1 i { 3 t c 1 w 1 1 a 7 THlE U. OF M. DAILY # i~. SECTIONAL BIGOTRY. DR. MANTZ DEAD. 4C oiuIu f of a f It' Was Recntly Appointed Assistantr. o i g u EASTERN PAPERS SHW IT IN WsRc to Dr, Parmalee. ehvelf afi soko Published Daily (Sunday excepted) darisg FOOTBALL MATTERSn. all sorts of the College year, at DeoneMcia frRug Dr. C. '. Mane, cvlo has be lietUr THE UNdIVERSITY F MICH IGAN. PlayinE and Accuse Our Men of teiitlce'e llseistlill in Tobilo leeie bidngN lanstopoieSlgig-h acsAou t Bs treyeraShe be ctn RIIG -E" whcli1c.- ~-a is assistanlerelied very stid wihcan be closed oct as As usualil wheni lie West fore,,s itselfl'los EDITORS.dnylsiOlly 1110111 thle ettentioe of SheKEsel.e lsFia. MMOH?0IPG ALT 5 J. A. Loltoy, uS ideosn,,igi Editor. LnEvlen doing teiresirit ll'lllillSMMMT 00PG TBE, 5 G. B IlitiisO,'9 LAssitan. esten pper,, ae lath tor~eo ie ewith hiliii eibeesof the GOOD RULEDITABLETS, 1600FPP 3 FOR 0U 0. It. Il i s, 'l isii , cicee. mlsei i utside o eio~vil c narowOliIINzTBETe- B . D.Clies, G'. , Asisateo. ccloiieofhd 11 Iloilieopalllic e Illetllelit lied learned 000WINGTBE, - 8 C.1.C v . E. ., AxiticEt. ctole adinwiteyare11111111 oer CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 150 5. E Kstres, '11,AtheticEdier. eleee, nd on tey ec lesei loooe uponiie one to ibe tonoredi L. C. WaKiate, '11. Busineseos 1iger. tHarvard's narrow escalpe froni defeat lto iehsceelceaal~ eeBS RN IE ALT 5 It. . IAULD;,'9 :1, Asisant.Bot fo hisealnestessandllit cae WRITING PAPER BY1 THE Q {lBE OR LB. Associate Editors. iiy acer ibiiig Miclilgal's eceng i n ilthle accompllishmlelnt of his dilly. i L. A. Pratt, 'N. A. K. ''trio, 'lie. mirice r 111iority in sceiglht111d1to Ilie wee one whoi the sindet ,hand This stork will net hererplacetd. C. A. iougites, '53I). G. ,. iHeath, '96 PI. lrough 1l alyiiit.Come quick for fdest choice. Eatherise heed,'17. 11. iB. boimeo,'1P Ai. lacltly alike -wouldl have learned 1o J. F. Tlioiesr, '7. W. IV. ilogliex, 'e. Ax to She weight of Itle Iwo ealils i __________ Argus _ House. -wil redilybe ~ui~d b 1a-kwh~r elle--s thell hll t'cvhils'e 1 Ctasb1171mgdolle') 'lT'e "r'ouglhnets'c aint'1111 1111' Such. his Inlliliisidel. If t'hltt'gte of clllehl 1i17in etol' ell tll' ll ll ti 111>,1. 1 111111s- dlllhhllsts hat elnmtionIllbe iiiadt' tf till htecc'hhh'u l htli'srepead11'hlltll hi t to t lay7 otillSVilla ad atm l al. Adcesieni the Dily. DEAL'S "ALL THE ItiAOAZI ES IN ONE " i ir 7i'y T C leccrlls° liLIe I' li !.'lil5ll i #? E name cc lpsi. ed, S'it ls ecin eiecdney . 1 ~~ ut ,aItfeformcvctiuhercdcisSb s arsl t Co !, laev pca s '5ilt3t1O'L, 51710 C gtfl'il 15,grisagl the aN ual. "< arepubli she icrh tercn xrodnr indfcr il'x ease orthy imeeioicaseecaeu ca chleaildfeilusofev Rs, shew op Ees chesa rcndmsa- let .' ldsct as avehafch cllomu lo t llpsemmilg fthee ii Ayls t pat -W a',w~hpflrao ceypgetof edcafead SUSCRITIO 'IVh~fii vh leve t rehu airy one aoah TRE 5.the ubscripinWpri.7 2"eac epl EEN tW " "" imp idee feces i seeparSotcm eslheeSitrvale AMLE '- and of ribu 'oter foatr e suefte f rE scholEVESaet msls Ieuin ofxpentodag aie. AThedtor's"Phaes a n of the WId"i with, aipc s stiltveritpagecison andh e ter n alpbi oiso wox~tmen ho aIteis a si tglarcity isof he moh lyHREgzuran te, Tim e a i esa c r Itdisays use aeessy EC Vimpit s sedfo m 'I s meth o.nt iStitrhd Agntsfindit . of Eiffun elTwed gl ts. suthe oflosSWhol owad sp ewks ouStds. sion o ,a cens. n llprbi o ics '-of th or.I s a 1EsigarRcobintinWoS te [mntlagaznean W 3 AstoaPly esae.I sal n sfehnYork.