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November 18, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-11-18

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311 '4Ni' optportunities aie there to tbe taken T H Ej B s roiR iE .
Du#llya datg obti wl eurewr: do t. Decisive victories overt' Mm' SEVEN DAY'S OPEININ G S.ALE !
(Sundg yarxcatod uigDe0 1( Ciaoae li r0 lt IonigC t sit from our (loak Depatmen. Dinner Set (lvilnd". Best Deor
iid iiiot have. Our c'ritis 1inthei te" in~ 'i, iii illciibei given coay to puichses in our Clouk Dpritmnet for
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, A Vest aedltckiigvestndao No1to te.
Deems:aTmencbuuingiN.g1'vinrsSaoppdite's\M A CKI & COI I IPA N.4"Y'
po oai Tm st of~ice.MiS., poiegalir with Piurdue. Let the footballi
J. A. Lekox, 'I, Manaing Editor. it hr fewdy that are sllt left jI1
G. . InuuSO, 9 L Asistnt t~em, ad w shllhea nomoe ev-The Views of Chicago. Wisconsin C o 1,y u
G. . Ses,'t, Asistat. and Northwestern. We hve left a fair stork of
C. 1). Co ay,C. L, Asitant. elitito. all sorts of
S. E. EsAres, '(i Athletic Editor. Wi' ci the followinig fromt the-
L. C. WLKn, '96. Business OMunager.Th Woe'Lag.
TheWoens eage orhwsten 'avesit o Cicgo WRITING TABLETS
tK. C. s-Aamp, '5(1N, Asistit.ttivrtyo('icg --
Associate Editors. The advisory atid executive boards Weekly andt Wisconsin Crdial r
L. A. Pta tt, '0. A. IK. Ptrie, 's. of the Womian's Leagueelelit e met- tetively: owshcn: ecoedota
C. A. ioughto,'9MO D. . ft. Dath. 996P. lng Saurtday at tie resitence of ltas."Th'le score of the recent taraud
Eatherine Eed,'(7. 11. hB. OstomostO 0M. MAMOHl20 AGETALEi'5
J.F.Thmsv7 . W. hughes, '5. Morio atid .avariety ofhbtsitess was Miuh lgagelii'wsnmost sitstiettity MAODRLT 0 AE TABLETP. FO 5I
B.. Mthay,99 t. It. tReilly, '059 ~ ~ ~ Oatw't'i~f . 5 ron R'IE AB'T, 0 P O
R. C. 13k'9M rat ce.Ms SolteIeget ilwetr e.I hwdfo GOOD WRITING TABLET, - B
The ic o th Dllysell e isasher-delegate to ie State Feder ation- f a colitaraiv e staldtiloin, the reation CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
talc e, Vl t a yr'ar, Invariably i advance, NVtietir's Clbs hld trecntity ill (rtttdiBEoStheReasernINtEt wABLETnfootb5i
notiutdstaiiding the fact that publication tRapitd. gate a fullntd tot itire'st tetamls, atit to or tltligitte showittg BETNGRANELEN BYTABETUIREDRLB
wil beconinuil xli t'wweoceie~. ~~ing repo i'ritt'i'ofi'heri't''ag a.ti itosttrtditabtlt' oni. Tie 1' IIG AE Y H UREO B
Ths tok iltntheou.urd
Tiii' Daily's tutteranlci'sts to the twhlicembet'llrs of thi' heauet' geterl- 5visity of 2dttitanistOto le nt't- Thi Coteck fofischce
itetessity of our wakinig tupito te im ly wilte iven ichtnce toletaist,. tlatt'd Oilthi' tamei sthichtraltilly+
pottititi'of thit'rteminderoof otr oot- A Itmotiotn to no theititlt'troilositIt'istlit in atie." rgus Printing Hou1Nse.
balt sediule stre oillasizeeiltit-t'dttraimitic eveninig ws ea ndit' cattr- Oft'course the tit1st0tihpotat ga1uzie
day tfternoon illa aIltnert'too tot~l' ritid,thioritfeintg that stch alilthor0'wsest, w thIe Imeetie ot litr-Cand Opera House
ble to hit'paintg. Oe thinitg most tottlaty utfttie thd sttengthlwasselsststititdittilMilign titt whis5p1ractitalit r'j I t IFIJrT7
he added thtosthal tas stid hthe, howt- rihtin rt'rtlhan lmBtfernhoonsstitt ly' tivictory -fir te Rest 111ith Inf 1
ee-r. iTihetsite'Unitversiiy tlolne giftedhatdith opi'Ctd omenl'l5'Ol(h. A stay it sounthe elle .11of tst~rt A. M I. Pal nier's
stas chatrgitd sith i tl~tiy tind etre-lthatlhr sf sttchi octsiotns ,ill thee-c-atiletttic speiriority. tUidoubhtedly' for tnlar opn i
lessnees, andttdhi e ttlilstas gisent-foil-i' li redtiin'hlaciterof theti'Dli- tisyoar, "ihilaiuliis ot al'arvii
cretdit for heitig fully tiwa~ke to thte sit- liatic Ehi'ttaiu leai~. hit' "big four" colleges. No idobt, +GT 1 B1
Datiton. Iitt'totlilth seemi fromn Satulr- MIs.tLlityd pjresnttetd it fillhrepotrt of mtoreoer, yer fr year, lichignt is T I~ I~
(ly's gamethai het the pliayers tito lii'teotatiite colllhittie's work inta betetr tolege athiticath haiiCt- THE SENSATION OF THE CENTURY
oulght to litiet'hiei'llini-cledh illthetsilhltiutiighet"ixess of fitihgutiltle,sthichliasitisttpltiet'amhog ti'
genertl criticism.The tliy, s stel as the univitinihg reaodig riiho ts'ow sed hisetil teEtst. Whethei'r Mchigati
the rist of ousit 5t't'11, mus0 trnl hy the cotuge ss 0111(10inl t'iiser'ty ca1i1u-tim a cirrisptndilg pc fs' Prices: 35c, 60c, 75c, $1, $1.50'
thai rs'putation alne is not tenoughi to 11a11. As nothintgioul be doe iii ~tliheuself is a ihlsto, nlfo1h, e
sin a foota lllm'. espeeiilylstwen thet'hsot of a veury' tonIsiderabott- oilol: sl iays udtlh'tie westeti sys L wfley S hocolates_
the (ilieinstare is staisswtrt and et iltay, and the Liague is desirous of s- trill of tallotsing giadates, tutors, Hot Lunches.
as hmse ttrde oilt ip hre. itg alt it etn ftr te netwquatetrs ii t'ht:tit ot.1pliay' 011 htr tetauisesli,--
Those ssho were'acqpuintedh sitihlittes for tnext years iti11 ytutheG irnsi- itly usfiotbai~lt tnth hatebtll. t-ilh- T V481.StteSt
the situaltion tidttlie(txpect to see ble11il, the ord tecied~(i not to fit up inuan is by 1n eluos aloe ill tils; i
Michigtanieeseniii ity-tinigike ittt'teitemrry iquarters as ltihad en is the uierstl pracice, wthicehi se RENTSCHLER,
hest Stturdtiy tind coseqtueity inltdeit efore. ire onloy'sostly sorkingoutt oil.tBut PHO' OC Pn.PH T'
counted oiltt ftairhy' close gamile. 'Tey 'hTO ameodmeits to thte costitutiotn as5lbng s se oes platy gra dute ANT A RBOR. MICHf.
ster re'tilytrettirethow10eve'l, to (f the Leagesere lropits(db li tis stutiteis, se stillin~o e ullowedois;is
see the ifless, disiorganizbe'd game Biteits.tiniica-crit'idtlhtttiioishy. One mntehrr of tny'eastrn egti. Inll SrTiUi D3E NTS 1
thatttwsas putt tp hy o' eeinsititit of thesintsrtedtthe wsorisas shil proatility' Mihigtn still atitmp~tt to Ofyou ant go I ehabe life insuranciie call
almost the 5very' bast,ttwheni thc gane e" iti elause reatig tohionotary maitinat indleiipendettsttnde tuly- ourthi ae.
had breni seliighuwrst-id frrd tfmenu errs,o rttd: "Al woiwn 71 'int hetslf teitier ithlir o1- ,4 1st AN oiem n tepid eal el uhv bean hllb ntrsedu uoascatn itooh"VttAtT E
afmte stay ouir trtam rtlieid andthstotved thur teagute aimis ntl work shatul I 1(0' rvr tihga ae at Y te is eanimmeu so stch of beutiful
11ihiesp'Stortay' shoted thaut the dtferene titytaihemtwos now ii fpl blooms Al
'hat they' couldhdo sshtrit itis nteces- e'lgible. to honurury'mmeshp"anvitmdcii a ll and sethim.
sary' hitrdly consoles uto for the sow- Thur othtrr titehtIidielt is Artie vI btwrtseit the East adtihe sest it o ~ i s& H L ,
ne itho which theysok tip. 'To e tand lter: "It siahl be tie'nutt~y'of footallwsamnuch l sightero tIhn 11ait Greehouses 2 S'Ciiierstyae
surte, our teamihu d tuithyet recoveredihi e txretitve bord to 1111e aixfaili ommtonly' bein supiosed. hisu 5di-
from thie effects of the tripl Etast andulri'tort of its ttorke to alloten mleetg ferrice, indeed, an statcely e bsid J f'T" 'T
the mecessay subsequnit retaxtihon, of the Leagu~te at leatsn' a yer." to exist as Harvard woiioty ot a
amnd ther loss of severtat tensas also A Motioni to pdaceolMrs. Fraces Bag- fluke ad sithi this exception te phay 3 I X I I
felt. Perhaps the gieatest hanudcp, ey, of Detroit, utd Oiss (lara Averystas even thrugnthout. 1uvi esw of this T 1 JK 1.
thomogh, wsa the eig ompelo'led to presitent of Michigan tia(e htedrt- excellemt sowig agtainst Harvard
inet it newstsl-h of pithy, tieruts of ton of Cubs, tpon the hoortry'lht thur games to hoehplayd tyMichigan-
last yea'uobeitng.usd tand Pouuruecon-i hof memtuerswsuca~rrid, anot hi this ear tilhave tarliratre t.
finimng er ttteition o mti lt athys. ottrd adjournem~d. As yet, Mician hus uttote of theur
This istvhatse muitst hrehrepared for 1eadituwseternm teamus. Te 'hi n-
NtIE sf ndC-li ~us ilbeteeeutret iaoadDin-Toecotupeing for thur S2 coatones tvih wvtlshowv hows h aui 290
sota hosteser, atd there calm he ns prigeofferred hyyte Cast-.uitiu for a an comparedtwitihi other teauis." r
ael excnse o offer. short story of the natre of Ytale - i
Lot it once miore hre'aserted. Milch- yarnst or Princetomn stoties must have 1,00MLES. E
Iga'sre hahoo i ut yt ic reltheir prouuctions in by Jaauary 11. Always a leader, the OhiCentsl
'fle nmaximumi nunter of sords is Lines mieae ticket, with latest adi- Ot
bt it must hae ithin thur next tent 2,00. For further Informaion ad- ions id the hst. Covering.thett _Big__
dan's. Esverythingu has worked itself drss, THlE CAS'1ALIAN. Four, B. & ., C., H. & D., Ohio Cn
out favorably. Chicago has beaten WANTED-From twelve to fifteenithea riteumravle ohr stpams, it EON.
Northwestrn and Wiseontsin and students to work on commission. Call isth avD EA LSaeer'Copnin
Mineoto hal beaten Wsconsin._ The1i at 6 E. Hron st. Subscribe for the Daily. Wei= $'I.

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