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November 11, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-11

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Is unquecstiotnably thre finest ba
on the(mtrkelt today. Ift's 1igh
tress and durability make it
favorite with all players.
Price comrplite -wirti inflate
$5.00. Victor lI-oot-ll l(fod.
colntaiin g the new roles, or
ei lters oii Itle game by Lielar:
arid iothers, 25 tents.
Also ar comrpile line of fine,
foot ball clotiir.

35Noble's tar Clothing House, .1. an.GENTL1,1ABXNT
yVitavsec tiect es-siing tarintlndsombre
eolse- tor tie tattfessyear-s. Tiistalliwe
COLORED SHIR'IhTS. w. ovimr o1 tpee
c seililsridopt tihernewcres. Tueo giodo
This week we are showing all tire novelties itt colored # ill fidsi le-astini idispiay iof these fabies
-as-sa fine linectf becoatis -. in lieseys,
laundered Shirts.fire MONARCH, made by (Cluett, MlsrsirC astre lFeroi andtrit Itesiers,
Coon &-,~ Co., arid tire RELIABLE, made by IBrokawv. Tire Ef;Mmsr ietlsicis, Aistira a~id thin-
lines artescromplete in all respsects. For style, fit arrd comn- S. W. BURCH-iIELD'S.
fort the above rmanfactores' goods speak for themrselves. tterebiast Tailorrig Store, Nio. ii E. tlrrnft
Genitlemessi-shise to tbe. infoes-ed artthe
1leta-setscoat. fDes amet n
at $3n.00Tl ~ I~. i S TT
$4.00 1n5_________l
Calit hemii ftr
t$5.00 (f, Fine Lnhs
idd Fine Chocolates,
- - --and BakedGoods.
Special Prces., IExtra Values. r~eenhs

-W Wecansho yo al th deiralestvesittFroenclhCalf, MOOR E & WETMORE
OVEa~tR ANil' icto 1Cr cit sBicycle.vI ill PtentLah i n rn. 6 S.MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,,
ti-stot. NewsYoit. litoit. ItenverCRNR FWILLIAM,
SaAittis"o tL Ls tra'c . lissc.c-totseesno (0
For Sale by X. Staebler. 11 W. AIN IUIIICD "JT TEXT _BOS
Washinagtona St. UlIL1 )II - UU1
Our "RedStar" "New and Second-Hand.
As . 0 A[IIUBGU & BROS., ryOi.Nate btisiriandaetrtuOidetitas' supies.
Football Supplies a No sttitl 5 No oils useeodor. Witlnot cl-ac tire-wick. (titet c. i ch s ~~n the sofrit theoersit
Ii et issf-sit i girt graitry, Ba itos-quasrinitis rice. ____
Specialty itst et. lurliverorieoptly to arty pairt of tire city ini
- T.rrry reqisiite tire tire s sr . tri e d pier gallon Cell and see us before Purchasing.
i-ef e.tisiantsiter-
_ titrrShe ltts - Street
Nt , tis, e ls igsrrilestWothai DEAN & COM PANY. O OUDA CE
ue sihr Moasth-ri
trsttit isein alliii tli UNIVERSIOTY NOTElS. CAi sDAiI
- ir rrs" - svtitlissrsu~rs theAcae y, anr s. pite Soo
t ofltri Nr ie-s i st laers-. .tito. itrilin eti sri is isto irstsh e Sh ian.. NOrV. it, itp. s.., I' irisir in o a litis i iin.s No- tair s- ta enratt
! 4 -> P c,10 ots. ilad-s nety claisses todaisy. Itititili1 5- 1 ~oS. Aseto .\tiitls-ttii eis--andn )ii-ie oomicos sr ceirsi lotsr.
Net~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-l: Si-saudtiti(holey arust is- IilIn-i titr-it n rt-(itr
New_________ork,_ i--iCiiticagorisy sttsi-ritiii Nre 1 liisi us iisoi. C
FIRST NATIONAL BA7NK. ii toit Wrotsiit-sv sic-. 5 - ) e- sllsis. Ili ii
OF ANN ARBOR.lt . I-.i. haiti s e tst~tit s- siesniltsrf St.iiNoy 10,8p. irs.. Uniber sit3ly liJ W E E
Or ganrizedii18s6t. the Alitlis N i sltt-isias- cet -irti. it--se A cusie, Lr-andiT .tPowers. -
Captictc0o0. eireiht rndPrefits, s,40sor
Trscrsnitc i toreesnt iscitlig bto Avant. f ofi t ullii '.i t 10ti V Is tle- ij ~rimprsntor.
iris-nNitstliaNri.t giro- liT.an-f7'jj£ business.i~S
Foeieai cheis boge hit arnd said. tFueniiis i e( b Sir. Ca riil i i r-od.iine.,N iiiti. se. nt lt ii i-fsl . P 1
ettees nit cr-edit. al-'11a ~il eis hms
P. BAi-ltPtes. S. W. tLARKISON, Cashier. Mr. TfiriisA.\tkinrson,"'98L, 110 rceisiraof C hiriso F9I- OV\I
lrr-ltseltlPi. tinri is outttityinigt-eSrcitt Fi, iO?>-fit-slt r-Is nn. socia l JT . I ~
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Irtltoi l sr i sitiltrIVt in-s-i--- rtiit at-r -rallt iiitc-em-iy.TIntl ins 1 1- G
Capitat Stociknit0ito0.-SurlusX10000. iafrei-t' flis a trir-nditSatuiery uti-lislt No. --in ,esotac grineiia t I it AD I
:letrtitnsa .list.
Orc insie it-ncu tl e enirlt kiieung Curs sin n or)orn iei tteI srorit gaesi. Ii ii i iilittic t(tsr('entss aPn d.ttt Anti Atboe
afthi incO R ecis d ivsits.trays andAOtt yiat
sells exssti nteour thesprincpasctircers- at the Ninelit-I l tl diiiN iney -si 1t-1i sun-i- I-itt l)ltoInn niste piturers Csrlll t
United Ste titt Da tc sesuptonpropir ! x s(
tdusti*srro arf~tftyde s tboerato rett. tlntsntill piri thris-in eo ffnl tMotindaisy Sissirns, or u r it se," undakt r s eear .
O r e ithrsta M c Pes;s.Dt " I n .sitso 1-lint."'ins1" -inn s.j Nti,
Ifaeisrr r i ce fee-s E.nit i so l in ternoont. Bhls lis aresns innl -ir Ia' - N.Tn
(Cashie- ut. J. I-rite Acsitaunt tCasiee- in su .ni I-irsilt "T hel 14int 1t1uinig Pasistii' ii Snnbylii ti-testti-ty}s1lt~ite
ii iti11(1tit in iiinttrrrt by Aitic uttc Slorir in I midhe bet t a rrs fiest rlit e
1. ~~I/E.i SI1~~- -i snc sue snilss i s. li t-ttliny fess"y-t- itsleru nntn-or aids - - - Cto s scrnnan TElRpe
tsoul nles1 t.es stecalb vpced h
ii-sur L:i/ t ii it 1 ( I lsrrr t2 iininus ititst-i ia e,"terJon tS. nle'
rAnLT RST.iioltI nl1" . I Dsily ultriniga arst itt Plesnshit snub andti Si cnrors tine'-SPECI.I.
n.ItI A 1sc I N SMitu. N itt~ir L.Tert - 1,
27 Thomsn.stIP .llrckash insi l sr-ts-r. st I nsiness-arln- nishedilto ender. Bathbronom and fuir-
lintan. iof ithe ur 1d Innltielt s sc-ts-rice. Txwo blscks Creti tire cantlltt j hut. hMARTIfN tIteratluDres-tor, lthi
'.1. suurrt-tliicCts-sets andn'mro
srin testreet c-yr line. tard i itsd-!tiCofiits. iottnrtliog a Specialty. No. i2 E.
IC0TCRFOOT BALLS i tlti-(.ts-ursesI~ sirs-si 152 S.State St. WasiintgiSt.c
V895. in -Winona. -kI nns"., to srs t- i_____ _ _____- I
Wals hsinr i ~riutuli ni-ni Ssntedt-Bouard sod sinrgle rseomsby 'T T' OF rNI.s'IAY\'550 PARLOR astd Blothi-
sadi tnte grtir ie l ts-M'tIIltt it Ic-v serd t D ily'ndr 2 lu eridm;,ct lltit iti t.e rs ir s ta (less
5 t4 'ttr i-e ey ncly fnn. rnanti OS la -
Nu1= ln'97ti L.Jitt ii ii555li Luebm as tiest tal tle. ?7 1 t ll or-semiandtntmiri carut. Ladies't n ttiec
tin-tlun g sit (i rsiit isrlit.t(uit 2itc c O ticarc scsI iran bath ipr tara Lab-R
'f~t It.NtE Mliii. ninbecfreot suite roenis lffurnuace Ilea'PUWN striitsceen
danifg t rai-gr' Aa(111'.( UC, 2.0 ;sekfo a lmted n uber. iraty apronssmide tin ordee.
1cisir >rdnn-r sand nr-sirnrulyt- Ma S~y-nardSt.i ~ o ui u acctr rs ion
llTNT1, %S' IZATi-;. luent of rem tlss 108and study chirns.I
ar m- d ofsrinstluebt aterle nad arey " Itm
I iura un-sd btriu than nit the Atm-rts -of (h(.} Ceirsti lilies arc- Specicl is-sc prices iw ilire cqnuoted. C.aiil
mak e.Icudedi wit every btnt is I n sellinrg Iintrs' licet, ola nl porints crud see tinert. SNI-11tiN itALti hR.
inlator, ---ten-s sn it htinVictrte I kj
Iticyclesc Victnre rtercoletitr-nte" or- in tire huntinig territorry 11itintiler. - 1+unu Apecketboeo Inurei.hI
Assrci- arn"Ioot Balls.at &)00.The ~
puic iseuetedl toeirns~ecd os-se e. eeO ioCetalAgns, 1£2 F' Zxs5tn t
BalisIBats, Tncis ails, tachero eta, The largest manufacturers of ~W IH
M.riSTABERSIYCE Rr-. St, og ates reit Agsintesnitd RS cIGTn KAYt i
States_______are___Detroit, Mich. L ___-E AA /h/

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