THE U. OF M. DAILY. MWGHIGAN GENiL Time Tabie (Revised) May 19, 1894. Mail and Ex -5-50 Mail-......8 43 N. Y. Special--- 5 00 N. Y. Special... 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex-....1 .57 Atlantic Es-___7 47 P.5M. D. NEapres.... 5 40 Western Ea ... 200 G. 0R. Espress 05 Chi. Nt. Es.0 0 2 O.W. RUGoLES, H. W. HAYES, ft. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ana Arbor a JLU5: - NORTH MICHIGAN RAILWAY. NORTH SOUTH. t' 73 .m 7:10 a. m. *1:25 p. m. 1:30 a.m. 4:19p.m 8, :00 p.mW. Aul trains daiiy except Sunday *Trains run between Ann Arbor ad Toledo yR. S. GREENWYOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10, :43 and 1:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and 10:45 p.em. Leave Ann Arbor JSanction, 7:40, 9:13 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:10, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 P. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St.. 1:30,3:30, :00, 0:30 and 0:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, :00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. " Cars run on city time Parc: single trip 15 cents; round trip ticketo Li cots. WM. P. PARKER, Supt. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE -AT- JOLLY & CO'S. Removed to 18 S. State St., Sager Block. met ansd Cold Lunrhes at All Hours. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to lous oS personol property. FALL GREETING. Suiting to order $13.50 up;' Overcoats 10 orderdl31.50 up; Trouseris to order $3.7. Cleaning, iDyeing, Preosisng and Repairing a specialty FORDHAM & GLEN, Merchant Tailor, 20 5. State St., Asn Arber RANDALL Phot ographer 15 Washington Block. ANN ARBOR STEAK LAUNDRY CO. High Glsoss ansd Doestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 28 S. FOURTH AYE. "FLAG PINS" AS USUAL. Wi e 1l.: have a fine line of imported " STiBINS " WMt ARNOLD'S Jewelry Stsore. JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Home-made Candies. Advertise Your Wants in The Daily. EVERY TUESDAY Mr. A. E. Rose will he at the Cook House wvitlh a Choice Line of Woolens from THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO., DETROIT, Flie Dressers it will pay you to see the line ansd compare prices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles.' Low- est prices. First Year Law Election. The I'98 L class at its election of 'of- floe repuotation of floe law clasles for >lhoddinogft'eomost stormy 101n(5exc-iting elections at college. Tic mneeting was callod to ordler at 9:30O antd after' adopt- 11197 fle repoorts of theit' e ooooittees 00 ciredentials aond orgaonizaotions, noinsa- t ions for claiss presidentf wore declarool tin ordler. Thoere were thoree nonoiiono- t ions, A0. H. liftnas, 'f. A. Herkibolc afndo A. J1. W'eatfoerwax, re'preseniotng; the 'east('rno, etsftern fa001 Michigaon facftIios respoectively. Oiltho' first coit P ittmnifledtlwithoYWeatherwaox se-ond and0:1Berkifble floird. 1Baoloting wsas carriedon 00enOtirely7 sectionalfines ain 5as100 combiinations routltd be effected floe restult. was loot choanged at. 223 o'tclock, when'itho' moeetinog'adjoalr~ci uintil incxt Saturday of 9 (o'clock. Law Notes. 'The laws' claosso's wsill ho' quizzedo tlis swe'ok as follosws: First yealrclaoss, P'ersona~l Property, let-turt's 5 0o 8 inlsiven(, in.reos::1:. NWaltor fDentfon:Sith:. Secoindiyearrclaoss, IFixftures ando l'is'Oelt'If, ion room 4 . 'T. 117. Itiigloes. Ago-noy, begiiniig wsitho thoe subject: of ratfication. anod incluisoiig Frida~y's bec- finre, in roomo 10. 1aifter Doento~n Somitho. 'ihlirod yeafr claoss, Eqitiy Jufrisporu- denice', ictoures, 6 to 10 inclutsive, iii roooo4. T,1. Hu' tighes. The Sophomore Hop. All porsoas odesirous of obstaiing tickets to floe Sopomsore Hop ore re- qufesteod to hoandf in thoeir naimoes to theo inovitai1roomm~ittee. !Messrs. Norton, Hughoes- and McCaindless, and fle 11u10- her will be linoited to forty coupoles. Studenot oneibers of floe Politic'al Scienice Asocoiastioni caniogetthoe bisb- . Ileitions, s thoey conoe out by caollinog at roomo11, Tappans Hall. at 1 1a. 101. on ally day exceptf Saturoday. Five numsbers sire now ot and a sixtho,ode- voted to city governmoenot, is psriaing. Mlemobershoip, wihloinacluioes floe ptub- lications, is oipen in all students -f $2 a year. CHOARLES 2H. (200fEt., Treasurer. WANTED-From twelve 1o fifteen students to work on commission. Call at 61 E. Horon st. Lost.-Gentleman's open face gold watch with fob. tReturo to Dr. It. tStuart, Psi Upsilon House aod receive reward. 35 subscribe for the Daly. At the Grand Opera House. 'T'ecengageiso'ot ini this. city for fthree lights sosoit'sio-issg tonighof.oat fhe G2rano peoorat houise., of Sit~suiiolii, flohe plaostoer'of1hypnsotismi, vililti-ove ho' slot lauoghaboile and ol osert-liiog peorformanie'ev-er see'o'instfle ftooeater. Unde':'heiso' rllrs: of ouet'smants lis imops, is iftswere, whiliinaittet'of lyp- noosis, iliustraote' fle lisvisng realities aoof sugtgfiois of li,,owns ominod. At Sans- tzii~lli's 28 peorfoormnce'os i.Iefroi near:ly72l),00 oadmoissfon t ickots 9w.eto sool. IHo'lite'rally tflI sedl Oo'froif1110- siodo'dossns:.isosolriolgg.allsorts of orit- ioisso: fromooaol sorts of fopfl. Ilb' conis::he1:1)'endorso'olby :0rncomittfo:' of 75 of Deotroit's bost knlowno andol msost souo-oesosfus lohsio'iaoos, and losthoof thoo ceiogo'sof med'Oic-ineO, is thl E'st r-eaio an moofsoot initolligent :osfer of ioylono- 015 0101f ha~s eorrgisve n pri' 'ic xibi- tioons. A leansowhlose iloii.4ty of loor- 10o:80'ifoso sinee'that ho' faitfuolly 0-losrieso' ut :hlis eveory claimo. ilo'slssylvailko's olo's-nsoloas a. roeoorod of 384 poiofnts oo'ir oponoents 4, thois so'ason., theo'Cica-:go Afhloetit 'lu'bibeho- ing 0110'(9101 teanoolithat, loas'scOoreod agafinlst thillo. 'heso'nsosoroscolass o~f th~e Usivorsify of Miinnesotao hassaopteifod the' 01calliold goowis by a a liniiooos soo'e. 'i'esllii- seorsify of Wisroosiso is also a'ooscilor- NOTHING LIKJ1 LL f'170THE OHIO CENTRAL IMILEAGER TICK~l. C>overosomore msieage thaonassy ticket iso 0tle imalrket. Tihe onlly hook goodl on eut ire H. & 0. systemo west of Pttsburgho. 10 also isncluds's the Big 4 systemi. (let it Iasnl lhave ausever ready ticket os-er all ismportant lines. P'rice $20.08; good one year. Apply :00 Ohio Cents-al Agents, or aoddress Moulton Hoiuk, (G. P. A., Toledo, 0. F:or Stusdents-P'atenot revolving hook cses, best snake sod good patterns. Losv prices at MAtRTIN HSALfER'S. Wanteod-A swellacced'ted yonlg 10m0a ntoplaoy lionpiasno (simple muosic) thoree ihoursitsseek for lhis roomosrenit. Heaf and light furishled. 45 tWoshise- nasv ave. Lnst-Twvo (Gammsa Phi Mets stick pins and an Annapolis loaf pin. Finder wvill please retusrn to Stewvard's office. Wanted-Stndenot to sot as steward, ('all at No. 7 E. University ave. Miss M. Browns. 34 Single room and hoard to beheads at No. 17 S. State st. Osnly thsree doors from eamopus. Heat slid light fur- niosoetd. Leather chairs slnd couches for libra- ries and fratersnity hoouses in the larg- cot assortmnent. Prices very low, at .MARtTIN IIALLERIS. Rentschler, photographer, ARM ARBOR. MICH. OHIia BL 33 T. O. &C.By. K. &M.RBy. Sofid th~roogho trains btwren Tldo, EsOlo.m and t:orlcstos, W. Va.,sia Colunbus, isae short and only direct rout. Toledo, 0. Findlay, . Kenton, . Colsmbus, . Athens, . Middleport, . Foolery, . Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Vi.. Williamsburg, Va.. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And ol sootoheaster-w points. Elegait drawing room coars on all through tasn. Por further information cll ot yor lca Ticket Act or swrite. M0 60NTON 00, Ocol PCoo. Ag. Tledo. 0 W., A. PETERS, Sicigan lass. Agent. lntroit. Mih. sThe modern stand- Sard Family Medi- cine: Cures the wcommon every-day ills of humanity. NEW MVACHINE SHOP' ANDREW HUNTER, . liberty at. Bicycles Repaired or Rentod. Dental Instrumients Repaired. W/e Don't Guarantee to give you ass art spplemet wills tfe U. of M. Daily every day in the week, and we do not otter any fortyeight page edi- tionIs at our present rate of $2.50 a year. We aim to give a thor- oughly representative, up-to- date University newspaper, cov- ering all departments ot the University and all bloc student organizations. Wie Do Guarantee regular delivery of the Daily at your door uuntil fle end of the college year, furnishing you prompt, accurate and complete reports of University Evess faculty and alass notices, a bul- letin of the dates of athletic games, entertainunents, t.-the news of your own and the oher departments ins suds a maunner as to enable you to keep posted regarding everything halppeinig or pertaiuing to the University There's no Contradicion to the fact that the U. of Xs. Daily is the only paper which can make you this offer. It toss no competituor. If you feel ay interest in the University you wvill receive msore than your money's worth from your sub- Scrition before the end of the football season.