VOL. VI. No. 31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMB11EII 4, 195. Fotur PAGES-3 CENTS. fr s _E s 0)FIS'OIIILIX FAILS TO SCOR1E. ;lnInedlia btthrough r vley PRO0F. I)OOG F ELECTURLES. SONE ' GUITAR W ID MICIGAN A STONE WALL fr o~li. A:niieshi iep HE PRESENTS THE TRUE VIEWS TO H ER RUSH ES. at a Joint rellrois it to iig-lia", OF A HAPPY LI FE. 1 Is enough for one person to beaWMids and gals by 1-ibsr, IHolliser, S play on at one tine. Onei* Our Men Play Well-The Fifth Shut- 1-airiioln ii. ila crdilll isiiiigsli More Temptations Outside of Col- guitar i3 nt enough, how- I Out-The Only College Not Scored bliegll it ver diilvi-\ yard lno, legs Life-Make Good All Oppor- S ever, to suplIIy 38001) Stell 100 Against-Michigan's Total Points slehin leiisige lv(wn ii for 11 tunities of Life- Honor Your Pl- y dents. Thats why we have I 222. oleilvn ol Illeolil ;tol icl (111 low Men. t~ costnltly ie stork several Peli I li leriig l ele-511. 'iiiot : llliiminues. iiie I s(lee.15ligtpoi yei-dy0.li i tmokeis of gites of variouis d -f t-i rpi-el 1-i icrslililit-- Ir-l l e, f arl-ilie 1lnfie irk iltesd, ig i esny Saloiib itje Inwsatorie. (JsuldS bet tha~t she s illl 011i i 1yi-lln. lsllitit(Il Iiii-i. T e -l o f 1ife.' Iii lneivr lo "" BETTER LOOK AT OUR (i thatilici l unie 1011g n old e l iit heiby l ancy reredis, and il ll ;tiloniithei-iqiisiio elitt is lif, le aid gan e ll d Afertoi n ti y i.O .GUTR s naiiy 110I15 p s ln Ii 1lii Il i ihi iill, ee l he quiesiiin s is t easily ielile-i. U. F . UIARinl harmtiis tIl t wl i -thu gili li ste-irely sre tli-il (trl-ilill h iii eli1s alleil at ijy, or a sroiw, It'-godas its inie. IIssl its-r aillii i oIs Illille. Villa gined N yeaI.tii lhtaldeeieiiliisiiil 1-l THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., iiibeat it i g.1icign1511 II ahs [ll 1 ardi op oia or-ie fef i- Mw-hgatag-e olSl s Itle 1us1 of livig ly syiig :z u 3 lja ve ry goid seere Is iiike wheii ITull, I nib tsarbo i t i ir iws si i o all fo sio if life hlv 1a AT" - s tilt. he gattne wan alvertisel i s uite gstunt li(tlIwas il uuiael, a nd ss11nc1111eveeal ndta lii iiet outii l been fael-l h11- o--tI t 1aiian i to imin. Telshall roaillie S I e e lta ti S b n-lee ii ii-se iti ii.Soal. Ni-Il-I-12 I i lit11o5 I liiittl(iist.i l i 1 ~ oI S tililliii-l hinswas e d el. Nue ral iiiiiigiii iue ib-l1115 forii l-ims l ,alne? hi I sewlife alss ii -ii-lihi-l iysto sllbee tlh s pely:aiiliiii 5 tarile if li'.Chu-si-u-.hi-u-I-lu IAIpRT fl55 is I I l iiie o111-Itle rsi ii i I-lliiliofll hh ii 1.1 i a. iIlites r (. O iles defi-iselir isa Completue StockIIIIIsu. 0111i i hi n yrso h otr rat til- cii o 111( fiei oerI-bsiilig-li muost (trt:srl l ,-bibpe lte, -s111 si-rea i 1,1 . NDth il-- l ii- oy nlTis-ei gi-of lif oiiiciilei ally whonutuwontto Ober isin' ot(i oelrtd t l ll ' nddfcstc a esll was . ilael--ialliihuiIii iia111 iu 1' ofl piessuu s (o'ilynfonue litl. wh o alun t.l kii-iu s ol 10 1 dino u ivlg511 111 ilsslll. Xl plyayl 17e0ydlinterehstingu-k.fohrtthe-- gils Ige l s att lit t eso lir ne -GY M N A S I U M__ ___ __ _ tSU IT S- I. g -t l ed - o-or ,o l, - s n g i l i- - - l i- i 1 ' ii - t iml ii i - 11 1 1 ..illbs i ckof s.sen hre thisyab hotfo.Oe-I lertt 1)~ iitsneahcorrecti- on etatlirile~- i ls-hir - 15 5. ooTATE STtoIEouTid Oberlinon i - 1.- - - l l! c -iutito h e >ii 111801.ii eli b- I ceii~iii. Th s I isand 1111 le kisof lii - in,____the _____ity, _____e ______________the ____to tIis i. iN il l c i-i a ng( olfili. lii int (l uiituili nailsu1 - i - ~ ti.tiulve1y u-u-e lilioneiioi-st-rWoi l sliu s-lulolIi i urhi t o astlfe rluuuiuiitshm i stance h i d - -iuiuth, crtu-hul ls ui o Tgiutrue hilosophu-lllis styl deir'd iedfoluehloweitii byiiu2is yarduill. A D L PO TR thii. to-riuu ut lout1111ife hueaitli SecreaPratice oday Ibhuelin le-llt asnsfolow :ifte w iu :l ifio om.-lf llif iWh t is Agoenti~ i ntsfrt et elebr a ot gil+ iuhdiii- -ep-u rigluldils-le hall-li-is. i- ilfo-ri ll-il- uit iii liitishf it-aio.uig l-i i sy-illy?"his. hith swIrl i stioniil fundilt t4. 2 , EtoodARKERTONTANE M N. n huefist .ul. -l7SStiul gr 1setllgi- ii -il0u lf- li loiut ..riihis .utulIti..iu.s-i hu suie - us] uts'th ls l i s lu-it ef eots h i-u _ iHoop luil sit tu V isi~ itiher...su.u....iu1.i-Gouilit iferncss thu hlif-e ire uheth the c11o1o1111 slusulft hs urlsuh i i t i iii- ttiutiiugaritiit lii hiiitt 5 ii5t iii Jihe y .........i(l) lg. . I l t- it uu. 'I g sitt'oii- gloril i iou ,lft outituisa clds u lthu ig. suiti u illrei wtisithreeii-tuis. (huay is i ha lll ~r..r t . ....tiy h1111asiu-er Wha'A uu x-utli Si0~ ti-t Sh-i lliouldouthifyosur lire'? h LAE Y U RA D II ? b ll t utli slt1li1i'ustt-i g ui iu l li ito' f. t hu A od thue .;, asu ii - I---- s ii -uuueh ii. d la be ittik. eel Istul-1 ii s-uo ot al.I uuub ti hii uli u i il T heliiwori l need(", 'Ills cst t d phli-t, uio mit. S' .i'tuf t.u) C l i ne riag IllIt11s,-ttuswt-lloW5Shaillt I ituiouin -ttu u h e tu st o f College a ecllntoela-cosjjrtl ayes, ____iedbni T HE LE1111DIN G 11111i1 tlitt'iiil tit e( Nore m atls 11ds t n l rul i fesv ok n C niuc n fa( ags .) uuSshueticug iii liicratey tlitiherst Zuti AN M O T huig Oelit-it- the u. all l ee brois kert pre'achers.uiluiuoftenuiiueu-b-s-tiui uthu ByA~ CtIc iodoc t hrutisgh holiut] s t a 11111Nhtil is 1v u Sit creystugratie T oday, _ usoI Is- tus t udantofc lleeaing.ti:iti Theiratestd moC ust as ionale tailihi'l himseiiliubystopingl hull'. tu- ilu i atiewill ittuutuyll s ttudy ot d SI u-u-u' i llTt't-r- is ve daliut tllt t a- i wiot. F r o iin ist sie tfuul l benIoba lflpniuu. iis-usitboniisi gtilaruelt i li nea Ihterfu it-tulty tthut oll egeit i yhe -L rgnestStock inte'Cty.s oo per(luu--hiu tu-k oildiff lhhuouiiespeciy liiiit ht hiei 5 -ght uii-th-u - uuuHus s.Tt hertue gi uhe truth one I uu~ti uttutu I iuu-uiet lt- l reui t ofii t is week witu - th ho ssy i( 51-4 t. i ausugu-u h t-huuiuu itI l 5i piikeeS Ig-ig iuh- lile cisutthl iutyuit i Neattitd . aSui m ellti. lit.stiii'ih N , E W A I GT N S EAMAIN, , lb.t l ofst lf- o "Euiugug"h"'th lif tii i luR e'uninN-in'tu tuSfa-uit tiu iieiis it ulruiu flayed ~ toit1125 usll-ivihu e (iuu it ftt '-tumuituu iitsi stht elilt t il-huh iltti- i to hut s hut s-i- rbedigis-u W I 1 -1 D . a d he nQ il la a de iu uuso e of eush st-ute iu 'athmi pu i lull nd thu uh ae'fs-uu-be -an ' til e oa- f tsined. -D . :11 uut ennstachrnif Pa Ttus. dii eu bestti ans oPet-ertda.il a 20 psunedli ouuui htu il thelpsits ofllsi--ss fur the os ft- ur- st-ill aetS I r si- iyIiuusee OllsIs es~lse fteu e d uiilay aOriu- Ie iu e- Iuti ihih.cutisiltu'llilu.h s hi-ututuiunl y isii A itu . - hsus. stilts St.d idcmefie il e I Nd 11d oon wllhua- 11po te r noth prtSfl L