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November 02, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-11-02

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Are well pleased with
elegant fitting and
well made
Fine lack Si
Jos. W. Kolk0
Tlie Practical Taio
10 E. Wshngton ft., Ua
to dit
[I tsO it prt pot oforithigTrae tl
dne untril edodatot p
lisotory. S
Y~oung Ladies toployetto
If boys o ~b1eors appl teytuttbe w 11
mne. r lieorprti l.
Football Sppli
1'a e akt, Ike[
eys eates, Shoe
Belsts Stckig",D
N ~ oFlskub tiber
to lc S in urd
I 5't~s pelitg'e
tost be used in al
S Saldig'sOffcial I
of tilthel ieSdig I
B.itl Pt 10A,00. uplusndotit s, T
I t ; u es tt00.
Oganzunrtehelloneral Banki
othscSta tRivelsd il eosytsb
se lls ene on te pincipltwities
Uie Staeis. VDtraftutcaseieun
identiiatinu"afty eust oxetsli
Earimn pubiceiu reusted oChasEct
ICushiletehJ.'Fritz Asitte Cisudur
BalsHs, TO uRacket
27T1mpoS. P'liutnS . t 0A,

T8Noble's Star Clothing House,S. an.GET aMNT
the AREeDAYr
'T'I-iIEVIiIE~te plan, olhile te museentuiasti, dress-
er will adpt thre ncoors . Te god
When yon cannot save a cent. Here is a Chance to Save ltuwnaery'atd brown tweetlsowit a ds
f briglht colo in plu i td dstrips.You
2" ' Qsill Sond a beautifl diply of tee atles
Ii ta2.0lso a Sne lite of Oerotiti es n Sereys,
Metn,(atr u n aetBaes hs ToFRIDAY AND SATURDAY (TheseOTw) ALL $18 SUITS AT $1550 EkitosSetlds, Asrahats adCt
lut Black Clays, Brown Clays, Scotch Cheviots, Hair ined leretut Tailring Slor, No, aE. lrue St
Worsted, (Trey Clays, and many mlixtures. Regular Getleme wtslulie to beo iftron te t
Talor-Made (oods. tto cll atd t.ee hngi me. reivie
___________________________________________________ Ioakeca speialtyuof Dress tiarenttu and
Jp tar o'Street luteme feetuLadits.
An Da EAHof A. C. McGraw, of NE iICHINE SHP
A.C crw&C. NW .of Detroit, force a settlement ANDREW HUNTER 1 1.Libr t st
pI Y of the estate. Shoes had to go. B t
neg We bought 3,000 pairs for Bicycle p 1 t e Rne
I50c on the $1. Have opened Detl'Inslltrumts Retir.11
tributethe greatest slanghter known,
,rmie in the history of Ann Arbor. 9 n/ . 16P0 srr~
rat- NoIt will pay you to iavestigate. Iloop iXoUU.'STREEI. +
cultc tCll n tiemnefr
Fine Lunches,
2F I o d pe d s Fine Chocolates
}oS MI T and Baked Goods
17S.MANT Try Our Lunches
.... r Ou "fd stf'" Oi. MOORE & WETIVIORE
lAOS. ry O r R dBtr" O l.6. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
s a No smoke. Neo offensive eodor. Will not clar tine wick.' CORNER OF WILLIAM,
Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has ic equalill this HAVE A COPEESTl'OTSseC 0
moarkeut. Delivered promtply to any part of the city in - BOS
'tc theour catts. Price ide per :gllot.UIESIY-TEXT -BOS
fesr tceUNVESIY,
Morril'- DEAN & COMIVPANY. New and Second-Hand.
rlBeed 44 South Main Street.NusbtlstlehrPtdet'Sipr.
Footebal _____________ountain__________Pens,_______Fine_______S_____tioneialeryi , ileSportin'r g puti~
lueettchlGod, e~ which they oier at thu lowest
JO. UNIVERSITY NOTES. all iiaili'ii'.liwillg 1t lile c t it'tpries.
[Footblall les caed footbaulel trails for.ie ls o-
Pla~yers. 'Thle' '. A. A. twe'e'efea tedIiii the llt. cies. 'i'Lie eioniil elbl e 1115til Cll and see us before Purchasing.
LIe o4. 4 llileiitt ii'eettly wii 'lealiGRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING.
d lio i). eee tetlielt llly I ee et- t ll'liilb hiel stillb ils lt. Tele tsrinetie ltAte Ato
tiltta ll of &53 ppil tottesuu ore a
&~N$ ni liiilp'at. isilililii. ' iy lore' it tttt'illl Stnue. uf~i't'et uru ettii'to teotte tiility ttail
11 t l.'lt' llniessit 'Seaui i oft' ig deriliertsouueei tueotsuioeue f P. etd PMr.
Roy I. ars ns ':1 (' I,, ht,,'goru's 5 Grae. Memeotie f the Amriseet
-lt Sw'ietls le I eti511li'sill~' S51Olill llne i. li;ar ati'y t pupil.loNatioental Asciitio fPMates o i liuou.
,,Sa~pp i o lslinett . l, lch, lil u- hirflnd oua ve Fesiifom ein regerinl e s em
hnsnes o Isi itie ' f Sistll l11. ittii hel lti rtees Jta~ty 5t' l l a t ties r o,'eeet el flittr I leeptird t.
euieo ltOiiite.N t. -4. Dlt g il tetll 5 (111. Gtreularu a Msl ic.ne rre te llied.
Furuish ie h7 .. Dy. otel leetiet.nlhglellti. - -________ =____- -___________________ ____
Cahtr 0lilklill 1)ft l liltI Rtttkin(J)PI.1 J5fl If
11ita eena it'urei'lPlI~eslntitstits anllsitgle rIcurfuti IiI i UV I
BAN eorp lyl t'ellibi coerts i thle' leassnihe oo rder10lt'll. Bao om si eeand fttu-WetlcsJstiym
tiesWco, ssTwo hbucksefrotrul ith itltt Nieianp se e . lttofiri te s Tatveies Jen-
BANK titftiil llt arleI i' eaoieei. l eutiofiiiNovvealty s . esrxie p aid f .,ete l g i tte
0,0. their lditelitheir meigs Sfudy otlt' sreeltcar line. Bordtit ie ely Gl Se o llier1.s tid peetelu
n~ag L uess tut 'ieS. sred. 1 L S. Saft t sler
tyu toil Then'esill belnee' i'toft ithlii'stieDNT LC. HI.IBY ES.
sof theDO' AL
ptoerpet tlilrit's kltnttt I i 11 li ll. t in.inRom o oil'Stable'r'- widowp, 2kS.
tu rent. '1rP ecito
W.V. I . 11'ittdtlillts tlt' di\is tilit eelhaIiis - lith e 10. oiL 'P e o it t z
r. nge laSss fly eeses. ma~yottthetwritten'otonosef iturtblanksto but
- iiT'e ilss e'll eto fe l st et ;U'iit ngttle'root andli ot ati~rlto e ohal ifa t wecn 11lit isioyueo. ttiill it lllt, t. .iiti
i ti . 1 S.St tc t. tt~y tnesricrs on't tot you aniytleyice t ill py
Y h11t, s s wil Se lieldeltlust swee. i.71.-05a. ttl li y'io sott t ring yu put sitoto
heytatintl~ittitiltieprt f hetrisltti g-AheatO and5'lightlA'VLuL
I TChe i1111ls hi iteetol eelf1Danc e Lost. -(letitnetopen ef ithe goldla)
r" will givo. t.hpogram at'tilts at uilos sstit' -ith oile tb. ieturnto D eelr. JR. X lo yuu ive a petty rler Tiureoaeg s
noe Iiei' nitita luei'n '5 '1115i. ..lliStua lust,'Psi loiTlTYteieir'c'sh er trp buioe it o tftrolie ' .itery eond
lit-to ghi red,,1ldyeciti slnIo~ n e~v et yeu ceperosarserhiedfee. Yuli lud
LEG' Notv. . Dtaein r om t'8ht to h 1. rewatrd. 2k theefioistSaurastirrto wn auetuoii
Theive llorsliy ott Nlililgaiiiakeseeic Itoet'G (. In; eptili's letresaietHL(IB'LIEY
cItl silS ioita alltit li o lagotr w es -e tliy let'haed if 14 kleylotl stS ^EPhI
,IS fe'15hllS toighit elI8-p. hm., Seo esheche froti- .1. .. Roseeagent tir (t.p .nSP CIAL
I l eheasonic' settetels tre cord'titlly hit till. 8±i
ice feit lllattlnd. TT OF M. SUAVING PARIOltoindtRath-
LetheriSS hietl id otel utt fo libra-io v roms. All poiiot frt ePclass.
OnIt Aloltetiheep llitili"t.Nh'. -.1 lhoEdwa lrd icoteslndf telityoh luses it thislar- Imlported sal lito es dt ers.Ladie' rti-
Itd mesu OfB sow lsea asI tic therdressoieg ateditbathihng pties. ...
j Vlleti thel itt. ht hiehehl.ho llSlhill e sloreltmhentt. Price'psst'pry elo, oht eeTr anuoi.NP W . Stte t.
in this 1'nii ('litt)Ecouse OANI'hyuus eteetiets cireotiedS
at]ointit'l'I eslliy ie 1 tiut ,11Ji.leit''li I-uiW sHElsNspreYfOenUdr e'lieie-dryoreluuoiel aneitr,
sill eeliet' 1 Iee-lttwelhvlestoiifttteeni Il ogeic Sh eeha's btiouSoo otre. L Lab-
etudentsl to ho srke on euomtissiutn. Cal l eettory aprotni , etosmSeere.
chrh clottiAt Ilu~istra.htd. at 6 1.Ilrout. 5
O'n cotofereltie sche a do lor Studtents-Pahentfrevolvingookttulat
tiere ll-iet'setvte ent l e lisheiP, l otii t-e litaesbest mtake .anid goodl letterns.
ito Sie ilini ic l Ste u'tllh'eidlbySthilt'addts
The re ofeti ta bayhpssbiuss, stirle sill t- V'epes15tete t3 hc
our . lFurnace-heea. A essboarders
tat fodIettSehr ligholtiiid allecseateing deid.1
IUM. A hellI 1ahnssll college athlete in te DON'T' FAIL 'S4g~o.
wset asks thtu the Atmatetr Athletic To ocr Sabler'.s -witdows, 2 .
Unkth ionptsP judgntuon Iths status as biontlb ave. - TRADE -=AARI-f

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