THE U. OF~ M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dring the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0renci: Timen building N. Main st., oppoite pst oice. EDITORS. .. A. LERoy, 'S, Manging Editor. G. B. HARRInSON, '%5 L, Assistant. G. P. Stu, 'ni, Assistant. C. I. CAns, C. L, Assistant. S. E. KNAvrEN, 'ii, Athletic Editor. L C. Wainn, 'P. Business Manager. t. C. FALaeo, '10 SM, Asitan. Anociate Editor. [..A. Pratt,'Pl. A. K letie,'98. C. A. laoughtun, '06. . C.M1. Heath, ltd P. Katherine Rteed, '71. IiBi. aumn, '5 1. J. 5. Thoons, '7. w. I. Hughes, '8. B. B. Metheany,'O. PR. t. Reilly, 'P. tR. C. Bc, 'I9lS. The price o the Daily will remanasa here- tofore, S3.500ia yar inariably in adance, nowithstanding the fact that pblicaton will he continued unil Cmmencemen. Rtrnsi of liie colle sill iroaibly begin Pt1 rris' aboult 2 o'clock a1d111's'i hi' postnil osi'Sliela'n lioksore' frontlthat ioe nt111 lieple''i ndediltt. Aftr tiltrns rtieall in tiii'Daily wsill issue an exra 'giiii"ull acout:l of Olin'gamelt'nmd ninryof boh teamis Wes'cliii thicfollosswilg fromiheieUni- ves'tiy sif 'hicagot Wn'kly: "Mihiaii.tlayend horse siti Obrliii Saturdl~ay. LniyierOb'ri lnls ioily 14-l. MIihign akes seneen'imcii Elast tomoinross'thimeetIHasari. 'Thi 1101e10of' t' Wes wt" h h erli i. P1in itt'etplydthis year, for llIthe raso, if tii'ellompisn tilsiaffrid. there i, at leant, 110111'hatllililailily wll. 11111,111 0111 wouIldIPr'ejoice'n' ne sine'nly 11h1111tliii's'i'ternoiptriot if Olin'Saie n' ivisistiy'f AIieigac: if tle timsn o ws btos nthe yllsw and11bue." Th'ank you Chicago. Th'es'day 11a10arivedPtosardi which wse las'e'all beniilooking foi' .verca iiiniih, a1d111. ita ft'ss'morn' 1ours wet 0111111 knoss'swheh.r onr110o1es las itenlealt1liiz 11110 Parvrdichalis bt'en beatiitor weshelall hav~e to cnent o su- sevsiwniti liii'smaller sitt'of the selle. Whichever 'way' it iiaiybe'. ss' hiave'iitiftar t1ha1tsse shall neeton be ahiamei of 1111'hoinsit maneb onr tam. n atlose Pgam1.e ircusliee of lhttle sweigtl yt'hoss'tie ad- vaiipe nio l n ewiOyo r iieiothri, and conideriig the say ii in licoiream lhis bien haniapiped by tav.el anti othe'i'cenitions. holdlinglHar1vrid i to close gameilshold ataisfy es. Neser thtels s c11lms'ae all ineetositioi thiat. they lie goinip to tinsomiehirg miore tuan this, for we dare i to 'licse tht.e ha1'elas lgoiod men asPHaratd anellolha ty halve ieen tielbeler. Wiilierloss,loseer, thit eamn an thie.mnagment deseie tie credit foe what lhcylae loie for u ndacithis we lmust give theii. In limes ast' liobn oithoesom io receive ate featedt em coolly and citicie both the players and management for its f iuto 55i1. T'tIlat iy, wss'rtei, in ("Y s soetinlg higher ti~iht'iiitre siii- We have left a fair stock of iilg tif a ;;aiis', xsiP., lulat they 110their all sorts of btest and dPIti ii2iii2anialliti' bt'cttioing TAy BETS ,, ~ ~ ~ WIT entleimeiia1111redlecliog cresdit oiinii ur IbL Univs'ity. 'Tlus nelice surethile which canhe closed ont as elevn's'wsil Idtid01ay, andtihat isitic follows: iintst ss t'ciiank. Iftuiled swithithis MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C tee comet'; victory, is sve calimot hell) 6000 RULEOTABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC thinikiing liles'esill, it w'lil but midd to GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C tocl satisft~'li. I CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35C Ready for a Good Work, WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. 'rue t'nh~iv elily Young :Mci's Chris- This stock will not he replaced. turni Asslleiliioli hasi'lottihir Bibll Como qnick for first choice. classes stairted, ioPld l itelnmber Argus Printing House. halivt enii'olled. All iteresting' <-n nise ssill b Pt n'si, eotillii ingler hits I(till Grand Opera House. THRIEE NiIGHITS ONLY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11th, 12th and 13th. Engagemnent Exteaordinary and ot of tile SANTAN ELLI Enldorsed by tine Pres,line Phlysicians adthe Clergy. THE MASTER OF HYPNOTISM Pn his Crand Seance Hlypnotique. Prices, 10c, 15c, 25c, and 35c.. Lowney's Chocolates. [Hot Lunches. TU'TTLE'S, 48 S. State St. ily ss'nek,onp lie (P051111 by John. Durl- ip' this' w''ek a dnsotilonal ie'etinglis diy'tat i ocnockia. imore genelltlm eel- ily is hlnifor Phone ss'lo, fid iti tu cli to ('01111'ftiothiei'tiimis., The tir- loen nil McMillmPal. ss liieii the ast- clitiollnenccupies this yearc, are opnti nday 111111 ii .lit to the stusdeuts. P'rof. AV'. W. W'ite, of liii' Moodly Bible Iliisiiitun'of Chilcaynossill Hise a'.1 serin's nf bib'leniaks Des'-. SP'rof. -Wite is tin' of 11 1theleligbeu inniliers of tPeiest, anditI he nitIn elltes tthelicstuninwlr sn'hoolsxiaP naket lntes'a, Psis., lee fliliiill ss iith his ss'ork 'T'ilnyear Pin'has be en e,-n peahlly bs ien icsonsvention a1111 5111e nt (If its eadingcllpchepn's. 1Fu11 plricis"' itarn wsill be given lalter of th Din ie _______________________________________________ andpilalie,so thaltall nstudnts,Pbothi iiein and swomieni, may'havet'hlnt'511- ' . pruiyof ihearingp himii.3 DL a yI'7s New Homeopathic Staff. A comlet~ere'orgaiztaion of thie A hiead O stnnff of the hiomleolpalhic hosipital ills o been efretenl. J. T. Clarik, fnrrii.'rly superintendenit of bothi hotspitalshasbe uveel nte m alitie hosptlitail by Dr. WIX.0'. PF0o1leisshor ainn fills thie- position, (of ionse sur1geon1. oy 'Tile rest of the siaff - is, Pitoos s" e t t 0'. tiikhassisantseatinCgs--19 to J231lbs 'litus 1111. S. 1G. Bush. Maon01and Lost-Delta Sipina Delta pin. Re- KEATINGS turl to SS S. Stain st. and neceve re- ARE ON K a i f TRITPY WHERE THEY BELONG.Whe I N IJU I Cataloguc is'fr ee. x Co., Agents aro applyinzg. ARE YOU ALIVE ,DEALERaHOYOENASSI DEAL'S 1qT0* 6 Main St