hIc Il.of "A T. WetilIn. VOL. VIf. No. 43. UNIVERSITY OF MlIC HIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1895. FOUR PAGE-3 CENTS. HONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to Iplay on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- 1 ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various H makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.O .ITgodAstsnae U. goF odaGUita . THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO., S. MAIN ST. Sheehan's You can find the largest and most complete stock of SWNEATERS AND GYMNASIUM SUIlS in the city. We make them to order, in any color, design or style desired. Agents fr the celebrated GEO. S, PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Engraved visiting cards we sup- ply ini five days. SHEEHAN & CO.. 30 S. STATE STREET. , " WILD, THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The Largest Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. WILD). ATWAHR'S HAVE YOU READ IT? "College Girls," By Abbe Carter Goodloe. Il- lustrated by Charles Dana Gibson. For opinions ask your neghbois. Now on We at WAH R'S Up Town ownwaTown. Uiverit Booktre Opoit Court Hose 20s.S tate St 4N anaSt. i AIICHIIGAN'S CLOSE CALL. LAST YEAR'S RULES AND MASS PLAYS NOT LOOKED FOR. Our Men Still Sore From the Har- vard Game-Play Loosely at the Start-Purdue Men F lay Toether.- ihe last hoime game of the sesn caine near being a defeat, the only one on lhe home grountds this year. Ptr- diue made tie strongest showing f atny team which has been here this year, san this, together with the reac- tion from tho Harvard game, cane iear being disastrous for Michigan. U7ntil a minsute of tie close tie 'Var- sity was ahead at n stagce of the gaime, Purdtue scoring tfirtotiouc- down in acti hal. Up to tie last three mrinutes ~ici- gan's play was slow and raller tos,'. Ini defensive they were tnder a sisad. vattage from tie fact'that they were iutused to the olstriles, so thatt'r- tiiie's imass plays, orkest to perfection. Thirete fought well, ut semtetdiin- able to check Purdue's advancesi io seconrd half, with the ball nearly upn to Michitgain's goal, they weie hotld- tog Psurduie ack well when an offside play gave thne latter the distance neces- isairy to rush tie ball over tielitie for tire seconid touichdsown. Michigan's ofensive work wa weak atrumuy potns of the gamre, aid they seemed unrble to iiake stbstantial gains wheii the tal as ini thirt'hands. Ferbert, iiade miost of the gains, rnd Holires Seiaterlnt(Geenleaf dirt excellent work ini tackling rnd blocktingiutrs-i- feence. t'irdue's liue as strsog tnidttheir mass plays sn taiidem iterfereniee wiere very effective. 'their lds were strong aiid were very quick iii getting downt the fieis. Estei ine plryed a good gaiie at full-back tntti somei remrarkable ptitiig. Tire line Ot: Purdue .Position ichligan Marshall..... . e ....Senter Robertson. . t........... Yoit Kirciroff.I. . g. '....ooter Keicireval---...c. .......... Denby Webb ..... .g ....... Hatt Awardl. ..... t. ..leniiiger Schmitz... . .Qe. . . (reenleaf Moore.I.... i..h t.....erbert -smithr.. - ... i.thl...iolitere .famiesour. si.... b.... t.horres Esterline...f. b. ...Blomrigtll Bloomiiigstoii kicked off to the 25- yard ine, slid urdue carried the ball t" few yards forward. After a few snrall gains Simitthi'carriet irte ball around the end for tweity yards. The ball was again rushed forward by small gains anti then went to Mici- gun on a fuintil. After gains by in- haster, Seter, Htenningeir, Ferbert aid Floopter, Biloomiiigstoiipntetrun Fer- iert took ithe, ball. Htollister, Ferber. Seater rian Yont giedt and Blomr- tington ipiintedttweity-ivi' yads After ineffectnrl atteiipts to gai, t'irdiie pirted aid Michigan snoi re- turned it. Esteriue againrpustred sid Btloomnrgstoni returned it. sterliue tiuntend totFerbe(rt an tHollister iiiid llltsoiiiiigetoigaied. tloomnigstoui puiintedt andI Purdue had rutted tie tli ll tiptsthe feld by startiad- vanices whrenr it went over to Michigan. Iloomiugstoii attemrpteit to pntr but wasi blocked aniit Maisha~ll took the ball with at clear eist for a touchdown. (Goal. Sore-tPusrtue 0t. ichigan I0. ttlootngston kickedi off andI after aii iiieffectual atteimit to ganr Purdue pisted. Bloomingstonr wenttiioigi for twenty-ive yards aird terbet by a bwriirtt rnn took the ball ovei for it touichinowniniiose iiinuie. Blomiin- stoii kickesd gorrl. Score, GtiI. Htoliiets carried tie lall foiscrurdl trout the kick-off aiid ball was oii Mtchigan's It-yard line wh-len tirie was called. Btloominiugstont carried the ball for- ' wrdthirty ,yards fromiilaisk-off. len- nitnger, Ferbert ant Yont mart smarli gritsin(sodBloomngrson lis. n at bluhiff kick. Boomigstonpiitedt anthtte tball was carried forwart twenity-iv-( yards. With the bll at twel-t yards froii the line, Purdue got ten yads on offside tnt Robertson wentoser the fire for at tou-hdowvn. No goal. Seers' -Put-due 1, Mchiganu G. Aictigan ktsked ott' ansi tter fail ire tot gatn Esterlinre iunted. Ferbert ant Villa. vho tisidireplasestYort, iiride gintii5anst loominugton lost oii a'. bluff kisk. tPurdie fatest to gai tntjpunted. Mtchiganr then rstest the tail iplteistd oiisccesive gaiiisty H-ollister, Hteniinger, Vila, Senter ansd Richards, raid Henninger went os-ct'the linesfori ttsthdow-i. Blooimingstoii kicked ti iflctiltgorl sndthrie gamte was wonr 12-itt. Villa took tiebrall forwarsi firomtie kick-ott atn Villa ands Seter htl at" tied it forward to tie 0-yard lite when time was called. Minnesota Is Winner. Itswill adsi interest to tie grme at tDetroit net Srtuday to know tiatt tinesta defeatedt Wisconsin at Mii- nreapolis Saturdlay, 14-t0. It wvas a close game, with lurst one stie areas, thein thi( other. Mininiesota's stpet- lority ini the lite scous to hve beni tire deciding element. Futlton, tie Minriesota center, matde de gretest shtowing of tll andt is said to have toyed with Kni, tie big Wisconsin center. Subscribe for the Daffy. HIE ACTS JUST LIKE THEM. LELAND T. POWERS 1S MASTER OF THE ART. A Large Audience at University Hall-The Rivals" Is Well Exe- cuted-A Beautiful Poem. Satuirdaryserrning aout :10 o'lok Uiversiiy IrIali cottaiedtrbott two. throssandstpeople wire were centertied ini tire secondsiumbrrsr of tie S. 11. A. couse. Le'lrand T.Ptowrs e'ntred upon tire stage folowedt by trofesor Ti-uebloosd, wire after a few moments madreica very apptrorirte introducstiont of Mr. Power. trofessor Trueblood aftert-muaking a few riuiuouuieenrers srud: "Ladisies att ntls'emen, a tisiri- tber of years ago wihen the earl of Bericoursfielden uteresdtie English parr- liamrentie attemrptesd to imake a sisei ands so louds were tie jeers of tie oi- psostig party thrill ie ws obligedt to desist.itut befors'trking iis sat tin shook iis fist at themriandri iae this remairrk, 'I mairy have tobe silent nos, bitt tire rune will conic wheiytu stati hear tie.' Sts;just twelve yerrs ragor u Boston last ashestalltndrulgent fatter, ini all othr'resitects, to permrit him11 to go upotht ie singe. Bit tie father's wodoti etcouseti.santtin'young uni, tururig raway usrremrke't, 'All ight, frther, iutl the imers'wiltcoerewhen'urI shrll be ai whitle therter mrys'lf.' 's' have that yong manr wiothraith uis eventig." After outiningiis pray to tie auti- circe, Mr. P'owsers prcededs to !in- pesosnate thero ist ipromintitiucharrua- tees of "'Tie Rivaltis."Ilietdiidti'htie play itle four ucs, tie first twot tak- tug pinsc in tie foenoonr anthtie trast two irs thin' rfternron of tirse, tii'dry. 'lie morstimpretrant chararrcters irrper- sonrrtesh iy Mr. t'owers wrn' "Bolt As-re," ai s-ry gonrohuatures, jlly fe'l- buy-butt of unotcourge-- tvho wrantet to tight ni duel; Sir Anthony Abselute, whio was sdeterinrst to get iis sontu Jrck a rrue tud tendri wife; Jrck Absolnte, ri yonug capitirwied s'tto tire noldtge'ntlem'urar dlatinedstotsrunu rawry with this'very girl irisfrtert was urglig him tsrrrr; Sit' tuisu )t'rigger, anIr ishmanrui ruhis trd tt inmbitbe "Bob" with tieipropr' courrg' to fight a diuel, bitt his efforts were itt vain. At tire slose of tie plary Mr. Powers grave rs smrallhoe-act sesne andstre- dieredt a be'rutifuli poe'mr. P'rof. Pnttee rerandra a'periefors'tie Eugireeriig Soiey hFridhy evenig our "Brrouetric Mnrrsutirs'etitof Al- titudte." 'flitspnper gae tieresicult of a series of experimnts carried out by Prof. Pettee unuder tie deprtuent of Geology Inthie state of (Caifornir.