THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sund'y ecepted) during the olleenyear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orelne Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LeRoY, '0, Moanging Editor. G. B. ilsoosSON, '0 L, Assistant. G. It. Sis, '5, Assistant. C. tD. GAY, G. L, Assisant. S. E. KNAPEN, '8, Athletic Editor. L. G. WALKER, '9. Busiess Manager. R. C. FAutrn, '5 M, Assitan. Anociate Editor. L. A. Pratt,'M11 A. K. Petrie, '0. C. A. ttougiton, '01 D. G. M. Seth, 96 P: Katherine Keed, '7. Ii. B. Gammon, '00 M. J. . Thonas, 's. .W. XV tuhes, li. B. B. Isetheany,'0. . I. Reilly, '0. 0R. . Bc, '9 . Thle price o the Daily will remain as here- tofore, $t.i0l a year. invariably in advance, nowithstadng the gact that publication will be continued until Commeceoent. iihigasl's footall season dit10 close Novemsber 9tis. is tome semisto think. o be sre, the gam with Harvartd was looke'd 111011 as ve-'r shadowing ii illoranellleol tie oler gameits of the seso; and, '1h0ugb-ic- tory woasfot accorsedItss, we are stll content wills the splnuid sowig or team mattesunter adverse conditions. But we have still tofore us gmes Owll nighi as importnt 1asthe oe ot Sat- uriday. t'ursdue, 1innesota andtiChli- cagEo alre all formiioat'.s'opponen1'ts, wicth it will demands our0011ustmsost ef forts 10 coniser. The slowini 00u' eleven made Saturdally isuroes or stoninig it the Es, andit1now re- mains for us to make 10m our position in the West. Oslo looing helllar- vardito10a 40 ganmcanol prcticaly matedcolthemii miaks te other tnisi of the West amlbitiobslstos gain prstige for thiemselvesO as wse d00( by defeating Cornell lst fall, 111101tey ar ei niowvcomntgg011 ths. lototleur ois has-ve n mate agaist its tis year, and Otose' ssere sot math by clens, straight football. Let ss keel he totltclownso 10this511u1. 'o do tsus against the three antagoists we are yet to meet 'ill dema~nd great efforts, hut not more than our tamn is capablo of, se belies-. Mesnwhlile, not all is for the team to do. There 111101te sppgort adth lat not half-herted, fronltilhe swhole ta- versity. If ny 10e111o other Univer- sity organization eser eared suplort. the eleven that represented Michigans so nobly Saturday has earned it RUGBY FOOTBALL RULES. Facts of Interest in View of the Recent Yale Dicuion. Mh s 10been saitof late in favsor of intlscig the English Rugy foot- hall gamse into the unlivesities of America. Walter tamp has urged that it be taken utsaal Yale in order to give ighter muea chace to par- ticlme aud to develop smen for the regular eleven. In view of the disus- siesn over te matter the follosing astile from the Yale News on the rules of EnglioshItugby may be of in- ed. The formier counts one point anod terest: tile latter three. Who'l a goal isI "To thtose wsho are siot fa:-iliarsswitth kicketd fromu t 'try' the total score isl the princitples of this En~glish. gallle it threetoollls. maliy be of interest to learn, sithotst "Practicoally the salsie rub's extst ini svaoiisg too deeply 1100o the rules anid tile Rusgby game is inth ie Amlericani tochnicalities, a fewv of its particulars, gliule tegardinig 'off-side play ' and antd espseciailly those isi sshich it differs brinoginlg the ball in fromttiout of from ossr Amiericosn gamie. bounsds. "Ithe tierest blare Rugby is plalyedl "Frotm a ktnossledge of these fesv ssith tiftters sment onia side: Of those, tparticulalrs, -the lpriticipal toointsof dif- one is atftsll back, thiroe or fousrlire ference' in till'Esnglish anod Americani thlree-qusarter backs, tsso are hoalf gametos coantoe reaodily sioteot. The boocks anti the remiainider are forswards. mlov'eent int the formier is muscho more It: is the dtsty of the forssardto11 formtilisely, for the ball is almsost coosnti- a 'butlky,' as the scri-mmtage is collo- stlly its motioni anisCtorried up and qtuity termeitd, by crossdiing closely downssthe fielod;swith mshnssmore tree- libot the ball swithi healowtoseretd, dom tlhans is the coase ill otur'gimie. 11111 swhen 'lplay is called to eindeavor F-or Ibis reason Rtugby is it s-ry ini- to force the opoposinigforsvarods back terestinlg game to wvatchi;host it doe's 11100 ty kickitig the tall to doive it011 sot offer mutch opportuniity for the thoe diectiont of thie oooloilts' goatl emiploymtent of scionce 111111 'badt line, Durinig till scrimmallige it istoot wsor-k,' snor tot' the itntroductioon of tre- lassfos for anly p11ay-r too lousseh the ball mleditated lays5, of which the 111111- witht los Ihanlds. Thle forssard sliosulod, bers of liie team art- aptorised by melan's hoosses-esr, make it their atim to 'beet of it code of signals. This gamie e1al1 out' ohs' 10111, (o that oose of tile half tbe very reaodily takemi ustoatnd plyed tbacks of thioir oss- sideo, whlo takt' spo withou5t demandlintig any greaot amuti their lpositilon imnldlitsely behintheIts of practice os' traitinsg frosm the plaiy- 'bsully.' crs, tasnttit once int~roduscedotallotwell "'flits layer in turn passes 5till-starto'ot wouilotsutrely swin{ foot itself a leathert on, to otio of the thiree-quallrter large tiegree of tpotpularity." bacuks, or it fact to anym111011osut of liie Scrimmaillge wvhoohias apparently las it Renerven Did Not Play, tgoodt00 op ortnty tS ou gainl plotil 11101'ill'a h Reservsso ol 10,oo _ tt~s' rtun. 'fle etunner.,tupoin bseing tackled, lounod toobay, as tile gamel' s sGall- trio's to toss theo'b01111to001011'oilier retied sw-hile lhey ssere on Itheir waoy miemlbe'r of his teami, insteado of holdl- there. inig it suothl fairly downedio, as is nows till ctustoml. 'fle'ball mily thussbe Ns itcssasioaeSs-iii-i'm closingOut ' We have left a fair stock of all torts of -- WRITING TABLETS whicht can he closed out as followvs: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5I9 GOOD RUIEDITABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC~ GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC, CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35t WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB, Thit stock will not he replaced. l Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. Grand Opera House. TBREE NIGHOTS ONLY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11th, 12th and 13th. Engagensent Extraordinary andou nt onthse- Ordsnary og SANTAN ELLI Endorsed by slhe Prtss, she Phsysicians and the Clergy. THE MASTER OF HYPNOTISK in his Grand Stance Hlypnotique. Prices, 10c, 15c, 25c, and 35c, Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. .TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St.. STU DENTS, Tabe ycur Endak workto BERRIYMAN, THE PHOTOGRAPH[RV Satisfaction guaranteed. 6 E. Huron St. Paper. IpaussedO ses-oeral tumes from nlie 1)1;ty ei 10 asnotheor befort' 0ny' one ihi iis foir- ly 'hldtt' andtOhoe boall declasredon'-i toy the referece. Th'lis systeii of pooss- ing is eolhtelsnctt at ist sighttoy es-ely Ameooricans fooltooaltlayer, uss it is.0Vis-hse lo risk of losisig thet'boall. BstO whleti it is hroughot thla0 oomsit~er- 0111tlo o tt ottthe formautions of the scsimnoogethue ballh 00('0co1mon1 priop- erty, andst therefore tile possesioni of it teore the scrimmahige is of no e'specital vaolute, it is easily untderstooch ly this practice is ollossed too euler so toromh- inently intatohoe English gamse. "Scorimng ocent's svlensa 'try' ii.e. touchdoswn) is obtained or a goal kick- TRILBY DBEAL'S ,ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE"; TH E OF VIE at-c'Edited by ALBERT SHAW. ~' EIWTRYEST I, REVIEW OP "' ~ o REVIEWS, as is namte implies, givcs itn FNT R ' aahie form thin host s- thas bt appears in thteothser $1.00. . 4 ' t : " great muagazinecs all over t' orld, getnerally on thn samie date that they are publised. With the recent cxtraordinary ' . ~incrctse of worthty periodicals, these carefal' r eviews, summaries, ad x quotations, giving the ANNUAL ; S'gist of periodical litera- SUBSCRIPTION soP ct ",ture, are tlonec worth the subscrsptioit pice.$2.50. A-o stde fI N bflest departments, mhe cdilorial Sand contrihuted features of the REVIEW of REIE~WS are themselves ~:equal in extent tosa magazine. The Editor's " Progress of the World" is u'~an invaluable cionicle of thse happenilags of the thtirty days just past,; ~ywith pictiorca on every page of lthe men and women who lave m ae tile history of thn monith. THREE m' 14-:M, The Literarsy Worldsay-s: "We tre deeply RECENT hs NSA PE camtd impressed from msonltl to onoth with lthe value SMPLS s~ W.of the 'RtVIEW of REVmEWS',' svhich is t sort 25C cents. We-A-4 of Eifel Too-er for tte survey of the whole Elk of periodical literatoire. Atid yet it has t mind and voice of its V osvn, and speaks out svith decision and sense on all public topics of ' th, le hour. It is a singular comibintlaion of thie monthly mtagazine and s- thn daily newspaper. It is daily in utsfrsns;g t i mntbhy in its nmethod. I is the world Agents find it -e ssunder a toeki glass." U Pos Sold on at!News Stands. Single Copy ~cns rtableOt~ fra ,sstn- Ye . 25 cnts. 4E RVIM REVEWSftagazisse. 13 Astor Place, New York.0,0