THE U. OF'Al. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Carson: Times building N. Msan at., opposite pot office. EDITORS. J. A. Lettoy,'N6, Managing Editor. G. B. HoAnisoN, '00 L, Assistant. G. it. SosM, '50, Assistant. C. D. CAnY, Ge. , Assistant. S. E. KroAsrNn, '0, Athletic Editor. L. C. WALKERn, '96. Business Manager. R. C. Piteous, '5 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt,'e. A. K. lPetrie, '0. C. A. llougistos, '00 D. 0. M. iiesth, 'oo P. Katherine iteed, '07. H. B. Common, '05 M. .I. F. Thomas, '037. W. W. Hughes, 098. B. B. Metheany, '5. R. It. Reilly,'9.0 R. C. Buch, '09 M. The price of the Daily will remain as here- tofore, S8.5 a year, invariably in advance, notwistanding the fact that publication wilibe continued untlt Commencemet. The trotuble int whichi tile fresh- mlan football 0team Coal got iii fitlse- quonce of their violation of tse rules establishiedt by the Btoardl of tontrol 1o govern atletirs sholnd be a warni- ing Is othter class tenus to be iiore careful in the fuinre. Thbe Bord of Control has boris giveni funl control of atbietics aso regards thie memibershipo of the tenais, schedules, leaves of ib- snice, etc., and tey must ecforce their rul's or there will be a reculr- renre 10 (lie oldt anot less ottsirabile metiiod of controi ty ihe entire far- usly, rallier than by a ronimitee whvicih can look: fairly and thorougly Oslo tlie questions raiseo(. In the 11st the rules of te Btoaril have not alwalys boon generally ksnowni, butthIis yeaor bey have boon pnblisliod it fuil in thc Daily anol attention has5 beeni calleod to 011e1m neverlime1s10. Tile manager and capitain of every 80e111 anld alt Intend- ing players as0 well, sholis mnako' 10 tiieir business to look these rules up and famoilirize themselves0 with (Cci. MINNESOTA GAME. Send in Your Orders Early for Seats, Boxes, Etc. All tpersonbs desiring carriage' roosml, reserved seals and boxes for thie Mn- nesota game, are reqouested to send in their applications before Mlonday, when ty will be pla cod onl sale at Wright, Kay & Coo, and Rtussell Hlouse Cigar Store, at Detroit. The boxes will ioid ten persons and are in a splendid location in frot of the grand stand. Send all ahplica- tCons to «. IV, lngics, Tr'eas., I'i Kappoa Psi House. Trains for Detroit will leave at 10 a. um. and 12 mu., returning 7 and 12 p. in. Glame will be called at 2.;0 p. ini., at Detoit Ihi tbsll Park. Wanted--A waell accredited young man to teach conversational Geruman one-Calf hour is dlay for his roor rent. Heat antI light furnished, 45 WVashten~aws ave. Robert G. Ingersoll's lectures aud works may be had at 14 ldaynard st., J. A. Rosen, agent for C. P. IFarreil Communication. To the Etiltor of the IU. of lt. Daily:, Door Sir-As you are aware, luring the last few years, thiore lhis been soiue dissatisfaction with the muannoer of choosing the contestants for the in- tor-collegiate debate. There have boen. twvo chief causes for comiptaint. Pirt-Tile policy adlopted by the societies, iii allowiug only members of the respooctive societies to coultete in the preliuinary contests, uecessarily shiots many iieii out of the triai. The best mien in the tuivensity Cave not the tune reqtuisite for society coninec- tiono and are therefore exclnded en- ttrely. So'eond-Thie various societies are iiot rich enough and never will be un- do-c the existing state of affairsno offer any cash prizo's to the successful contestants. Ittis t recogieotfart thaot thie'stimultus that the casio prizes hiave' afforded limo been the greatest fiter-in bringing the oratorical con. tests utio10the iresent 1high staindard. Stuchl a stimulus is thio thing neeob'd to bring out our boot' debaters auod limo to carry us on to victory over Chicago. A sotltitonfori-slbpr1obhlem has becn offeorco in the tturning of the control of the inter-colirgiolto debate ovcr to thie Oiratorical Association. But Its proplosal from the Oratorical Associa- tiou was promiptly rjocted toy the va- rious societios last yealr. If the nieed canniot be miuti ls woay, I forout' woutloliiko to sce sonmo othicr solttiani offered. A READER The Program Tuesday Night. The following is the pro gram for the ist concert in lie Chorail'nion Ser- les, Tuesoday ovening, Nov. 1t9, in Ui- vcrsity Itall: lOvrtor-Dreami Musto', tIiusei 1110 (tretel . ..... l. nopt'rdhck Sympht~ony, -No. 7 in A.Il.Relos ci Interitsion. Overtutsre--Genovevat..Schouoann Symonosnic Varioations op. 78.. D~vorak Synpotnic Poems. Parka -. ... Smeitanail E. ft. Sutnderlautd, 'iii, lmastricuilatedl tOct. 2tst iu the .Pniversity of Berlisi autd has uinceteen hours work in Phi- losophy 11101 Preek andRatomlan Art, tinder Drs. Stumpf, t'Geidoror, Doring and Curtius. .i i I lar nmeeting last night in reoum R. Mr. We have left a fair stock of WV. C. Gore presented a uniolue class!- all sorts of Gicatioii of collcge slangb ased on the - WRITING TABLETS otuody of 1,000 specinmens funished the English Departmoent by students nd which can he closed out as studtt ptublicationso. Tbis classified follows: list is to be printed in two instalnenuts MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, SG in the Noveniber aid Decemblter tn- GOOD RULEONTABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 109 landers, aind afterwards issued noas, GOOD00 WRITING TABLET, - 8 mnonograpbh for the use of students1 CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 159 miid spocialists. Thio' mttenidance was BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 359 good, and the discussion also, 'which WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. wasi led by Prot.tIlumpl.'t'hrough This stock will not be replaced. misotake of the telephlone, tis society Come quick for first choice. was1 hpervertedl into ta, "Theological" Argus Printing House. society ki yesterday's Daily. P itn I have a splenidid line of Parlor Grand Opera House. Fuiriniture, lows priceod, mediumln sd of thle liner gradeswhich 7 offer at seillowsfigurt's, as tIvish to insake BALANCE OF THE WEEK. romfor my large stock of Christnias God.Ityued_._ieSoa Rloods.,hIf ryouued Fan c yoosEngagemnent Eslraordinary and out of the IokrAricllr, Cnh,tnoc ' Ordinary of chair, or a comle~hte suite da ot ests105 N*T . . tuis opporttunity. ltespoectfully, S N I NL L L MAIOTIN IHALLER. ______________Endorsed by floe Pree1s, thie Physicians. TO DANCE WELL. and the Ctergy. Now is the fint' to .1011 the classes in THE M ASTER OF HYPNOTIST dancing at Giranger's Academiy. Office, 7n his Grand Seance Hypnotique. residence and academy 6C!Maynard st. Prices, 10c, 15e, 25c, and 35c- htACVE COMIE, a consignenit of tiie lateot 11. of M. yelhlow anid bhint'ais'noutostALR' EER Lowney's Chocolates. S'ftIIR.Hot Lunches. WANTRD-Froin twelve to ffteen students to work on coumission. Call TUrTLE'S, 48 S. State St at 6I E. Huron st. Single coom nsid board to be Cad at RENTSCHLER, No. 17 S. State st. Only three doors tZQ g from camnpus. Heat and light fur- P O O ~ P E nishled. 1 ANTI ARBOR. MICHS. TO KIG 'sEALS :o. : "ALL THlE MAGAZINES IN ONE."'" ~ .LE OF EVIEWS Editcd by ALBERT SHAW. g: 4int-1YJ:RvEws T 'lE REVIIW OF 0 s'too - - REVIEW, a it FIVE . 4 naeimpliet, finch in MONTHS tradable form the bestFO thatutappears inthe other $. *000 ' = t r great magaziessll ovcr tII world, generalhy on the same bae that they cce published. With the recent extraordinary s icreate of worthy periodicals, thete caref ul '~9 ' T. reviews, summaries, and nuotaConst, giving the ANN UaL it of periodical litera- SUBSCRIPTION sine, are alone worth ". ~o'the subscription price, $2.50. tside fIi-m tloose departmsenta, she editorial "s and contributed features of the REVIEW of REVIESw are themselvees Sequal iii exent to a magazinie. The Editors "Progress of the World" is ooan invalsahle chsronicle of the happeningn of the thirty days just past,' ,~ odo's, with pcicre on every page of the men and women svho have madte the history of tse month. THREE , The Literaoy Woorld toys : " We are deeply RECENT .> u impressed from nmonths In month with the valse SAMiPLES sab: of the 'REWr CeEVnIEWS,' which is a sort 25 Cents. P laA of Effel Too-er for the survey of the whsle felts: of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its 50P il',own, and speaks out sith decision and sense on all public topics of is-o, the hosr. Ib is a singslar combination of the monthly magazine and VP)f the daily newspaper. Ib is daily in its freshness; W4it is month)h in its msethiod. It is the world Aet idi Iounder a ied glass" Athe lfindst ss, Sold osaPl~News Stands. Single Copy. 25 cents, Profitable :cP . REWEIYF'M IEWS'lagazine. VV 13 Astor Place, New York.