the I tt. a Ado VOL. VT. . NO. 40. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THIURSD)AY, NOVE:MBEIR 14, 1895. FOUR, PAGES-3 CENTS. AFT~tAT! F TLEGA E.hub wvriters, than by Mlacager Baird, __________ of telist' Mihian teain, in his torrTes- WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OFioideive to western jiaper'-;. Is enough for one person toi MCIA'SSADNl p lay on at one time. One IN Harvard- Michigan Game Placed New York Stiii of Nov. 1tt: S guitar is not enough, how- Us on a Levei With Eastern Coi- The lliigai teain played good, e19 ver, to supply 3,000 stti- Ilegos-The Team's Work. honiest footbsall throughout. Their line dnuts. That's shy we have was the heaviest that Iharvard has 999 constantly in stotk several 9 The following etippisigs fromh sonmc 99919199c-int this year, hot exi-eptinig 'riiire- dozens of guitars of various op1 of the leaudiai papers of the eoutiiry-, makesand pices.toii.looiiiiigstoii kicked well, and make andprces bthieast anti west, shiows-the geacerat N19 9Battird at quasrter hacik swas supuerior 191 BETTER LOOK AT OUR NN9 sentiiiscnt ocl the 'result (if te li irti !!9'9! to either of the itai yard Inec. Niortoin 1 .O UTR ~ ~ n h tchu Shiaw hut tip a strong gamce at guaird 9191 9191 of the lielsigai teaii: 99 It's good as its nanme. N999atdisthlosvedit I~lssl easily a. lu-ter NNTHE ANN ARBOR OR GAN CO. " hueph- iliis Es-cr evea ly baiacee(] iuan ltlutuiu .tuure. ale sea itthlh S99 . MAIN ST. and uiu Bob Nt'recct has ssritten to Cam- Iclelt od ot~fr el a 99 Ist is first trial 1to a btug guietlits year ~, bridtge that the lMichigan squarter-hack it quarter baick. ttl istnot gisc liii' AT... is thc best iiithe business.I liiy hasi signals svith its mc neasouhisborsten, i alut; strsig of sietories to thesir ccii- anusl nii ot make thie play tis fatst. S h eehian 's it this till andutIlairt still1 hasvc to but Iliesvas careftul, tuseil good jtulg- You cai idiithe largost anti most plyentlullItnsere playedia, superb udefensive Ctomiplete stork of PoistsuiPost iof Nuts. 0: (ime, I . Slshut (nd itbot swere bosths tWhT R N h i its-veeer tao, uobefrcedutoitsstopi playinugii. til-eis secn rod osit hsit- shhltu.for,- wslile' lh-y half suit accoun~t os.itnjuieis. S~[ WididSnANDwillutheysplaedr,cnsoit-us P DgEBA oTheGSOCIETIES. enttRfoobalIanddemnstrtedto lt-e ProraslfroheJeffersonian and IIIsI~)UVI~ I~ tifcftuuusof everyboduy tht thlit'Webster Clubs. in the city. Woe i skeotheniona gamue uf Itngluy has reauchedt a sl~selotu- ordler', in any color;',designi 01' lustiniithu Wiest swhic-hs sill nousloss'- cj'The lurogramuusfor tie lefftsusiu so- style desiresi. peurmtitof sny caslc-uluations of tlhu-isis- cisty fiur tousit is asofllowss: Ilutus- tiontemlu iuleavl'uses liii'Western lu ig, A. S, Kepners'iiptroumpttu disucos- Airciuls for' im cleae d ,._..__ _......-- -..- -rll-- - -a--, ntirl.-. 'v -us0s, t lo NINETY-EIGHIT TEAM FINS.~t '96 ELEVEN DEFEATED IN THE CLASS GAMES. Score Was 6 to 0 and Was Hotly Plaged-'98 Probable Winner of the Championship. 'Ninsety-six hiet its lirst defeu, iin a Iruusg tisse yeste'rdasy afteroonu, anti '98 ts ntowv prud sof its eli-s-inuand is coluntinug nsuit siluiil tsc intr--cluas s-lausqsioisliis. The gainie yesterday wss lahyedtliiififte-iinlute' halves. Niuuety--it st-sriig the firstatnsus only lstuchrdssos, tfter eIe-es-it sintutus of hilly iniuse litrst half. Tue g-bise Wsusipilayediloiltile faiir gi-ounds. 'Niinety-s-iglit kicks-ilotil, and '96i bsrowugit the bail hack isy shosrt ansI steadly ginsi to liii'cseils-i of tilefiteldl, losinugit oil tfour doss-s. 'Ninesty-eishn-okd i g 'onto'0st litr 1line. Weie iusaci a. try at tse lute hut svas thros-usIasik ssith aloss. tIs fallinlieIsdsropped-ullit'heall, aindl Han- smu csarrieds it oserthe hiss' for' a touchi- dusts-i, ti-sutus-it-Isits'kickedilau igstl. Scorue,ti-I). Duriug tue ri-st of tsceihalt '.185 ot lit'ebll backc trou thlit-kick off to shoutlit's-cisc sitlitelit-lit. inthls'e tttis tiltd h l Bryant ki-kedi GEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN, Enraved vslolng c-trtl e csup- ply its five days. SHEEHAN & GOr. ole-s-ss'ussit sirtosideulruatsin. Tlii- ihisganslayl)er-ssari- tstu esuigurals'- latedt, too, ftu he lil-eaisouttnt smuanly ssyits sAsliclsthsey tplaye-d lit-e gssuus. 'They st-sere sreported to lit- mitners, lc-ksisilltssund sussksssustusie, tss i 1 a0Ss. STATE STREET.- THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. Th~e latest and most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The Largest Stock in the City. 10, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN, IILD. ATWvAHW'S Chcg 'iss-sgu tlssiiig lest of Nuts. i1 ''ltt' Mlilgutit t ootbsauliteamsngt;, ou its creslit for its gaase stlls1,1u1r.11r0 ai ltcett is t-ssuteslass wsthllYaoe, Harvasurdl, triscstosus anudtPennsylsvania. The cuisoni, it is geniurually admusitteds, stouiout at"disks," acctidenst, orsshsat- s-seu' shsplpabullcimisfssrttunesfor this luteAunnsArbosr hbops plauy lit'calls-s. But esenin i the thufist, Mic-higans has gasiedt sthat the West tihuheet, forlt-e AWols-erinces-s-is-,-a distinctliselute ini fooitball. Site is suprem-use ini theu W~est. Every disaslvanitagce ssas ts-u', B.(Cuhl; dhebaute, "Ressolved iot' to '"iS fifte-s-uu a-scsi lsts hi-ntoi Thhat utrmia rusty tutu lusy sshutI e ters's-c8Iwoirked ls hth a11sloswly umitoi increaused! if uesc-sssuuuy tinfestituss' lii sthinuua ysrut sit'005 gufoal. Hesreu MIIoii Dctr(iine'" uiruuttutis's,M. 96 tm hmIlsteittslushgist thus-balumilt Norris mmmiiAMr.IHatrtper; uui-gtstis-s, hMr.shots.ts heisy hatd ctrriedstit to thus lsisug mmmd iir. 'huylorc; critic'' erilt.thttis ty ad Iiume, suiscus, lisss' su 'hssWebs'ter socsity scttgruuus t allec. tridaty iiightt is us followsss: ii-s -Thit n ue uphu tuts 1a suihssus 5; qutt;s- readhig,. J. iauss-itr; e i iS '}8 ott. G. in. Kelley tutu I. L. Suslter' r' a- Siti tlts .. ...1.- - -'Th-ris Suitmutisns.. .. . .... I - Vhitususun litmus, it. Iuc'sskrtsilsimptromtutti it itt nisosh 1. tg - htut..Th tmsonu, r'. itrusimh'itis optiion;l21 lttttsii', stet de-- iii''S tg- - - --. .. .Ns-stul Hiatt', "Resolvet-ihattIhes- trusilhugsadMhiiVs - --. ,... . Htotuse' fir-ussatis-s Dt. I'. Salisury i antds1 i-sut I I - hsm.s turihusum. usgtuitis-s, iBrooku mt s-s -lsnhi-ft.., l. 1. Wolrtuff it. i-l. Noss-hsussth; 1iultttitut, at liiisIthmsts-u...Is St. ('lair isis-it's opitisoll;scitie's repourt. Sumhsttusls-Ccsfortu-1)1st-sm, Itisuui-' MINNESOTA GAME. limi iiihiy Send in Your Orders Early for Seats. Boxes, Etc. d HAVE YOU READ IT?