THE U. 0F Al. DAILY Published Diaily (Sndy e'ceep~te)t dring the Coiign year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrICE: Times buildig N. Main st., opposite post ofice. EDITORS. J. A. Lottoy,'%, Managing Editor. G. B.HARiISON, 'tt L, Assistant. G. It. Ses, '9, Assistant. C. D. CAny, Gr. L, Assistant. S. E. KNArroN, '9, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAtoot,'90 Rousiness Manager. i. C. tiAULs, '9:0 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L., A. Pratt, 'Oi. A. K. Perie, '9. C. A. ioghto, ' ). G. M. Ieath, 'il t. Katherine eed, '97. 11. I1. Gammon, '0M. J. F Thomas, '97. W. X. IHghs,' p D. . Metheny,'l. tR. tR. teiy, C. It. C. Bc, 'Oil N. The pricr of the Daily will resean as here- tofore, Slat a year, invariably in adance, ntwiehsansing thc act that pbicatin wiii e cntiucd atil tCommecement. It is insid to tuidrsand the seem- Ig lack of itterst displayel ty ci greatitmiany as to the gsime today ansi the Gost iwo ganes. Eahi of he three gattes is vryitipotaniit, next in litporanee otly to the Harvard giamet, which didi not cotpioise all otr schedule, as 00100 seemto thiki. O that game deietdedt orrepttatioti in the Erst, the football stronghold, atd to a. great exentirouglouti the cotit- try; lut othiesoe'gamie depeds Bite standitg ini the West.or natural fielol of ation. VToe sitiationi is jtust tis. By the showsinigtmatoe agaitst Harvard, Alich- igan lhs orid rcogniiiohn froni ite mosttoservlitive citis to a place its thisfiBest class of footal teatis Now we have tis poosition. t mitint, ait to iothits is fully as ificlt as0 to at- taini. Te sowitg tmae by Mlii- gan againt iHarsarod is ustd on ths' West for asuming tiat the eitire West is ot aspane close to or oo ar with the East. That is, le assmip- titon is that Miciigati is strcly if any ahead of tle other leading W1est eren tentms, It was not gestorally at- rnuledothtiat we had the bst ta'oin i thin ltnt yar andl the critics lre still disposedt to imale an open quetion wit thin, We believe, that we hadl the best tamn in th West last year; andelwe further believe that we have easily the bot taont the West ths. Buit this we haive ot to irov, adth te reputtion mate tonteEtt wot do It alone. Prdue is aiibitious for victory today and meets no at just the hot titme tor her chanes. Wisconsin, though she does niot lot is, hos stateod her tosritose of provingty hie, showinigtagintst Miiticosta as comt- ptared wthi uro that stirtoo is ettitlei to rank with the best tams of the country; and. of course Miescota is io less anibitiotus. But the gaime especially to be kt in mind is the otto with C'iicago, Thanksgivinig Doy It will not do is assinea too careles air about this gamse. It is very imporant from the West tand pride alonetoldh Communication. C lo iti -g 0-wit makile 110 tntis ttoito ousr lest tler VMager titrles Patro1~l ti tiket' suchli rciiliitliiiOO. 1tilu tri chde o'tllosii iin llt'iill lt osteth ato~ oeal to We Ihave left a fair steokof titnds iuponiiit a15 svell. ('itigoz l ilOall corts of all iinterested, inithot' Cuitelgo gametonol Nortetlierni tid 'Oicoisiil, -whic~h toileweoo ltait IireotoilshThsli-hg PDay lot ('licag;o: W_ iTING TABLETS teas e d ntandthresholdbe Art'aigrtiio'iio lase booetnitatdo withl ito roomtifoe such discouralginlg rot- the Annl Artier and Wabaishs Oairoadts which can ho closed ont as paorisotio to wore possible lifter latst to rnt a s'ecioal train tromt Anit Arbor fAMOTH PAEoABETs( vsa''dias5trou 1'liliinksgiviilg Day theroutgh to Chticaigo without changlie, M ~iAMMi~~tOTH 20l0 PAGE TABLET', F 5QOC gatite. 'fle C1iiogo toapeors tire ro)ni- leaving hero oil.9 o'clock a. its.otl Wesd- GOOD RULEN~TABLETS, 100 P, 3 FOR IOC inetinttg onlthitncreaos'ed interest l uan-GODWINGTBE, - 8 nestay, Nov. 2?7, and arri-itig at Ciii- GO RTN ALT ifetetdi the gasiceo our platyinig cigos abott3 p. iii, Foe this ltril a1 CRANE LINEN TABLET, 150 lii thec East and trolii' 10 i noteli larliger speial cate of $5 fee w,teriptel will BEST CRANE LINEN IlABLET, - 35C o'roosvo-deii this acroutil onoe, Alloherbmaeiovlng20)icla' WRITING PAPER BY THE QIJIRE OR LB. re'tsoniiwhy 0111 repltalltioni should bho'taklen. As it is necess'ary to kniowtoo This stock will not be replaced. tooperly tupoheld. .Moreover, wi' huG' soon. ats poossible how many are goinig Come tqnick forcfBest choice. to' tee ltstthiregt il h' torosyit is earntestly requested that all ste- Argus rnin o s aotetooiist, lhowo'e'er isucit tiiyoseissPrntng Hose ot.'nts eentO towspieople dteposit lt to so nowtis. 'Thisis thege gshe u cosies ~ ~ ~ ~ prc isos ~nnlea o, ~ tnrof ticiket atlet ttwith 'Me, Greeno- Grand Opera House. wood, agosnt oftt hioAunt Arbor rootd., oiliest gotmsssowotlitbe sacrifi'iiidOtoisiwits tetltls ~ie'sin n ~i ibis. Wi' il'orned'olaitl year,'thateist t the'Cookoisea W rsStatoe sI. BALANC A_ TEEE swsi o 'lsve 10ntoialul lsioed o toreorwtmylfRcips il seeotcie ts. Afteo'r todaoy's glaier with inibrta iktwl e Eneenet Estretordinary ansiout of thee Nostltweolo'rtsthee work io sl be odirect-godtOriayf so t o'chssivt'y to thee ''leosgiv-ieg esturninunisl CicagoPec. 2.dgeSpedthei e file osos SA N TA N E Diatogaiieeisligthstid gise his teteas tier * Poygsoest s toso.ltelste-besieit of youri' irese'lce,hOIt. ill be ai Endorsed by Sloe Press, thee Physnicias Bitole will bultithiiehild thatedayosy. and the tlergy. greest gisie. oethaolistihsenitut inhipooessiont of CHARLES BAIiRP, Moter. THE MASTER OF HYPNOTISM ail fatsloto ho' gotisoetiabotut osur weakl-In tis Brand Seance Hypstiqor. TODANCE WELL . .Pie psointls andot viiche will pla'y for thtose Nw TsOht iDA o on he Piros i es lOC, 15c, 25cand 35c. -N 'oat poinits. dlancitig at Grasiger's Acadiemy. Osice, TIheese wordts leave boon vrittens io- ersidenscestid acoadeiny BGtaytnard sO. Lone'sChocolates. iso critictis of thee tiotiageiiettsior Single rooms and board to be hind at Hot Lunches. oeo os susggostieteto outiteaiom's troiners;! No. 17 S. Stoate s. Only three dtoors for tier Daiy konowslt htey unetr- frost campiuis. Hteat and lighti fur- 1fUT f'fLE' S, 48 S. State St. stostnd asndshito' olive' to ts' situton.inished. _________________________ meore thioroughtly thantt iny of this rest ~D ~ !RE+NT.SCIILEiR, of i!- ratsbtoo'. i os.srills'ls, hiosw''se'r, -T i ST tf you a.,st goodh relstle lhue isunc e tal PH3OTOCnA.PHZER. its thee hopo of aosing greaster iter- on heed T. MO.nte-,ofise No. ,S Fourith tsr. - AN N ARBOR. MICH-. rot oet this'part of mantlsiysioo's'________ha_________________ seemees not to comipre'hend thieroost sttusatiote or to itovee bieosse tiscotr- ei;iglyashehstie. hotits all waeutp to ste imoroitance of tie rensaistitor of ottr footboall seoasonasndsh elp theis'toals. a-.egssirtalonsg itstse'fortis. NOTICE. 'Thosomspetng foe the 92.5 cesh prize offeredl by ste tastiliass for a sont stoi' ofut heteisusre' of Yaleo 'esins or Pr'nceiton storsie's mtisi hive their produoctionis its by hoistotory 15. Theii istoxiseeues sumerofutworsst 2,500. For ftoein tformtons adto- stress, THtE C ASTAIIAN. hoot-A.Vessel E. Wirt tooetatsisstorso. Plhease reurnsuto 281i0, 'S0 ifth a550 TOKIG u.raf n -f ,fs 44 C A t - a ~iS) 5 ;3 )? )?s )??S ) S S):S S)"?5?SS? " '' " 3 ,5"3: , "ALL THlE MAGAZINES IN ONE." E LE EVIEWS Editod by ALBERT SHAW. w NYW-OREVILS °E REVIEW OF j REVIEWS, an its FIVE E nsue intplies, gives its MNTH K adahie form list best a . ^ tatappears in the olter .$I .00. Sgrecetnmagazintes ahl over p to world, generally on ths ame date thunt they .'p !,k aepublished. With the recent etdraordinary icrease of worthy periodicalt, these carefeul 'Ut reshewt, summaries, and -- p ..qotations, giving the ANNUAL "up /sT~ PVIW i EVEY N.SY' NwX V4gsst of perhodical liera- SUBSCRIPTION cb tu''-"'re, are alone worth saps the subscciptionsprice.$. ,,50. : AEVu side ft a's tiiese departments, list editorials.r "-is and cetntributed feahures of the REVIW ofREVIEWS ace themselves si Sequdl in catent to a magaztne. The Editor's "Progresn of the World" ts. 5~~san tnvaluable chsronicle of the happenings of the thinly days just pastdo; .5cwith picures on every page of thte men and p wonmen whso have nmace te hsocy of te monhh. THREE seo. The Liteaty Worgld says: "We ace deeply RECENT "-e impressed fsrom month to month wih the value SAMPLES 4-.of lte REVIEW OFRErVIEWS,' which is a sont 25 cents. :Q ies8.of Eiffel Towver for list survey of ftewhtole field of periedical literaturt. And yet it tins a mhnd and voice of its j 4-N own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of :ac ess lte hour. Illis a singular combinsation of the monthly magaine and saps 1. the daily newspaper. Illis daily in its freshnest. is montly in its metshod. Ills ist world AgnafdIt sp 4isunder a field glass," tt ls Sold onoallNews Stands, Single Copy, 25 tn' Profitable hRVMPsREVlEWs ragazine. 13 Astor Place, New York. La many points of view'. En the Beest l l' place, it is the big game of thean or i ULA LUS Mca.