THE U. OF M. DAILY. Th~aelEemd02y-lAl YE Y "TUESA Mail and Es--A 50 Mail ---------343 M.A .1oewl etteCo os.wt N. Y. Special...._S5 0 N. Y. SpeciAl 1 r .E oewl t tteC o iotisow.t a Cie Eastern Es .---10 1 3 N. S. Limited.-__9 S AM. Pacific Ex----- 1s1) Line of Woolens from Atlantlic Ex .---7 47 Y a. D. N. Express.... 5 40 Western Ex____20M0 G. 1t. Expreas ..11 55 Ciii. Nt.Ex---.10 28 TnHEE lllh 0. W. RUGGLES, (.1. HS,...5 ~L L LE A L O!U IUI 0. P. & T. Agit., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor ?Fine Dressers it will pliy yoi to see 1111, 12102 1111 comrpai e a~u z T a- - tilces stritotly first class work. Up)-io-dl:ite styles. Low- '. ~ ~ ~~~est Prices. ~i) NOTH Mtrr.HGAN 3 TO A CROWDED HOUSE. CHRM N H UMS NORTH. SOUTH. Es-Gov. Ashley Mpoke on Abraham We iavt ire i riincestocikof hr itiio 1.372a. m. *710a, in. Lincoln Last Evening. ( )rysaileiri oinfuililbliomi All *12:25 p . 011:35 a. m. ____arii tedii to icalia.nid sethienr 4:1p. m, :tt0p.M.. Au trains duily except Ssiiday Ex- Th-. Ashley, of (?ilii, lot lia:th Ciii I S & zg *Trainis run betwccii Ann Artior and Toledo iliiilrtrl atteiigfl ie tr~iho. iSu si i otily. 3ltril ltl0lateellgoth rehueNS.Tnvriya. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent 50. SI. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. tUnity (11l1)rouirse-. 'Ilte chulrchl who ANN ARBOR U& YPSILANTI STS RYA priiiiiiiot~21dii'C)11 1Cil t. Time Table, Oct. 2'7, 1895. Co'. silssiijlwo Leave Ypsilanti from Cotigress 5., 7:10.,8:45 Iemiisieines if Abriaam L~iinilii," and t1100a. ni; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 64.5, 0:15, atd c- vir k 10:05 pi. m.mdiilorrrail Ihoir tlie g-audi- .x-.-.4. Lravo Ani Arior Junctiiii, 1:40, 9:15 aiii 11:30 a. to.; 1:15, 2:45, 530, 7:15, 9:42 aiid 11:15 once iwas215 riosoy iiilnrcslnd by tic rio- .:.orxl . SUNDiAY TIMI. Leave YpiantI from ConcresiSst.. 1:30,3:30, fnnli sileiyof: o- iiiill :00, il30anpi I;tl:p. M. fiTHEshp itVLncon ndnilORo Leaite Ann"Arbor Juoction, 21:00,N5:53 i0, tisl i orll liiioli ii iiI ti Cats rinon aitly time re: sisgle trip 15 i icteti h elhilnliu ir cets run tiptiksWm.F.PAittER, 5 p1. 110w IndhI 111001 1111125511g. Iliil Ijoit oIii FOlceaidailt h.-\aTV 00 to toe id clip tickiIt's lig.t. MAMMOTH EP SA LE oh~ land~jin, ""eI ol a ('11") giv i Hels: ad iurility ol t Joa~o DY cheGOiS stclut I: .i rn ~iultlir ll 111t~ti1 conl ll i 11thete111110 ittanl lSernoved oln 15 S. Staite St., Sager Bliocki-ullIten itedsene. eimterlOnil ttue gtil too elllc-~d Slot anid Cictii li i aat .Al lHoiurs. jatidtotthers, 2') etits Lot-Tvo1(za0 il11111iSEea stick Alsota, comlliet e tineoof fittest THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL p tIlls i ilmlolstni ii.Flfll oot halt ctotmitmg. ( 1 ( itlilplease~ returi-n to S~lteil dsof0211c. WEOLESA~L.E (ICIARaS 3Xamte. stioem~ ii :101,115slewardt.,i C O TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. (1111it Nio. 7 1,t1. yUesty aye. Stiso itSlii s .of5Victor ia yls Railroad 4- Ticket + Brokerst.ow. oi PACNt ii 0oil, i bli cy loo 01l~lolli I roulrty Leatheor ohair n d 111 o~tuolo for lihn= t- iii Li; A,,Qeo 11Portland __oneytoloanon _____________property' ries 11nd1filitl11i5t huisis ii ltoii" :-_ 'x -"^ "" For Solo hy 25 - Etaoblci 11 W. F! AT p a rt issiotilnt. Srices very lows, at Wahilzola St. Siingtilre $3.0 ;Ov:0 o100011to order 11i. p; ousrinteo o1111der 2.75. Nlatedt -A «till 111 nnncilnc d yoiiu UI 1[ ac11. Diycinig, Pressing aiid tRepairing0 1111lilts i 1111 snil uus~ FORD.IXIA & GL EN Ssc~ I l, three huiiurs a sieel. fo:r is ti::o11111li. Alen: Iant Taile, 20 S. stite st., Atn Arb~or. hleatandu light fouishet. 15 Umaslie-1 II) N A. 1.. [...i AVANTED-Frou iwevolvu- to fifteeni V R ANtotlc-iihsudetto worol itcommluissioin. Caull at Gi E. tHuron of.3 11-010 g ~)l)Ii. r Jst.-(aeillliuittopotnoiicne golod tc-l with fob. Itetuni to Dr. Pi. 15 Washington Block. Stuart, tPsi UplsilointHousei anid recely. recward. i ANN ARBOR --i-.,.c 1 r i, T. 0. &C.Ey. K. &1!. Ry._ Solid iiiroughihalo-in erS nTilledoi, Ohio- aitt Chiauleshton, it. Va., uia, Cit 1111 ho-, then -short aind only direct rotle. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Poroery, 0. Pt. Plensant, W. Vs. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Willimstburg, Va. Newport News, Va.- liorf'ork, Va. Ains all southeaeorni ntsl.ll:1.elnts uraeis"grioom tcarson 0all tru~ ris or fofier iifrtiorn all onliiyouir locale Ticketi Agent or write-. MSOULTON 110UK, GeilP 1.1;1. Assl., fToledlo, 0." W. A. PETERS, Miichmiyg:an-as. Agiit, lloit ih. l LI R"I"PAN"S ] W «. W ry ... G7 The modern stand- ard Family Medi- )cine : Cures the. common every-day ills of humanity. zj 1E WMACT1FE SOP AOREBEWiHUNI E i E. Liluoly st. Bicycles Mo ir1oi oi lItlittil. iDentaul Instni:SltotoIftp'lit ci. W~e Poni P uararh'c to give youanlirimit Suppllemti with ther U. of At. Dmily eviry (l'ly in theiweektiandiwucto00 i1lilt ifftrially forty-eiglt ut :goedih- tionis at liar prni lt rmiteoif $2.x(50Ia -year. Wec aimto tiv e a thuor- olighily re-pre-sntiveho,sit-to- dalei- itivi rosity ito-s slpe~r tov- erinig 115 depmartimunts oftuhe Sl'tis(rsily otatedIall t tilclit orgartizaioS:ii. I p PA filalrullc STEADM LAU.L DRY C. fligi Gliiss tauir e iiih E. S.SERVISS, Manager, 23 S. FOURTH AVEI. :FLAG PINS" AS USUAL. St >.a J rl aceR Ire line O cf imported Me ANOLDS Jewelry Stiirr. JENNIGSrEST LIBERTY ST. Hot Lunches, Chocolates and H-onme-made Candies. Aiverti-~e Your Wants in The Daily, Sctene Assoiamtion canlisil tElie 11111-' lic-1itolt s 1theiy co01e101 by o m~ill:ig at roomit11, Tappan tlu 1:1, 1 oil alily dayiexcet otsathirolay. Vitoe numberslare il-co1111 mlii:iumad alsixit, do- votled ftiocily ghovei-uhohtr. is piitil. linmitimolSs oelitto mll4ol ldllno r1t .1 aI yearS. CHARILES H. CtfOLE Y, Tri-misillor, NOTHING LIKE IT! THE OHIO CENTRAL MILIEAGE TICKET. Cowters bore m~ileage thianally ticket ins the mnarket. The only hook: good en entire B. & 0. nystehhl wsTt of Pittsbulrghi. It a150 inll~udesthe Bitg 4 systema. Get it anad have an ever ready tiecket ever all important lines. Price $20.00; good one yoar. Apply to Ohio Central Agenta, or address Moulton Honk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0. Subscribe for the yaily. 00TRILL & LEONJ ALBIANY, N0RV YORK, 1,Mkeis of G011.-.1:1d1101owns otoohem V. XURRKIELL, Ltcal 44 Wlrulim sti. Annuo R enttscid er, ANN ARBOR. M A Request. Eheaders of the Dath fer a favor on the Edit- tinniing this paper wn with advertisers. Subscribe for the Uafij,.