THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest ball on the market today. It's light- ness aond durability make it a favorite with all players. Price complete with inflator, $5.00. Victor Foot-Ball Guide, containing the new rules, and chapters on the game by Leland and others, 25 cents. Also a complete line of finest football clothing. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of victor Bicycles. Boston. Ness York. Detroit, Denseor Sas Frascisco. Los Angeles. Portlans d For Sale by M. Staebler, 11 W. Washington St. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. a Football Suppliss a Specialty. Esery requisite cor the tomne. Jackets, Fanstjer- se ys, S .. eaters, Shores, Caes, Blelts, Stockings, Mrrill's Noses Misk, Robber Mouth- "ieee, Sis Gooreds, Bead isHarnes. Spaiding'sOfficial Iutercoilegiate Football, mast be used is ail Matck Cusses. Price, $5 00. Spldieg's OflebitFootblli '> Cuide-NeiRebulrs-Pictures !. zof all the tLeadiing]'layers. Price, i0 ots, iiondsomely Illustrated Football Cabalogue sent Frees. New Yerk, Chicargo, Phsilephia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OP ANN ARBOR. Orgaized 1863. Capital, $10,10. surplus und Profits, WS000 Transacts a general baskisg business. Forrigexeshanges bought and sold, Furnish letters of credlt. P. BACK i'res. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, &50,000.5 Splus, $150,0. Rlesourtes, I10l,b0b Organied uderthe General BankingbLaws of tkis Stake. Receives deposits, buys und us esehange on the principal cities of the United States. Dreafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit hoses to reut. OrrsCERS. Christiano'Rack 'res.; W. I). Hrnriman, Vice-P'res.:Cha s 01. tilcoek, Cashier. M.iT. F111z AssstasntCashier." UNIVEIRSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 A ND 463 S. STATE ST. B. B. AUSTIN, MBS.NELLIE'L. TYLE'i, 217 Thompsonsut. P.0,. Bloeck. I"VICTOR FOOT BALLS Noble's Star Clothing House, s. i.I GENTLEBMEN T You save been wearing plais asd nombre clors for the last few years. This gall we LO RED SH IRTS*'g'~~j have a complete chasige. Sonse will prefer Eu 3~3J u U EE 'the plain, wciile the more enthusiastic dress- erOSs1 ~ J gn will adopt the sew colors, The goids showns are grey and Prawn tweedsuwith ia dash of biriotht color in plaids and stripen. You This week we are showing all the novelties iii colored will fid a bleautiful display of these fabrics also a Sene line of 0 sereorstin a 5 i Kerseys, laundered Shirts. Tse MONARCH, made by Cluett, Mlrtons, Castor, Fur and Patesit Beavers, Coons & Co, and the RELIABLFE, tmade by Bdrokaw. The Eskimos, Shetands, Astrakhuns and Chiin- lines are complete in all respects. For style, fit anodcom- S. W. BIJROHFIIBLD'S. fort the above manufactures' goods speak for themselves. Mlerchant Tailoring Store, No.0a0E. Huron St Gentlemeni eisbing to tbr informed on the IS BTh U TI IDO D proper and correct thing in dress are invited I make a specialty of Dress Garments and __________________________________________________________Street Costamen for Ladles $3v II N 0 ,SO ED FieSLnchs'onThemfo '~I ? T C $.0C TOOP & CO.1 ,,STREET.Clontefr Fine Chocolates, ____________________________________________and Baked Goods. Special Prices xr aus Try Our Lnhs We can sitow you all the desirable styles ini French Calf, MOORE & WETMORE Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan. 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WILLIAM, GOODS 'IBV DS. AIN.UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! Try Our "Red Star" OiL No smoke. No offensive odor. Will not eciar the wvick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has ne equal in this market. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in our cans. 'Price 10c per gallon. DEBAN & COMP.ANY. 44'South Main Street. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR.j Atr. Dowirh'ldlis Writtin. qielezes ii Slt.,Nov. t). Casibrirlge, illass..-I hittry, comrses 1 tinid 2, today. Michigain s's. Ha~rvardi. The' Adelpiiis m Iiiigliii nueslelilll 'itoii Nov . isip. 111., tliiali effoit flit'a. gooioil r1111 for "''liis' i, r' i il uu'rlu' Nig;ht" Saturdaiy esellilg. yNos'. 1. -It~iiiill ter-cl'lllss aiiii' foe 'he li reCtsbteirianl 'houngl 'e'ollle'0 stlSootball eli lltliillliii. eitly iola soctilt lct'ditlillil IIsit Sat.,'N0v.itt, S ii. mi.. loisersity IHall ioniigit, 1toss'icihball studetlare ll -S.L. Anore, teltaned T. Posers, v~iteI.Ties.,siisv. 19, iS p. 111., T7iiersils' Prof ('etig shiowei'dta11n111biriofill ItHllC'hosiii Union serieo, 'Thiiiias' ti'r'sting lanittin idetus to his iltiss ill orei'bslr't of Cllicuigi. Seitlichilstso''ryesteiriay. '1lils csores' Fri., Nov.'2.-tVlrsi Fi'i'liniiii tili is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a til'(,lrsilmllli ~ia'ib' 'iIaiger's Academys.'T'icess$1. Nos.'2:3.-Minnesoilaigaite lit Detroit. see'kinig ti lib eal iihiiiili Fri.,IDc. .Sophomoire hopi. Foriii p ho deti'pictells calltat of liii 'h:)hss,1, lst,,itiat 5Wai5ll- "Statiliras,if course," andlasok to see nonc'sitolbe hi'lhill, ii Millii all '11.ii'Feast to blora"' by 1. Tojelti, yssti'rdaiy- at4 p. ii. ill..hs 1beiipost- "'Tlls' tulilig IPassioir," by Y'mung, ptise'dIiiintilloy atithlei 011'iin atnou. "Midsumiiiiiit," by Albeit Moor'e, "Evsing Prayci'," after .oiiEsns 'The G t rtie Stati' Prurvidlent. Ato-. 4ltest nosvelties inne miouldlings elation owhicla ompullihedlssithi.itii' liiall pricies. New and Second-Hand. Nete books ad other Students' Supplies. Fountain Perns, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which thery otter at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. DO YOU DANCE ? Mr. au rir ts. Ross tGrang~eririvite' thorse coirsideingitesubject o a ciniig eli ctll at te Acaemry, iG Maynard st., irpposiite Schreol of Mush' butilinrg. Nit stiris io mounit; Oilice'atisDcinlg rramnt iigrounrdftour. OPERAIOUSE HI[MHYSTORE Ceeral'rtr a ofWetchrrers. Jewry and Noreelties. iteptiiimiif itt tte ew- ely odPnRusadSetce C. H.KEYES. PLGOWS CGHIC.AGO CANDIES-'°"- 601 ('ris a Pound . Annm Arbor Agencygam Por te sest ivsery rigs, finest caeriages timd h~andsomstor tosesmoie is anid telephone trr HOLCDBS' 1LIVERY. H ANGSTERFERI TR. ashn- 20SPECIAL. " . Ml. ARIITN, Fuseral IDirector, Ciuth ~. and Metallic C'akets and Common Coffns. Embalming a Spec'ity. No. t1201. Wiashingtonr st. OFiA. SLAVING PARLOR anrd Bath- U. rooms. All appointments fSent glass. Imported amid domesaic cears. Ladien' artis- tic blir dressing and bathing parlors J. R. Trojanowski, 30 S. State st. H ~ES YOU WYANT your clothies cleaned, W pressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs. lingerie, user Sheehan'u boout store. Lab- oratory aprons made Co urder. TRADE-MA RK 11 neswhtw'rs'lotinght to .S I.. Asoreiti' tios of othm'i'slats's antI has been tilt thio'r'idto iii iesine s in ichi'igant. Is now oaggiling akbranch othce iltiii.v c'ity. Subsriptionsio fr stockatre- iows tbeihig ttaken. A SC'HOO)Lt.OF DANCINQ. You eon. join the chasses at Glringer's Academy ait aim gie, the term shari- hug with your first lesson,.('ahl at the ottice .and procu'hre a term or season membership card. Positis'ely nim hart term or single evening admiission, nio public hiops alswed. Office ansI danc- hug room, grounid floor, di Maynard st, At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- nished front suite rooms, furnace heal and bath. Also best table board ah $2.15 a week for a limited number. For students I have lhs best assort- ment of revolving and study chairs. Special low prices will be quoted. Call and see thieta. MARTIN HALLER. 1tOOMS. Ptleasant suits and single reas fur- nishied to order, Bathroom and fur- noce. Tue hlocks froma the campus on the street ear line, Board if de- sired, 102 S. State st. Single coons and board to he had at No, 17 S. Stale st. Only three doors from campns. Heat thud light fur- nished. Leaether chai's and conches far libra- rion and fraternity houses ho the larg- eat assortmnt. Prices very how', at MARTIN HALTER S. WANTED-Frohm twelve to fifteen students to work oo commission. Call at 6 EN. Huron oh. host.-Gentleman's open face gold watch with fob. Iteturn to Dr. R. Stuart, Psi Upsilon House and receive reward. I35 Subscribe for the Daly. are made of the beut material, and are guaranteed better than any other make, Included withi eery bail is an inflator, srame us sent with Victor Bicycles. Victor "hntergoliegiate" orI pablic hs requested to insireeo ur complete line of Sporting Goods, Base Bails, Bats, Tennis Bails, Rackets etc. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM. 11 W. Washinston SC., Ann Arbor.