THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publshed Daily (tunday exepte) durigf the Coflege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OcircE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LtRo,'96, Managing Editor. Xw. A. SPILL, '96 L, Assstant. C. D. CAAy, Gr. L, Assistant. S. E. KNAPrs,'98, Athletic Editor. G. B. HARRISON, '96 L, Business Manager. It. C. PATLDS, '09 M, Aast. Business Mog. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '6. A. K. Petrie,'98. C. A. Houghton, '96 D. G. M. Heath,'96 P. 0. H. Farrell, 'OS. i. B. Gammon '980. Katherioe Reed, '97.S. E. Knappen,'99S. The price of the Daily will remain as here- tofore, $2.50 a year, invariably in advance, notwithstanding the fact that publication will be continued until Commencement. With today's issue free delivery of the Daily ceases, and hereafter only our regular subscribers will receive the paper. There lnay be some fail. ures on the part of the delivery system at first; and the business department wishes to be notified at once of any such that it may correct thei. There are a number of vacancies on the editorial staff of the Daily, which iXVII be filled at once from the best ap- pficants available. Candidates for the vacancies will be set to work and those who do the best in competition will be given the places. Two assist. ant managing editors are needed, an athletic editor and especially two or three .editors from the medical depart-a ment. There is room oni the staff for good men from every department. Apply at once to the managing editor. There is also an opening for good workers in the business department of the Daily, and those who wish prac- tical experience of this kind shoald apply to the business maiager. It is to be hoped that the efforts now being made to organize an active branch of the University Alumni asso- ciation in Detroit will meet with the success they seem at present destined to. Hitherto jealousies of various sorts have interfered with hiarnonious action toward bringing about such an organization, but it would seem that such a difficulty has been anticipated this tile. There is great need for such an organization of alumni in De- troit, which is the place where, if anywhere, University of Michigan men should be united and active. As it is, Chicago is now far ahead of Detroit in this respect. The Chicago branch of the Alunni association has been and is doing very much -for the University in athletics, oratory and other lines. Let ;us .hope ;soon to see ithe Detroit alumni rivalling if not surpassing their Chicago brethren in their efforts for their alma mater. Very desirable light and well ven- tilated single room with heat tFj E. William st. Rent reasonable. Would board party renting it. Call at the b4luse. . l UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Gastalian Board to Me1. 'Otober Number W3 IHaye Two There wi be .a seeting f the '96 ArticlenMles Ycihigap. Castaian board at the Daily otlice Sat- The Universty Magazine, a ontl rday evening at S o'clock sharp. It TheneUessary hay algaeditr, bempresey published at New York in the interests is necessary that all editors be present of colleges and college men, is rapidly at this meeting. Those elected to the coming to the front as a recognized board tast June were Misses Ada s t aStewart, Louise Bacorn, Edna Day authority among alumni and students and Ida Cartwright and Messrs. F. It. Cutcheon, It. C. Weare, James Baird, versity of Michigan are looked after F. I'. Sadler, J. A. L oy, G. P. La- for the magazine by XV. -C. Gore, post fl .L~y .L graduate. Mont, J. J. Franc, G. H1. Woods, L. A. .Woodard and W. H. Thompson.,, The magazine treats athletics i a novel way, not giving the news of LOST-$15 in hilts on or near the campus Wednesday. Reward for its gimnes, etc., nerely, but ptting its return to 4 Benjanin st. 25 athletic notes in the form of com- Good Board $2 per week; 7 Maynard ments and criticisms. John B. Holmes st. Try my board. 24 edits the department, "Comments on Intercollegiate Athletics," and James FO RTY F I R Leltoy edits the department, "Coin- ments on Intercollegiate Athletics in the West." These comments began he found at the newodeabtrs The October number of the maga- zine will contain an article on "The Graduate School of the University of r dic higan" and another on "Athletics Cloy11 fut We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR LOG GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 89 CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15G BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. SArgus Printing House. 3T-g SEASON. THE orX0 10~zANq. at the Uiversity of Michigan," fully illustrated. BEST COURSE EVER OFFERED IN ANN ARBORP New Daily Editors. The first meeting of the Daily board was held last night and several va- cancies were filled. C. D. (ary, in post graduate law student, was itade assista;nt managing editor; Stnart E. Knappen, athletic editor; R. C. Faulds, '99 A1, was made assistant business manager, vice L. It. Hiamblen, resign- ed; A. K. Petrie, 'O8, and Miss Kath- erine Reed, '97, literary editors. NOTHING LIKE IT! THE OHIO CENTRAL MILEAGE TICKET. Covers more mileage than any ticket in the narket. The only book good on entire B.3,c&s0. .system wvest of Pittsburgh. It also includes the Big 4 system. Get it and have an ever ready ticket over all important lines Price $20.00; good one year.- Apply to Ohio Central Agents; or address Moulton Houk, G. 1'. A., Toledo, 0. A very pleasant suite of rooms for $2, stove heated, is for rent at south- west corner of Monroe and Thayer, or 42 S. Thayer. 27 Prof. Adams desires to state that his seminary in finance, in which Amer- ican financial history will be studied during thep resent .semester, will be open to undergraduates. Thischenge is due to the introduction of course 25 which now becomes the advanced or "graduate" course.. Course 25,. how- ever, may be taken by seniors who have specialized in economy. Mr. Adais ,will be in his room in Tappan hall during the present week at 10 o'clock for consultation respecting these courses. LQST.-A "Manhattan Life" 'ioto- book with laundry accounts, also bill from Witter's Laundry. L. D. Carr, 25 N. State st. The Choral 'Union will meet at Frieze Memorial Hallthis evening at 7:30 sharp. A persops initenling to join are invited t be present. All students' supplies a.t puampry's Dxrug Store. Ten entertainments by eminent statesmen, writers, critics and musical artists. COURSE'TICKS'T'S, $2.00. Reserved seats for entire course 50c extra. Look out for pros- pectus of the course and announcement of sale of Tickets. BIBLE INSTITUTE. A Bible Institute will be held October 6-9, under the auspices of the Bible Chairs and conducted by Ernest D. Iurton, Professor of New Testament Interpretation in the University of Chicago, and H. L. Willett, acting Dean of the Disciples' Divinity House of the Univer- sity of Chicago. A cordial invitation is extended to students and all others to attend the sessions of this Institute, which will be held in Newberry Hall, the home of the Students' Christian Association. GENERAL THEMES. I. The six generally accepted-Epistles of Paul.. IL Early Old Testament History_.-_-_- - ..-_- --- P$OGRAM. .- -- ------Mr. Burton .-------Mr. Willett 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sunday, 8 p. m., (a) Present status of criticispn. (b) Study of First Thessalonians - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Burton Monday, 9 a. m., Abraham the Patriarch-..- ..--Mr. Willett Monday, 10 a. im., Study of the letter to the Galatians- ------------------------ --------------------.-------------------- -Mr. Burton Monday, 3 p. m., Moses and the Exodus----------- Mr. Willett Monday, 4-p. m., Study of First Corinthians-_,-- --*Mr. Burton Monday, 7:30 p. m , Study of Second Corinthians- - -Mr. Burton Tuesday, 9 a. i., Joshua and the Conquest- ---Mr. Willett Tuesday, 10.a. m., Study of the letter of the Romans- -. - -- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------Mr. Burton Tuesday, 3 p. m., Deborah and the Judges-M------ r. Willett Tuesday, 4 p. m., Study of Philippians---------Mr. Burton Tuesday, .7;0 p. m., Testimony respecting the life of Christ ------------------------- ---------------------------------- - --- -- -Mr. Burton Wednestday, 9 a. m., Samuel, Prophet and Reformper. -- ------------------------------------------ -- ----------- Mr. Willet Wednesday, 10 a. m., Testimony respecting the life of Paul ---.-------------------------------------Mr.-Brton 5tVdnesdliy, 3 p. m..S aul nd Ihe early Mnqarphy--.r. Willett. Wednesday, 4.p. M., The Christianity of Paul-.._ Mr. Burton Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., David. King and Psalmist--Mr. Willett Wednesday, 8:30 p. m., Question Drawer conducted by the lec-. turers.