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November 07, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-07

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S TUDENT Noble's Star Clothing House, . Min GENTLEMEN T
Are well pleased with the hve ia complete chane CSe will prefer
p the plin, hile the more ethusistic dress-
elegant fitting and C O LO _ IE H R TS. es will adopt the new clr. The goods
well nade _ \shown are grey and brown tweed with a dash
well made g lht color in plaids and stripes. You
F ine Bla k S itsThin week we are showing all the novelties in colored will snd a beatifl display og these abrics
tioso fn neline f Ove(*rstin;saini erseys,
Fie B a k S islaunderd Shirts. The MONARCH, made by Cluett, Melens, Castr, Fr and Ptent Baes
MSADIE ti Coon & C. andth RELIABLE, made by Brokaw. The Eskmo, ohelands, Astrakhans and Cin-
lines are complete in all respects. For style, fit and cor- S. W. BURCHPIELD'S.
JOS.W . olauffort the above manufactures' goods speak for themselves. Msercant Tailoring Store, N. 6 E. 11urn St
Gentlemenp s sing to le Infrmd on th
Th _ratcl alr, E U 1 D I mae a specialy of tDress Garments and
10 E. Washinfgton > t., Up stairs Street Cstamesfo Ladies.
I'yII 1-sq OOP Call oas them fr
Ernpoy Fne unchs, YungFine Chocolates,
Msen pym- and Baked Goods.
(Jeas - - T-- -- --Try Our Lunches.
_____ or teSp ~ ecial Prices. rFxtra V le.r
men I prtpayen frahigh gae AcmeO l
hicl . shieswe scd them on appovsf.Ni
stsactonrniytehyl s sasrs Wo can show yon all the desirable styles it French Calf, M O E& E M R
Young Ladies abmtemh Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan. 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
if hysor irs pply they mute welreom CORNER OF WILLIAM,
{mended. Wriefopatiolas.
.~ .SAON RS Try Our "Red Star" Oil. - New and Second-Hand
.L L SpAI HLI~r & BOS.Nte bookstsand ter Stdnts Supplies
Funini,,Pens, ie Statassery, Sporting
Football Supplies a No smoke. No offensive odor. Will not char the wick. Gads, etc., which they ofer an the lowmst
Specialty. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has o equal in this price. ___
smarket. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in CalndeeubfoePrhsg
Ras.-c r aint , er our as. Price mc per gallon._________________
-1 e-ys, Swenttic ,Shoe, Cams,
Nose p ,as, Sutter naMoouth- DEAN 8& COM PANY. DOYU AN E
ic, Shina rds, Sead 44South Main Street. D O A C
ihariiess Spldig' Offeis'
w I nter aieiaie Football Mr.nd Mr.Pss Grngeinithse
y, mst be used isnal l Mtch ______
o~ sPie an. UNIVERSITY NOTES. cotnsidrigetli subject of dnsiig toeaina
______sffc~a~otbl CALENDAR. the Acd my Pynird topposite Schoal
s Guide-New Stles-Pie
f of alit ha Lading Piayers. NN'. ;. Whil.'08 5, i lacatiesdiialIoscbiin. Nasirs to mount
-Price, 10 eta. 15 ndaoely hrNoraheifil,4pIl.OfcanDncgromngoudlo.
Ilustrated FaotbalCatalogue sent Fc. Detiver, Cali). TllsNv ,lllrltI i 1i aem Iasnsmoip0s a
S s. lt9 in iitr-lass oob ll sr-l
Nem York, Chicago, 'hils.delpha. I. S. iinlay. ii iielfteiiEA f~ " { IR !uiy rc rma fteDsi liyiSat Nov.DAyiCambrirge, it, AT.n
FIRST NATIONAL BAxx.tbotrt is ini Denver, (01. lHeWrit illigli ai vs. Harvard. eealsokof watches Jewely and
Oh ANN ARBOR. thlat le may reurnlihelie sca nd ee- :Mo., Nov. .11,S . asILialiaii NoeiGl eis. p sai idng f itdes.aJew-
Organized 153. -liilrUEXi-Gxio. Aslely on Arahani o specialy. Cash paid fr old gll and
Capital, $1i0,000. Surplus and Prfits, 840,00 ir. iiicoln iniinitiy Cliib cure
Transcts eg a general banking busnems. Studlet mimetrst sf the iKnil 4 o.1 Iiilile-ight"aiieofs 0i.IH. KIEY ES.
lettera eof credit. PyllsldilaurishNov.iiinalleliliesleil gme frose1er1of 1edit fitinsircbiquetetloimitlaifoobali(Iliallionhi.
P. BACH PresnS5.NV, CLARKSON. Cashier. tyllilai Halil,.erner Alai11151 Wash- SaL., Nov. l, S p.,bm. Univeriy Hall PLIOWS
THBE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK nglefi sreets, Frithiy, Nov. 8,.tat 7:3(0 -S. L. A. curse, Deland T. Powers, CHICA.GO
CaialSak.. 55.Srpusine. ~impersonaor
Capial Sock.1,5100() Surlus,8f50000.Tes., Nov. 1.9, 8 p. in.. Universiy C A.NDIESM -b
Stsurcecs.5,i00,000, The elslerli faction of tll fiet ye-r Hal-hrl1iaisrelloa 1 I~ enl n e
Organized under the General Basing La s l-hrlLlilseeTom' CnsaPudAnAbr
-vt this Stat.Seceiss deposits hys and lay thuissAtitiir eleietiflat Newberiry orhestra of Chiago. Agency at -
-els exchangeona the principal citis of the
United States. Draflto cashed upon proper SHall yesterdayimolionfg Ileeitiilall- tt Fri.,No. 22-Fist Iresllfiilll oilseteililcto.Saeydpstbxe orn.VOri~B hita Mc rs-w D laintl t'PmrnI alddtSlta. x ntSAtety1~es1
-Hsriman VicePres:Chas E, icoc, o \nestgaetDtri.V
Cauhier: Id.IJ.PFitz Au-ltant Cashier clisN office. Ns.2-ilistigiicltDt-tt
Fri., Dc. it-asplianmoic 0hop Pac the bet lIvery rigsfinst crrige
Anyone wosvlt t g ried to pepe- __________ and hndsamest liaueomein and telephone
U NIVERSITY trit on anyonie eeis orequestedl toi IOOMiS t mS IEY
SCHOOL O A CN ei it 1o thorpe (. Shirts. managiap Pleasant suits and single rooms fr- CTRR
V\CHDOL 0 DANCING s ~~nisled to order. Bathroom and fur- HNSEGIE 'Wsig
44 AD 46S. TATEST.nace Two blocks froni the campus
44 ALTO4 S TAT T 1elaPihue on the street ar line. Board if de-SFCA
B. M. Aussus lis NsLu:fE L Titn, IheChicapo ritiiifi, IiieCs-Iermil sired 102 S5 State St. SEIL
27 Thompon t P 0.BlastkalinlInter etitili. the ilstue of St--
Single room and bood to e had t !!1 M MARTIN.FueraifDiretor, Cloth
irtiy. Nes. J, wuill itiublishm mmfull i- NV" tl t fl hre m .and Metallic Csketsand Cammn
NO. 7 S Stte t. nlyt11'Cedoors Coffn. Embalminga a Specalty. No. 12 E.
VICTOR FOOT BALLS coint of le Mililafi teami, ilicludingilpfom camlptusIBeat and lligt fur- Wahnto-t
thiL yarspictr. nisied. TT O M SHAVINoG ALORt and Bth-
miiilrss tifir th cr Lethe cair an coche lS lbriI.).rooms. Af p ointments ftst cias
The i dRs bfr te3ililier-Lahrcar n Uhw o ir-Imported and domeoma. clout ,Ladueso artis
n , I.ig Society by J..IP. Alei, '92 o. (ii 'le i-en and fraternity houses ff1 the laig tic hidressin, ad bathing prs.tJ R
. m Aeen I Wiriiig of li icetBuSileing," ill be TraS~tanowakiriesStatelwst
~ i gvl ouoitveeiii i iltkAtIN ItAL IERS. ,TiHEN YOU WANT yur lothe cleaned
x givn toorro e. eting 8 o'lockpesed relied or rebound goto Mrs
I in Rooim 1.0 of the egnerig iiie- oratory aprons mdc t order
IF lgficii students to work on commi sion Call____________________
s .. . n spevosyartleA. at G E. Huron St.____ _________
aeaidefthebeot material, andare A SCItt0t)L OF DNt1NQ. At 4 N. Filth ave., very nicely furi
guaranteed beer timn any ther ,nihbed front suite rooms, funace heal
make Included with eey ball ts an Yon tail;jiin tieclmsses at (leafig'er S
icclar es Vctr setlet cto Academly at any tiiit, the term tmrt- and bath, Also hst table board at
Asociaton"SaFolo s t . The ing with you1r it lssom. Call at the$.adawefoalitdnuhr
pablcI requested to inspect our Frsuet aetebs sot
complete line of Sporting Gos, Base office- aad 5irocre mi erlor sason 3o tdnsIhv h etao
Bals ass Tennu BallsStacketu ec enibershilp caidPosiivly noi at moot of rev olvigp and studycabus
M TELr'SCCEEMOIM trmi or simgle eving admiission,110 Special low prices will le quotedCl
115WWastineton St,Ann Arbo. pubic.hps alloiwed 01ffic anid don-adse hi ATI A
_________________ing roomh, ,grounid floor, G i Otynrd St. . Subscribe for the Dily. TRADE '- ARK


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