THE U. 01? M. DAILY.
Time Table (Revised) May 19 1894. (1 001 mooid froth Virsot Pange.)
EAST. WEST. 111(9e w9(re -iV('i1 f P011 iiely neigi.h-
Mail and Ex---0 300 Mail ------- 43 Io hood peopl1e who knee- fh Iorecoo f'or!
N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y. Spectal--7 30!
Eastera Ex---1 12 N. S. Limited. 9'25to iinil yeilrot rv o rl
A.M. Pacific En --- t5 opoehtvt~iyh
Atlantic Ex--7 47 ".- M. 1 1 tfrienlld h1ielper of Ili killd
D. N. Expres....- 5 40 Western Fx---20
G. R1. Ex peesa .1i 0 1Ch1. Nt. Ex----10 28 111(1 no(t 0I l-l-lllled critic ilid iiiiti-
G. R1. Ex------. 55
O. W. RUGotinn, I1. W. StATES, 1111(01)1 -
G.. P. & T. Apt., Chicago. Agt., Annl Arbor
_______________________________________ he_ uIo tiiel3 deathi of leis brollier,
\II- ..kf9 99tue who 1 eonlie111t(1 hiis rigidl Codelilo1l-
> ~.. ~ olra ive 1111111 le erellllillly Iotig-il at
p_-_ 4 his (110113 e tfor Osoinle. lie 111111-1
WORTH MtN'it~fI' At2
RAILWAY ct. 1110(ill 11(I e 11e llllt-glienllt Aig1 iiilli iiii
7' a. m. *:10a. m.
4:5p.r, 9illip. a..
All trains daily exceptt Sunday 11(0 .1111 cl01111111 01 1 '11111 I,1('1;11
Trainsla ruobtwecn Anti Arlber aid Toledo
50 H. 13ENNETT G. Y. A. Toledo O. prloduct (If the 11111 lnlllli1 more-
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, BY, inept11 111 llecllli<le 111119 11:1d1 111111
1111111l1001 111110- 1111111e 111111, tllvlliellI
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. 1,1111111 1 int lll pro 111i_. He 1i1 11ot
Leller Ypsilaati foom Congess 01., 7:10. 8:4.5 991011 (elerllllĀ°t (.1dol ti1111111t'
andl 11:10 a. a..; 12140, 2:1,0,10, 6:45,9:19 and
10:45 p. in1. 1111bri 1(1 lllal his life am11 I l~elilg.
Leave Ann Arbor Jucion1111, 7:41)9, :15 an1(111 03fo imlr ~
p. n n1n110hither I iilkili-. Ill w9ished' 111111
Leavee Ypsilanti fraon (2ollreo( t.,l:30,1:110, to1s1 olk leo-,of 1111 lowver 1110l11119 n-
Leave Ana Arbor Junlction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, lit01 bA7:00 (-0d 9:111 p. 110111
(Cars 0ru1 oil city time Fare:9 single tip t5 As nt. ueyol-lr he1 d(i excelllentI 11o11r1 11
ceats; roaad trip tieclnLFe(P 1.9. ut lilctit't1dtisoci:tiil1tv
XVII JO.P~lttel, Stt hint loi-ohy 1111112111d9 sc9lop orll 11
MAMM TH PPE -SALE K1~ ll(i: li9 711 1lllid111110 1111'I~ 111111:l
-A ~ 119 '.r (1Ye. Ile did1 11: 111Il.: i e d -
JO LL.UY &t 00 s. lle (If s1)0lll Il,111; tile it otin
Itenlorel ta 19 S. State 9t., 011ger Bllck;. (-(01110 Ill-e. 111it 1iel evr11111
lint ad Cold 1,1111 ti (It All 'tom-s. 'I 11111 ill 1 11j11lllrill ()f tilt' 1111.
KINDERGARTEN BILLIARID HALL said: -1w 0wold :1s 80th1 t1hi11 oIf
li1 nnte u-111 ofI un1 (1111 tree, :19 11111-
(Ic heoly ftil slze Itlell5 tile -ily-
Railroad. + Ticket + Brokers. firllncll ii 10:1 w1 :rfe I ollsl creed of1
t:111h vv ili childreInl 111(110'
F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 (11 0 hs'lc. 11Ill llot 1111110 9ll'ir11(0i
SiRANt o der; L5 ip vl-ea5t 111111 11112r too. ond 1110 pltltoi
(I111(1110 ,11 ! t.5 :1p 1rtu~l 121:1 t1o11 ordr d7.
99-ic ll-l 110-3-o11 be10 en1tiithle Gratid
is cal11(1 "lltltoheri0'sXiIVacat~io." It
10 (11111v113n1(11an1111l10Sa11(1to 11110
(9i19l0(111 ft199i-gl eilrOhits9of51)y
111(1(1111 11111 1 (111 ill111foirce0.
T. O. &CG.By. K. &X. Ry-
Selit ttr(,nxll 101,1(0 1-(1((1Toledo, 01110
shonrtanldnlly dirt 111(11.
FindayG1-if lilei^il N.9001I, 12 11a1nddiy,0
I:;. of1 211111111l. 1h111, 10e110of 1101(111- Renton, 0.
l19111. 111111([ 11th 11111t1talked lll llt I1111Columbua, 0.
If Ilio 11113. Iltinlong 0111e;11 f1 091100 Athetns, 0.
of1 1111 111:1 llinislll0 iii 1111211. ovetitig KMiddleport, 0.
29 l> fr110. 1011 9111 1111w'1100110is1Pomery, 0..
lort 11 11111Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
1111otol 1111-0 111e11 ofl lt-ittill-, Richmoond. Va.
lhe 11(11 011111112 11111 11111(119 1a1d1the Petersburg, Va.
I II:1l l Iroe) 1(001:1,01111,11119. Slzt- Old Point Comfort, Va..
11 1(11119i (1 Ir~o111(11 01:n1 7( ) of1Williamnburg, Va.
Ill11110 11-1 11(IIPI 1119 11 (1( 11(1Newport Newn, Va.
2.1 111111h?1111 111 11 1101lorfork, Va.
101012- 11 511ll-i ie-ln I he ta-Iet And all (noutheas1tern(1 points.l Flenant-
1111111111Illll(,11111 1 , II 1 1n1 I1 i (Ii (111 drawn~g-(lrooml0 r1 o sill :11111(11(1 ll:111((1.
('std- If 11(11 1 1 111 1 llo::o _-[mes 1in.Tiellet Agcm 1or111(
illiis 1(,ln11111. He1is l l 09111(1 of SIOULION 11(111, Gen-]lP1s1e.m.,0.
the ('Ill-I 1191 lcil 111,11\_ 1111 il1l111 ;111(1 90. A. 1FEPtS l01ichan lVass. A-en9,
0: 11(111111 11.11 :11!11 11-1111.111 1101111 leia ___________________
11:1-y1 11111 111- 1111e't 1 1 c illf 1 111 0h,11(1d9-' . .
(or 1y~otO (I1111-11 . lllg 91 ( I
givil tetii 19 111 t111r91-ly -l II Thte modern stand-
01-12110 119010 (I iiItL.LIand Family Medi-
1?itd-A ocetoo. 11~tveI 6 one ;Cures the
[<. XX11 11i11 l s 90 7/)
common every-day
-ills of humanity.
- - /llimann
~hot gr a pher
15 Washington Block.
E. S. SERVISS, Manager,
Siewrlry Stoe.
H-ot Lunches,
Chocolates and
Home-made Candies.
Mr.Oo~eo f:11 1lect.ures0:thi. 22in.
a t ' the'cGcand11Ot e 1ir House.rcll
1111 Art lloi--tsrl (11:11toIflee - (1(0(1
ti-eli (lliles. :Wi l i1>> the 1city-,ho 111 the
t- of I.1". lil . N l , sil 119
99-ll t it01111'tire ol ill10d.119 il
-it itAilor, f ohiht?.it lm-m-d. (I
Irirh & i-en (1, Cll 1(3 1(1F1119are11to
hom Atltrbor sther the11 11111191f
hten ton.l ng tcoitian favorites ottil
THE V "' 0
0- T ACllG
11(09111andlllraiilily Itattiit
fali11ite itl a1,1 1(11 111011(1
Ptl Ittlo owl hpith ithy ilator
$5.0).1 itl I 71 t-11 'Id
:o tni ( ,,,thill Il hitie of pane
(-m ll il h e 1111 byI(0,n
i ri Illhe rs25(otii s11-. 01s
or alzerby of1victoebler. 11leW.
Washington St.
a71 grleat big(Y soft Turk-
ish bthtel -Iikei tupal. tltt
mohisturar nd F(uia 0(21
Xwatm anditid rly. heIt
best (onĀ°0 SOwere-worth
10 lent aio ti-r. W o
hove several kindsl,-
its Itowo 19s 0 cents Ia
pair. It won11't co(st
you atiythitng to lttok
at them.
IWO ii Gumrnlop
to ;gist) 71111(11 :ar (t lhllllt lit
xv ith till-13. oIf"4:.10:11ly 1v(r
t year. WIe1(111 11o gll- ;t 1h1r-
date 1111199pre Int : hIlI: up10001-
e Iiis-rsily 111d(1allte. til- d1011nlt
d 11rgallizati1111
t eP0 Gaa-to
your1 (11o(1- lltil 1111 1111 Iof the
p1(1111eph, 110010011 :11111((1111 11111
1r1po111s-h f I 1119Ornity I 92 (t
tletiofedtly111 -:0 lies of thletic-
gamt~esIenhitinments11111119 ---I he
newoXSIf9y101000911 111(1th11111holl
deptments in su111 ch(0a1 01111(1 111
is t7(1naleay1111- kee(1 otl1 1101ii
regaIi 1eve,1(13'thIdfg- 11:11(111i11
01rpertalininhg t ho Univsity(
Iheir's no Cootradidtir
to thteofacle tt he 111U1. off..
D~aily is thte onl~y piper10wh~i-hi
roll snakle you lth1.9 11171-. It Itti
11(1 et ttiti 0. If 3youfeet lany
iterest inl the Oiversity you
willrcveo mtolre 711191 30u1
metney's 99-10111f1(111youtr ptutb
scrithit(1lbeforel Itetietd (f the
football season,
ANDREW HUNTER, 1, F. Liblerty ot.
Bicycles Repaired or Retetd.
Dental Instrum~ents Rlepairer[;
Adv rie Y u as exp(onents of thie true Irishi-Atier-
1A v rtli ourw ants icon character they are clasned at the
in The D aily. thrad of the professieon. The play17i1
UAnlkma C) rnMnwI.