Ijc U. of , 1. iaii . VOL. VI. NO. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 18,95. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Ienough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several S dozens of guitars of variousm makes and prices. jj BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. N ~THE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO.,' S. MAIN ST.'i Sheehan's THEY ARE NOW AT BOSTON. -it 2:30 odeor-k tooillrow; and, n~akig MICHIGAN WOMEN'S CLUB. ________allosrane fr the dlifference i115 timl. They Favor a Woman on the Facul- THE TEAM ENDS ITS LONG ibetweeln Boston and Ann Arbor, new ty and Indorse the "Women's JOURNEY SAFELY. of tih' play is e'xpec1ted to beginl to Gym." They Are Met by the Alumni-On irrive here at1 2 oclork or o'ei'ys(oo1 'The following us takes, from thlis Historic Grounds-All' Well, but afte'.1lll1r1lillg's F ree 'rekss report of yeoter- Tired-Signal Practice Yesterday As stated ill yesterday's Daily, aiday 's sessionl of tileliig~alti Felera.- -Bound to Win, wire will ill' lit oult for tile exellIsolveLino le'sCusaGrdRp- At 4 o'clock yesterday afternioon tie purIpose of reportinig tis 0-(1a1e. '11h1r' idls: tealul rearliedtits desttitionl ofler a is a ivi'eOout to Jarvis' Fi1el t Ctin-«1h eerbeMslue tn of t~welit-six hour..''Thembreblergebne tMrs.wllobeyeIt.ctStowie joulrne' o ely'oxtilIs.Acll" e- rispokdtilewl )1 oll te ill)0('informlally on the neerd of Wi~nn of Mliehigalo alumniiwere at' h ptil'110till' Wstl'rll 1111011 teiegrllill tili'in till'facullty 'and11o011thle 1)0a11d lfre- to see cliat thetboys wer' rl'tloper'ly r-hell',i.Iltis way lll('Oag's Nvill 1coin- ge i ftesoellsriy il 10 ceiveri. The eniirelll' t1)11a11111rtylil 1a011 5tilelllieadl aitletter fromlI il'v. 1R7i-a Sunlder'- b~oa~rdedla trails foll'Aubhurndal', ia beginls andl w~illlbe ellliillgcontinulous-lno erinwtaeigi bealutifu(l little suburb about Eigill ly un~til it ('1111. A bulletin tol(1Euoeillhlr'eelien nai mliles frolin the (teltrldepot. By 5 osill tIeIllellioultsti'e(If tile' ('1'l111Stirolig 5relsonslowiy there 01011111be o'(lock itiheywere' comlfortatbly se'ttle'liorey iit.lll'(iiiil's bookstore 1a110onwlieliefelroliirglt. inl theirlluarlter1s andlit11111'thely wiillthits wil1)bellillllueed 111e'prltreso (I of Ana battle. 1eeived(. lprllopo'ei wollli'sI ylllllsiulllat ft11e Till'ihotel lat wiililthley lee stoppinig, RESERVES AT CLEVELAND. Uivrs'i'tywiich- is re'lly to be a the oodandPar, i peulirlyHow They Will Line Up Cur Tumor- ola'sbidl"wtprosee. adaplitedl 101'a1footbhlll tilnl'S ilelall- row's Game With the C. A. A, iandliw ithl a wolllll ideani to w01b girl cilrsrI t hallspben twl use for hl tdltspa ofraIve n ili )11rpE~se f?1'eY~tl llll'l' bilelttl Th'T1111110 10 150le01 ill .)'p.ill.lforb 11. it(Olelllr e ls hll'lelll'itl'feri .A l'11- M a i liegll 'rs Stne ll o al 1'115 -- Iil v al'dlltleamh ilitl1tii t towek tt 11111evland, wher tlll eft. willlaiy ithel' . . ,1 justI 1111be 111floirelO''frs tllt1h1,e1011ga'ime ii(tl'withfIWale t Yle and Princes.tonsitil andsHnrvard complete stock of SWEAJ[BS AND GYMNASIVM SOIlS in the city. We mnake them to ordler, in aniy coloi', design or style desired. :Agents for the celebratetd GEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. i Engiaved 'fisitincardsi'we5 sup- l,'11'l lf e510, llrloy111 il ply ill five dayts.illl 11 1111 I til tlti ttllIls 10 S. STATS: STREET. All the layeslir'15 10we'~lll'xcept Ill'- - /\'iI1Zai~ l- hSom111ew11 slhatertidiby t111'tri. mir TAN LOR ill"Ittiia1 nolt beaery10' 5111l ol' 111'e TH r LEADING TAILO !pst 1100 1d1ys 1an-dthlog11111p1s11m11 1111t11. 110111 111111t c~il'. lull 11.1110;vi IDuffy.,'Tryonl, "(ox, Moore. Shlowaeh~r, Inter-Class Championship. S''lblinter-c'llassfootbali l ollllpioll- slti, 10'11)w 'is llelstol th reelahsp(-;, and Princeton Will Moot. y111 1no1 511111leagueIsil iii ti'l''llelgtei oratory11'ill flagI i II ,,la5.In..the.. West, AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Weai'. The Largest Stork in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. 'W ILD,. ATWAHR'S HAVE YOU READ IT? "College Girls," By Abbe Carter Goodloe. Il- lustrated hy Charles Dana Gibson. For opinions ask your neighbors. Now on sale at WA HRpS,' U~p Tows, Down Town, UniversIty Bookstore, Opposite Court Souse 205. State St. 4 N. Sa i ~. Il\ ' 1 05 ,Mr, t 11 1 V0J111 h A111' i lel -1111 (111'i1110 1iut eott soht01 -es- t4tltll1lhi lil.li(ig 11111 II I1aelt-l 0l'telhiI. l''~iu'rtlawolass put 111o1t11am'in tf'she 411 ndbtel a y -Inc0c1111' 111101lose001 lres. T l eaIl+0'et'lthierei I w a ola pt ls (Ifther tlel f sl ial l ass t heta st 11,',Iew 111 ihi sh el 1111 al Thetealiesletrisilld owltifll truselggle, and iby do-'5owill mee'(t in11Marchl. 'Thierewill also il'ltixlg till' iigh Schiool eleveni lhly bill' a lhrs'hird-h'inioll i-~~o dtressedlfo'11-I-irr 5 01115racticeleeeit ea-s11101110'111solontrlhg' Iasis i'theythoe e Iml'it for t111'N'arsity challmpionlship, by each. of thle debaiters. '11h1 questionl it 'isas too dark Ill see tile balli. Signll III the literary lieparI'Itme'nt, 'hi)ll wa's15for dieba1l'te ltw5-elI11Y11'111111 Prinice= pralctice 'isas all tha~t 'iw's lattempitellIlmaltched b i wudagainst '07, ad101'18, aglailst 11111 sill o: "Il esols-ed. '11111tt 5It and the wvork 'isas goodt and fast. AllS9A'9punota intefedbVieo(salshinrpctfal theI~l21wer, ot xcet Ierfyrt ad ndt'his has btenl' 'hict), 'hiS8ilmist netStaote legislaitionlof ai gener11al clarac- iollister. ter, a. sy steinl of r-efe're'ndutmisilnilar to Tile team is as isolated as if it 'iere thle 91nxtMhl~y latl'stlablishledlIniiSwitzerand." on a desert island. Although no effort Th -n~zo hi aewl ly SECOND FACULTY CONCERT. tile '151 la'i team for thie champion- ____ at secrecy was imade, not a. personi was prsettolokon TeHavadpe-ship next Wednesday. Held Last Night at the University lie videtly o nt knsv tat The Til hi)11 Wesleyaa Uiversity hlas School of Music-"A Great Success. team is in town. nine Greek letter fraternities amiong 'he second faculty' concert of the The alumni from Michigan think our 210 studentast University School of Music 'ias held chances good and the players are de- Athletics cost 'Yale last year $14,- last nighit. As all its predecessors, it termined to do the utmost to trail1 the 10185; of this amount$10000 was sewas enthusiastically received. These Harvard crimson in the mud. The subscribed by the undergraduates and concerts are becoming more and more boys will take light practice today for the remainder was furnished chiel events iIn our nmusic-world which music the last time before the battle, by proceeds from the baseball and foot lovers are loath to miss. The next cony The game with Harvard will begln ball games. cert In the series will occur Dec. 5.