THE U. OF M. DAILY. G ENILEYIEN Are wvell pleased with the elegant fitting and well made Fine Black Suits MiADiE BY Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor, r14 E. Washington !,t. Up Stairs f Employ - -wI Young ~..++««+o advertise- oment s prot enortuhighegrade Am bicycle, which oeed them on approval. No7 woark dooe until the bicycle arives and proves samtisfactory. Young Ladies empoed ers If btoys or it apply they must be wellrecom- mnded.W rite for par tiulars.I ACME CYCLE COIFPANY, ELKHIART, IND. Noble's Star Clothing House, s. ai. IGENTLEMEN T ----- You have been earin, p1'in atd sombre colors for the last feew yars. Tphis fall we have s complete chance Some will prefer the plai, while the more enthusiastic dress- Our C rduiro an s era will adopt the tew colors. The goods shown are greysand brown tweeds with a dash of brleht color is plaids asd stripes. You wilifSod aheautilful display of these fabrics are made with a good tnrn up. It cost a trifle more also a fne line of Overcoatit s in Kerseys, Meltons, Caster. For ted Patent Bearers, to have them made as we want them, but we ask Eskimocs, Shetlands, Astrakhans sod thin- youl the same for the correct thing as others do chillas R HPIBDaS for the common ones. Merchant Tailoring Store, No. G E. IHnron St Gestlemen visin to btolipinformrd on te f4 ocl n e +3.+ + 'propcrr and correct thief in dress are invited _______________________________________________ maie aspeciiy of press Gsrments aod Street tostumes for Ladsdo. 40 ICV I OOP & CO.,I ISEEET._ thr n I ()Casll on them for 1 1 T L 1--j 1 1 1.. 65.00 -1 JL -L \,,j 11 l,...1 Special Price's. Extra Values. We c,.n show you all the desirable styles ini French Calf, Enamel, Patent Leather and _ran. G0ODSIREIED'IS.MAIN. Try Our "Red Star" oil. No smoke. No offensive odor. Will not char the wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, HaIs no equal in this market. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in our cans. Price 10c per gallon. Is G. SPALDING & BROS. o Football Supplies a L Specialty. Every requisite for te fumeJtcee an, Jer- e 5