THlE U. OF M. DAILY. Time Table (Revised) May 19), 1894, P. M. AM P A-- ER1re M4ail and Ex.-- 350 Mail ---_-58 43 ., '.E+h -il n a h Co ouewlh hoc N. Y. Special--.- 55 N. Y. special-_73..I...L tset Tic t h ok oie -t aC oc Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.__. 9(1529Solid lbrtelht I sins tsl teenTt ii t iohm AM. PacificEx---a-I 57LiefleaWoolenf roms and tlftrlest(ott \1cV., Viac (o;lclaibs h Atlantic E____7 47 P .soret andaanyirietcttal. D. N. Express--- 5 40 Western Exsteo--1t00 G11 ' ghjr-n 15 I5L5, i EVL" 0li9tUU. ETU R il Toledo, 0. 0. W. lictoc a, It. W AYS Findlny, 0. C. P. A T. Ac't., Chiccago. Act.,Ann IArbotretn,0 IFino Dressers it wi'l l py yollto see; the lult(11111 el omipare KCnolumbs,0 0 ' I1u. rices str'itly first Clas ourk. Up-to--date styles. Loi-v.Athenn,0. est ~pr'ices. __________O. ix ~ ,Ponoery, 0._ NORCTH-l N11-l At the Grand Opera House. Martlanollins Hypnotic Slooper. Pt. Pletisant, W. Va. FcZ~ AILWAY SOUTH, _Richmond. Va. emn.recnltiel li,Itie cc-netsvted ityl1lotii-., 'Iliii- Ilottie of lit I tittit Leotitrdl Petersburg, Va. r 137ca. m. 't7it a. m. - tic ts O~IsItiil etllitloti of IljO heml ieiltoili loll in liteptios Ie lst Old Point Comfort, Va., *12:251. no. I1.0Ia.on. - 4:15 p. m. 9:00P._ Itiotver atth liiti-iitiopt-cla t lts. l -I 1lii co-c fllactiriai.Williatesburg, Va. All tratintsdilyc excetSunaytIo lit. bliie soslitiliit 01115iiltiti FI ,Newport News, Va.. S iTritt sn bci ttAttttAs~et tilt Tioledoiui h'fc hl:i lit tttenot te- Itept.i5 is Ito olc--. is lttliccl lire, tocors, Ta only.e s atiieKc tl ii iottc R. .GREIW TO ),Ag;est -iita lt lc )ttnotfetoa e ;i- tcitielti tolt 21101 ) -- ttZ (30tta (Ittt Atitd ilt sot It-.ett tt0tt1o. Elgt-ct W. H. MI2NNE2TT G. 1).A. iToledoottaiteaue ta o fe iit y__________________________________f- o - 4 ".o'(1itt ev- dr sotantorotomisot oot on :all itiotto etrin:.. ittilt-is iii s ots :iiit. Siiiatil 0 ti orthe r i filotnto tltotntt:yi(tot o rlocal A Al R O u IIflIE(it-i--icSIULi (N Ilciit, .:Kit coo- Aolt.. ______ ltto it n cot to (ric dtti iitilit iSl ItisitiS olim t: Tioteot. Tame Table, Oct. 27, 1895. bttil 1 o if ilt.ait 1 T7-. ' l-itelit- tit i i- ttr:- cc. . lt)I(O 1 A 22E15 lcieso t.roel, StieS. Leave Ypilaittttfrom ntfige s sO.,7:10, :5 ii -t5i-lttil~itt.91tK-t.i.t.2it 22lt (2l and 11t:00I. tmt; 12:45, It2i15,5 o s t5, t9:. totd ct- - illtotk - isl iiithe 11'oti-tec ci~i-(t;114). {i()1-5. 1),15 25 l . 1 )t -2_).- _ _______________ 1045 p. tm. Icliltol{ ,,I: ~,1'- Leavt. Ann Artiot Junon.40, 9.:1 ttton t visi-dl ttitll it-teti - Il~ilt-e it -cz ts Ro I toil 21 11:3 a. i.,115,7245, 5,30, 5,i4)t45 and 11:159- I-{ pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '11 ( ltii0 ll 1 t iStttil. .1llt itt iiIit : '. 7a ti 1,i{,.),ii. ti beaire Ypilantitfrom Ct esscot.. 1t:t5,3:toc aS Itis ti itsitle tot AN-ill tttn ttotbe ola- Gl .5' (,7G5 , i.. T co cd5ptTe modern stand- Leav Ano. A borSi Juneiot. 1:504:5. biS. nil -l nitil i tt i tlilt. A-lit t 2iib t :11 flt 1 1t s i-. 7550 and 9:3) p. in.sAittl b i u-iteivti - i i '-iotthitis iiciafoll tieatstlt s ll ls-0' itt-ie,l-t M-il DIS- W and Family M edi.- 5>t~ ruse f iy t i5m000 1+itt: sitltitpi5 Cents; round trip oitici i t toi titt1tIt (1 121 tt itlre o b11')oriI ea.f1t:to l1:1itt9>taitlfhet i \"11'( ic- i st.I. PAttERtSiupt. . 0.iioil t . - 11 t- uu itt - A cine : Cures .the M 0T Pi E S L X T heit oet ()sol itit Ai-ibels-. iis l,(Ica) t ttcio- il 11 t il-i stil s J Q ~ /{ l 1O),yT ittlt horte- ta l:uoti- he rilst-t .Is-iat 1 . ,1S-to t-- t he(11lt,'l i-e(oii o m n v r - ilstrtit 5 it -tltiig ftttteIilootgs I lII ieiii of theill ic t lto ) 1 :19 ; ls fh ma iy -A --f"' i ii lx is tel notolttt elx sp oil l e lditoil-si 1 l ol c: los H i l-itios -- ttta it . liii lot-tfitt-t-attht- i~tt (Ii o li s Is it I cx liii I - t o t TH KHD AA EN BLLAR)HL ,l (i-ic frlll liitex. TiIls-i- toothei-I'Tesl 5 tot t lit ll ii(: iti lseii- tisi ( z ________________ ('IG RS liitd oilof il o ly i l, 111 litI- iai-o- 111iltl -cii t-si l i iii ts (fr I!'1 cI ts T C 1. N E -O - O Hoytsey iland Ct-iolao pi1lmtiitlttos it eatttst-elit-s I I s ii 12 T OBACCOS A1DN CIGLARETT E. ft- 1 011 2 l tit i- ap atylls-. he e cal be v o tiot.ii Il o vi -lsl cilt Ils- st i- A D E NIR 5. it cy x. aira .+ Tc e --B kes Til ti te litto and - is it- - toti ellta- Cellt i9 if.-ct 01iio ( eil~t i iiocciteRi-yees Ts ttril to ete TO AC O A LDLIGA ETTE. tilem lonii--011- t utie.. a its- ibeoictlo ioo c 1 1 l oil lo:It-, t i) )E i clyS. Ralr a ic e ; f Bo ers-its It.e 11:y1,1-s mucx ith OleiSalli c- tin tir0 tt i -ll s loti x-i i i,if li 1 ttttsot~n lac-,n,1 rp(lei t aeit na h ok e -lsfi atl_ I iecel:1):ly )ito i( iiil e L nt ud r FOR"ttPtV-DII. . g& G L ' Ill, l ; X I1ot i ei solft-li'.h i t ii: 010it ic UIt M ,CVI to 1o 1-to i bo bt 1 ss oii1 I elilsuti C flt td Sil' Riiiff 11"e lutnt ior, 0 S.-ta'; 1, A i i itrbr. ou 10 .01-liiin i tll It'antullo-ol 1sc t } )- t 11.4 1 23; bel r fli i 2 1011 I iled tever A N otre i. Sloeto.hIttoog.oI us1iooliiiioooot 11111, 15 Washington Block. ~ i IstoiSf o t-e lai. S trtomtomsil- compiu- si . besii mloo e roso foi 9. r ANIsN ARBOR sI1oltescoliot.-tuii10o A TA 1,,c . S"otot. sutll 1 O xo-s lsoul tlootit lIt1{' t12tle--- °&+.Z. J.L. LPL I ~ V 1011 00 ot it ily 1lotsotto£ s-litI: flit-i-i 0alig tn s 000cl oo s ~cjeXtr tti ot. t teto it litlet too2,1iTttn''l iosso- ihi t I s El. S. BERMTIS, Manager, At tlos 5 0 looptS 1011Ilosoc tittetli 23 S. FOURTH AVE. essooo5 tit No.. S 'FLi Dl q ii AS USUiAL 91c ot ofli-etohe2al lt eooisotieic2Itot AS 4+I~l~ o~J ,L* 1ilo I h it lteel s11ritto oli of theo V F