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November 13, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-13

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oce of mutual rospect and good feel- Literary Societies. Ia
H. pai. t ig.Stuchan article as the o1 in Cloiiuil olit~~ . sing 0 bt
Te~ti'sDalyheotit"1 ~tecstothis wit ont accouttltof to' c I tito- e have left a fair stock of
Tubliottod Daily (Ssintty excepted) durint Lttitktt'an ott l ntto good, aihid ., realty m taS.0 .curiiitliiy tll sorts of
tte College year, it tetilth S. .A.cus, atraare och ote lithg, tal;fri
THE U NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, littih Hriailttiwredscewe vn ing(-nor leAdetili frolltSntleit - - RITING TABLETS Hradielwr uhwalns"ecnn;,teAepipo
lFirEc: Times building N. Mtaini st., opposite ats is imptlied there, it was certaitnly hl elt'twl ohl shcicnh lsdo~ta
d________ ____________iisgrateti' i galnot to he atle to follows:
tootO~t~O* MeliittiiThe AltihrNot society will pr esist
cuiros. utt til a hi oter' 00510 ttetti. theltltoiiin" prograti'text oFridatyMAOT20PGEABT, 5
J. A. Oclteti', '00, 1tloeog iog Edi'aitte. fltc xxiElve lti',lcad0stFrtilFotR
G . 51AtteaIiSO t6L, Assitate ttlin' 01, otiti solo, Mr. Eeriett;( y O
G. tR. Otto, 'StiAstistant. dn)-~ean of artientlate sliak-6000RILTBES 10GP3FO 0
5;. . tate, c. I Ax~ht'tt. dittltetiititilox.'i ee DI.' vittlter; syhil, Mir. tOtd-1GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8
C.5. E. iste, r , Ai1iostnte. t iiet101 give thetiarvtard cheer, ad .E PEBuieslpd ~i eie(rn~r anti:wihsdlik;ittebite,'"thesohcit. That a college, CRANE LINEN TABLET, - -154
t..~ ~ tO eitit t'.ti-iiix lote. li iii lcrt y . xti001 l t untshotuldtte tittie reqilsitei BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350
A1 ; 'ssiate diihtr. itatetto lk WtWt,'Wt f otriatdmisstinto professlal secltooto," WRITING PAPER BY THE QJIRE OR LB.
L. A. rt'sti'Ci. A. i'ciri",'8. 'The cmenioitts of cattle otf tic east- 51 i tv it'. Cteorge' aid Mir. Ztdtt This stock will cot he rcplaccd.
C. . 1oi t , ' 96 1),'i I. iG. .IleathS, ' '9P. erni tilers ore very aniti h, it!is alCoine uc o is h ie
Kathterine Stel, '97;. It.ii. iGamon,.198 M. ito, n( ,.t , Mr. ilticiletic r nlM.tu'b ttey d o tsi~l1b is ter titti ir.o- ckfo frs ho e. l r u T .7h: r, J. 4.E.luhs tS eill , 'i
13. 3. teatiy,. It eilly, 'ti. rem cittttrtl, 1retresent llartlirdiltt.11 trany t M. Ethubb;; Vitii soo
Thlpice ofthte' Dtily twill ratin axihees- teln'rttc s 5hdl'iiltMr. Everett; critie's irt. Grecnts f auda hand Opera House.
tes, Slit.. itayei teittesei.l hintoadvanice, SCIEFICft VII ,IctrTHREIIE 316J(11TS ONLY,
sotiiitiawtit ; to fat ; t, hapul Saion t 11t-r1-k lie ti 'gliiltig of till ic Iia f 5ttritiix fr .a Ntte xtO O UA ,T ED Y W N S AY
the'I tgrettitutu ersitiex t)fillt' tast ISt, i y otffic, it 4 p.tnto Esngagietent Eut'lostisey tid oilt oh the
patoi o tlttthe t liohtyof'rx t altis 'll 1 thN posit e V i e i Alti n . tlsto b(1113 00he L Ei'St.ots ~d idte 'erv
ct lettlltii es a nd o'tito s l i i'att,'r-ec(Stii ii i HE MASTER OF HYPNOTISM
ofilthe tAivit ste't associxatOion.tThiil'steput F u, It & I)., C.,It. & ft.,Ohio IiCieli.Oaunitci lptoits
atill be 11:1take ibcauset t tt.,is' ct h i' tl iit, ittaendtl eittitifat'fi il o hel'tliric ort t-l er'' Psystlems, itcan . 5c
obtjecrlti. tt is of vhirec h 'Ieir, -c 11r,' tiid tltill), t tt -iltit o1. 27 tatil-18' Leathercrhaitirsxan111o1esttli for libtat Lox ney's Chocolates.
ptossiblet, t havtix ' liitiatict'open ih l htiit utilt ehilt'. 2. PiiktsiItillries anud ftraterirty tiortses iin tihe a- T
bi; stshtlIIi'wttl'htit''ti t otli t ltl thintstxinihigan.giati tiiiet txrtict.Plisxeytix i o Lunches.
iiictsst'i ht liivt'it ttiti ~ to 1l1 poilts ils ite lines tif ottr-'ToledotiMAITIN' l1I,~t
ttttith~iNfl anD. i ttonlttis. lAI:LIh;ht'S .I+:'h'tiIti STL.JDENTS.
of tallowig outsidet oo iifre'atichittic, It'itht(-ShO IS ElS tXCUthSt1tNS '8lT1Tts1tt17d. ioltt
It ttoI i ll ti oitt ilt t (t1w i'ttt. i t T irginitaittnd the Southi. Nov. 1:) NO AN Tt) IIron Icceli-c Is fifteet I B t
u11-t~stbticllidit'i ', i'it htt t t'e D(cc. a'ittt17, 18,1). est ents to xwotrk oi co i ission. CallI N THI r ltFt1TOGPH [OlI'
Oill the btovse dtles agets of thtetftFiuoi t
gau'.tt, sf th ildt ar : close'd only - tll a it.HuonstOat-sciioll guaranltteed. 6 E1. luros St.
Ohioltntr tal Litnes wilt sell Excurson
otsithirs, ithlithi ititEis it aIlet'cCO5 iii'
tickets lit otie fact' for the roud trip; ~ 44f4f i ~ ~
totIttit t xi.,fie-it. llittfor retuirni iiO itays. r- li-cc't'. ;
- ~~~Consult O. C. Agents.it071OilA
West CGhalie n--e; East, ' ALL T1EE PAGAZINES IN ONE" "'retltl onhliesoril -
The toll0 tIii'i'b Ct (it10s,', aorotloi .oittella if hi
Dtrtoit.'FrtI Puess itayl'Nts"of Intert'vos l bu ttttolno. I IAPI.hi'S .1i W''.t Iv' ,o u
-'-I ta
"Cotllumbhigei I 'til ie hstt eeivetdt'roc, Sigcvot iSht~rhh iIahEi i'A~ii itii '
oii fttrli'hnt''oh'of Vooi o stcaTus.o att andFli uca it ifsiivt h ln
the1 hi 'y cityiifr Minneot athi G 1 i O I the ttiiItiAu ttgls ot1tEVIEWi 1050 S , ie tsec FIVE
xo tt f trom ttho'iuigeyitr- uttitec io (ala o i U iest t. it t otsF.Oidtercn xr ORn y
stic Titllttis tcichefr e is wl i ts tito c m ir sai(Iio naoit.hatit Oii 11.in4er tres i .thot'he cir a 1x, 0 Ile -aeh 3 'a
eatt nttl' sprti ng; O ts51, u t y talts still illdpeasret urnii th ewally. ssoffice. yctswsll i aicirs .ll1o1e
pi tse',t, if Colutica10 ll itlulicunhgi ahit-Suth no c sstw r. l ol, c utene n ttt vedae hate
hut rot 'tt ttui lug1 yea. C nl erttthttaisatoNo.t7r-,. Unithrsity7ave.fMiss et reo ubihe. ih h 2rcetexrodnr
1I. Brown. 'dofri. .a celase of woectrthyproiasthecrfu
attpropiftiiiots a yto lut iit re niti defs h al
chalaid rowittthe hpt oftomfntho gisof (Ioeroical oti Eretin's ar ttueneot'
(ht deiin'athtoluh re t ooie match shallhi ore.aTe altor'e "or ess o.h:Wrd'i
ott.." ' i~~~~~t' he t n It'> r. J si lo Io''ntuto It htrydy us cie

To tic Edlitut' of the I,'. of it. Dtaily:
Doer sir.--t scoiths to ie thttt son c
of lt'e urtiuco ittl the Daily t ,l'gii'ttl
thu' lihifatni-ttirt 'rt foohtbll ,~tt
arc iti tiror tathe. So ftar as etall tbe ule fonilara ep ts c-
gnun tuluyed it strong, p~ltucky loic.e tut-
der ufavorttblet conduitionso, 11100 sias
defeatedt hy i-cvry natrrowv inargits.
Such a result con~fers hotter on bohu
teatms, and the attitude of the twxo uni-
versiities towsards etach other should lbe


-c' ,poth gutu n 01 cry pfi7O of heIto lotad
ito tuso ii (I liia' o i. etle hitoiry of the aothlt. TIHRSEE' i
v h ! L'iije Cc.t~'d s: "s: "We are decply RECENT t
c>: tnmpresscd (cous a oh to Imo nthtwith tie valute RMP
"of the ' RvtmtCFr RVIEWS,' witci is a hort 25 cents.
O xof Eitfel ToScor (or the slurvey ci the whole :
O fel, of peritodcal hEtcratoie. And yet it hat a mtind and voice of its
t'rN otwnad speatsot wtth decision ttnd'tease on all plublif topics of'-~
Otois- the hour. It ta a siagabi'ar combiaatont of tlie monthly nmagazine tnd '-a
- the ditty necwspaper. IllIs daily ill itt fresthnless;I
'itits uiotily in its method. It it the world Agens find it .
c unde0raufie'd gass." fu ls
Sod on atl News Stands. Single Copy, 25 cents. Pr'ofitab11le
RTVIEloRLVIEWS P flagazine.
a' 3 Astor Place, New York.

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