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November 04, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-04

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fiJv t. *
Published Dily (Sunday excepted) during
the Collegeyear, at
11oti: Times building N. Main St., opposite
post office.
J. A .Etios, '0, bManagng Editor
G. 13. HAiniosoN, '56 L, Assitant.
G. 1R. Cli, '9Axsitant.
C. D. CAY, G. L, Assistant.
S. E. KxPtErN, 'M, Atletic Editor.
L. C. WALasi, '5. Bsissx baager.
i. . FAss~ins, '95'u, Assita.
Associate Editors.
LI. A. Pesstt, '0. A. K. Petre,'(1.
C. A. liougltona.'5 iD. G.1. II. eat, 'i P.
Katherine Reed, '07.iH. 1. Gammon, '8 1.
J. F. Thosau, '5. W. W. lisgies, '5.
B. B. Metheasy, '9. . I. ieilly, '0.
I. C. iuc, '0(1 M.
The price of the iDaily will remain ax here-
tofore,.$3.51 a ye r, hivseranly is adance,
notwihstasding the fact that pblication
will he continued util Commencement.
A Woman as Professor.
Mitch atteition 11a1 been paid by this:
papessof boithithis aniiwhrsi tte snts
P'resideiitAngel's reiiariks befoe lihe
Womain'ii's Lesague dicaiing ii favor of
sisme of liii brilliant :lnnae of Mich-
iganiibeig imaide fusll iprfessrs ilns
not iniruteos suier le news ruli:of
ilie regensthailiac disciiriminaina5a
li nix sboll henceoriitibe nade in
ehooixig miies of te faculty. In
an interviews ipublisedlin the IDetroit
Jotrnal It'gent Basrbor stedi lhat
very ikely tliiverils''ity soid iasi,
a. woa professori'next year, though
wiio:t11111ers'on wld beih lers ~yet ien-
lbrely prbl'matiea.Ile0.1(idliht tie
Itireniix of(le 160::or 7:0 women stuli-
dents lire felt tha:t their dauigter
siiiould bel'iiiiler wman~ily sipersionn
aidsu cli a5 irofesoxr wsouldbIe'a srt
of :deanstor ireeipresiett.'liribr
11n115. Ile 'said1 tat hcicforli in cihos-
in ness isslesl f ihe' faeuly ti wot-
isnit ssssillbie ii en ipreferceore xx
a man if ie :apparedsl better qun-likle.
Saturday's Games.
fTe following was (le recili of St-
uay's footblsl gmse: Ciagos 22,
Wiscoinsin 1'; Yle '28, West loin) S'
Ainh::': x 1i, Wlliiiis 4; ()range A. C.
2. Lehigh 0; Vaislrbil I0, Cenre Cii-
lege (0; Kaiisaix 'iserity52, ossai(1;
Dasrtmoih 12, BstsonUniserxisity ;
Mtnniusotai 40, MacAleiers 0; Prince-
toii 12, Hasard 4; Northwsteeern 24.
Purduse 6; Bloit 82. Armsour Inst-
lisle 0; Tfeebnology 6, 'Pifts 0; Illinoix
38. tLake tforext(0; Nebraskan 12, Mi-
sosri 11. Coisnell put till a scsb team
againt liii St. Johii elevin at Itaciea,
N. Y., aunt it sas beaten 4 to 0.
Engineers Hor Prof. Gron.
The11 lectir'oii "Engiiiee:rs and IEn-
gieriiig," ideliseret Strdhy esenii
ig be'foeliiie neniberx of the En
gine'eriingfsociety lby Prof. Greesi s's-i
of faeat ineret aid waxss'elliappre-
ciated by a large auditieice. In speak.
ig of our dprmient of engimneerimg,
he said that Michigan sas the firt
school in Aiieria to nake provision
for it chair of engineering, ht that
we ssere iot the first to gradiae st-
demts, ax lure ws o ne su'enrolet ini
the tdeparmsent f or se'erl yoars.
For Sale or Rent-A sqare Piano
(Decker) In good condition. Ternsu
reasonable. Inquire at No. 14 N. In

Many Ladies rom Ann Arbor 1 ~
Attend. We have left a fair stock of
all sorts of
The Detroit branch of tieAxocia
tion of ('ollegiate Alrnusac hlis it
annnual seeing lt the Cadillac hote
at Detroit, Saitrday. 'The usual lbts- which can e closed out as
iiiiassbasing ben transsated a.soxia i follows:
lynch wa155sersvedl :111:the rm is in MMMOH 0iiAG:TALE '
of Ilie day wvaxsocctpied in retsit AMT 0 AETBE, 5
Prosm the aions roninitte'. anil id- GOOD RLEDTABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
dresxes fr'so i rominent memnbes ot GOOD WRITING TABLET. - 80
the asscition. Thelieport of the CRANE LNEN TABLET, - - 50
trehsnrr i oswed ts balansce of 12.23) BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350
lit the 'Safe. 'fle receipts sf til era WRITING PAPER BY THE QURE O B
wsere $1G9.(19,the ii:e:xpenditnrex $29.8.O B
The amonsit that has bieen paid ot This stock will not e replaced.
to- fiii'(, s fundfr Iihe wsoiman's tbuidinug Come quick for first choice.
ofAnAbri 523131, aiidtotheArgus Printing House.
fellowship fsut $50. TileamutC
raixsdus) the Mlay incting of ue ax.
xisl~tioiwssi$570. Dsring the palst
year' these hass be':'isaiai xttio~n sit
eighteen nmembes,onie me'mbter lay
die'dIauddfistic hivee sitlirasssmiso that
ltse prese'ntnmesmler'shipis it ity-Pousi.
Oneiof ifiii(,niaintfforts of tilt associa-
Pioni duinwig the 1p:st year hisxbeen ti
sticus'liiieectiou sof a wonman'x
pisosn, bstttheir attemspitwsui rit
less, the: legislatsre uing ocuiedt
sithu othitr busines. The follosing
laiesti' from Asi Arbtor iseie electesd
Mirs. F.IN. Scott; assistant secretary,
Mirs. (Gso W. tatterson; tesursoer,
Airs. Chas. I. Cooley; director, Mirs.
ttenmy C. Adams.
1G.00) MILES.
Awauys:i leaider, the Ohio lCintral
Liixnesie'age ticki', swithltst:addi-1
tiosi;9t the bes't. C'over'ing the Big
Fours, B. & oA 1., 1. & D.,Ohlitotess-
ti t'e faorie'fravselers' Cominosn. AIN
frameds's) u'sses t be sld i 101days / The ic
at Stablser', fromn 2c upsassd. 33 23 pounds,
Wanted-Doused and single room by (~~14. os' r
'97 L. Leuase ssord at Daily office. 27 o'Ji11 ' dos't}T
Captain of the Mott Haven Teas: l605.
Thissunique bok is anoashlsetc symp:osum901./
contrbeaid is by wel-knossss amaeus, exe- If OUf
pens ansicoleoge eom-casptusHarvardusi,
Ysste, assOotier radinxcolleges are epe- - I ow his amC
essied. 'oosstbl, basbl teIa'mss, golsf, 1)
ceirci et, hurdling and tract: attsteiis, yact-A psta
los, shatin~g, bictycting, etc., are pati:al-potl
asugstivl ocistreatesd.lOne yl., cloth,
Sc:., pofusey ilutrsated, $1.50. have our C7
For sate Iby all tooksoellers.
92 Pearl Street, Boston. K a
Take_ eai
A Look
i -AT'-
a 6 NI MAIN Si'1

Grand Opera House.
First appearnerhIere sf the Famous
Irish Comedians,
(of "lHot Tamal5es" fames and as excel-
lent compsany of Players, Singers and
Banes in tiheir Rined Irish-
America' Coinedy,
"O'Flarity's Vacation."
The Greatest, Ilit in Yearn,.fPsitively
eserything new,
PRICES, 350, 500 AND 750, NO HIGHER.
Lowney's Chocolates.
LHot Lunches.
TUTTLE'S, 48 s. State St.

yole only weighs from 19) to
,but he wants the best. It
eak down you know. Then
ks ofseelliug bicycles and he
iething that is "365 days
them all," so he buys a
ollow good ideas you'll fol-
d buy a Keating.
1Unol e Sam's aid, and you


ng Wheel
Holyoke, Mass.


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