THE U. OF X. DAILY. MIGHIGAN N~i W Time Table (Htevled) May 19. 1894. E po Mail and Ex-__ -.3 0 Mail - 8 4 b N. Y. Special -. 5 00 N. Y. Special... 7 30Me Eastern En-__10 1 N. S. Limitd...,2a5 A. M. Pacific ENa-117 4Bb AtlanticEN.... 7 47 .M. ta iribeo D. N. Express...6540 Western Ex .2 00 meat is ast.ayme toubir adertAcm 1. R. Eapres...ti10 Chi. tE...10 28 bIsl, wIciprtpaetend tem asnapprivll.. Ba -G..Ea . 557 won eantnil ihebicycle arieaand povea . W. RUooiLnS, . W. HAES, satiacracy. . P. & T. Aft., Chicago. Agt., Ana Arbor Young Ladies ealoSwdoon sh T* r rs Iap ply lemst be welreom- T., A. A. W&A N. KX . meIe. isCcpaiclaa Taking effect Sunday, April 7,104. ACME CYCLE COIPANY, Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand ELKHAT IND. Ord time. «, , ......+.. 8:7 am. *715am__________________ *12:5 pm 11:0am.AN ARO -4:1 p.m I 9:00 p. m.AN AR O Going North at 9:15 a.m.- Goin Soth t 8:5 p in -ighs Gloss ani Domestuic Finish. Trains Sunday run betweea Toledo and Bambarg Juncttion only.- *Tains run between Ann Arbor asd Toedo E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Al trains daily exet unay.O Ac23P S. FOURTH AVE. W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo .- ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. A Request. Time Table, May 26, 1895. Reders of the Daily will con- Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., :00, 8:99frafvo nteEitr ymn ad 11:00 a.m: 12:4,2:15,5:00, 6:d5, 9:39anad tioing this paper when dealing 11e:00 pm. with advertisers Leve Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, :39 and 11:10 a. i. :11, 2:4, :30, 7:5,1:00 and 190 hr sro f 110dtralWat p~. SUNDAY TIME. for s veral good calip5tl editors frosn FALL GREETIN\G Leave Ypslanti from Cogress at.,1:30,3:30, various deparments. Candidates foiols oodr15 pC lasc Leat5:ve a Ass:0 ArborJunction, 2:00, 4:00,5:30, ithese posiions9 nay obtain frther in. order 150 up Troserlgs o order $;.75 700 and 9:3p. m. fraio-pn plctinrCtelane saig. Iying Prssint iand Repirng Cars run on city time ae: single trip 39 omtonuo plcainT he'an -pca ty cents: round trip tickets 29 cents.anigeto.FR H X&GE Wa. . PARKEn, Supt. ouigeio.FO>A LN S E A i e rc a t T a ilo r, 2 . ta te at., A cmA r b o r . o~ia ~The New Model T. O.&cC. y. K. &M.RBy. No. 2 Improved Solid throughtinsis between Toledo, Ohio, -A e i a and Charleston, W. Va., via Columbus, the shr n nydrc ot.BTENToledo, 0.. 8 0 Findlay, . Kenton, . Columbus, . AthensO.Typewriter!' Xiddleport, . Pomery, o. IS NOW READY. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Te- Richmond. Va.Th latest model of the nirs uccess - Petersburg, Va. fsl lowpriced typowitr. Old Point Comfort Va. New Ideas, improved costtructio, btte Williamsburg, Va. fis, and greater sped. Sold by he mak- ers direct at a price slgtly above the man- Bewport News, Va.uactsfiincacst. SndS for catalogue and let- Norfor, Va.teecWritenciwith it. And all sutheasern ponts. Elegat drawing room cars on all thiough trainis. _e }-yYERTRFrfrhrifraincl nyu oa r 4, Ticket. Aget or write.AERCA TPEW iTR O. MOULTON HOUtt,Orl Pas. Agt... Room27,265 Broadway, N. Y. -.Toledo, .. W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Aget, Detrot, 31gb.Advertise Your Wants MAMMOTH PIPE SALE in The Daily. -AT-- JOLLY 2&1009'. (c AcED CoursesoStdfoUneriy tuns Oc.B and 4,06 p. 13, Newberry HailsofSu y orU e-i tdns Removed to10 . State St., Sager Block. -Woman's Leatue and S. C. A. re- UNER enE AuIES OP Hotad Cold Luek-s at Al ous. Ception to -college Wooen. Oct. 4, 8 p. i., Newberry Hall-8. t+ t THE IESI.E CHAIRS. + f + C. A. oponing reception to all sin-u-____ R+'PA"N".S dents. -Oct. 4, S8;p. n., In Univerity Hall The following Courses will be offered during the year: -Mass meeting of Studens. "-The modern stand-; Oct.75, 2,30,p. mn-Var ity vs. Or- 1. The Life of Christ. 7. The Life and Letters of Paul. 'I r Fml chard ake. 2. The History of Israel 8. The Maccabees and the Herods. a ad FaiyM d- Ot -9, Newbery Hall-Bible n. 3. The Gospel of John. 9. EarlyClrh History. 'cine: Cures the, siue 4. The Blook-.of Acts. .0 iooyo isos Oct. 6, 0:15 a. in., Newbey Hall- 5. The Epistle to the Hebrews, il. Normal S. S. Class. 1co mnev'ery-daljy sdetAgells annual address. . The Philosophy of ReliggIo, 1. Christian Erthice, a ..; of Oct 12.-Vtarsity vTa Olivet. FritOt.o8,4 p]in, AhiticFied- it The Bibln Is the greatest textbook of civiliato. The Interest in its study grows Fri, Ot. 3, Atletc Nfol-. ithtime and was nevergrtecthan at present. Noo eons ustios is complete _without ll e -Annual fall feld day. a least a geeral snowedgeof the word of God. The raization of this fact led ts the 1 fondig of the B~in Chairs. Classes wll e formed Is ,the above Courses, is Newbery (unthers ia o Caudie at A. I "alla horstsnis~he cnenece of studet. Fpr full inormtln, call at the S. C. A. S ~~Mumamerys Drug Store, corner Fourth Bgaddisg, from 2to4 P. m., or address the intrutors. ave. and Wanhingonl St. G. P. CLRtISO55outh nivrsty Ae. ____ Sbsrtbe for P D Iy. 4.. U(1G7 s:49, 4i adnStet.