THE U. OF M. DAILY. S T U D EN11TSNoble's Star Clot hing House, s. MainN.EMEN Are wvell pleased with thle W' nhav a complete change Soame will prefer elegnt ittng nd C LO -li 1-I1 . the larin,:while the mnore enthusiastic dress- elegan fittig ato will adopt the new colors. The goods well made shown are greyand brown tweedswith a dash of briuht color in plaids aod stripess. You r uisThis week we are showing all the noveltios in cooesill find a beautiful displaiyof these fabrics 1 L'9e t5 ' coloredTalso .a ln line wof tOsercoatio-s in Kerseys, Fie1 S it laundered Shirts. The MONARCH, mado by Cluett, Aleltons, Castor, Fur and latentiBeav'ers, MADn BY C(osia4& Co., and the RELIABLE, made by Brokaw. The chiaost Shetlands, A.strakhans and Chin- hines are eomplete in all respects. For style, fit and corn- S. W. BURCRPIBEnD'S. Jos. WN. Kollauf, GntTioigSoe o i S forttheaboe mnufctues ood spak or hemelvs. ecantGentlemen wishing to be inforeod on the SIBE 1. ,CY "AN proper an correct thing- in dlress are invined The Practical Tailor, )L,~VI',JJtoacalluand eesme. 1 natte aspecialtyaf Preso Garments and 10o E. Washaington*-.. Up StairnStreet Cotames far Ladies. NTf 4 HC 12Q OOP & CO q'i STTE to distnealnennnpriueNoSp ca Pr es Ex a V le. Try Our Lunches. kdesa nisfa teie rirs n u We ctisi showpyou all the ilesirabale styles iniFrench Calf, M OE&WEI OE Young Ladies a e5te%.rm5 Inametl, Pattent Leather and r1an. 65S. MAIN ST.LLADSAES. heby. or girlipplyheymnannsswsla reensa- -- --- -CO N R OF WILLIAM, frpatclas __ --- .---- ACME iCYCLE CO'IPANY, G O r_ S ' S J ' S 17 S. hlte A Acost,r OCK.5111001' ELiATID . JI G .L1LU AN _________________IND._________________UNIVERSITY -TEXT - BOOKS! '0 PLIN RS ry Our "4Red Star" 1Oil. New and Second-Hand. G SI O B ~t iNote bolan d ether -Iudents' Supplaes. Suplie a ii nanke.No llensie oor. Wil no chr tne ack founnt ann sirs lnaStationery, Spoataang Football Suplies aiy n it-. N ffieodgrav itHasnoeicaiathas aicalk. ods, etc.awh itheotaer at thae lowest Specialty. eiety ,i.Lih grvt, H sn eqa inti pic. S ' Every requisite fair the g n.. cketns;rvants, lea- i sa 5sSweatlers, Shaoes, (aps, lfaltt, Stockinse, Morrill's NsMasta, Ruabbler iMontah- : PeeShianiGuaards, llenad hans.Spaldings 01icial laitoa alleginale Footbanll K must lao used in allMateca GmsPrice, $5 00. SinaldiagOfficial Football Gulaide-New ltules-Pictures oif all lfae LeadinagIll apars. " ,x Price,10 otn.Illaadtiaely Illnustritoil Football Cat alogue sent Free. Neaw York, Chicao, Philadie~lhia. FIRST NATIONAL BANS. OP ANN ARBOIR. Or~ anizedl1863 Capital, $10,000. Surpluan and Prefits, $40,000 Transacts a general bankiuag business. Forei~ignexchianges bought aadsold. Furninh lettersof credit. P. BACH lees. S.IW.CLARKISON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stook' $50.010. Surplus, $15nn0n0. Rtesources, 81,100,0005. Organnzed under the General Banking fawn of this State. Rlecees deposits. buyn and nsells exchianige oni the principal eitien of the United Slates. Drafts cashed upon proper identificatfion. Safety deposit bases to rent. Orraenas: Chirisian ack Pbres.; W. D. Hlarrian, Vie-taos.:Glans E. l1lneoct, Cashier, t'11PJ.lFitz Asstant Cashier. UNIVERF;SITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 4b4 ANT) 46 S. STATE ST. n. AT. AUN'sa, int. Nna.In L. Tranan, 27 Thoampian st. P. 0. tBloek. IVICTOR FOOT BALLS 1 maret DeIi iliera i pironmptly to any p alt of tilt clty an stir cant. Paite 1St potg allon. ]DEAN & COMPAN-Y. Street. 44-South aina UNIVERSITY NOTES. I CALF-NDAII. 'Tlan- .1 ersinaland amal fi'nier ran- Sat.,-Noe. 9, ('aaiatrinlge,lM~as.- cleties aeincakinbialoinanfila' lucis Pil' Miliignii ss. IHarv-ard. t jonint ddlelie. ion., Not. 11., 8 p. 111., Unariain, 'thell01erinan sociiety hldns fits lie- elinre-a E-x hit. Asley onaAbaaaj lianeay foritheina' I'lin iniodebaeiDe. incoln"dlin' ii ilit; lub cMorse. 5a. Eai liries miitlie iiPaiin \ 'el.'lana'- Nit-, Cl - -'faslainer-classgin ane faa' alay, , footnball chilaminhiplj. Tlieistudntais ii litheliin-erioanlageal SatI., Nov. l10, Spin.. ,,Univ-ersily Ball. Laboriti oryfiiV iaislini lthejili-jiallli- ---S. L. A. courcse, Lelandl '. Potsera, goilii'Cl-a-ils, llsisa-nek.,madnexsctMll- j impersnatonr. da~y still tjni ain 111)ithalisease-gn-rais T'ines., Nat-. lt, S in. nia., fUnive-rsty 'i'ji'ciaonca-ct in thei- II a-l unionIali-Clinial lifan seriesThoaas' csis nO aalea anlthe-IinChoal (iiuni ar-hi-sn-a of Chicago. alips fairliii.,12, cniens liec.,2 fintan. Fri.,'Nut, 22.-F'irst t'r'shmljlan aoial lir. Clailni-sswill sjn-a ia n onoinra as;ii a ager's Acemf-y. Via-kes $1. es-nig; ilp i an Ia-Lin-" ag" thif l E . . Not', El-Ilfll'nnflf filgami'at DPtit.l ilanrcn-.aFre, Pac.-,6.: Sophomoiare hop. nile liili i, -ios nn-hi Iia'n'ifitigonas fea-nTly a l'ln-a-ll 11ai anl ainanthirja' ln 1rla reneliI lin-iitsfre li'fiaig i 11mthe' t'amaaliglns i heir.alecionithmPt tak's lacen todnilay. Fornaiiiajatin datefi- p-fres call at "Sll lin's of i'illl'S,'' lid ink fa i-tie "ile ,F oastIato-lana.." by V. Tan tita "'hea Rllinag Pasosin," lay YanIl, "Alilsaiiamo'i-," lay Alfbert Moiore, c 'lllilgPralyerm," lifter .isbn TajIn:les, Call and see us before Purchasing. DO YOU DANCE? Mr. and VMes. nuns Granger finite Ithose cnasidearing the subject nI landing tan eall nt the Acadeimy, ti MOaynard St., oppoasfte Schnool of Miclbuifling.No siistoInnmonat; Office auldLDaninag riooanganuand fboa-, U. of M. PINLES. PLOWS CHICAGO CANDIS- 60 ('rais a Pouundnnl aa Arbor Ageancy at ib'nr thie hbest iienry rigs, fanest; carrlaaes sacl huadomestrasnseaaiein aindl lelaplione ta HOLCD ES' LIAVERY. HANGSTERFER, 2Q C tRha R- SPECIAL. t0. MART~LINFuneralDietrClh C'las. Embln aiii aSpecialny. No, in aE. W~ashingtonsnt. U F 0M . SHIAVING PARLOR ned Bathi- "rannain. All -sppslualmentist1 class. iparned anaiddomestic clic5, nLdia's' artis- tic hule dressinag aundahinmag parlors. 3. iR. Trojaanowskii, 30tS. State st. IATIEN YOU WVANT yonr clothes cleaaned, p~iresed, reinedaar rebnoundagin to Mrs. Fingeul e, nver Shaehan's bonak stare. Lab- oratoay aprons miade to order. TRADE-MA RK .A0Sl'lll)I. OFI' DANI'NG. Latest nioveiltiaesfun framie amonuldinigs YoVanaaoi huh labstatniG(raillgi''s nlatli lpnit-es. Acandemyp- atfal' fti10, theii r';ti-h arta- 1201)11 fl-, sth yonfinirst lesslili.I 'all at thea' Pleasoant snits and siniglceroams fnur- officn d proc ulinure'a1tern1sCofse'asoain nshed to order., Bathuroomnanal funr- lneallllenl imacard. Pshitaly liii palrf ace. Two'sblocks fromiithe camusa teri Clirl siglt i-iamig alf si~n, n sumnIthe streeta-ar line. Barmd if die- ,snalehulls ,allOff~ice' and al im- tired.105 Sl ate of. fains1,0111 genmafIloorn, If lialiamdst_ Sin-'le room anmid boarad to bcban ata IIt\'i :'l'Ifi2S 1A'l'-PS. Na. 1a S.Stteo sf.01111- three doos A gaents nifI OhnioCultrldIilneare f5roamcampufans. Ill-illntolilghmtfun'- ollig munteims' 'Iick-ts Inno iiii onlte Iislif-lI hn theit- liommihag rritonry at huntu ' Leauther cciairs andilcauchos for libra- rutes. San'elOhioan uim=zlAl-alls, 7t:4. rifeandtrautermitly hosaes in time larg- Wanleif-iom d 1sigle raomsuyn 'st assortmielnt. Prices t'ery losw, at 'By L. Lease swordlat Da ily office. '27 i SMARTIN IJAPIETCS. At 4 N. Fifth ave., s-vely nicely fu- IVANT Pa Prnas twelse to fifteen ninsied frount nuife roonis, furnace hiont stuuaents to wtork on csanmission. Call anld balm. Also bnest tainle board at. aulĀ£1 E. Huron nt. $2.501 a week for a limited munibea. 1Losf.(Gentlemana's open face gold For stuudeuntsI havtemebeet assomrt sswntchm w iii fob.- Return to Dr. R. unent of revoilig anid stuady chairs. Stuart, Pea Upnsilomn Hounne and receive Speeeial leos' peices swill bae quoeted. Call rewsardl. 35 and see theimn. MAR2TIN HALLER., Subscribe for the Daily. Iare nuaxdenof thielest mateerial,and aree guaranteed Inctter thianauly therI shke. Incunded awitha avery b-a1l in an! iflatoar, sane .1seuaiwith Victo Bicycles. Victor "Iate ellegi. in" an pahilia in requaeted to luspect one couniulete linucel Sporting Goode, Base 1alls, Bats, Teanais Balls, Racents ete. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM. 1SW. W5ahington St., Ann Arbor,