THE U. OF M. DAILY. Do youuintend to get a Suit On Overcoat? -CALL ON- Jos. W.Kollauf, The Practical Tailor. My make of Dress Suits pleases the Students. Prices very reasonable. 103 . Washingtoa.St. (Upstairs.) Ann Arbor, Mich. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a Specialty. Every requisite for the game. Jackets, Pants,Jer- y Sweaters, Shoes, Caps, 2.1. . elts, Stoclz gs, Ivorrl Nos Mast, itubber Most- iee,Sbi Cutrds, ead arness. Spalding's Oicial Intercollegite Football mustbe used in all Match CGame . rice, $5 00. Spalding's Of'iciaiFootba Guide-New Rules-Pictures of all the Leadisgt'layer. Price, 10 IO.ts, Indsomely Illustrated Football Catalogue sent Free. New York, Chicago, ibildephia. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twelve years of teaching in Ann Arbor with a toll of 65 pupils tt season are a srfi aent guarante as to our ability to teach dancing as itslhould be. All classes are un- der the personal instruction of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Members of the American National Association of Masters of Dancing. For itformation regarding classes and terms cat at the office ground floor Ii Maynard st. Circulars at Music Stores or Mailed. M00IE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, 1HAE A COMPETEE sOCa Ow UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Stuesto Supplits. Fosntain Pes, Fie StationeryhSprting Goods, etc., wich tey slfer at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 550000. Surplus, $15,000. Resources,1,100,0tl- Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts casied upon proper Identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. Ow cas: ,Ch ristian Mlack, Pre. W. D. arrimanVice Pres Chas. .tisno>ck, Cahier .1 . ritz Asistnt Cahier. 256 S. STATE TOOP &CO 1 ;STREET.+ Call on them or fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. QYM SUITS. Overman Wheel Co.'s Gym- nasium Suits are ac- knowledged THE BEST. All grades and sizes at the lowest prices at It W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. .9 NOBLE'S STAR A New Camera! Clothing House 35 S. MAINST. 0 d k y - aron the pocket nook to pay $5 for a fashionable Derby. Why not buy our Imperial for cl-3.0O. R£G/5TE"ED We have just received the latest N2 7.227 shapes and colors LAMPS That have smell: The New Rochester, TI dent, The Princess Stu with iatesst itupruveme quality of goods, and a 44 South Main Street. perfect combustion and do not smoke or he Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, nt. We sell what we advertise and guarantee re never undersold. DEAN & COMPANY. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. called "Josh," and the first number . at makes a very creditable showing. Miss Clara MeOmlber, '95, is teaching WatrDfebuh 9,wols at Alena.Walter Deffenbaugh, '97, who last at Alpena. year started the "Maroon" at Chicago i.0. sln. '9,eUniversity, is now assistant sporting Saline schools. iditor on the Citicago Inter Ocean. Fred Dodge, '95 D, has a very fine Van Doozer having been compelled positiun in Australia. to withdraw from the Northwestern A. J. Ladd is principal of the Union highschol t EsinreCal University eleven, Clay Allen, the high school at Elsitiore, Cal. . quarter hack, lion been chosen to suc- Miss Nellie Malarky, '95, is teachingqreedehimhasecaptain. in the high school of Minneapolis. Th man's at n .. The Woman's League and S. C. A. 0. 5. Osenburg, '94, is principat of held the first of their three afternoon the granimer achaoolatEiniore, Cat. receptions in Newberry Hall from 4 to Edward Sims, '94 L, is in Chicago devoting his attention to marine prac-Gdyigtewwy, inosuents. tice. ducing new women students. Lice. Stagg is quite ill and will not be able At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- nished front suite rooms, furnace heat 1o coach the Chicago eleven for Ps1me and bath. Also table board for a liiii- ays.ied number. About 140 new women students have All track athletes are requested to now registered at the ladies' reading rtport to me at the athletic feld he room. tween 3:30 and 6 every day to work The University library will hence- for the fall field day, October 18. forth be opened from S a. m. until 10 D. R. STUART, Asst. Capt. p. in. daily. Trade at Schaller's Bookstore, 19 E. Miss Florence Barnard, '95, is teach- Washington st. 23 ing Latin and history in Mt. Clemens We have the celebrated Swan Linen high school paper and envelopes to match. W. W. Griflin is not practicing law -IROltGERWAII. in Chicago, but is at his old stand Very pleasait 1001s at 30 Church st. Furnace heat. A few, boarders over Wahr's bookstore. desired.30 C. A. Bowen has finished his course Fine U. of M. Stationery at Schal- at the Andover Theological Seuinary, ler's Bookstore, 19 E. Washington st. and is engaged in ministerial work in 22 Boston. For the biggest (360 pages) 25c note FA. Manny, general secretary of book go to Schaller's Bookstore, 19 E. the S. C. A. for '93-'91, is engaged as Washington st. 21 principal of the Moline high school for Lower suite at No. 3 Thompson street. Furnace and bath. Ibis year.r r 4Single roOm and three suites, No. 2 So far there are 347 enrolled in the Thmsnsre.Func 'n ah 'Thompson street. Furnace and bath. College of Letters and Science, Engin- Coed board at No. 29 E. University erring and Agriculture atG Wisconsin avenue. University. Suite, suitable for two or three, at Miss Elizabeth Eberle, who has been 46 E. William. Ladies preferred. connected with the Duluth high school, Newly furnished front suite to rent has returned to resume her studies at at 4 N. Fifth avenue. the University. Room for light housekeeping, 49 S. Chas. A. Dennison, '94 L, formerly University avenue. managing editor of the Daily, is in Whisk Brooms for lOs at Mum- Chicago practicing his profession at mery's. Fine toilet goods and brushes of all 184 Dearborn st. kinds at Mummery's Drug Store. Delos F. Wilcox, '94, was in the city Room and board at Nro. 8 I+ores± last week before leaving for New avenue. York, where he has been awarded a If you have rooms to relt, advertise fell-wship in Columbia University. in the Daily. The University of California now Rooms at 26 E. Jefferson street. publishes a. humorous paper. It is For boarders advertise in the Daily. } L r i :, i . c i i Z VI t t' . i- ''.1 py L 'n M m M4 a w O w v Co 1 THE HAWK-EYE, JR., Will accommodate film for 25ex.andisloaded andunloadedin broad dayfight. GlassPlates can be used without any extra attachments. PRICE, $9 Including Sunlight Film for 12 exposures. Send for Catalogue describing all kinds of Cameras and Accessorien. The Blair Camera Co., 471 Tremont St , Boston, Mass. LAW BOOKS! Buy all you can afferd, for present and future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We shall be here for a few days only. Callaghan & Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICACO. AT SCULEEDE'S, 50S. STATE ST., Arbr. OPERA DOUSE JEWELY STORE General st vk of Watchers. Jewelryand Novelties. Repairina of Watches. Jew- elry, Gold Pens, Rings and Spectacls a spe-lalty. Cash paid for old gold and silver. C. H. KEYES. CHANGE* W. 0. Palmer (formerly with E.tE. Clalkins), Isas succeeds-i Bassett & Mason inshe Drug iausiness antt 5- tate St. 8EE HIM. HANOSIERFRI CATERER, 2 E.0Washting- Stons-i Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 s. State St. SPECIAL. OFM.SHVNGS PARLOR and Bath- U. roos. All ppolntmcnts Sent class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. It x w .,_ ..w_ ~_K ww .._, _ __ . ._.. _. .. ,,