THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN G!nTF! Time Table (Revised) May 1, 194. Mail and Ex --3 50 Mal -------8 41 N. Y. Special--. 5 0 N. Y. Special__. 7)30 Eastern E---10 11 N. S. Limited.... 0 25 A. M. Pacific Ex - 117 Atlantic Es .747 '. M. . N. Express....- 5 40 WesterSFEs.. 2 (W G. R. Express ---11 05 Ci. Nt. Ex- ie-102 G. R. Ex.----557 0. W. RUGGLErS, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicag. Ag., Ann Arbor 7:i7a M 4:0a.m. '12:25p m 11:3a. m. 415 pm:0p. m. All trains daily except Sndy 'Tras sn bts iris Ann Arbor:nd Toledo oly It S GREENWOOD, Acen W HI BENNETT 0)1 PA. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypianti from Congress st., 7:10,8:4)1 and 11:0a. m.; 12:5,2:15,5:00, :45,:151 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Asnn Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and 1:30 a. i.; 1:1, 2:45, 5:3, 7:1), 9:41 and 11:1)1 P m. SUNDAY TIME, Leave Ypsilanti from Cogrsst., 1:30, 3:0, :0, 6:30 and :00 p . Leave Ann Arbor Jncto, 2:0, 4:0,5:0, 7:00 and :30 p. m. CJare rn on city time ar: single trip 1)1 cents; roand trip tickets L5 cets. WM.F.PARKERn, Spt. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE -AT- JOLLY 8&.CO'S. Recmoved to 18 S. State St., Sager Bloc. SHt and Cold L7 unhss uat ASSlSHours. TH E KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Has le oly full seloeaies ii the citIy Whoilsle cigars aid toaco an4 igr- Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Moey to lan ocs psoil popety FALL GREET)ING. Sitioggcti order $1.50 up; Overuots to ordecies?1.50 up; Truserins tourder 5.). CaincucgIDying, lressingscd lepairicg a specilty FORDHAM & GLEN, Merhont Tailir, 20 S. stie s., Ann Abor RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. ANN ARBOR STEAT4 LAUNDRY CO. tisghlo ~csand Domeesic ins. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 230 B. POURTH AVE. "FLAG PIN" AS USUAL. XsIi:,riae a iiee line f importe " STEINS" WMt ARNOLD'S JeweSry Stre JENNINGS, EAST LIBERTY ST Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Home-made Candies. Advertise Your Wants in The Daily. EVERY TUESDAY Mr. A. E. Rose wXi!li e at the Cook IHouse xvith al Choice Line of Woolens from THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO,, DETROIT, Flie Dressers it wVilpay oul to see the linie liD1 compare prices strictly first class work. Up-to-elate styles. Low- est prices. CORN ELL-PRINCETON GAME. Former Straining Every Nerve to Beat the Tigers. Ctresll itii ' rincetonllwiiic01110to-, ;eiher it New Yuork Saitrda~y an1dSt Xwi. lietealchilaiis beth 'vell "sha~keil upilld 3151severaIll itew 111thave tieen glut Wi. It.lihis beenu teveloinilg ssiil iralll'slrs-ll o1iif le as. i resiultliand it is (sltel 011at7filetlriillilla)11 tall li4iiii to 0s0o1'. Thle ('oinell Daoily Smspints itie 'isllossis, ig -- "Coirnell illustniotiio uih.bsliggill: frt lit'iexite'5lays, biul.shldiliwsork HAHMEMANNIAN SOCIETY. Election of Officers for the Com- ing Year. Thes'fir)st: h1e hg of liii- ,tsulhi- !11'i1111' Sluo is l's Wil( l ;teeliltu l.'stsitltlt, IProf. XV. 13. Ili1ssulusls; Xi'tt prii-('i51'l. F.A. Xiiier, '.1;11I; rets-l 1119 se(-si-iuui'y.Siss AalusluI3. Wlls, 19 11; l'urlspollu75ill llyrer, AW. 11. Stswart, 'S)7 11; lreusiil'r, .Ai's. Iu-- XXIII. '9 11; stlls', Xli. (i1i is-lll :11 1111,. and 1it is Issliss el 111t1ha t lur thes Nviss' illi i-i-oiof th1 e iii':isl-li, this wtill be lii's' u1:19u 1111811 lii 19 yrelr hluossuliiifr 511111 1e T. O. &C.Ry. K. &IM:Ry. Solid throuoghltrins bc etween Tuoledou, Ohio,. acid Chlston-ss, XV. Vau., via Columsbus, then sliort snd only direct soute. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athen,0. Miiddleport, 0. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va- Williamsburg, Va. Newport Newn, Va-.. N iorfork, Va. Acid 1111 souitheasterni psilss. Eli-gont drawisngroom cars o alliliisiiioistraiss. Fuse fuirtier iifoeriatioii i-ll ouysiir lotusl Ticbt, Agent oriwrite,' MOUL.TON HOUK,Cel l'ass. Agef.. Tosliedoi, 0,.. XV. A. PETERIS, Mlichsigans s. Ageiit, hDeroit, 311ch. doi anlythiwith UX~ll . if IP., osoI:S tli At the Grand Opera House. THIE ICTO R uToilli~ioli aleit*.1st il:rgs at--j flI IER.COLL~EGIATE'F Intercollegiate. on _ lIiislui, '1'11eldiy a:11111 X's. ii-suiii F"O TBAL No. 11.-:12 sis1nd13. sihienii Mltaiili 1s unqulestioiallvhIfineshot bal I t li'il 15 1111 is now '1il9' g daily pIlti olies here fis t h r eeii's' 1)11. lHi isielsi - on tue 111 rl ittcoilayX It's light- licill lacrosse55. tti1)199 Il il'woderworersilss'i1:1 113111- esssand iiilll 11113 h eO it a favolitetoh ll IIIIYl'es. 'hss ('su'ssll-PIsusl 3 l 1111:1 Isl is 1115 and11 scill 1113 niitsiilint-s iliiihcitt-e 0111mplellte uill1inIsiltot,- :st-lhud Is-it foll'1-shi. 2)1, 1911). ociult) scieelil's' 1119 li's''s il tus. Att $5.0. Victori F-oot-131111 (G uide,. Ilsissill fori 20 lifrl'tltilii'l'5 hei Isslsi 0)11n1aicing1 'the 11ew' iule-s, isid 'The Ilurvaridl and11Pale1' whisitsclubs 1:thcaityf hel'etr13 i i'-IuuI-1:1') 1 ebtipersoissltil the amesy Delanld,- Xwill hatse :a leuiiiu1111111iin Marc.u thisli . s iuls 1lllll ssf as lslulpil'tl ' Is 5 ulandothers , 25 tells. Also 'a 'omp Ilete lhue of finet: $,5~ ,7501)lis's' 1been ldonluted. Is ci) 1111siciiiliX u'ii11(1 a) iuleulf s f'hii lii-he foot ball ilotisi. Xl'lslti59siof theis I1tell Stites sicei ' sullugu's sit'llli(ntfos a'll r;e-O E MNp~~net scicl IlltsIis1}oon;, tIX- .1anl~~ryL upe ioityof11111dovOVERMAN. an WHEEL CO.' "Puh bll" is helatst Isu ; i selli 1liuls n 10 difl 5T-i-s Iol--issills hlMakers of'ic-Scur i3icys-Ici. Harlls- hltllis i s t:uiipromlises1'5lto be l-ilt' asubljectin- hypoi3'lls tltf'or svellBoston. Ni-stYsrkselS:. l)1s-lssis. ce co~ie quliie' lalslls. sssl~sss lisi lay3s. This tl'iiiiii'kall stn Pc-aecis:-o. Loi: A s1g-loo. IPirtlaicnu 'i'lll'tice~-tsir 111heIIuu-rd-il 'l'lisyl- limli il ii at, one'ilsisliltifreetes For Sale by X. Staebler. 11 W. 10111 ii',Nso.iiiehiill hh lia 1 oll11:13andhill h esi ls-55-illh - Wansington St. a2 25, ? n 1, lbdtonly 10,910T1provethis itiIs shidiuhi allmake 51thgits til ls' 1)101 NshLio siu; spir}ll;is ' 11 oi' rric. -XlthisN'E"wT MACH INE SITR OP Lluis F1. IuusDe 1:ii'-land easbeenappithe mIll' uriti3'i12 dshsb'ss,,:Iol~v' ziro. ANDREW HUNTER, 19 E. LbetySt poa'hio h eul Harvasdseleven.s uiselnli1111-111111eals,)em0111'tohbesalushXtolfiik1ei'liccc al)ohcl(:'R~o! s1cld'llo1111one5segasdssesh lll 11on _____t_______________i___yc_____es__ osthMi.ilThesohi, inof si'itslha's ilsts Dinta'l:usssh I l'silllli'Resp11re11 beli111il01. uci 5 u lx-lrih:C111o11v.t l. s''fs i>R .s11 r Moisso1( it Il 10 MCis. - ll)11I-T~d s sMt. 1iOt graphan, N~so'I'iiN plhay~s AinnT! turda(5110 lrl app15ction:illo,1' )1)11muc ilol acuvern mtorfae litea iihsoA Y ice lola t btluot 'tve-iighi' u in the ma~rket. The 01113 book: good F-ourt, hI. & 8., ('., 11. & D., Ohlio ( 'll- - f on entire B. & 0. systesisXwest of P1ittsburghi. It alao inclhude he' tsBig 4 systems.Geit ansd hsave 50n0X'er reatdy ticket over all imip~otant lines, hPrice $20.00; goosd one year, Apply 1o Ohio Central Agento, or address Moulton Hook, G. P. A., T'oledo, 0.1 Wan~te'd.-lStudenst t0 act 115stewvard. (Coll at 'No. 7 E. University ave. Miss AL, Brossn. 34 Wantedi-Boatrd ansdsingle50010 by' '017 L. Leave word at Daily office. 27 Found--A pocketbook. Inquire at 611 E<. Washington st. Subscribe ror One Daily. trulsan liiIanihh'llil't therollsiy0'1istem,it is, the('favitet''ralrs't9I(osniphniohs. Lost.-Genutlesninso01101ftacl'goldl 51a5711 wilsth ob. Rectsn10oDr. iR. Stulart, Psi Uiloni1t1House andulreceivse rewardlIX. 35 For Studsenhts-Pastent revolving book cases, bestSmake and good patternls. LowV ps-hces at 'MAORTINHALI;St'. Lost-Desltati McnaIDelta pin. Be- turn to 88S9. ,Main st. and receive ;"e- wvard. 1 tost-Ts-sGamma Phsi Beta: stick pins and an Annapolis bat pin, liuder will please return to Steward's office. «.. a9 w) 19 w9 0 R'I-P"A-N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. wRD