THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GLNT L Time Table (Revised) May 1, 114. Kniland Ex -3 50 Mail -5_______843 N. Y. Special--.. 5 00 N. Y. Specia-_-_ 7 3t Eastern Ex-- 10 1 N. S. Limited.-. 9 2. A. M. Pacific Ex-I--I1 57 Atlantic Ex_- 7 47 I.'M. D. N. Exprss.. 5 40 Western Ex--2 1M G. IR. Express -.11 05 Clhi. Nt1. Ex ---10 Sb G. R. Ex----557 0. W. RoUGGLES, AI. W. HATES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ag., AEE Arbor 7:37 a tn.. o a. in. *12:25 p. m 11:111 a. i. 4:151"m,:50 p. n. t All trinsi.dailycept~ia islrun bio-vn An nA rbir acd Toledoi only. ER. S~. GRIEENWYOGD, Ageiit I. 21. BENNETT GI. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. lY, Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilainti fromt Coiirets t., 7:30.8:45 and 11:00 a. Im.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:10, l0:95, 9:15 aiid 111245 p.i. Liavc Aiin Arbor Junction, 71,9:15 ande 11 :30 a. ni.; 1:13, 2:45, 5.10U, 7:15, 1:45 and 11:15 SUNDSAY TIEMP. Lec Yplntil fromn tonnussst.,1:30,3:30, :00,i61:30 and.9:00 p. m Leave Aiio Arbor Jusctioii, 2:00,4:00, 5:0, 7 :11 and 9:10 p. m1. Cacrs non city time ha:re: snilelripl15 cciii5; round trip tick, c i 4 i11. I" IPAKiR Spt MAMMOTH PIPE SALE Ilc::::ccd to Is 1. SI:c St., saeBok list and Cnlal ELi-i 1, & at all hum. THlE KINflERA31DER BTLLIAfID HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. 51oCyt o1 '31 1 e'01a .co:i:ip ocy. FALL~ GR ETYNG. Suit-in;; o order 813.x0 up; Oveercoatsl to orer iii~t0 p 'l'nn : grnis iordir 12.7. CtL ing.~ liyeiiii, Pru .,-anid Repiairing FORDIJA.. & GLEN, Ali.ilai 'Tailor,20b 'lii'e st.,Anni Arbois Ii o-tog rap Iier 15 Washington Block. ANNI+ ARBOR STEAM LAUDMRY CO. Il11g11Gless ind, D~to sle mnli B. S. SE'RVISS, Manager, 231 S. FOUJRTH AVB. ,.lFLA9 PMR" AS USUAL. " \ ofIminporterd "STEINS" P9 M ARNOLD'S JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST. 11ot lunches, Chocolates and Home-made Candies. Advertise Your Wants isi The Daily. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. At the Grand Opera House. Great Preparatioris Boing Made at t71::rlili:1liiie' lliiiinls iililo~ll I-S A LN Chicago for the Struggle. gti ii lobiol li ellil 1of7 in spowl3' - I)C-loll : :13' imil 1,11. vll-lill"g T. 0. & C. Iy. K. & M. Ry. i n Da'l y i s .11o 111111111ii 111f111 ' il:e1Ial't(117111: l i lo (' 8,Inil ol'. Ili-11'ii ] C11'c1 1,4 '. i ('l 'lm ,t1 cnlill lliioalli I iii . iiitooriii 'I i Toledohin , "The11,1111am 11-1wi-1111be 11 :ise , l s-il li isy ached11its lzii:il. lii hei 1. l'ollc year onta~irII ?iel1, he ~ni'r I nvl 1b'I11)I I l I: l ii,, bee- II is-'l 111111 ,0 siii c1a111 rs1111 l'::: Ii li i111 1 l ' i liacii l 211i ii . I l I f.Il Potter is~u 'c i o l' flc ii-biltrv l :ith i I ho--i-u: 71111i g1gmil ::inseaI o:l 05"11 s m :11111 liiieafov111than111atllihat 1111. ii of:thelch iira1111.Sl pic.ip0 ' ai i no:: r:1 11.-iland wi l Ic. c l iioe, l-l i -i i-li: :1 i ll: N-is req- redlo +vhle etser sie o te feld sjt~ al. he astrl ofI, - 1:1' :1:1- : e dl ii li-il 11: -I-honoiofIthoi "r:at111 sci lost\u:;.f1- 111.1 i lsgth. slti-- :1l 11be 1div110d' s 11111.o 11, 11 :h1t -.I I.ree h .1:11 1:10 011 ii p of lil ch1es110n0 il Iie ,- of-i-e''ii-il I :0:1 i,1 Oil: 311:11.1:1 Ill' 0 hisf p n o la ettti ti e~l ide hav been 1ell1to h17 3. ni. flu, I 'd t'n 77idelo . 1011:,itonIr l lfJ ,A.-.P licrLlt 0071:1, .013abe ~dmeit a uh l 1.1.1,l I. - v ad hi osto. sla l'Cins 11112I11 IIllibe illrthe licilny. 1 '0 1 iglit o:Ile cond1'iion, 0. a711011 10 f :1011 s 11 P'Il-1 5113illba fcoto ar'iceehlredli n 11t:l,( great1110miecIlesha j st loc 11 10111111110hu:,e ut 111no Pr c $1111;o'fieiS t11110 nafulu11 :n am- i-f h oie llir i'dsw th 01111 i i s btlttlti. S f g ood'S tu~,iY Watouan eh t Cintn St 1=-o'iir liililto Ilss cfe nl hes e}i S il I ( l1-\''l 1111111et s of ire o fg 1110i slucey lit t h1110 r d o a d a t r o~~ y l 50111'ci li si' 111010 iill 1110 v,:11 hatrCed1 i fl l iy olc ,a ,l ~ni sot;. le Inc31a 1'l a t112re Is illloldinerd 1'. clh ' I 111 stude tsr qto voly onCourse.l11 tin GailnOOU I in$ & wHll am E 1eao n sO, tires1ia h pb Ciii ert117 c inldlay, 0. Kenton, 0. ' Columbus, 0. .Athens, 0. lliddleport, 0. Peomeerv,0. I. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. 'Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Paint Comsfort, Va.. Williansburg, Va. Newport News, Va.- Norfork, Va. 'licIlea Agentiir I 1110 B ar Famlyedo,' TiSfhe menand aDEHn FamlyJ IMedi c)iitei :bl'Cure'i s th'e11101 commo eovery-dayt~ ls of701human1 I iy.lil ll Delsil-113'1 11 1 e lls ' 011a11101 '1e Do (3iuafarIle to l~ge yoga11'n artl'liilg aln leitIll tlwIf 1' i1of li-M. : i l i e r cl'ay( il hb t:: tanhe d~iroint tal1110anyfacty-Ilit ge of - 1111 cot otiri iEs If tirii ofre2,5iiy yea(~r te iIls toiiiverst posi money'S aluof'tl en1111 7010 stib 1erilion eftyard011 cudeofte fI otbale ci