THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GENTPA1 Time Table (Revised) May .19, 1194. Sail and Ex-..3 50 mail -9_______843 N. Y. Special... 5 00 N. Y. Special--. 7311 Eastern Ex-...10 12 N. S. Limied..-. 9 25 A. M. Pacific EX---i II7 Atlantic Es.___7 47 Y M. D. N. Expees.... 510 Wesern Ex__.2 00 13.IR..Express ...li105 (h I. Nt.ExEs.--10 2 G REx's . .---552 0. W. RuooLES, 1i. W. HAYES,. G. P. T. Agte Chicago. A't. Ann Arbor NORTH.OTHn '12:25p.M 1 1:3 a.m 4l1 p Olp. i,90 ,n. Al t rains dile exscept Suna~y sTai run belceen Ass Asrbee ad Toledo only. RI S. GREENOOiD, Aent W. It. IIFNNFTT 0. P. A. Toledc . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Titan Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congcesos st., 7:10. :3 ad 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:1,5:W, :45, 9:15 and 10:45 p. mi. Leavse Ans Arbor Jusction, 7:1, 9:1 an cd 11310 s. o.; 1:15, 2:43, 5:30,7:15, 9.19 and 11:15 p. M. SUNDAY TIMIF. Leave Ypsilanti frmOn 75ess st., L:30, 3;30, :00,60:10 anid J::00 p. m Leave Antsi Arbor Jssction,2:00,d:00,5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. so. Cars essiosi city (lane fare: sissgle trips 15 cents; roundltrip tickts 25cos Wnrs le PAsKER aSpt SILK FLAGSSB .. lor t1:: Shsineota iCamseit Deris. Leaeordes cii. .. 2')S. Statce 9., Sages Block.1 Hoa t (is 4;lil Lis-.. ait All iiIai ar. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Moe1 t sloa oss psp n~ popry FALL GREETN. Sii-toodr;11.50 op; Cviscos- to odr4:.0 up sass01 V!sc-, leolds'i 175 clsjeing Dyig1 PesngadRearn FORDHAV & GLEN, SMen losit Taiisor, 20 S.Stale s.Asin Arbor. Ph ot og ra piher 15 Washington Block. lOOP CO~ ____ + Cnall on themi for Fine Lunchen, Fin.3 Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. "F[AW PINE" AS USUAL. Ste niliF r hav a One line sfimiported ao x"'+.3 EIlN.S" WM. ARNOLD'S' Jrwelry stiere. JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST. Ilot L.unches, Chocolates and Ilome-made Candics. A~tverti -e Your Wants i1 The Daily. SEVEN DYS PNINGSALE ! mlascigcent gift fcorn oar Cloask Departmti. Dinser Sct (ll isid's. ilst lDeo- T. 0. & C. By. K. & M. By. at ~is i -l es) sill bseigivens aw1y5to0puiichaser s isl isiibCloa epae ntiss fo,0:0 7 da sNoev~o. 16 o-3 A K } ' ] J oe rul ln et (c)Tl~ ho MACI Z & OJ.l/1F'A Y adf11 s;'. a. i cl~7bs h im i i I - I I I r WH-AT YALE THINKS OF US. [ 10'-i'ICEL __________ I7Thosompe91itigflisthue 23 cahi Growth of Football at Mihgan 1n pize olfessl by thisCasislofo lr a1 Last Few Years. sorsT; storyiof (be n-a1:1 tse f Yle III lii e11511-ial csiliolilenilg o te ytIl's ha- rine-ois sries lissit hive lhirs prodtsins iu iiby .JanuarylP5A2. growthlofhfooitball te itll e ~sAlumniii Theis li5ilsii illlliili r ods is1 Weekly 110as e foloingt11 sayi of i13 iii . I-or 3further ifiii-iii n l lul ai 3icligni dess, . THE (.09(1 LIAti. "I0 is (easy to recal11(iel irttIil l AVE-I()011, iaeonsignmllesst ef Ie east:ot h Anii n0 i Airbor1 lyli9r. Be-ls atiet. P. of sB. yellow 11mil blsic Ilgs fore tbe Salte t sl 111 7cln f ht eid anill filo . . LL I li .1 15EW iof lcsisil dyamt. liei- lu lhl ofl he Nso. 17 S. 9Staiecst. (Only tiireeiflor fisosm Cilipls. IHiaillandilligtl ill-- 1 irigl , i ent::is Stll scieedike nishei. ch libefoeit esi t clo ne. ( t:1 as I I 9119 1 0 01 1 0 1 1, a liiit ui,:sc t tE slsso.1a 111pity ito see tiseucs- 1 y51 2- lrlily :151 0 I i, f 3t.yellow lad i l It t1-13. (is annsihiiiateid. Isn vl r5:11lia; ti til ~blti1:so. 11,0l IC,12 i VN112.3 (1111 Oij i~i Sliil 9 s:1::il lll(111.l Ililie .. (::scer'lin,- it, no hale .0115 GEAT CPT IN CHICAG PAPERS port1e.1,1er iltheie0o:bel one li tlhis Cllad get 1rict:. sidi,"'00111. i i s-eem i it 1(t o ji: all, 111 U ivsit11 y 'News.stlns. 111ally lrms ohis-stlin s e ilt S t InlI4 E:. W illi1a1m0Sf. SWesl's11 lyslast 151SlmaysSvl ac1re11 OORE & VETBlORE noti war 1sii i i :i,iA. si l-i SI ii. i 51 3"n 6 S MAd ST. AND STATE ST, 5.1' Iilliloexp1essed:llya senimi90:is of CGN. - WL1M pityorthe Grand Opera I os. 1us T~o itrtois(tpc~i 11.tril 111 11 Lo ny's Chrl socolaes n l ig giIt c l s i s l i' t t l s ( I t hc l l i g( 1 1 : - i thU I C10 1 . H o t L l . h 1:1'tlii '1itlt-ame t aryi I i.' 1 0 t t- its N e h1andTSecond-Eand. lir' op1111u.it1--e lde the Ed19 itor 11of 1557l5051 111-I itt tti IX-111111 Astl~l .5.1-I Pg A R nOR. faSICH 1111 - itsii-, l-119 ietl p it:. e 151aeoe1 1511, in aisnr is -~n 1slssl~Gl 1111 1111111 ,,ldllfl 1111-ylofic111at if 5-111111 Il -hof 'I'l (111tir s " stoiil- 011- 111 i cd '.5o sluot, "12i ulsaon iis yet -. 0 iiI I CAT RE" C 1' , 111 andGsesbfore11 uEhai. I lIfs-Carl to O ery . %:1 i st filc 11 eur ig)it at1the1GrandIopera Loute;DooYoLun hhes IoIl 25.iT1111 pei a toi h ifvesii11111 luoIf ss hiy of . til. kills .rJlis 11HnrS, igS Sae t 111111 ir lostop io l 11iii- on f' ill ev1e1 prtodue0d. Ills-Theti t tlil 'th e 111501 ELEBRAE STA his rd o ofi 1Iies lIleue10 AmliiiNT ii Ii IICH (1113-ic ( ermlre)heldet o Safet y azor hone aTInd t.IenorITh! .1011hach ST 01110AS raieNTIIlpabovIIe;"21tCe brT. to, lyou rt of ibee $.f. Oho Sroping al ioo (~l osaet. Te s,"iceah701 wh a zor, nting flar CoEyEti aled bcute 1.u&a0. 2y0 'tS st f 130 a titof nc IrtSbJurgl.ItBaaseiicueswroie lg WEWNtSMhe FM TAE maly of(it-ket o "er a ilslOmus~it liiae (ose fohiosenr Anthorghadd(rss; TH toulhthey belo. PS.,TafS o etyRoit zorh Toledo, . Findlay, . Kenton, . Columbus, . Athen, . Mliddleport, . Pcmery, . Pt. Pleaat, W. Va. Iichmcad. Va. Peterebu~rg, Va. Old Point Comfot, Vs. Williamsburg, Va. Newp ot News, Va. 1! ottitkVa. Auni ill isusl cn n+,i ltIgaani 10 costs: gutilel-i- olI U 13 rc 11 rais I'r ht P03 a11 ir::el. t1: o11 11s i 3sslcal Ticlt-Agenlt o i-cl AOilAON 1(011:N, 0e1'lIFa,,.Ags.. IV. A PIE, li3iicln ts.-A-sut -Thc modern standcl w lard Family Medi- cine: Cures the w comonevery-day ills of humanity. NEW MACHNES3(}P ANiDREW HURTNER, III-> liiely t.c Ill(lit- 311 nlt illn- 0 11ix ii) it wSith th01 U . 11f3. hDaily Ievsr1 d}'is0111- stick, sd w os- snost situ 1 1113 futy-igh t ings idi- tion ittti I 1p11es1intIlate of 2.319 a leer 's. ill o i 1 (5:itlhr- ouhlyIs11 hOs ii1 iictiil , 15p-i eigall dOlhtil5s of110t11e 2Uivesisysaisiall lihe lsdet Wo Go6taatco regularstdelazserao telii ly-a t your dootlhlriis.1tihe en sd 110 ithe rolls-ge yerhitI'ttliriing youi promlpt, accurte Andi Siio()11 11111 report15 sof I tiiority event011s- faIltlly a11:11 Isa-inotics, sltil- htii saf1111e O-lat f a11htic game1s0, etlrtinIiistitOs, het-the a-u-s sof youir own nd1111the1-oher departmit15s it snsesh 111mann5e asIo trnable3111u1:tos -i)stssed rrgairdiriseery51thing lt3 I 1:111115( or psilsiliig ts theo livts ity Iheres no Cotradidi on to thie fact that tilt U. of M. Daiily is. the only 1115er1whith ean maks you thi sffrr. 2t has nll) ehseptit, r. I f y151 feel any interest irathe Ursivrsity you will receive mohure lhan; yori motley's wnorthi fromr yourshb- scrinition before tieSld of the foothall season.