THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUDENTS Are well pleased with the elegant fitting and well made Fine Black Suits MADE BY JOS. W . Kollauf, The Practical Tailor, 10 E. Washington 1t.. Tp Stairs We 7 Employ Yung mes in part payment for ahigh gradeo Acme whbich wes endthem onapprnoal. -No work done until the bicycle arrives and proves 5 atoiscrory. Young Ladies aeoamtes mended. Write for particulars. ACM CYCLE COIPANY ....... IND Noble's Star Clothing House, ,. . COLORED SHIRTS. This week we are showing all the novelties in colored laundered Shirts. The MONARCH, made by Cluett, Coon & Co., and the RELIABLE, made by Brokaw. The lines are complete in all respects. For style, fit and com- fort the above manufactures' goods speak for themselves. SEE OUR W1ND OU. $3,00 $4.00 Special Prices. Extra Values. We can show you all the desirable styles in French Calf, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan. GOODS7P D , .I A. G. SPALDING & BROS Football Supplies a Specialty. Every requlite for hi goase. Jackets, Pasts, Jer- seys, Sweaters, Shoes, Caps, Belts, Stockings, Morrill's Nose Mask, Rubber iouth- Piece, Shin Guards, Head Harness. Spalding's Officia Intercollegiate Football most be coed in all latch Games Price, $5 00. tSpalding's Official Football Guide-New Rules-iictues of all the Leading Players. Price, 10 ots, Handsomely Illustrated Football Catalogue sent Free. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF ANN ARBOR Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prcfts, $M0,000 Transacts a general banking business. Ferelg. bexchanges bought andsold. Furnish Setters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sello eschansge on the principal citieo of the Unoited States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identifcation. Safety deposit boes to rent. Oo'ICRSn: Christiasnblock Fees.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 46 S. STATE ST. HALL TO RENT. B. AM.USI, ns. NELLm L BT e k. 27 Thiompson st P. 0.Block. VIC'TOR FOOT BALLS I- -_o, N ..Y. ;y t :e Nth -s Try Our "Red Star" Oil. No smoke. No offensive odor. Will not char the wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has no equal in this imariet. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in our cans. Price 1c per gallon. DEAN & COMPANY. 44*South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. Nov. 13.-Final inter-class game for The '99 football manager is corre- football championship. sponding with the Lansing team for a Sat., Nov. 16-Varsity vs. Purdue. game. Sat., Nov. 16, S p. in., University Hall E. . Robilsonl, '0, lslincipal of the -S. L. A. course, Leland T. Powers, impersonator. Muiskegoi highscholi, vent to Lelssie , Tues., Nov. 19, 5 p. in., University Germany, in 1S9-4, and July 29, 1595, Hall-Choral Union series, Thomas' obtained the degree of Pli. D. in his- orchestra of Chicago. tory and political economy. Fri., Nov. 22.-First Freshmansocial at Granger's Academy. Tickets $1. Intercollegiate. Nov. 23.-Minnesota game at Detroit. Fri., Dec. 6.-Sophomore hop. The University of Pennsylvania has just been donated $40,000. ItUNTERS' RATES. . . Agents of Ohio Central luned are Cornell and Pennsylvania will have AetofOiCnraLneae selling Hunters' Tickets to all points a cross country run Nov. 16. in the huntinlg territory at hunters' Basket ball is becoming the popular rates. See Ohio Central Agents. 102 game at Wisconsin Univeirsity. ROOMS. The weekly hare and hound runs at Pleasant suits and single rooms fur- Harvard are attracting considerable nished to order. Bathroom and fur- GENTL.BMEN T You have bees wearing plain and sombre colors for the last few years. This fall we hove a complete chage. Some will prefer the plain. whle the more enthusiastic dress- ers will adopt the new colors. The goods shown are grey and brown tweeds with a dash of brieht color in plaids and stripes. You wls find a beautiful dipay of these fabrics also a Sine lice of Ovecoatn s is Kerseys Meltons, Castor, Fur and Patent Beavers, Eskimos, Shetlands, Astrakhans and Chin- chlls at S. W. BURCHFIELD'S, Merchant Tailoring Store, No. SE. Huron St Gentlemen wishing to he informed on the proper and correct thing in dress are invited to coland see me., Imake a specialty of Dress Garments and Street Costumes for Ladies. O O 526 0 . STATE U&01STREET. + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST'AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A COMMLETE STOK O' UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Students' Supplies. Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they offer at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. DO YOU DANCE? Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger invite those considering the subject o1 dancing to call at the Academy, 6 Maynard st., opposite School of Music building. No stairs to mount; Office and Dancing room on ground floor. 0. H3. =~YES, OP"ERA HOUSE JEWELER. U. of M. PINS. .|Al the Tie You'll find someone in the store to attend to your wants. Night bell and telephone. You know the place, the only white front on ' tate st.,d 4lis the number. PALMER'S PHARMACY. When thinking about giving a parey remember Holmes' Livery carries yau rhaperons free. Finest hacks is town. CATERER, l ANGSTERFER, 20 E.Waash ng- SPECIAL. O" M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth ~..and Metallic Cakete and Cmmon Colins. Embalmi ga Specialty. No. 1 E. Washington st. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- rooms. All appointments first class, Impsrted and domestic car. Ladles' artis- tic blr dressg and bathing parlors. J.. Trojanowski, 30 S. State st. Y[THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned, lt ppessed, relined or rebound go to Mrs. Fingerie. over Seehan'sbook store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order. TRADE - IA R attention. HOME-SEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Virginia andt the South, Nov. 19, Dec. 3 and, 17, 1895. On the above tlates agents of the Ohio Central Lines will sell Excursion tickets at one fare for the round trip limit for return 30 days. Consult O. C. Agents. TO DANCE WELL. Now is the time to join the classes in dancing at Granger's Academy. Otice, residence and academy it Maynard st. HAVE COME, a consignment of the litest U. of :I. yellow and blue ffilgs and buttons. I-IALIER'S tEWELwY STORE. For students I have the best assort- ment of, revolving and study chairs. Special low prices will be quoted. Call and see tiem. MARTIN HALLER. nace. Two blocks from the campus on the street car line. Board if de- sired. 102 S. State st. For up to date pictures call at "Stabler's, of course," and ask to see "The Feast to Flora,"' by V. Tojetti, "The . Ruling Passion," by Young, "Midsummer," by Albert Moore, "Evening Prayer," after John Emmes. Latest novelties in frame mouldings at all prices. At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- nished front suite rooms, furnace heat and bath. Also best table board at $2.50 a week for a limited number. For Students-Patent revolving book cases, best make and good patterns. Low prices at MARTIN HALLER'S. Found-A pocketbook. Inquire at 61 l. Washington st. Wanted-Board and single room by '97 L. Leave word -at Daily office. 27 The largest manufacturers. of Fraternity Pins in the United RG K C States are Detroit, Mich.