VOL. VI. No. 12. UNJVEMBS ITY OF MICHIGAN, S.1 tT DAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. AT UNtiIV ERSITIY h1ALL. BUT TH1IS BET L. IPRAT GAMES YET. ONE G ITAKn liThe Philadelphia Ledger Has Said ~i N UTRLELAND T. POWERS WILL AP- Its Little Say.OUSTNIGNTH WETS NN PER TONGHT.YET TO BE DETERMINED. Is enlougi for one person te PEA TONGHT th______nt;fomte hl plyon at oe tille. One I1 The Great Impersonator Is Here Importance of Today's Games-Wis-- gutris not enough, how- li0 for the Second Time-A Pavorite Iliii1.dir:consin, Minnesota and Chicago ever, to supplly 3,0 t-oof Ann Arbor Audiences-Second "It i5 11t1 likel y t1h1artadtil Are All Anxious. dets Tats hyev hve Number of the S. L. A. Course. everc play liii' l'nix'els:ly of Aliei'iiiat NN coiistaiitly instockt severa Ion ftems mpr<1t ;Ie dozens of gutitalrs of various 111 flt seeolitl itoiin inuray liii'l sht il*i~ cilia'a ilte tes il iep 01 aesadprcs L cr Ax".lliilteil (c111s1 wii be ;xl (iy anNpie.leitse'ir i' ii 11'o t oday. t'lieago a1nd(1 Nerlweslerii OFT~i AT OUR ot ix'uvl t(Ii5t nll il' i rilllby From