The Very Latest NolesStar clothing House, S. GENTLEMEN
You hove seen wearing plai ned somsi
Goods.colors for the last few years. This fall
Noely n oos have a complete chaneSosse will prei
the wlln while the more enthunsiastic dr e
SUITS, MADE TO 'YOUR ORDER l N THE N eck shown oreg;reyodlbrown tweedsmwith a do
CIY F N ABOof brioho roles' In ploids red stripes. Y
CITYOF AN ARORsill hond albeatiful sdisplay of these labsl
For the niext 2 weeks ;or Some of the newest things in Four-in-Hands, Metoss, C asole r, ztodTtent Hence:
'skinsos, Shetland's, Astrakhaons and thI
$19.00 AND $23.00. Buff's, Strings anti Bows. Some of "Aur. hllsa
Koldbnck's" Best. Merchant Tailoring Store, No.06 E. HuoronI
Jos.Gentlemen wishing to ibe informoed eelt
W . , proper and correct thin.- in dlrys are invi
The Practical Tailor, ISmaeEa 0e UalR WofJreNsDOrmets).
910 Et. Washington 1-t., tUp Stailetre osuesfrLais
tN P ' $.0(Y C TOOP & CO., IsRETF
mW l lIt®' Ca4.0 I ~tll on them for
$ mPio V ~ N )$50~~I } j Fine Lounches,
X YoUng;IN S 5e 0S I1 Fine Chocolates,
____ and Baked Goode.
Try Our Lusnche;
metsi pr pymn mn f On hg trdoel e Ass,. pecial Prices. Extra Values. 0x . M R
iyetich senddthem onsappoval. M
wor oneuni theeaiccleearriesandoese } .~lJ11Fe~il'. ]OR EIER
Yaifcoung Ladies 111 seloe voal ll oit l (eiral tyie s i Frech alf 6SMAIN ST.AND STATE ST.,
I hoyso ior rcir sOlythemsthbewelleeeoee __ _ -- ____--___ __ CORNER OF WILLIAM,
mended. rte rr ticulas. pv acnse TCOoe
New and Second-Hand.
As 0. SPALDING & BROS. Try Our "lRed Star" Oil. Nt ok n te tdns upl
Fountaln enI'sFileeStotionery, Sportis
Football Suppliesna Nt) soke. 1 0 's e ll sis e Odor. Wsilltnt eliar thewick. xsd, 'tc., owhich lbey offer at tl e Specalty
Spossatty P ii I Is r=. I I ilt ;gtns u, Has 115' eql ill i hs prices.
i Esery rsqsitie atfo r use2,lilste. Ieliscrodolmsssiptly to any'pIrt of ther city in Coaland see no before FPurchasing.
' r eys.OSeatecrs, Shoess, Caops, uicacllis. Price ilc e i.'r grous._________________________
liNlsso in-s, ht olsisc ll'
sts.eMShinlig, erll'sD AN & CO P NY. DO YOU DANCE?
'ieee. isriorurds, hleroanBA ,& % P~
r l'i1rte sses psrldinsgNhiis' 44aSoutb Main Street.
x GmsPie$5 00. UNIVERS ITY NOTES.CLNAOsiessoots olio s sitci
t0,, itss21 R lss-l'ietores Sat. No's iii l'Siri' 's. t~'l (. the Acste myis so y d s sl o pposit co f-ttteL aigIlyr.o nibidn. N ti so Polio
'isliogs ill yu~rs.Satif GovssG h .oIn., 5 is too onHas
0c 1O c s, Ilorosrossose ly 1 'ris '51I. 1 .s~t'lir'. - 1 y11 ss, Si.,Nse.liSp.s . sscO1ffI~l ils's' rosos iOi ro om e ns gon for
I ~~rtd otalC la oc esesntFtee. losss it. Si. 11,111,ol, inn. 1 --. I,..A. t'550155o', Ltelandi '. testers. _______________________
Ne soYork. ('Chiagoi. l'lilsdelish. A. X'.Ssls. oeiol rrlral.l Iro ilinlc'oIois. t C H H E Y E S ,~ir
Tliiis., Nose. 1J, 5 s., om., unsivercsity
FIRST NAT IONAL BANK. 1 nilor ote r'I) (only seC y'sit Os is'o1nail-(horal 'liolsri es'' ola' OrExt 7O+ANABO.safHOUlSECleuitihs.or~er f "iao
Corrsris's'oii863. .'rlrslil Ns'es '\"II. I 'nrosile s 'noon bosh P55'<1.. No .e' U. 211. lor ss f o 11,J
Czlspi' .a 1000 0. sPrplsasod P'iofits, 10.05' loe tt I lloso son oros' Is gasin(' siat 1 nd 1 iel
Tran iate s a gceeral bankoling bosinese.I so
.os'eitrexc hrarues oughosiitorandlsold. F'us'iorsh orossloI1se t in aosorol Is s'r; ico I).12
etters ofCrits. lri., Nose.22. IrirsitosI ' UT. llll.sail Of II.P1N'S
P. IACIi lice. 0S.11. (LAtOISON. Casheine lasol-os dssIbOi.sirs' rosy osore. oil G""-allys'4Acaemleiy. 'Ticts $. q 1_%
sill si l., s ii lo('s1' iill10 Ofi1Oils'01.'OsiO ' Nor '). : . illisooalrgos lcatI ei. ll t e T ~
THE ANN ARBOR SAVI .US BANK Ii sllls c 'ils ('110lit Ills'11 'ioms. Nose. 20. .5, 1. ir. ILois i hlll. l th ~
tipf 0 Itloer.is510.Q10 tErr Isoo, 15510 I11,5. srini 'iii''slollsilslrs'''l t''. 1 1 lils'y ''o5ssss #~ (i0]eri Y'sosll iedi onoseiato's eetr'oses
Ressocsos$1,10,00.0 )1 ( ,)1.1(1110 t~n) uut1 Ia toied so your want5~ s. lsI sslil
t o'le r It.( be l5 Y.'A".'0 . 51 . oll s' 's oor nd so's lolsols .o u 'horn t n e l
0,s-tsszed'sl so tIIle~esserI .sl inr. ro w niol.a 1, s:ie ze aereoisby a 1Ir. . (.is 1l~ntlrsririssi's' Troil, a 5rlo'e Iilte oros t trle b ofront orso
oflse hiss. il tee <r iinil ce s lo e ssotIll Io''0 ta__ list., Ilii s e numerost.
CsodS sse . llesrtes1).)-ItberI 51001 renti nct ilsltl'1es(l~itil l l,}1 a~'\. P LIIER'S AHARK.ACY.
(dortilesolo ,l. Sns 0~rl)'s's'il bossres.isoWerro. Isri i11w sillveilisirls thesAnn olilOIO o hr lirr' 'I'll AN"1about51 N( I '5 A)p'rlIGN
lIsrisr o oi, " i s1 e..: as lss I llroc. l e sil'(11it2 rs. 'l50115r52'15irns vzicaiolls ss rosssslse tlsloss''le is'rs arie
C a.Slis's 11. J..Frits Aesiotso'rt Caser'. I lsnilroalol Ikill sol ltck s o s il(l il'ls 0 sre s'lsssse sos1 tee is)t soy .
- s lldiI ll(s' Ossoinceo's to beis d at o ths x' ion1(1 s'oils'I i s i't'ss'l i r opei15 rlt or'l 511. i s in town.
soad mys [Illoolregie' so s~ssy. 1 ito 5(; so iss, oi oo'oso e l(,a d s1-1in aess fois too ii !
1,Ii...Illound tell. 5,ood55 0011112Noe ,.7 11101 CAT
-~'-1111esiol ors sil t1 i1c. 2. Is Oils orill 2501F.OWashin
iWe 00 I 'Ire riss. sorool Ian s'Eso r lo 5 111 IIloI''ll1'Ithe' 'N(O . bose ssol Iso .111 posinssis Altei ii( rs 1 ll(U1I LIIILol toilet.
N so sod51 rod sll C los s lb 15111 1 ll Ils' 'lsoo'oi I I 001 to' 1 11s1Oil son thss er'lin s of'ol'ir oleo
UINIV ERSITY SCHOOL O0 DAINCING sri (°(i)1)1('Is 15i"11ir)' 5o11''(I1to511(3loosecorllectiolos, Nvitlr uth re onrl 'esollieSPECIAL.
44 Al-) ls1110 ~ Ils'11 licl no itl0 N1101 1 lloftherI' f l'bsh srs'siatirsl iS ll. -1
____________________________ irs 10010' slsry 05'e'll it10111 1''los'IR. . s,(O G RE NWOO'Clti.A,,'-, nl. . 1. 1o 'IN l i ssrgal ires loss '"Ole
williii otirsl Irs kedirri 1loililtheIo'solr"at)'(' -.-- (' sandl Met'ollice i sro anldsoos C.'
so'' los I'lr i l i oil tles O 'll]s. 1)1 I I l, Il:lil llS IbO t'l'lLSI(iNS !l(olis. Crlsool solosI, apso S tl lty. No. ll
? Vselioilos1s.
W0 XI NE. 'r 'riTo sos oso irs'S()til.Nole. 111 ___________________________
..,(teitoono 0. 15'Inis 1'sticos'
IT l"" . y . I D ~ '~' le. Ian111i, 1 8 55 . 11 T OFAC+t'OiA\'l~iG 'AOR1iCiI 01101iort
=-s AT-
Office 11 W. Washington St.
'Phone No. S.
Waoi ls noO 'nted A ols.ioolon 1'nnsso Sob 'ro£ oihs' sihl e'Illyo'isisiooo b' rs sr'l s5Al l srrIo io7s f ierst 21
11.1 ons I nsi I ol0 isO' I oll e.i i'fl. 2 hiirl iss . 'l'lill'iles w)lol e ll ' '1's£ 1 40 Isa N 50CC 5r 'AN't' i yossob1 o' solso'a lo e.1t
51'oielrbn'roiol' oils'. lraj crl o l , ,t' ssioes'nssol ss n l
'osolesoll (I. ( '.1A(1.1y .)1-isisccio', ones's' Fits'a'esfare's snooheell1co'. Lais.
hiont.lo l 1 .tt lno 'o''eol ' boO is s rsi-sososr soorsssn:si
50(15l's nsor iso is h o~ pr s0010sol01lII N't'(11bAL,
.1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ,lourono.1711 lst1.,)1toS. sl e los o os i i 1
10 .5s#'s. 01 1' .'to, Coll ollt0 (), C.IAgsns. soiliris lioverOiho o l Collie
Robert G. I loll 1000 ,, ls 10e0 s' it h=, id t le i Y'pol 11lk c e
Isoles ' . IsO X~l . yeo'411hle14soi bnlob lie+.
('. I' .lrvel. is 'os5of 1)10 Centl Ii lr ilr 15
J.l(IlA . slilosi.Isti-eIiti loe 1)1is
'Flliellargest mansi facturerstoof l WoiGHT
Fraternit Pill, lcns i thle Uni'te
Staes .o'AreDetroit,.i1h "JADEue /VA ns