THE U. OF M. DAILY. MjGIGAN GLNTR! Time Table (Revised) May 1, 184. EAST EST. Mal and Ex __3 50 Mali - 43 N. Y. Special---. 5 OS N. Y. Special----.7300 Eastern Ex- iS--1 12. N. S. Limited 9 25 A.5.M. Pacific E- ii-- 1 57 Atlantic En-7 47 P. M. D. N. Express....- 5 40 Western En.---2 0 G. R. Express _"_11 05 Chi, Nt. Es....15 2 GREx.----557 O. W. RtGGLSe, I. W. HlAYS, G. P. & T. At., Chicag. Agt., Ann Arbor tY ULIL8O "- NORTH MICHIGAN 807a. m. *:5. m. "12:25 p. mL 11:0 a. s. 4:5 p.m. 9:00 p. m. All trains daily excGept WOSun Agen W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. Y. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti fro Congress S., 7:10, 8:45 and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00),:45, 9:15 ad 10:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Jnction 7:40,9:11 and 11:0 a. i.; 1:15,2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:30, 3:, :00, 6:30 and 9:0 p. m Leave Ass Arbor Jnctio, 2:00, 4:00, 5:0, 7:00 andS9:30 p. m. Cars ran on city time are: single trip 15 cents; round trip ticketsM cents. W. P. PAnKER, Ppt. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE -AT- JOLLY & CO'S. Removed to 1 . Slate St., Sager Bloc. lot andi CldLisoris at All Hlors. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Has otie only flle tables itheio city Wholesale cigrs sd tobacco ad ciga- ette Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Moey to loan otpsssoal propsty FALL GREETING. Sitig to osdec ,81.50 upOercrots to order $13.50 up Troseristostrdr 0.75. Ceaning tDyig, Piessig :ssd Repairig a specialty FORDHAM & GLEN, Merant Tailor, 20 .0tate t, An Arbor RAINDALL Phiot ographer l5 Washington Block. ANN ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gls ann Domstelic iish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 S. FOURTH AVE. ",FLAG PlNK" AS USUAL. Ot l iot ae ane lin ,i of impoted -0'"STEINS" WIM. ARNOLD'S # p # ± Jewelrry Stoe JENNINGS, EAST UBETY ST. Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Home-made Candies. Advertise Your Wants in The Daily. OBERLIN FAILS TO SCORE. (Con-inuced froiii[irs Pag.) i.ts.hle ses-onishlsf Deby weatinl a Collter, Woisbcler at right gs::rd. Hteniniger mioving oit to tckle, aid Shields at right hialf. Te first kick off went out of bontds aidl 1aranoi caugt th e second. A hal01back ply aiidip001rtpunt gave0 tie boll to Oloelin, who oter a smalgin, punted lito IBloominigston. Thie 1011111wa10rshel ilp the ieuud aind erber tiiadit sstar plasy. irclinig the right enidlanid, tarry- tug tho basl loack belissdltheigol psi11. A gaol oce (le score 24.) liloossisgton got this'l~llfromsnhick off aisi puntteol. the ba~l gois to Oer- lill. After twcs:sldo-n s se atelss-;Ist:l5 punt:, which ws 5blockdoad sisola 111fel on the ball. Dicligan gave it to -Oer liii oil a pun1t sant oothioai got it fo it rtui. Hehlad lgoot initerferecoe ssd kept weltbehinid i, pssig everyoneo btto lloossiogsooi, who tackledi hiss. Clanscy miiian oinosustccssfs ltemspt to punit anot the ball wetit to Mi-higan. Sulccssive cgains ty teniiger Fa- nu. 1erbert anti teniinget an11:1 ha~rdl rtitiby Blooiniuistoo soel loll olber lotielsow. (Gol. Score,318).)) i-rolmskick off l'the balwas rtsed bacik to the 40-yro lite, but wet to Oberlis ontoldssisnsg. There 1w5s :011ex- ochanuge of ipolnts aniiOltberliit failoedlto gain 0)11asroil. Vilat blocked :a kitk, iPirnoinsgot the 'ball asdlidose as toc- tocistoms. Bltoominiigston kickdthes goal. Scoe3'6-l0. Villa. isale :agoodo casto-li and:1 ail:: fsosslhe: iick off, otisi Fcro, Siills, isorttiissand.:1Henin~ger crrsidthe 1: ba:ll dowso thsefield. A g.oolipunst by iliooinsgslcnsws lsfolowedo lby losig th bsellol an attempilitedol1::1t o:) Shields tiieiti'15ltthdown. Gol:. Scoro, 420 Mloooiiisiston cariedl1110h1e:1aOl oI: tiae 5)bv551olilnet. Punlts 11110 twit-: ex-, tioalsgeol nd ile bl~li wlO5i 5i:-ii- g:ns lhsods aitheii:cliiiot timie. Meeting of the Graduate Club. Thle:' ist imeetingosf 11:: Graduatei citbl was05 ld atuSi~ra~y eeninlg t tlii:'residencetOoC Ptrof. A. B-. Presottl, 50) S. Iingalls st. After the trnsactioni of001010mns orosiess the rlemindioe of he ov-nisisg 0w1sdevotdto 0:sOa(11 read~inig and:1tOe geiral istussion of: leadin~lg topicsof lt' ly. Amlonlg t many iot s~icsable fettrs o:f lheoeven- tng 1w:15a01 paper ty Prof. Crig011 "fle Iisloot of the Trnislstioti of (lit Septual~gilt of the Jewish Scriptures. Prof. tCraig110s petituht~sim ise iithe prepoaraotions of this sbljct :1101hisisef- foots to ilitasehisis ineei: owee:b no mieasns is: svain. lTewhole neetig 1w100chasrctrizeod by itersting aoid insotrucl tiveslecions, so tatlt01:'fn- tote sitccess ot the Gradate l club0111is aslioost assu0red. Te plc: of (le net meeting ws lSleft tiisoecioeo. We Are Known in the at. The follossinig clippiing is fromlithe: editorial cotumns of tie Bostons Trai- scrit for October 't: "tChinese wIomienl sre beginitg to makeil 4heir little fooseps 10a11r dowl tile corrioors of 01ttl0 and roose tie echoes! Tie appointmisent of a1 Chinese girl as secretary of tieimetical class 1st tile University of Micigan britgs forthi the liberaliy of co-edtuctio in thiat, istitultioni with dramolai effect. The Uniaversity at Anis Arbor ranks high in theestliatonl of (le Eropeanl sientitic sworlt, and in its halls liave bee%: at one tne or another, sone of Grand Opening ! l .1:5. } U A U O ,, _:rc t Y i j f ' ' 5 k " ! . Fall and Winter WOOLENS 'MONDAY and TUESOAY Nov. 4 and .c1 Detroit, will show ltst choicest line of seaoonable novelties at the COOK HOUSE whichs they tnake to order in the~t Latest Styles. SUITS TO ORDER $20 UPWARDS OVERCOATS Order $20 UPWARDS Mr. A. F. Rose, wb~o has made a specially of the Stndents' trade- doting the 1,ast eight years, iuivites- every Stndent to examine the line- and compare prices. le Golden Eagle Co., Of Detroit, M~ich., at the Cook House. list strotngest,15men1:1:1 ld omen l110- ha~ve otdornedo Amesoricanoio.,tliolarshsip. The y ourlady-t o.vfromsos 8111:11whiomsihei o'l:1515lnto5s taveIchosen1 ttoer ;se -rt'tasr5- porooves. b toyh: ectryfoot of hocrtpose- tionls 5a,: medoica-s tridentt 11here. hoc forceo- f c:1 ractesr ali- dt otier lhumaii and1 benficleni-lt 10111:0:50 of lift. "lit Chiine~se lvoislsnsis evidenltly dlone will: the univeistalimpi~licat-sOioni111a11she (0s:a nionenotity." .118) framteodlpicotures to tooe sooldyin 1(0 boys at. Stabtlo's.froots25:(o uoward1. 33: lWssttot.-Slolooit to soot as stewardis. Caill at No. 7 P. linive~rsity ave.1l iss M. Brown. 14 Foor studoenlts I hoave the beot assort- tieuit of re'volv-ing anal study chsairs. Speciaol low porices will toe qutoted. Call slid see themui. MAIRTIN HAtLLRI. At 4 N. Fifths ave., very nicely for- nished tront suite rooins, furnaco liceat and bath. Also best table board at. $2.50 a -week for a linsited nuinber. GL ..I WI a) LII W> WI 0 R"I-PA-N-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. COTRELL & .LEONARD, ALBiANoYNEWl tOtE, Makers ottCaps asdodns t to: the Universty ofsihigan.~o V. MlURRELL, Local Agent, 44 Will:iam st. Anns Artot Slch: NEW MACHINESIMO? ANDREW HUNTER, 57E. Liberty st. Bicycles RepaireorOfRented. Denltual Inistroiuments Ropaired. Take ycur Kodik Ntorck to - Satisf-action goarsasteed. 065E. lsron St. DOW'T BUY .A ICTIONAR2Y!1 tilt you see ' THE STANDARD. Drop a caordos call oo J T. M~idgley, 1S Trer ot., North Side, Agent for Waslstesaw, lOakland sod Macomb couonties. Lst-Two Gansma Phil Mets stirk pins and on Annapolis bat pin. Finder'- will please retnrn to Stewvards office..