~ijc I. o ~ Wil p VOL. VI. N\o. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUB SDAY, NOVEMBER '21, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. R."- M = ='-1fII- 19- M IrtT, l1 C LA SS APPIN IT MENiTS.' CHEAP HOTEL RATE. NE #* Manager Baird Has Secured It a O E GUITAR ,,,COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED FOR Chicago. IV, GRADUATION CLASS. 0011 Is eiioiigh for one person to _____ifefooig ve it'lvdii,'i S play on at one tine. One I4 I List or the Members-Class Decides atari3no eog, hsecagotto tid: suitabhle accoinlielaliolls osf gutrisnteiino t~l'j~ to Wear Cpand Gtwn-Auditing NH ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- Committee to Be Appointed. for the teant during their slay, lMao- dents. '[hat's why wva have IM lger Baird has decitded to accteplt till 00 eonstttntly in stock several ! A ileettag- of the'seilierglosst WOO otferef theie iiago BIilitHotei ('0. 1pdozens of goiters of various 11Ntheld yesterday aifterlntoolnii ill 11111ome-illanlilies that all sitidenlts azccein- StBETTER LOOK AT OUR 00 liitt'l's for lte ytear wereI.'atltlalilel. maket'e tit l their Ilea tttntrters. U. OF M. GUITAR. lii'fit' tllll sltit of oe a;tiche lt p t 1(t tItii hfie ftlhtwillgis the copy of a, lttr It's good as its caine. i ltI ili iait it lt3't ittt l 'rt'cio-ett vesleriley: THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN C OtI tere '.eetiti to be cery altiltt oip- "ly~ Dear tltrt-Titeri' ias 'teen $4 S. MAIN ST". ~I itiotl. 'I le ttilnftheittlime l1'of s5m1) 1 po1slttllcee'1111with ty 111h ,IstlIrt ttf the tltss ill th it lli. 'It]is elgo Btetch tiottl htas tmote a vtery So a(fn h lret n otttulnlittee will bito itle'ltli ina(favtoroable pooz tlllnaely if the1 opltelrsto antiof to" em4~lwsetoterI lte I I IE A T H S A Nt tfo l l o i t g c o m m , i tt e e s f o r i i i " y e a r : l t t l t t e l l g t h e a t e t o t i e t a m a n a t l t gBorsS ~ ~ ltit, \t'. power,..I. lot, V A.Cal.dweltl, B. G. Ititi, i. 0. Ewngtl, "'lits is vtety fair, is. yen will see, iti the city. XWe itak- llhetnto 1 i. tom; ac, BH. t. itt~kdig t hi n; lttyott ctnnott affo~rdtott otrder, in ttty colotr,tlesigtt or. I t)ion.- U. A.tPra~t, chioilllatl111.Yot111 5tOi l l i t stl eie.B '.IV. ?L. LI'wisSNI. S1"1I. t in iittiy iby goliigiteet'atitdtty willI G EO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN,. aSseI.AeIateteE eta o il av ilafwses Engitaved visiting caeats we sup- ttlen tni. tlot,'I:li'olfntil'tyl'trl eit.lttll' ply ini five days. 1 tt ti<. hearl'frttmi 311oui 011.oe ________________ 1:1itOl.-t . J. ltl'Btlte. ,chatir- "Rtespectfutlly, SHI- B AN & CO.. 111; Mistes ('11:1 11 it ,l'4-t tt, "S. F. HAWIL.X'" '30 s. STATE STREET. tlt'orgtt;ianI' . hBlnt, tetarl E. Rtioie _____________________SEND IN YOUR NAME T7CTT .~i "1 ssso'. *.1Af. Lit)If1. 1I. f1i ekty - VVAITT .r) - A.1 ".It tt.tlri+. If You Intend Going to Chicago HAS THE RIGHT lING-. LETTER FROM LAWRENCEVILLE.- N. J.. ALUMNUS. Comments on the Philadelphia Ledger's Account of Michigan- Harvard Game. 'lit followingglettter is frtinllgl. 1t. It. 'rttyntan tof tis ciity,11111' of iciclganl's grelatest p13lars inl 111 etarly'tay-s of footballtiert', who was tttirNvtrtl itt13,:1 Etlittor U. of 11. Dtily3: (I.edHurll ofLa enevll e, . ofB-ll Iear 'ta o i theslbouthe fil~lptstilW Ielr acc1-sofuien lt t tileU. fC1.-of B. h.i 110011'o til5e t11of itiai1 otn La- gitnills ttfdthelbeteis.a'Ws 111111 as aftal'el isthu~sWtiattas wott id thet to fli'sit'onelto thphesihcl ditllr giathsiofthe e'rttf. Ue ttsithe1.'as game11111ndihis ttiteic itlthpof it this tO'111 stlol lltsoi tsuanweab ageolthaBr. wadtrotelilt' itat it'streafdB.t'de- fendttheir Alma f Motcter.v Yaoturs;ih eetterhtreeraedto tis wtharegardi esptecialyWntiofthlt lggreiga-aiio o THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashiottable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The L'argest Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. 'VILID A TWvTA HR'S HAVE YOU READ IT ? "College Girls," By Abbe Carter Goodipe. Il- lustrated by Charles Dana Gibson, For opinions ask your neighbors. Now on sale at WAH Rwn 'SDan ow. A: " 11 . iti ri.rui::i. ". 14t i'IL-xW. -A. F,' ttts, chltrl-O.:i Moo" e~s EdthlC. loses. A i-c-i Nt. I't'ttti, Aittefel,' B N. Orshortlo tind 1 e51. L. C. 1 ti' 1 W.. I.C. Dt'WVitt till-i K. B. A-,etoi'd Cl-s Bto: H-(. I. '.Wottots, 11111ithtlltl Mtessrs. icrk' Latlirap. A Il. f IItic, It. C. IXel,t'.tll(t 1 itc Misses Al;,-'-IBrown, At l t'w~tr and 10,.ioat K I ."npsteai. It xwiii he sees thatltttlt'atbtveois ao tery ftair tdivisiots of commltlittee m tembherships accordlinlg to lte 'ariotls fttctionts of the. class. 'fTe proportion otf r'epresentatives of tile fratt'rnities anditserorities, engineers and regutlar inldepiendlent literary sttttent~s is as nearty as possible in the ratio ef the thlaloters ef these factions in tile class. After the above appeintmentls vera rate it wvas decided by thte class that an auditing comtmittee should he ap- pointed to approve the hills inlcurred by any of the various ceoniltees dlur- ing the year. A meeting ef tile freshnman class is called for this afternoon at 4:15 Wednesday. sttintg that the requtisil'tenmbef of personts 120111 tol tagrtetdtito go to C'i- cage, andlthtth ti orate 1w05sttertty hits not becen sectttedt so ftit, btc t{l tie if tilt stttdentts atndt citizt'ns sill tegister tiieir' utiles 'igitt 1a10ay, thu jtotghs whteoimtkt' tlt it' ateamirt igill so assist thte manallgemlentt in lila ef- feits to givte altlt chalice to ole Ite great gamle of the seastli'. Dtnot11 tput off registerintg 3'ourtr te't tItil A 1spt'cti car w1ill be attachted to the traint fecrhttdits atttialargeittutmhetr have OsignifiedthirIfintentiont of goig It tile exctursiont. Freshman Social. 'Tic'kets for thte freshmltan: social are geihng very fatst, and ,s the ntttmtbter is himitedl, these desiring tickets sheuldt purchase tile few left of thte cottmtit- tee, whtichl is as follow's: Messrs. Keith, Boyntons, Griswold, Toetter, W. L. Black. tile C'hictgoAtltit'AsscAtittn l11v11 so reteittly madettt'hetirustuol exhtibi- of Pennssyitltania. htriulge gttne. Stuccess to thtemttit thteirt' Thanksgiving tussle." - Saturday's Game, Cttrrittge spauce andi reservetd seats for Saturday's gaeettDIetroit are ge- iIig ve'ry fast. tarties desiring thte sante Cintasecturte them by13sendttintg ltir althications teoIV. 'V, Httghes, Phli Kappa Psi Httuse, or wvirinlg Wright, Kay & Ce. ttr Russell House Cigar Store, of Detroit. Advertise in the Daily. Univrity ttS ooktore, O 4osi5. Male SLt. o'clock in thte hIleeop lecture room.--