THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building N. bluin at., apposite post ofilier. WHAT THE WEST THINKS . l ~ Og Ut Grandopera House. SeuainatotetadnofMichigan With Chicago, We have left a fair stock of FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 8TH, '95 - a~ll sorts of exrt apperarnco eer of thelFamous Tlhc followisog clippiinlgfrmseso hi-(ilIrish Comedians, caos E+v5'lolg Pot of Nov.. 4, - - W RITING TABLETS cONROY & FOX , lssl'sx' edstolthe Daily f tills Chicag swhsichicaii be closed out aso (of lint Tama"fume) and an extol- gradate 11-110, Ie a}", ela1E Sta'S111lent co asnC of Plyes, Sinerssad gislil, ilc,11'llcx rrsnil follows: DancerI s i erei ned Ihissdlsh- si;ra wsr teO41n fthesi,,'. .. snn irTel~ AAmercan Comedy, JA. Llolx ',9h assig dto. os r'asrlilil gteItalril-dMicliligal OODRLDTBL ,10PP. 3 FOR IOC 0Faiys aa G. B. ilARnso nsaM L, Asitat. gasle.c Sl.lui d aly:GODWINGTBE, - C The Gretest flit in Years. Pa ~tively G. it. Os 9, ),Asist'at. -'TilD'WRiTINGrTABofTIlls8Ccerything ne.s C. . Coss',Gr. L, Asitn il voruft.ilt ('hicsgso 'am'iyCRN LIE TA E, S. . KNa. ss'e, '(sOAtistis' Edior. elven ~srslssday r s'lsoOl5'lillira ssi s CAELNE1A5ET C PRICES, 35C, SC AND 75C, NO HIGHER. L. C. XW.nns, r'es.IBusisnelssagr. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 351 I. C.PAULtS, '((:5 MAssistassl. 15o1115'oilt'olss of captin llenA'sos WRITING PAPER BY THE QIIRE OR LB. Lowney's Chocolates. Associate Editors. 5wee5'lisg sw i ss' 111s55'/ti'ne 1and bsis:' ssl C. . 0rstt 't. A. . stie '(55 Aiehgsl:Tlsslknixllg ay 115 Tis stock will not be replaced. Hot Lunches. C. A. Hioughton, '6 Di. . 0. eath. .t) P. Ann Aisor sls'v'essin h ll-ligis ill o equc)o-in hie K'atherissned,' . I.GI. smmonn.'8 N. Argus Printing House. TUTTLE'S. 8S. State St. . h. i. T sas 1 V . X.Ilo he ,'8. 0 Isiblss, 01(nd ssso sul s'he slys'ims"n4 . B. isetieassy. R.It. it. lclly '950.ane a d hu iiton t lr yardsis I s lss',sgamelfr fss xtsaIssl as'. Teprice othelDaily will rs'mis aisre- tofore. d.)) a yia., isnvariabsly ins sdssnce hosps' o f 'hircsgo sde'fe'tinlg t s'Au usslistaassiiss the fict that pohlsllation Arbor51 kickers will hsadsly sdimsinis- sil he coniuedsunsi oat me'ncesment. d n hr r otalahrnr complile~tesslls'iuissg sf teIlaI~lrsl ightl: game5'etssen0t511 slssMcsigsss gamells Stu15'1iy lsy lsavingsog it . 05'la'is('5 an' d 515the is' (015511 laliyerls5w011 naisdex'clusseswirs' fsr ltse is is' e retaeitos ' ca115m'p11biy the ie's'. fismithelie lsisi h 0ischi 115'e game i iis ' will bess'atsisis'st (111y)if Anni plahys'dlat (ambrsidge' tss hs's'al's Arborseurs ' a.'0 lrers'c re551'han the(is boosstssrs. Rlps'ls vl l xiibesgisito(soessi C' amblslrig'scs'lse . 'ossaiy Isatt Micll as 01 soo n sissile D strs 4111x1Sl'O oill beiss all 11c11lfsrcers'ecsogiinsfromi Ills reiiss'l csliuossl~lly frssntstheln susiil Iast i is t Istinilg it t'sestrnislily. iseos fssotsshinl s. 'ls' ls'lposs'e llis'Iissli sof ]lstraisgall ie gso will b tss ed out(i siiise' sf thess cn pla siyr s s 'o te cssillir, miislew of teIll: e / C stor attheboostoe,05511. urixls'ehslof Il iis' of hisl~l Jeffersonian Society Tonight. sao.i eodte.Io ffobl __________rsili. '111e 1en0 loiso 55ill siss-fly cthss'folloisg n o intysorscsgrtinll heIsse ell: Ann llAlssef1(1'Bostntss mees Iit)A ______________________________________ .lsll'rsllislSossl fscIsisgli Readi-1' IIcsL'si ae:Iss' 1f) ed ( 'lSen rr; 1ft) Ini' Plagic;l E sais sliecho nJcg toriy~, all 1'151;rilsft guard, hall; ligill 3 6 5 T"I)D ay.vs lug.PMi.glaki; nhcicls i sf ss(s'ssi, I?s.ltut(ins;li~t ga~r, Ilsstl ; its 551u1illsiv llO' Al. Hluff. ll5'ile5' Ar.ta e . e,('sail Iis'uoiller r igh) '110)). "Winksheos'i'l n desbslte I enslhN os'l.1551; quairteriach l Biis'1;left half. '115t11thii'pr1s'5'I'l u15e s'sibinlslldsh1Iseiberc); right half, Richards;fili A h ead of fnsilsg a tirdtr rs e adeptn ofs'iss' thse5Is' In hii siiis thlier i is asrngs l sli issls's)) talies souldlheiCotinueisd." i~lto 4 of 5151 whis o es hsws' afirisn, ii'es, i'. .Ssad i501Mr. A-'10 llilsfo'mfil lhe terials.irthaeT h em A 11l*" Iiriss etiv se. IyAir. Sndrs1n5 1 1r , i ble'01 aoily foreiwii ma(lt' ril. ii (ae KiafmssI'.The sciey will hlis eln'leA lislissl stisex:1 hi' sinisie Iisll rl. ups' lls os dats' Iictivrditaill at The Minnesota Game. 1110 Fat in)hil "si"'1'.b s -1 o 2 b "Thes'Illig Panssin,"iby Youg ___________________________________________ A, n .a~l etrs igem s'ii'110 be'su ii' ilc y Alet M oe ills',Ihe 'rs(lds'asho sss'nar-'Ishisniliiil' i~aftserto Mosses', IEA.TINGS ( 1 ilige Imornil, ec., fsr hs'ell'.ali'newithlI issol seltieis'l usfeamie llosllilsn AR.nE ON e Minsoi~ta' tIiilHl t ' o vl, .f '3o IwillIs' t sll lpric's. 0 ilaiedlonShil bIli f~troil Ile glie TP0-h e binsg paedlil t sshiss Iagn'basebn'lall ( i Take WHERE TUVYII'III. 9 W heel groills, ltheri'asinst'tsr s iing furt-3U~VIU ilte t I n h ).4A C. gotiiss. A book C' tsloue isfree.C 0 Unity Course Lecture.-A - Aetar;plig ltx-hso. Ashleys',f Ohliosi01ls's'hwroc KLYKEMAS Illiss'e lnilt' (luos ene1c sss idy ''ARE YOU :IE DEALER ? , MAS einsig ois "PublicLs'ife' 1 in 'shnsg A V tonmithulsAbraha issln'el." 11e' will drwfo esnlrmtsecsfrhis massterial. C oid '96 aws in.ensible P6 Law Win.erviceable - tylish eleven samie toetere yesierdasy sfter-V ellng Shoes nIonlt Ite fsir grons, which result' ed In a viclesy for the frmser by Is seoe o10 he 0.t h Subscribe for the Daily. 6NMI i fp