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November 02, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-11-02

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Published D~aily (Sunday exwepted) during
the Cllege year, at
OFIrrCE,Times building N. Main at., opposite
post office.
J. A. LERoY, '96, Mlanaging Editor.
G. B. IloonIsox, '96 L, Assitant.
G. tR. SIms, '99, Asitant.
0i. 1). CAuoY, Gr. L, Assistant.
S. E. KxNsrrl,' , Athl'etic Editor.
L. C. WAtLKER, '96,. Busintes Manager.
I. I. tAUiS, '90 M, Asistanti.
Ansociate Editorn.
L. A. Pratt., '«6. A. K.t.ie, '98.
C. A. tIoughton, '9D I. G. A. liccsth, 'O I'.
Katherine Reed, '07, H.i. i tamoon, '50 M.
J. F., 'Vhs sx, '9i. W. W. iuglh's, '918.
B. B. Mtheany, 'S99 .R. it.Reilly, '00.
Thleprice of the tDaily will r'temain',aslhere-1
totore, $.500a ye is', slleIia ly iW advonce,
no~tihstanding till'fct that publicastion
willhbecontinuedlntil omlmencemsent.
itust i a s 's'i'i're ll11o'giniiiii to
s'tiigi'itliitli'ouirsc'iv'sxstat iii' day's
of psofleie'1 dos il dcss 1rnuse's
lowe'estbriinglit to liii front a oS111ill
ev'il'ii ide f liii'olil iendlic'y. Nol

Cantilian Board Organized. ClosinugOu Grand Opera House.
'heat'lalianii loairdiis ioworsgan-I
iced as folllowvs: Manalging editoi, S We have left a fair stock of FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 1ST, 995'
A. N\'sodwarsl;ossistant, I'.tR. ttichi all nortn of Mis R' A.Clhurchhs ssthe honor in prrsent.
roll; tbusinlessiianalgs'r, C. A. Maiiiing; the Eminent yon tiontsc Actnr,
asisansG.T.Laon ad'.11. - - WRITING TABLETS DMt.IJOH"T GRIFF ITH
'I'il oililsil. 'S'he eoiiniltccs ariasThe Gratest LiingMephesto, in Heory.
follsow's: which can be closed out as Ivis,, S Spettaouna Dr'amatst Ver-
itilrary-F.". , ,'adls'r, chirman;llllF.g' followvs:sion of Goetti'suxburntpotm,
It. Ct'lli'llon, Miss AllIlliie L oloa, MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, SC 9 9 IFA U S r. 9 0'
Miss 'Charllt'ePickett..A. 0'i 0RULEDTALEiTS,10 P23FO OC dounted with a carload of spec'ilseenery,
0rganillltiono-.h. ..Francs, 11ha11ih-UL¢? U eleetrical and calciumeffciects. The higgest
mo;GOOAoDtoarI ' ie 00 WRITING TABLET, - BC productson of hasst eves plated on cIlystage.
Pt'iiig-G.. iWiiods, llmliall; CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 15C PRICES, 35C 0 5 N I ,
'iv. Ji. 't'illiilisln 1a1111.Si. ''Lamont. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C , SSC TCAD$.0
iilllsatiglagMss Adca s'55,lt, WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. Lowney's Chocolates.
ehimanili; hxisussalotte Pilkettsind
~~. W~ld~~. Thfs stork will not be replaced. Ho un es
cx 1, oos.Come suick for first choice. Hot-L nches
Grsis-- Mis s Ada ('otright,451clwd11
11111; IICI.oleis. Argus Pri nting House. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St.
All asdvisors' toarsd has aso beses-5
hued, compoiiise'dloflProfts. 1". N.,'S's);,
A.t C Mtctauglis fliid..'.,.l Deionisi.
it ws didedtsultosiffer a1pie' 111'$2-:
lort'e seltlstory, i itbeinig slttll'lt
thsst (lie'story is Ill folillo's the'lins'
of' till'recenlisostleit boosioncollege
lit's'i Itdale', liarselandutheltlr cli
isci's. Prize's-will asoI)bell'offereld forl
At 4 N. F~ifths ave., very nicely fur'-
niishied front soils roosis, furnace heal

thallthere' O<lOsl tnu-rell ttlloisxe'en aynd balls. Also best taslde boarid al
"celebration" stuch. asitused to be isf $2.5) a week for a liomited number.
annel ocurenc, fr te afai of For Sale or tRent.-A sittare t'i'ano
(Decker) in goiod cotidition. 'Terss
'l'lsoi'sday iiglit was paerticilpate'dlinI realsoniable. Iniquire at No. 14. N. In-
biy 51ssssilally >f ttlcla'll'11551111an111 gslas St,
town''5boy's. It ,'s x sse'"sly iacroiniitg DN'_ .
ot of llie lit tell dlls nd itiet sh To see Stsbll'r' sowinedow, 235S.
lo~laiisiligof rulshlingatliih' postollie. '!H
'liii's's' been1111nsoithing of tis ntulre KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL
for this e pst twoeyears,, slo t is a ibis thi'osly full sizse lgables so thic city.
Whiolesale cigars assd tobacto snd clgas-
cu'zois toh aht need't'eo Idreitliextinct. ettes.
(lillyisews's'dnets -o:r tlppet-e~iass Railroad + Ticket + Brokers.'
"frixlnuis" iiidslg ' it.sutshhldis Money to loan on pi'ssoncal property.
pratics a thse fsTursdauy isighil THE BOOK OF ATH LETIOS
ansy mioce'.'Thie're's)of tu sare' resis's-
lo-g oiir ensergy for s celebtilois of flue AND OTT-OF-DOOR SPORTS,
coigIliua's'srch soiry. NORMAN W. BIiNGHIAM, JR.,
Coptiofllthe TvlotHaven Teasis, 185.
Miss Jones ano Artist.
This ucilsue occobs is an1atlctici'sympioiusm
''he'ie'wos a. s uie'auice s'a st Vigil coisteshuiediSo Icy c'ell-ioosn aiars.ex'-
Scs'ot andslole~ie teanm-casptasis. Harsire',
Schsioo l hll st ei'liih to hueuarMiss ! Yite, snel oitler lasinsg colueges' ar'ce cre-
L. 1I. Josussesof Phlidlpias. ireadc "A seasted. F'ootllt, basebcall. tessis, golf,
sccet, isurdluisg ascdtroacatisustics. yaseit-
D~oll s listI"' Sy iixel. Miss.tontes' itsk calsrIeicycling, etc., are pesscticauly
an'suichsogestlily tirated. dose yol., cuoths,
l's'isil'sgif She'seectio's 'tull esill s ido'., octoely illustrateid,$$1.30.
lli'iisiellls l'l a511 scsus' ssfrom hoerssle iy allbooselleuurs.
first tiilaist andsil sshlighsly enjoed iy THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY,
ii 'olsotse'scihit,92 Pe'srlStreet, Boston.
Dental Society Meet., Take
At tse' seetintg o est h e' s'ityo' f
3 ilticis tn i italsoc'iety So bt'heilid
.A Look
next IMllnday's' ei'gat uo't'locek isl.
tse detalul amhluhihle'at''. plpesi li AT -
bei readlit lstisio. J. '-''. Lyosli nd n 51
('. Oh. Ituilso'. ostib~lte's of intse'sts
to sli l tteii~s elf dei'istsry.
Agents of Ohil ci etrapl Dithe's ars';
ehhlisltl1liuts''t'ickets o l11l ililS I
iilth hsi ulutisig terriory at hlsoitcs''e S oi
ratles. SeccOlo Ceistral Agents. 162 iT es e
-- ervicenbie
DfON'T FAIL ztls
To s ee Stabler's wsindow's, 235S. --if
Fourth ave.,lln
Wllnteit-Itard and siingle room by_________
'97 L. Lcavo'''rd at Daily office. 27
Found-A pocketbook, Inquire at 131,""AIN T
E. Washing~ton St.



The bicycle oniy weighs from 19 to
23 pounds, but he wants the best. It
doesn't break down you know. Then
He thinks ot'seliing bicyoles and he
wants something that is "365 days
ahead of them all," so he buys a
If you follow good ideas you'll fol-
low his and buy a Keating.
A postal, Uncle Sam's aid, and you
have our oatalogue.
Keating Wheel Co.,
Holyoke, Mass.

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