N, THE U. OF M. DAILY. I A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a Specialty. Every requisite for the game jackets, Cnts, Jer- seys, Sweaters, Shoes, Caps, Belts, Stockings, eorrill's Nose Mas, Ruar ,MotH-e Piee, Sin GuardsHa Harness. Spading's Official Intercollegiate Football muasbe used in all Match *. Games. Price, $5 00. .F Spalding's OfficialFootball Guide-New Rules-Pictures it of all te Leading Playsr. Price, 10 cts. Handsomely Illustrated Football Catalogue sent Free. New York, Chicago, Philadelpha. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twelve years of teaching in Ann Arbor with a rol of G53 pupils 'ist seasn are a sufficient guarantee asto our ability to teach dancing as it should be. All classes are un- der the personal instruction of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Members of the American Niational Asociaion of Msters of Dancing. For informatina regarsino classes and ter s call at the office, ground floor 6 Maynard st. Circulars at Music Stores or Mailed. XOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WLLIAM, nAVE A COMPLETE STOCK O0 UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Students' Supplies Tountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they oseer at the lowest ;prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stw'k, 50. f.Srpls, $10,010. Rteou res, $1,100,000. Organized underthe General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identfcation. Safety deposit boes Horent. Orecens: Christian Mack, Pees.l'Y. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. lilscock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. TOOP & CO1 STREET. + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. ANN ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gloss ane Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 S. POURTH AVB. A Request. Readers of theDaily will con- fer a favor on the Editors by men- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. GYM SUITS. Overman Wheel Co.'s Gym- nasium Suits are ac- knowledged THE BEST. All grades andsles at the lowest picest M, StubIe's Cyle [mpum it S4. Wsi tns SAn xiiot' NOBLE'S Star Clothing House 0 are showing the ST R AND, a new feature in a .. FR.oOK COAT L 1-. am Our assortment of Fall Clothing is now complete. We would be* pleased to show you if you are interested. A New Camera LAMIPS That have perfect combustion and do not smoke or smell:j The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, with latest improvement. We sell what we advertise and guarantee quality of goods, and are never undersold. DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. an ca PHE HAWK-EYE, JR., ill accommodate film for25ex.andis loaded dunloaded in broaddaylight. Glass Plates an be used without any extra attachments. I I UNIVERSITY NOTES. IMPROVEMENT SHOWN. Pennsylvania defeated Sworthmore Better Work By the 'Varsity Eleven yesterday, 4-0. Yesterday. Dr. Sallum, of Damascus, has en- Yesterday's football practice showed tered the medical department. a great improvement over that of the Mr. Shigeru Matsuyama, of Tokio, day before, both in interference anl has entered the engineering depart- quickness in getting the ball into play. scent. There was little fumbling and both Miss Carrie V. Smith, of last year's teans played ith more snap. Daily board, is teaching in Salt Lake Carr was put in at center on the City, Utah. 'varsity team and Henninger and Dr. Jennie S. Hughes supersedes Dr. Raikes as guards. Holmes played Ives as the women's physical exam- quarter back and Richards and Gates iner in the waterman gyinasium. the halves. Villa and Yoni were put President Angell will deliver his an- in as tackles with Hutchinson and nual address before the Students' Greenleaf ends. Senter has a bad Christian Association, at l):15, Sunday knee, which will keep himt out ,of the morning, October 6. game for some days. LeRoy played Alfred Smith, '94, is principal of the full back. Myers, the nes candidate high school in Salt Lake City, Utah. for center, did not show up yester- E. C. Shields returned to the tUni- day, but will probably be out today. versity yesterday. to take his last Bloomingston is back and will be out year's work in the law department. today to try for his old position. The medical students gave Dr. A meeting of all candidates was Vaughan an enthusiastic reception yes- held again last night, when new sig- terday morning, to which he respond- nals were given to them. About eight ed with a very cordial address of wel- nien are now at the training table at come. 43 E. William st., and more will be By mistake in yesterday's issue the taken on from time to time. Delta Gamma's were assigned to the Sorosis' former house. The Delta Wisconsin Shows improvement. PG PRICE, $9 tncluding Sunlight Film for 12 exposures. Send for Catalogue describing all kinds of Cameras and Accessories. The Blair Camera Co., -m Trement St Bnoston, Mass. LAW BOOKS! Buy all you can afford, for present as'd future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We shall be here for a few days only. Callaghan & Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. AT SCHLEEDE'S, 50DS. STATE ST., Anbr SArbor. General stok of Watches, Jewelry and Novelties. Repairing of Watches. Jew- elsy, Gold Pens, Rins and Spectacles ape-ialty. Cash paid for old gold and silicer. y C. H. K EY ES. CHANGE. W. G. Palmer (fornerly with E. E. Calkins, has succeeded Bassett & Mason in the Drug Business at 46 r.statest. SEE HIM4, HANGSTERFER CTERont Lowneyls ChoColates, Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. SPECIAL. OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- S rooms. All Appointments first class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. T'roianowski, 30S. State st. THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned, W pressed, relined or rebound go to dirs. Fingere over Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order. J. SCHLEER makes a specialty of .Fountain Pens, Students' Note Books, and Binds Books from 2c upwards at 50 S. State st. F yurkaccount with the elate Sav- K ings Bank Gammas have the new house one door north. JOLLY & CO.'S NEW STAND. Old and new students who desire to patronize "Jolly's" will find this pop- ular firm in their new location in the Sager block, No. 18 Ss State st., a few doors north of their old place. The first floor of this building-has been fit- ted up for their especial use, permit- ting them to offer unequalled facilities for furnishing lunches or short orders, and oysters in every style. Their stock of pipes, cigars and tobacco, candies, etc., is complete and of the best quality throughout. At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- nished front suite rooms, furnace heat and bath. Also table board for a um- ited number. Rooms at 26 E. Jefferson street. Lower suite at No. 3 Thompson street. Furnace and bath. Single room and three suites, No. 2 Thompson street. Furnace and bath. Good board at No. 29 E. University avenue. Advertise in the Daily. After Wisconsin's narrow defeat of' Nortlivestern, it was thought that the Iowa Agricultural College team, which defeated Northwestern 30-0, would win from Wisconsin; but Wis- consin defeated Iowa - on Mon- day by a score of 28 to 6. The Iowa team is coached by Warner, Cornell's old captain, and has been making a; strong showing. Suite, suitable for two or three, at 46 E. William. Ladies preferred. Newly furnished front suite to rent at 4 N. Fifth avenue. Room for light housekeeping, 49 S. University avenue. Whisk Brooms for 10c at Mum- mery's. Fine toilet goods and brushes of al kinds at MAummery's Drug Store. Itoom and board at No. 8 Forest avenue. If you have rooms to rent, advertise iti the Daily. For boarders advertise in the Daily.