tt. v NESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1895. Fours PAGES-3 CENTS. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WED] VOL. VI. No. 33. VOL. VI. No. 33. UNIVEFISITY OF MICH[GAN, WEDI NESI)AY, NOVEMBER fi, 1895. FOUR PAGES-S CENTS. ALL ABOARDFOR BOSTON!1 DETROIT FOOTBALL GAME. ONE UIT R TEM WLL LAVETHEIt Will Be Played on the New ON UTRTHE LTEAMeWILLeLEAVEGTHEn__ MC. DEPOT AT 5 STANDARD. Lau aealGons Is enough for one person to Miar'Bidwn sDtotys play on at one time. One( Everybody Be There-Who Will Go laae 3id vn oDtotys gnitar is not enlough, how- -Secret Practice Yesterday-Pub- tercly to look over the fiel andi ietore S dents. That's why we have N ards Says-Yale With Us. with Mr. Van Derbtekk for the use of I$$ constantly in stock several -h e egebsbl rud o S dozens of guitars of various The Mittig;ai Central depot will bett'ts'lac'tisttl rud o makes and prices. thie scene of a great gatherimthtii is gii.Teegons hnl ~ 'ftenoo wtet tie title titerstysoniewliat smtall and lackinigis reguilar BETTER LOOK AT OURafenoweth vl Uiesy wil xxItnrn out to sendt the football tear football field, all of turf, will yet tie U. OF GIAoffoBotn ictanlaeat5 very accetable' aind possess soiie act- It's good as its name. o'clock stat tlrdtintiue, anti it is ex vantage's ove'r the D. A. C. grottunts, STHE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO. it ted thiat a htalf htotir before thtiniotably ini grandstandt facilities. S. MAIMN T 0 11 tie teewl e itestanding rcoom h ihgnMneoaLbu h eo.totNv 3wl o epae n h The 'Vairsity fototball parcty will be D1. A. ('. grounds, as all of Michigan'i ATacmposedi of twenty-two menltl"il ubg gamest'5have Ibeen in previous years. She han s 'Thie D. A. C. Il~iigeinit tils been SintugManager (.I'. . Baird, Coacht.ti wigsor ndsoe xrbtn L.,Mt('auley and Tiraier .Beene Fitz-fnSt~iir ~lmr xritn You can find the largest andI most ptik tennte iyr oteantd tnreasonabile as to reair.gtutir complete stock of takien areas follows: Cairr iand tDent grouinidt for these gaines, thiinking iiira~~rn by, teniter'; Hlooper, Hall and Wonm- there was no othiert'hat could hi' usi'il SW ES YYLNIt1 fbasthi'ler, guardts; Ca'tip. Henniniger, Villa Th'lis year they demiandteditntre titan indl oot, tackles; Seater, treenleaf ever', and( in coinsequieiice will get noth- GYMASIM SITSaind Farninin, endts; Baird aint Morley, i qularter' backs; tertiert. SHollister. in the city. We make them to Hotlnes,ttichiards aiid Shields. half Death of Miss Alins Szold. order, in any color, design or harks; Bloonitugoton, full bark. 'ThisjMsAiicSodiiiheofi style desit'ei. list was posted lit the training tattil , I #' r a 1' E? I ; E' S i, 1 t I' r r, . ll 1- i_ WRINKLE NUMBER THREE. IT WILL BE READY AND ON SALE TOMORROW MORNING. The Best One Yet-New Artists Ap- pear Upon Its Pages-Poetry and Humor Are Up to the Standard. .Wrinklexiiilibe amitng itsfoi' thei third ftime this year tomloi'rowv morn- tng, sitd the Couirt JIeste'r's smile is visibly biroadeiied it, anticipation of xwhat our tboys wilits in Saturday's gamle. Numbler 1 anti numbtler 2 were gosot. inuiibe'rs. btnumbiller 3t is still bitter, This is true of till the conltenits, but imoie esptectally of the illustrtationis. 'They are motire anld be'tte'r llan in previous inuititers. The fromtisptece' is bty a iiewv artist, oiie of stir aluiinae. Miss AnitaSHaint- naht, 't5, of JIacksont, Mich. St is oun' of tile best Writnkle lias yet haid. That the cemter-page is by "Bolt" Wagmier is guaranitee of its excelee-'. tt represtents "Tiii'Poker (taute at Col- a ge "fgouli of Collegei' iien iigaged ait cards, anid the reailer to findtheii fri'shiini of the group. Wagnerlsts contrtiutes anotheriturtie reresenit- tng Michtigain's coining victory. Aiiothser irliwiilg deservinmilentionl is StyEdxvardt Feirry, 'Ill L4, occupyimig Nearly a full pagi'. Mr. Fesrry is also a miewxairtist to Wmrinkle'spaitr'oiis. 'Thle nat of tilt dratwings aire coil- tritbstedt mainly by C. B. Itiarsons, 't9t, Edwaird Lawvless, 'tIS, Miss Le'wis tammd E. (1. W'ardtell, if Detroit. Btinttet' draiwitigs are by iit means till, foir they are will imteriningleti with verses a10d jokes as will itsminet piretentious article's. 'liii' editorittls ile in tile('oturt tester's xwell kinoxvin~. (Of thinoigi'r artictes, (S. St. Batrker's "If I Iladi Moneylto Burnt'is deise'rv- tug thrst men'Itioni. 'T'he'otheir most Notahbl' contribtotrs ire It3. M. Bite- nanl. A. Mt. Sniiith.' Wriiiki' willtie oniistilt' itall thei Agents for the celebrated BED. S, PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. I Engraved visiting cards we sup- ply in five days. SHEEHAN & CO.. 30 S. STATE STRoEET. -WILD, - THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashionable Forein Fahrics for Men's Wear. The Largest,' Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. WIILD. SATWAHR's HAVE YOU READ IT? "Colleg Girls," By Abbe Carter Goodloe. Il- lustrated by Charles Dana Gibson. For opinions ask your neighbois. Now on sale at WAR RS" Up Tows, Don Tows. UniereltyvBookstore, Oppasite Csari Hlouse t ts St. 4 N. Mai St. this mloraning. 'h'linehuep01for tile gamies' vwitBatrs-arcS has iiotye't been dinitely deciuded upomi. Yesterday's practice, like that of the lay biefore, wtts secret. Today.,110w- ever'.tile gates of the athtitetic ildillii be thrownmuopien inithe 110ope that the xwhoetUnixvirsity xiii turn otit to take this last clotuce of forming Oinopinlin of the tettm antSablie all of cheeriitg them on. I'ractice xiii beghin eamrly, at 3t o'clock, antS;xiii last only unitil -4 o'clock, in ordeir tox give tih' iten tinte tos get ready for thte train. Yesterday's practice xvts very cc- couraging, a marked advance ini of- fensiv'e play being noted ox-er the Same feature Mlonday. Halxxwis out. fur signal practice anti is nmucht bitter. Btairdt and Settler wxere also in thei list up for signal practice. Coach Mrl:'au- bey expressed htimself as xve'li sttishi'ed withilie showxiitg. '"Billy" lRichatrds, the iex-Yale platyer', w-io has beeni tssistig Mc('tuley this uxeek, has i-eturn-ied to Oberlin totbe'- ,,In htisxx-ork xitht hut'tettm ther' agait todiay. tl'nnaked;xwhatt.litthought of our rittinces, itt'staid: "I se'c'11n1 -utusont xxhy Micttigtm sshtlisntswitn fromtit Harvatrd, intlSItbeliexv' you xii. You lave thti meti to ito it, slid tttey hatve tieen tralined inthtie right xway to doi it. TYtur interferenice'xxhte'i it is wxoiking rightt is ahtcetd of anytttiitgI httie ever sen in tite East. Its dtefect ts in beig a little sloxx at tuneis." Letters re'ceixecd troutYtale state thtat Yale mtent art' backing Mic-higtat to xxiii anti ate.hoping to set' her ho so. hay, Nov. 1, of tyitois maitlriaiafte'rti severe illnless of sevurtalxvee'ks. htiss Szold xxas grauattehdfromit het U'i- vemsity of Michigan xitilthite c-las of 1192. Situ'xxts Iprominentt in college circles tand a, zealous, earitest xxoikcr ini ults IFioxvem' Missiot antdVWomtti's Leatite. Of thet foritter sits'xxas the first, presi- die'nt. Site xwasit young xxomattn of mtore thatnt ordinuary ailiity itt tmaniy wx'ays aid xxon mtanty friettis. .eur s'ithssittsttfotunds its fi-ld of xxork int he itsnuesuf ttrt tutd titer studs- its one year- ii Ne'xvYorkui xs'etttn t F'tris xxhiere site spenit tue ili't txxo y'ears, return'ming hosmie lust Tne for ai visit. Situ fully expes'sted to re-turnm to F'tris this taututm forratindtueinite periodstoitpursue hem' lift' xrr. Her Succ'ess seemest tssures'sicetixheur pic- tiookstiiiis 11)tI slttte ('i111liiti losr- ttu-rsxh11111soldi xel'liandtshe h,1itd. Tee''n rowxx'motiiti t tthes8,ttt10 Ol puis', timi 'mi;gtgi'in liiustm'tittn Si-vrtal iit'mtrx -irts timid xxii tilt'e-I xxithi ,i readtySalt'. works. Shim' tuatty fr'ies'm t iAnti Arbor. bothtt suidents andstcitizens , tin' gre'tlty putted ttati'ersudident tid, un- es'itc''t's dteatht. All dieehly syl- hutitize'xwitthum'ersmrettx'aeshltits hAnd VESPER SERVICES BEGUN. A Good Attendance-Order of Ser- vice Remains the Same. ''t're' xxas ti, gooatte'ntdaitcett thts irst x'esperm'serv-ice il Unixver~sity Ihuh1, yeste'rdityttfts'rtoonu. 'hts'ordiur of se'rx'ice' is thie saitte asstiyeartt. FIRST FRESHMAN SOCIAL. It Will Be Held Friday Evening. Nov. 22. at Granger's. 'hw its sht fritmaim sscitlmilxii hi gixv'ntl't-huhaty ( ixuttlg.Nvx'. 22. it tctuumi)2e's Acaiti'muy. . iiift'-mtius stoc-ilh commimutte'e, xwhitch xxilht' sittings' sifthus'lao't. is u-suumuuosu'ui si ts' fuuloihuiuim msoiumm: '0'., iimuitu:Messirs.'uttur, i,,ioymttomu, K'eu'thtad1I' xi suit , isses t' lziit kindt 'fTliyi'r. See the team off at 5 p.' m.