t~ iii t. AWii j.
', i i
of our success to the stu- -ITO RO
dents of the U. of M. With-
out their confidence and Members of the 'Varsity and Class
patronage we could not !N Teams Must Pass the Examina-
nave built up the biggest tion - Lockers Are Now About
music business in the Hair Gone.
county. In a city where The physical exaiinations forn men,
customers were less appre- preparatory to the commecement of
tcisttve this large business
could not have become so work in the Waterniman gyiiuiasium,
l large. We enjoy visitors. will begin tomorrow evening In re
l Come in and get apquaint- gard to taking this examination, Dr.
ed. Need not buy. Fitzgerald wishes it to be understood
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN COI, that all, who expect to get on aiiy
S. MAIN ST. of the various teams, either 'Varsity
W i~ or class, or who intend competung in
*TU DE I any of the University contests mest
ST U D EN T . first take this examination, according
IF YOU WANT to the ruling of the Board of Control.
By the Selection of Two Graduates
in Competition.
The University of Michigan was
honored during the summer by the
selection of two of its graduates from
thecompetitive examinations held to
determine the holders of the fellow-
ships of the American Archaeological
Institute for study ii Athens and
tiome, 13. F. DeCou, '89, and Walter
Dennison, '93, were chosen from the
rEsults of the competition to receive
these fellowships of $600 a year. It
is a matter for congratulation that
Michigan received two out of the four
fellowships offered. There were sev-
enteen applicants from thirteen dif-
ferent colleges.
The New York Evening Post has
the following to say of one of the
Michigan men:
"When a student at the school at
Athens in 1891-92, Mr. De Con made
A Daily Reporter Finds It Out
From the Faculties of the Vari-
ous Departments-Many Were or
Are in Europe.
The faculties of the various depart-
ments of the University have taken
jaunts and outings of very different
kinds this summer and in widely dif-
ferent directions, according to their
wishes and conveniences.
President Aigeil was at Old Mis-
sion on Grand Traverse bay. Prof.
Prescott read a paper in Denver be-
fore an association of chemists, and
then went east to Springfield, Mass.,
to attend the meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science. On his return lie spent some
time in Northern Michigain.
Prof. D'Ooge read a paper before
the Philological Societv in Cl '1 nd
There were many who were examined
at the beginning of last year who did
not take the second examination at the
close of the year. It is desired that
he en an important discovery which fr-
oks all who were not examined at then oiinpratdicvr whc fr-siten eleedaoueofh-
SOOand then 'delivered a course of Iec-
of the year or who are entering the nislies another amusing instance of
tares on Greek Sculpture in the sttnr-
CALL, AT THE University for the first time, would the disposition of the iakers of books
mer courses of the University of Penn-
O ahpear at the gymnasiui for that pur- to draw oistheirpredecessors for facts sylvania at Philadelphia. Ile then
pose as soon as possible. The exam- without careful verification. While
met a small club of Greek professors
inations will take place only in the making a careful study of the frieze
Law an Moaedical dBooks, Gree evening, as other affairs prevent using of the choregic monument of Lysi- yrla atucket, and linei
Latin. Mathematical and .ail Col- yearly, at Xaintuclket, and finished 111.
the ,afternoon, for that purpose. crates, he discovered that the frieze
lege Text Books at reduced rates vacation at Mt. Desert, Maine, and in
to students. Drawing Instruments The rental of the lockers goes on a would not square with the representa-Boston.
and Engineers' Supplies. little slowly. However, it is yet early tions of it in the books. The orighual P
' Prof. Greene went to the Sao and
WE SELL THE BEST AND and it is expected that by the end of frieze naturally seemed to hiii to have
C HEAPES'T FOUNTAIN PEN- then to Bangor, Ale. Prof. Pettee «as
the week there will be no empty lock- the greater authority. ie tracef the .
MADE.i town most of the sununer. Prof
ers. The tickets for the lockers may error back through seven different
v Walter spent the summer in Paris as
SHEEHAN & CO.. be 1procured at the treasurer's oflice works by authors of reputation, pub-
usual. Prof. Demmlon was for eigrht
STATE STREET. at $2 for the entire year, which in- liished between 1825 and 1890, and
weeks with 111. family at Charlevoix.
eludes the use of lockers and baths. discovered that its source was the or-
II., D uinl rof. Pattengill was at Asticon, lMc.,
SFor the time beimig there will be but iginal publication of Stuart and Ie-
'THE LEADING TAILOR one class for men, which will com- vett, in which two of the siseets con- t.e er. Iof.d('ahrt
..Mt. Desert. Prof. Cahart attended
mece at 4:45 p. m. It is hoped that a tainng the drawings had been mis- t the Assocation for the Advacemnent
AND IMPORTER. large number will be on hand at this placed, thus reversing the proper order of Science, in Sprimgfiel, as did Prof.
.otime in order to get the work well of the figures! This set the original
The latest and most Fashionable Russell. Prof. Stanley was abroad
sander way. composition sadly askew, but the learn-
Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. much of the time in Munich. Prof.
Through the generosity of the Ire- ed authors of the books never twigged ludsomiwasimitovnuptmui
The Largest Stock in the City. .rdo a ntw superintending
gents some new mats have been pro- the blunder-one of them, itdeed, es-
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. cured for use in the gymnasium, also pecially commended the symnetry Adm was eas all sue. 'rof.
Adams was east all summner. Prof.
V I AD. other apparatus, which will materially shown in the composition of this por- Spalding returned recently from his
ridt he work. An effort will be made tion of the relief. The deductions
year's leave of absence in Europe.
to give more personal attention to the which Mr. De Cou was himself able Prof. Craig apemt his smmem i tme
I[ HAVEWH AT YOU to personalpn hs ume i: h
I training of each individual by divid- to draw from a correct knowledge of
y xNBritish Museum, London. Prof. Hench
We can meet your needs in the ing the main classes into numerous the relief are of great importance" n, Lon C'-oy ech
way of text-books, supplies, etc., no small ones. In this manner the in-
matter what your class or depart- Choral Union Organized. and Cambridge, his old home. Prof,
ment, at either of our stores, and we structors will come into closer contact dePont went to Mickinaw Prof
-have the right kindat lthe right with each person and will be i better The Choral Union met last night at Scott tauglt in tie Summer School
price. Bring around a list of yourSct agl ith Sullercol
wants; a trial purchase is the best position to decide where development 7:30 at the School of Music with a re- aid then had two weeks at the Thious-
-dcat rathe y where you should is needed. markable attendance for an opemilg ad Ishmds. Prof. hemph read m
We buy, sell ammd exchange second- nOpen pemoatpeort imstuJulyhisat the thilhological So-
hand books in large quanttiies, and opening Reception Friday Night ight. The oratorio to be studied his iJuly
-can offer you special bargains in - fall is Mendelssohn's "Elijah." Prof. ciety in Cleveland, and returned to
this line. We are sole agents for The Students' Christian, Association Stanley asks all new members andAe
-the celebrated Waterman fountain give an opening reception to all stu- those mot previously coected with .rr for the summer. Prot.
pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll
also fdd the hestUniversity Station- dents of the Umiversity Friday aught, Ohi vesper choir to present theimselves
ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies, October 4. An entertaining programn but went fishing up north for a short
Sweaters, etc., at special rates at rit the School of Music betweeni and trip. ,Prof. Lloyd was Iii the east,
will be, rendered. during the evening. 1;45 or 4 and 0 p5. us. for vocal ixamisl-
L vm:4iaor4n d ti w t. tr raetm-r near Boston. Mr. Dow studied in
X- J A H R{ PeS v- "student "me !not we thatther -an
VIi rv rd aic st sons timse inMsaim-
- p Town Do Town Dr. Winkler spent his vacation in places may be assigned as soon as pos- Ltee. tr. Etfinger sailed foc tans in
Ju erst Bootstore, Opposite Cort House Cambridge.sable.
105S State St. 4 N. Maisat bmmgesbe (Continuad on Secomid IPam,.