T'HE U. OF M. DAILY 0 Pbished Daily (Sunday excepted) dring the Coleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LnRo, '0, Managing Editor. G. B. HARRISON, '60 L, Assistant. G. R. Ons, '0, Assistant. . :D. Csv, G. L, Assistant. S. E. KNAren, 'l, Atisletic Edior. L. C. WAtan, '. Business Manager. R. C. tAosu, '9 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '1. A. K. t'trie, '8. C. A. Boughto, '00I). G. M. Heath,'05 P. Katherine eed, '7. 11. B. Gammon,'8 0. J. . Thoxias, '0. W. W. hiughes, '0. B B. Metheay, 'S. R. R. Reilly,'9.00 R(.. G.Buc, '009f. The price of the Daily ill remai s here- tofore, $3.50 a year, inariably is adace, nowihstanding the fact that publication will be continued until ommencement. STUDENTS' IN FORMATION. The Third Number of Graduate Courses Ready for Use. The third numbe'of Gradac Courseesis nowout, hiis nseful 110111- book is pblished by Mlacillas & ('o., New York. It is compitiled by a oard of gradate students snder _slr. C. A. Dtunway, Harvard, esitor-it-cief. Michigan is representied by Mir. M. '. Porter. 'iTe object of the iHand-ook is to furishl accurltein formlaioni to ad- vance students. 11 enables them to leantwhait istsitutiios and what r- fessors dffe, cores in any palrticula lise; wat 11110beiccthie acaemiic career of those professors; the lmont of time required for e'ach course, etc. Infornmatioi is also g itcocernig fees, fellowhipts adi oter eesnay aids, -qiresientsc for amiission an all mutters that ia prospectiv sudent needs 10 have illminlld. In addiiosi to lie libove meinedll information, limicl 0111r1ilierstitg mtater is given 11110 year. A list of tie graiduae clubs orgnied so far, with their oicers, occuies seerli pges. Followiig this is ai short re- port of the convetions of graae sndents eld itt Nw York city, April le, last. Intesing sketches of tie different istittions wose courses are given later fronma valuable part of the boo. A list of the advancei cosrses a, nuinnced by twenty-one colleges or universities of the United States for '95-t9t ocpies tbt' rest of the book The Iatie of professor offerig the core with a brief hitorical otlie of his work as 511 instructor in ist given ani then follows a detaililla- cunt of the cores offered. The hand-book cats be had at Wabro for to cents. Our Oponents Saturday. Oberlis's last gmite Owas5Sturdy wills irati College, which they de- featd.520. Iliclards' coaching and introdution of the Yale system is ;just begtnning to iave its effect, as the Oberlin teatnbas hitherto been coached by Penssyvania. players. Te Oberlin team will arrive here either tonight or tomorrow nmoring and will line uip against Miichigan at the field at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoons Pound-A pocketbook. Inquire at 611 if. Washington st. Literary Societies. "?~ Q 1-f The Aidelhit wil present the folow tng programn in ttoon N, t'tivctsily We have left a air stock of hll~i, Saturday evening t S p.in. all sorts of Music; sosig;usion of story. Mr. IRITNG TABLETS 'Thontas; song; debalte, "Resolved, Tiat -- W II~ thte United -States soldtlttsppor Vitn- i'ztuela in her controsersy with (Great which can e closed out as Britain. al., Mr. Rice anid Mr. Hrni- follows; son, tieg., Mr. Mlorse sudtSMr. Rieman; MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C getierli discussion; nusi. GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC The Webster society ias the follow- GOOD WRITING TABLET - C tug programii anniounceidfortotight: Mitusic, Miss Eliabetih Kine'y; rait- (CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C 1ing Miss Eliabet Fitihl; drama-s BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35 ioltion, W. P. Rubin; Sakespiearian WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR L.B. scenebt. , B. No~t tb C .ioi- Ths stock will not'e repaced. ovai; tebte,"Itsovet, 'ita 111111- Come quick for first chote. grlitioit is thte best solutions of the race qunestion in till'southi, utiniative, F. Argus Printing House. W. Mears ands C. S. (ooidwitn.tnegative J. W. McKeowtian11, P. M ippat; c'Iitil.s' repot.- Talk to the Women's League. It is to be regretted tat te Fres- iant Reception ocesrs le satno nigtt as Miss Jones' draimatic readings from Ibsen's fDoll's tHouse 1i igh School Hall, at 7:15 p. ml. toiay. 'Tose of the colege girls wvho etjoyed the talk ot Thuursday afternlotn so muchtl would be glid to heattlr her speak againT'hec Womten's League taktes this oiitxrtuni- ty to expess its thalnks to Miss Jutes and1 thte yountg womient of Prof. True- Pslod's classe's. for the ve ty enjoyable ;ifiertlooll thius mladte pissible to the msemsbers. DON'T tAIL To see Stabler's window, 23 S. Forit ave. THE He's AN KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Has the only fll sie tables in the city. The bi cy whoesale cigars ad tobacco and cigar- 2 ons Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Going doesn't br( Money to loan on personal property.S again, THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS He thin] AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, 'at o NORMAN VW. BINGHAM, tR,aedo Captain of the Mottaven Tam 1895 KEATN This uninue boot nsan albetc sympoismIfyut contributed to by wel-nowti amaeurs, e- I O p ees and college tesm-captains. Harrard, Vale and otter leadisng colleges are repre- lwhsa sented. footbal, baseball. tennis, golf, cricket, hurdling and tract athletics, yacht- j~ ing stating, bicycling, etc., are practically A psa and ugesively treated. Ose Vo., cloth, csa Sco., profusely ilustrated, $t.5heou. Poe sale by all bootselles.haeorc THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 92 Pearl Street, Boston. l'eati r Take It. A Look -AT- erviceabs tylish Wit ailing hoes .6NH MAIN ST Grand Opera House. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV, 1ST, 995: Mr. F. ,A. Church has the honor to prement this Eminent young BRomantic Actor, MR. JOHN GRIFFITH The 0reatent Livinf Mephisto, in H~enry Irving's Spectnoular Dramatic Yr- son of Goethse's sublime poem, 0 0 F1.AU ST. 0.' Mounted with a carload of special scenery,, electrical and calium effects. The biggest, production of Paust ever placed on any st'age.. PRICES, 35C, 50C5 75C AND $1.00. Lowney's Cliocolates. SHot. Lunchies. TUT TLE'S, 48 S. State St. I D WHY? ycle only 'weighs from. 19 to !but he 'wants the best. It eak do'wn you know. Then ks of,,elling bicycles and lie nething that is "365 days them all,". so he buys a 'o110w good ideas you'll f ol- d buy a Keating. l, Uncle Sam's aid, and you atalogue. ng Wheel Co., Hlolyoke, Mass.