06tClis te p'bl' idchoollregvngcel u lebIsatisfacties, ofre feits-e.'heerls noheiork of sisytimes Ails- sniehsie i r aioni isoflll eledigs lsleandcostthtcanfoe asmomentcompr latiohiuililhirms-il sily tliiins Is \We have left a fair sloek of othr-us an Un daidgss-ee-iis peefyoursotrke lh tNr.S V i~rB ,51br allsors f lavsoth15 ingt edeireand th-esy ir llsi ihmal espeasokthtivry studntdhoma hub1s of xris-hsitlldih 6io lsr f el co-u seid silo he desiseot aodetdss possis shulpssepss -Goa. Ge.T. Werts,of NJ. 1111 bethere t Cl~t C'i-islapitosnsmillerlse, yet o-aes se Thlso al umiirei hmrSiehilgab losint, 211l dossei"iara o f ofimpotant topcs,,es c,--amsTeayussD ieiossyCess the dictioary long,sarh thrhthe moreeeicume m e-warihihdmmyinoveheetuiry ie Standard ITN TABLETS cl s iis Elmer E. Leer, flhemnote,lr.ime ui siseisldisas if pii'hstmd os mterms. W e r (e Stson cmmral o.75.taeC. idhsredes Come quick for first choice. , Pamphlet of o specimen pages free on receipt of 6 cts to pay postage. 0 frouto campus. Neat and ight fur.. 23SoEihht, Dised.-Argun Printing House. Syndicate Publishing Co, 236 So. Eight t,P