VOL. VI. No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1815. Fou-n PAGE-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR t 111 Is enough for one person to' S play on at one time. One gnitar is not enough,'ow g~~ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- jj dents. That's why we have ii constantly in stock severaljj dozens of guitars of various Nsi makes and prices. N BETTER LOOK AT OUR I U. OF M. GUITAR, It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,,~ { S. MAIN ST.' Sheehan's You can find the largost and most complete stock of SWEAIERS AND GYMNASIVM SIlS 10 thc city. We r-ke themr to order, in any color, design or style desired. Agents fur the celebrateid BEO, S, PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN,1 Engraved visiting eardls we sup- ply ini five days. SHEEBHAN & co. 30 S. STATE STREET. -WILD, - THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for. Men's Wear. The Largest Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. WILAD. ATWAHR'S r HAVE YOU READ IT? "ollege Girls," OJUR MUSICAL PROSPECTS. WHAT THE UNIVERSITY IVUSIC- AL SOCIETY IS DOING. Series of Concerts More and Bet- ter and Cheaper Than Ever. Be- fore-A Vast Auditorium in View- First Concert Nov. 19. The seoies of iCioral Uionitincrtiis this year will, witliont donht surpass event those Ithit have hbteniliven iii ihe past. No expenise heas beeii spared to hriiig hefre music loveis thle tt(st possileh talent, a tart that. is easily realized whenit it is consideredi that echl concert represeint;:ever one t hou- soiiiidollirs. As has bteen i ioted hefore, there are included iii this year's sen-rs lone 5syiiphlony coincets tud, too great cluorail andh orchestral conuceits. Be- LECTURE THIS AFTERNOON. Mrs. Florence Keiiy Wili Speak at 4 P. M5. in Tappan Halt. 'This aifterInooii at 4 o'clock a lecture upn oi (hil I Libor and the Suveating;. System willlie giveii illtic leiture room of Tappniihall. Mrs. iloretire Kelly, the lecturer, isi-pobtlyvbhtter quialifiud to speak tipoii this suibject ltaiiy tpersont livig, for she hars lhat many years of liraletical experienre along the line of the =subject she will dicussa. Atlice-si-it she is Slate Fac- torylIspictoir of Illitnois antl lisliei a resident of Hull House, Chicago, for seine time. fis. Kelly is afltiett specaker of pleasing address andu treats. lie subhjecf, in, a sway to initer-est till. The lecture will lie given utnder the auspices of th- Womten's League. It will he- free, and all studeitis anti 'cot- SATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. '9-'98 Game Declared a Tie- Prospects of a SkatinE Rink. Whtenitheltathiletti- hoard.intrtlast night.,a